Releases: spinnaker/keel
Bug Fixes
- api: remove 3 sql queries per artifact version (#1813) (7b2826b)
- slack: fixing unactionable buttons errors (#1812) (cfea58a)
- verif: don't set correlation id in orca task (#1817) (474437a), closes / /
- versioning: ensure no orphaned resources on deletion (#1816) (2f7bb64)
- reports: Add Front50 API to retrieve all apps + fields in Application model (#1818) (390a1ad)
- securitygroups: merge override inbound rules instead of replacing (#1787) (8464473)
- slack: add a warning if there's a pinned version (#1815) (165f760)
- verif: in delivery config, use "image" instead of "repository/tag" (#1819) (dac4630)
Bug Fixes
- api: verification summary issues (#1797) (d870627)
- metrics: add missing increments (#1804) (aa1a67f)
- pr: avoid a race condition (#1798) (d115e64)
- callbacks: introducing callback notifications into the new slack integration (#1799) (c9f3564)
- CiBuild: add support for git commits (#1805) (cd84319)
- metrics: adding some timing (#1801) (94ce762)
- slack: adding frequency options and test passed/failed notifications (#1808) (81597fa)
- verif: more robust handling of invalid verification id (#1802) (369d292)
keel v0.179.0
keel v0.178.0
keel v0.177.0
8824af8 Merge branch 'master' of
657fba2 fix(caches): use bulk caches where appropriate (#1762)
02c4417 chore(logs & metrics): remove debug statements, add metrics (#1750)
79983a2 reference certificate by name in ALB spec (#1756)
07f1ef5 feat(ec2): Make SecurityGroupHandler conditional on missing bean (#1761)
d2bbd7e feat(ec2): Make SecurityGroupHandler conditional
d14e44c chore(dependencies): Autobump korkVersion (#1760)
75231ea fix(diff): Workaround for diff library's SecurityGroup.inboundRules (#1759)
c32621c fix(diff): Ignore CidrRule description when diffing (#1755)
ae4eaf3 fix(artifacts): Don't nest runWithIoContext (#1754)
64a89a8 feat(docker): allow for optional container details in a resource (#1738)
a26b129 feat(ec2): Allow extension of security group handling (#1739)
9ac7cf0 fix(verifications): re-run if status is NOT_EVALUATED (#1749)
c4171f8 Fixed Kork bump (#1747)
880e5bd fix(titus): Fix interestingHealthProviderNames in deploy stage (#1748)
8ccaa86 chore(ops): add missing image regions counter (#1746)
cbe93e0 Allow users to retry verification tasks (#1740)
9363d1a fix(titus): add new env variable (#1744)
9679504 chore(build): Stop publishing debians on release builds (#1743)
5d65dd0 chore(dependencies): Autobump spinnakerGradleVersion (#1742)
4bbb23f feat(slack): adding more notifications using slack SDK (#1733)
0200fd8 chore(dependencies): Autobump korkVersion (#1741)
e44ea13 fix(albs): pass list of certificates to Orca rather than single certificateArn (#1737)
b64b63c add endpoint to override verification status (#1734)
d2308a7 fix(waiting): account for pausing (#1735)
393ba1c feat(verification): use existing ConstraintStatus enum for verifications (#1732)
9299c4d feat(status): add waiting status (#1730)
4fa8da8 feat(api): start to add verification info (#1731)
1fbf745 feat(delivery-config): use list instead of set for verifications (#1729)
0129da6 chore(dependencies): Autobump korkVersion (#1728)
9883da9 Fix autobumped kork version (#1727)
b4779b0 allow specification of application for test container cluster (#1725)
9e34dcf refactor(tests): simplify delivery config tests (#1718)
c66474f chore(verification): include artifact version in name of verification task (#1724)
b5766d0 fix(verification): fix insert statement that doesn't always set required column (#1723)
79fbb0c fix(verification): still update environment_last_verified if delivery config load fails (#1722)
bbdd963 fix(verification): prevent writing null verification state metadata (#1721)
7edf00b fix(verification): prevent writing null verification state metadata (#1721)
b7342ea fix(database): fix incorrect column type in verification_state (#1720)
ee98e75 fix sub-query that did not return a unique row (#1719)
f4a1a78 fix(verifications): correct dumb mistake in liquibase update (#1717)
1c59639 fix(verifications): might help if we actually persist verifications (#1716)
83aa173 chore(tests): add verifyWith parsing test, use spring for plumbing (#1714)
c0ac13b chore(tests): fixed some unnecessarily complexity in test annotations (#1715)
26bffd5 feat(verification): wiring to support parsing verification sub-types (#1713)
06be3e8 Test container verification (#1699)
90634e2 chore(dependencies): Autobump korkVersion (#1711)
f0f4d24 Fixed JOOQ bump from Kork (#1712)
9ce41bc chore(database): parse/convert some JSON columns automatically (#1708)
6700630 fix(tests): disable @scheduled things in integration tests (#1710)
f6c6abf fix(bake): unknwon is not a terminal status (#1707)
c87a732 chore(dependencies): Autobump korkVersion (#1709)
b5fdbb9 feat(verify): only promote if verifications succeed (#1705)
6b357b2 chore(database): automatically handle JOOQ enum columns (#1706)
b74fc81 chore(database): JOOQ enum columns (#1704)
186757b fix(ec2): gracefully handle dangling security group ref (#1692)
50b93af fix(builds): follow up on things we may have missed (#1703)
ba6240c chore(database): use Instant for timestamp columns (#1702)
7cd8d40 chore(dependencies): update Kotlin Gradle plugin to match version in Kork (#1700)
c911a49 fix(controller): reject delivery config with invalid app name (#1693)
50a8aef fix(build): out of order timestampts (#1701)
0a114d4 fix(lifecycle): start monitoring kicked off after saving event (#1698)
350e7f8 chore(dependencies): Autobump korkVersion (#1697)
f5f1256 chore(dependencies): Autobump korkVersion (#1696)
5f294ae fix(database): add missing cascade to foreign keys on environment_last_verified table (#1694)
3a511e7 fix(builds): calculate steps more correctly (#1691)
9ae1330 Scheduler for running verifications (#1681)
5c86dac docs(api): Re-enable Swagger UI (#1690)
085b8aa fix(build): FAILED -> FAILURE (#1689)
daa5707 fix(buildLifecycle): use completed at time for ending time (#1688)
9d2a44d fix(sql): Cascade deletion of delivery config to event and paused records (#1684)
710bf3a chore(dependencies): Autobump korkVersion (#1687)
c258a81 fix(lifecycle): don't copy time forward (#1686)
6064b2c fix(config): add fake baseUrl (#1685)
bfca000 feat(orca): initial support for container jobs (#1680)
2c8fb7b chore(dependencies): Autobump korkVersion (#1683)
f5f8bfc feat(lifecycle): refactor start monitoring events (#1682)
74cce43 feat(lifecycle): build events (#1679)
3e5b257 refactor(tests): prefer constructor autowiring to use of lateinit var (#1678)
2285b42 chore(test): increase timeout (#1677)
e4615bc fix(bake monitor): fail only for consecutive failures (#1676)
215f062 feat(compareLink): generate a comparable link in MJ slack notification (#1674)
3d75f66 fix(view): don't summarize artifact when unused (#1675)
362ae26 feat(predeploy): pre-deploy events, bake implementation (#1657)
a9de784 feat(nlbs): support clusters that depend on NLB target groups (#1673)
9aa2e25 chore(database): foreign keys for verification_state table (#1672)
81c1b84 prevent unintentionally extending cache TTL (#1666)
16b1a5c chore(tests): test for cascading deletes from delivery config (#1671)
70dc3a6 fix(pinning): return the right diffing link when a version is pinned (#1665)
2039c49 fix(export): can't do first on an empty list (#1670)
d5b583d feat(verification): added basic metrics for start / end of verifications (#1659)
f3cc928 fix(api): Include metadata when retrieving delivery config by application (#1667)
fc302be fix(database): missing primary keys (#1664)
720ad42 Foreign keys (#1660)
2c844e3 fix(export): handle optional fields in context (#1663)
eed6120 chore(tests): disable scheduling in a couple of spring tests to cut log noise (#1662)
9618deb fix(export): handle missing rollback field (#1661)
af5cfa8 Components for running verifications vs an environment (#1655)
e6f6e6c feat(artifacts): Source-driven artifacts, for real (#1652)
d700b6d chore(dependencies): Autobump korkVersion (#1658)
1871862 feat(artifactDiff): Adding versions diffing link between two artifact versions (#1656)
54e6197 Basic definition of verifyWith (#1653)
a273e44 chore(build): gradle 6.7 (#1654)
a2de584 fix moving artifacts between environments (#1649)
66d7fac chore(diff): clean up property (#1651)
f57887b fix(diff): reset actions taken count for new diff (#1650)
3444b3f Fix NPE deleting config by name (#1648)
37db66e fix(compile): fixing gradle property for Dockerfile.compile (#1647)
a888861 refactor(constraints): skip promotion checks for artifacts the environment does not use (#1646)
keel v0.175.0
c2eaac6 chore(dependencies): Autobump korkVersion (#1645)
c895a7b refactor(plugins): Define Java-friendly versions of ResourceHandler methods (#1621)
918e7e2 docs(readme): Update README (#1644)
b5ecdcc chore(dependencies): Autobump korkVersion (#1643)
1a063c1 fix(veto): Do not mark never-deployed versions as bad (#1641)
4f38587 fix(snapshots): adding sanpshot parsing due to nebula update (#1642)
387a736 chore(diagnostics): add some logging so we can see what artifact used constraint is doing (#1640)
6b1296c fix(REST): don't serialize resource array at top level of delivery config (#1639)
af61bfc fix(security groups): allow name injection in override ingress rules (#1638)
877d553 fix deserialization injection (#1632)
6e5050d tidy up migration fix (#1636)
193e781 feat(ec2): EBS volumes: default to SSD (#1628)
fa548d7 fix(constraints): ensure resources in environment check cycle are upgraded (#1635)
4a31161 fix(baking): add some logging to implicit image exists constraint (#1634)
3bf0bb2 fix(dockerTimestamp): addressing docker timestamp as a string (#1633)
6e14397 fix(tests): update inappropriate use of any() to ofType() (#1631)
58ce07f feat(telemetry): graph time spent doing environment check by application (#1629)
200f4db fix(deserialization): revert recent security group changes (#1630)
e6b8597 fix(appversion): fix for wrong version parsing (#1627)
608ddc5 fix(deserialization): fix NPE in nested deserialization (#1626)
ac13624 chore(clusters): shared base cluster handler (#1623)
f76d965 fix(security groups): name is optional for self-referential ingress rules (#1624)
07b5cd9 chore(dependencies): Autobump korkVersion (#1609)
92fa5a4 fix(npe): fixing broken if condition, which resulted in npe (#1625)
71b043a fix(titus): if we don't have a region be okay (#1622)
4889b77 fix(resources): allow resource updates to change version (#1620)
73e0ba5 feat(processArtifacts): Move artifact processing decision to individual suppliers (#1619)
2f690b9 update remaining references to ec2/cluster@v1 (#1618)
2976e54 remove deprecated image providers (#1612)
3935286 fix(veto): Fix never-expiring resource vetos (#1617)
b44c90a feat(titus): default container attrs resolver (#1616)
17a0358 fix(images): detect AMIs split across multiple named images when checking for latest baked versions (#1614)
51b5627 Support AMIs where regions were baked individually (#1600)
3160dfd chore(debug): Add debug logs around resource vetoing (#1613)
f272204 feat(artifact): veto only if never deployed successfully (#1610)
f255dfe fix(actuation): Fix handling of empty actuation task list (#1611)
146fa4b chore(frigga): handle frigga exceptions gracefully (#1607)
96f8252 feature(ec2): Add support for launch templates, take 2 (#1608)
df7dbc6 chore(unhealthy): up timeout because lots of unactionable notifications (#1606)
07004b3 fix(api): Convert crazy Slack markdown syntax (#1605)
Keel 0.174.2
v0.174.2 fix(plugins): instance provider was missing annotation (#1604)
Keel 0.174.1
v0.174.1 fix(build): java-library plugin seems to be required for publishing (…
Keel 0.174.0
v0.174.0 chore(monitoring): Enable New Relic tracing in select methods (#1602)
keel v0.173.0
568a5c0 feat(api): Standardize mechanism for ResourceHandlers to notify artifact deployments (#1466)
09bf4b4 feat(ec2): don't allow multiple enabled ASGs (#1463)
a9e4862 chore(dependencies): Autobump korkVersion (#1464)
331a03b fix(titus): Handle 404s when getting server groups (#1461)
867876e chore(build): gradle 6.6.1 (#1462)
5da4a86 chore(dependencies): Autobump korkVersion (#1460)
a4affd6 feat(titus): only allow one active server group (#1448)
c14e866 feat(build): Replace jooqModelator with native jooq tooling + docker (#1445)