Make sure the AWS CLI is installed on your system.
For instructions on how to install it check this page.
Before starting the upload script verify that all required environment variables are set.
If nothing is shown set the environment variables:
export TESTS_ARTIFACTS_BUCKET=your-bucket-name
export TESTS_ARTIFACTS_KEY=your-key
export TESTS_ARTIFACTS_SECRET=your-secret
Execute this script from the root of the repository:
shell/ results/reports/
The script will mirror the folder structure from the /results
folder and (re)upload all files from it.
If the script was executed correctly, you should see some output like this:
upload: results/2023/10/05/k6_report_20231005_224948.json to s3://robot-api-ci/k6-test-results/2023/10/05/k6_report_20231005_224948.json
upload: results/2023/10/05/k6_report_20231005_225017.json to s3://robot-api-ci/k6-test-results/2023/10/05/k6_report_20231005_225017.json
upload: results/2023/10/05/k6_report_20231005_231233.json to s3://robot-api-ci/k6-test-results/2023/10/05/k6_report_20231005_231233.json
The shell script shell/
will mirror the structure of the folder passed to it to the configured S3 bucket (via the env var TESTS_ARTIFACTS_BUCKET) and use there a folder called k6-test-results
to mirror the provided folder into it.