Releases: specta-rs/rspc
This release comes with a huge amount of breaking changes. These changes are going to allow for many benefits in the future such as a rich plugin ecosystem. If you're having trouble upgrading open a GitHub Issue or jump in the Discord server.
New vscode extension
If you use Visual Studio Code and rspc you should definitely check out the new vscode extension!
Httpz integration
This update moves from offering a direct Axum integration to using httpz. This change is going to allow rspc to support other HTTP servers and serverless environments in the near future.
Rust Changes:
let app = axum::Router::new()
.route("/", get(|| async { "Hello 'rspc'!" }))
- .route("/rspc/:id", router.clone().axum_handler(|| ()))
- .route("/rspcws", router.axum_ws_handler(|| ()))
+ .route("/rspc/:id", router.endpoint(|req, cookies| ()).axum())
Typescript Changes:
const client = createClient<Operations>({
- transport: new WebsocketTransport("ws://localhost:8080/rspcws"),
+ transport: new WebsocketTransport("ws://localhost:8080/rspc/ws"),
New Typescript bindings format
The internal format of the generated Typescript bindings has changed. The import has also changed so ensure you update your code as follows.
- import type { Operations } from "./my-bindings";
+ import type { Procedures } from "./my-bindings";
New middleware syntax
let router = Router::new()
- .middleware(|ctx| async move {
- println!("MIDDLEWARE TWO");
- })
+ .middleware(|mw| {
+ mw.middleware(|mw| async move {
+ let state = (mw.req.clone(), mw.ctx.clone(), mw.input.clone());
+ // state allows sharing data between the two closures and is optional.
+ Ok(mw.with_state(state).with_ctx("hello"))
+ })
+ // The .resp() part is optional and only required if you need to modify the return value.
+ // Be aware it will be called for every value in a subscription stream.
+ .resp(|state, result| async move {
+ println!(
+ "[LOG] req='{:?}' ctx='{:?}' input='{:?}' result='{:?}'",
+ state.0, state.1, state.2, result
+ );
+ Ok(result)
+ })
New procedure syntax
The new procedure syntax is one of the biggest changes with this release. It is reccomended you install the Visual Studio Code extension which will provide many snippets to make working with rspc as easy as possible.
let router = Router::new()
- .query("version", |ctx, input: ()| "1.0.0")
+ .query("version", |t| t(|ctx, input: ()| "1.0.0"))
let router = Router::new()
- .mutation("demo", |ctx, input: ()| async move { todo!() })
+ .mutation("demo", |t| t(|ctx, input: ()| async move { todo!() })
let router = Router::new()
- .subscription("version", |ctx, input: ()| stream! { yield 42; })
+ .subscription("version", |t| t(|ctx, input: ()| stream! { yield 42; }))
rspc.useSubscription(['my.subscription'], {
- onNext: (data) => {
+ onData: (data) => {
Minor changes/new features
are now reserved names for procedures@rspc/solid
has been upgraded to the new@tanstack/solid-query
now returns aserde_json::Value
and does not support subscriptions. Userouter.execute_subscription
to execute a subscription.- The Axum body type is now
. This may cause issues if your extractors aren't generic enough. - Support for up to 5 Axum extractors. This limit will increase to 16 in a future release.
Warning on unstable APIs
- Support for Axum extractors will likely change or be removed in the future when support for other HTTP servers is added. It exists in this release for backward compatibility.