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Extending the System

This document covers how to write your own tasks. For a more practical guide to getting started, see the Developer Getting Started guide. Reviewing the Architecture is required reading before attempting to write your own Tasks.

Write a new Task

To write a new Task, you need to create a new class that extends the Task class.

Tasks must have a run() method

Here we will write an example of a simple Task that prints a message to the console. Below if the starting code for the Task:

export class SimpleDebugLogTask extends Task {
  execute() {
    console.dir(<something>, { depth: null });

We ran too far ahead to the main run() method. We need to define the inputs and outputs for the Task first.

Define Inputs and Outputs

The first thing we need to do is define the inputs and outputs for the Task. This is done by defining the inputs and outputs static properties on the class. These properties are arrays of objects that define the inputs and outputs for the Task. Each object should have an id, name, and valueType property. There are two optional properties: isArray and defaultValue.

The id is a unique identifier for the input or output, the name is a human-readable name for the input or output, and the valueType is a string that describes the type of the input or output. The valueType should be one of the following strings, or a custom string that describes the type of the input or output: any, boolean, number, text, function, model, vector, etc.

Here is the code for the SimpleDebugLogTask with the inputs defined:

type SimpleDebugLogTaskInputs = {
  message: any;
export class SimpleDebugLogTask extends Task<SimpleDebugLogTaskInputs> {
  public static inputs: TaskInputDefinition[] = [
      id: "message",
      name: "Input",
      valueType: "any",
  ] as const;
  execute() {
    console.dir(this.runInputData.message, { depth: null });

new SimpleDebugLogTask({ message: "hello world" }).run();

Since the code itself can't read the TypeScript types, we need to explain in the static value inputs. We still create a type SimpleDebugLogTaskInputs to help us since we are writing TypeScript code. We use it to re-type (declare) the defaults and runInputData properties.

defaults and runInputData need some explanation. When we instantiate a Task, we can pass in an object called input which gets saved in defaults (and copied to runInputData). In the above example, that is all that happens. However, when in a graph, the outputs of other tasks can be passed in as inputs (these are called data flows). The data flows can add to, or override, the data from defaults object. The runInputData object is the final object that the Task will use when calling run().

Since defaults can be 100% of the input data or 0%, we use a TypeScript Partial. Between defaults and data coming from the graph via data flows, runInputData will always have all the data. If not, it is a fatal error.

It is common practice to have an output, and in a case like this, we can add an output that is the same as the input.

type SimpleDebugLogTaskInputs = {
  message: any;
type SimpleDebugLogTaskOutputs = {
  output: any;
export class SimpleDebugLogTask extends Task<SimpleDebugLogTaskInputs, SimpleDebugLogTaskOutputs> {
  public static cacheable = false;
  public static inputs: TaskInputDefinition[] = [
      id: "message",
      name: "Input",
      valueType: "any",
  ] as const;
  public static outputs: TaskOutputDefinition[] = [
      id: "output",
      name: "Output",
      valueType: "any",
  ] as const;
  execute() {
    console.dir(this.runInputData.message, { depth: null });
    this.runOutputData.output = this.runInputData.message;
    return this.runOutputData;

new SimpleDebugLogTask({ message: "hello world" }).run();

In the above code, we added an output to the Task. We also added static cacheable flag to tell the system that this Task has side effects and should always run the execute method. This is important for the system to know if it can cache the output of the Task or not.

Register the Task

To register the Task, you need to add it to the TaskRegistry class. The TaskRegistry class is a singleton that holds all the registered Tasks and has a registerTask method that takes a Task class as an argument.


To use the Task in Workflow, there are a few steps:

export const SimpleDebug = (input: DebugLogTaskInput) => {
  return new SimpleDebugTask(input).run();

declare module "./base/Workflow" {
  interface Workflow {
    SimpleDebug: CreateWorkflow<DebugLogTaskInput>;

Workflow.prototype.SimpleDebug = CreateWorkflow(SimpleDebugTask);

Job Queues and LLM tasks

We separate any long runing tasks as Jobs. Jobs could potentially be run anywhere, either locally in the same thread, in separate threads, or on a remote server. A job queue will manage these for a single provider (like OpenAI, or a local Transformer.JS ONNX runtime), and handle backoff, retries, etc.

A subclass of JobQueueTask will dispatch the job to the correct queue, and wait for the result. The run() method will return the result of the job.

Subclasses of AiTask are organized around a specific task. Which model is used will determine the queue to use, and is required. This abstract class will look up the model and determine the queue to use based on ProviderReigstry.

To add a new embedding source, for example, you would not create a new task, but a new job queue for the new provider and then register the how to run the emedding service in the ProviderRegistry for the specific task, in this case TextEmbeddingTask. Then you use the existing TextEmbeddingTask with your new model name. This allows swapping out the model without changing the task, runing multiple models in parallel, and so on.

Write a new Compound Task

You can organize a group of tasks to look like one task (think of a grouping UI in an Illustrator type program). The task will build the subgraph based on the input data, and will emit a 'regenerate' event after the subgraph has been rebuilt. This is useful for tasks that have a variable number of subtasks. An example would be the TextEmbeddingCompoundTask which takes a list of strings and returns a list of embeddings. Or it can take a list of models and return a list of embeddings for each model.

Compound Tasks are not cached (though any or all of their children may be).

Reactive Task UIs

Tasks can be reactive at a certain level. This means that they can be triggered by changes in the data they depend on, without "running" the expensive job based task runs. This is useful for a UI node editor. For example, you change a color in one task and it is propagated downstream without incurring costs for re-running the entire graph. It is like a spreadsheet where changing a cell can trigger a recalculation of other cells. This is implemented via a runReactive() method that is called when the data changes. Typically, the run() will call runReactive() on itself at the end of the method.