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This repo is for my Python Live Project that I did as a student with The Tech Academy. Over the course of a two-week code sprint, I worked on a development team where we were each tasked with creating a database-focused web app within the Django framework. For my app, I chose to create a recipe app that primarily tracked desserts.

I was assigned the task of creating a website that would allow a user to view all available recipes within a database and view the details of any specific recipe of their choosing. Additionally, the user should be able to create new recipes, edit existing recipes, and delete recipes in a database. I also implemented other features including a search page that searches by category using an API and displays the results to the user, and a recipe scraper page that scrapes content from a chosen recipe site using the Beautiful Soup library and then displays those results to the user.


Create the Basic App

  • Create the basic Django App and register in main project
  • Create the base, home, and navbar templates
  • Create functions to render all templates in
  • Register all urls
  • Apply basic styling to base and homepage templates using Bootstrap and CSS

Create Recipes

Add Recipe

  • Create Recipe model with all applicable categories
  • Create a model form that includes all applicable inputs required from user
  • Create Add Recipe Template and register url
  • Add views function to render the create page that utilizes the model form to save item to database
  • Add basic styling to template using Bootstrap, CSS, and Crispy Forms


# render add_recipe page
def add_recipe(request):
    form = RecipeForm(data=request.POST or None)
    if request.method == 'POST':
        if form.is_valid():
            return redirect('desserts_displayDb')
    content = {'form': form}
    return render(request, 'Desserts/desserts_add_recipe.html', content)

Display Recipes

Display Recipes

Part 1: Display Recipe Database

  • Create Display Recipe database template and register url
  • Add views function that gets all items from the database and displays the results on rendered template with appropriate labels/headers
  • Create a Recipe Details template and register url

Part 2: Display Recipe Details

  • Create a views function that will find a single item from the database and render the details on the Details Page template
  • Add in a link for each item on the Display Recipes page that points to the details page for that item
  • Add basic styling to both templates using Bootstrap and CSS


# render display_Db page, display all recipes in database
def display_recipe_items(request):
    recipe_db = Recipe.Recipes.all()
    content = {'recipe_db': recipe_db}
    return render(request, 'Desserts/desserts_displayDb.html', content)
# render desserts_details page, display details of any single recipe in the database
def recipe_details(request, pk):
    details = get_object_or_404(Recipe, pk=int(pk))
    content = {'details': details}
    return render(request, 'Desserts/desserts_details.html', content)

Update Recipes

Edit Recipe

  • Create Edit Recipe page to templates and register url
  • Create edit_recipe function that displays the content from a single item in the database and allows the user to modify the existing content using model forms and instances, and then saves the recipe back to the database
  • Add basic styling using Bootstrap, CSS, and Crispy Forms


def edit_recipe(request, pk):
    item = get_object_or_404(Recipe, pk=int(pk))  # the recipe we want to modify
    form = RecipeForm(data=request.POST or None, instance=item)  # create form instance and bind data to it

    if request.method == 'POST':
        if form.is_valid():
            return redirect('desserts_displayDb')  # return to database list
    content = {'form': form}
    return render(request, 'Desserts/desserts_edit.html', content)

Delete Recipes

Delete Recipe

  • Create Delete Recipe page to templates and register url
  • Create delete_recipe function that deletes a single item in the database and saves the changes back to the database
  • Create a modal in the Delete Recipe template that presents the user with a delete confirmation before the item is permanently removed from the database
  • Add basic styling using Bootstrap and CSS


# render desserts_delete page, save to database
def delete_recipe(request, pk):
    item = get_object_or_404(Recipe, pk=int(pk))  # the recipe we want to delete
    form = RecipeForm(data=request.POST or None, instance=item) # create form instance and bind data to it
    if request.method == 'POST':
        return redirect('desserts_displayDb')  # return to database list
    content = {
        'item': item,
        'form': form,
    return render(request, 'Desserts/desserts_delete.html', content)

Scrape Recipes

Web Scraping

  • Create template to display information scraped from Spoon Fork Bacon, register url
  • Create scrape_desserts function to scrape data from source site using Beautiful Soup and Requests libraries
    • Use Beautiful Soup to parse HTML content then iterate through specified elements to extract chosen content (name, description, and recipe url)
    • Append extracted data to corresponding lists, zip all lists together into dictionary
    • Bind dictionary to context, send to rendered web scraping template
  • Display all objects extracted in table on rendered template
    • Create clickable links for each recipe that lead to details page on source site
  • Add basic styling using Bootstrap and CSS


# scrape recipe data from external recipe page, package up and send to template to be rendered
def scrape_desserts(request):
    names = []  # recipe name list
    descriptions = []  # recipe description list
    recipe_urls = []  # recipe_url list
    url = ''  # page to scrape data from
    page = requests.get(url)
    soup = BeautifulSoup(page.content, 'html.parser')
    parental_soup = soup.find_all('article', class_="category-dessert-recipes")  # parent to search

    for i in parental_soup:  # iterate through parental_soup through each article tag
        name = i.h2.a.text  # extract text from h2 hyperlink text as recipe name
        description = i.div.p.text  # extract text from first paragraph tag in the div inside parental soup
        recipe_url = i.find('a')['href']  # extract recipe urls
        names.append(name)  # append name to names list
        descriptions.append(description)  # append description to descriptions list
        recipe_urls.append(recipe_url)  # append recipe urls to recipe_urls list

    zipped_list = zip(names, descriptions, recipe_urls) # zip all extracted lists together
    context = {'zipped_list': zipped_list} # bind zipped_list dictionary to context

    return render(request, 'Desserts/desserts_bs.html', context)

Search For Recipes

Search GIF

  • Create API search page template and register url
  • Create category_search function to connect to API and render query response to template
    • Use GET request to get category selection from user through form on search page template
    • Append category to url, before connecting to API endpoint
    • Request API response
    • Parse results using JSON
    • Iterate through parsed data to extract desired data and append to results_list
    • Bind results_list and form to context, send to rendered API search page template
  • Display all objects extracted on rendered template
    • Create clickable links for each recipe that lead to details page
  • Add basic styling using Bootstrap and CSS


# search recipes by category using API, headers and key imported from creds
def category_search(request):
    results_list = [] # store results in list
    context = {}
    form = SearchForm()
    context['form'] = form
    if request.GET:
        temp = request.GET['category_type']  # get category type from template form, store in temp variable
        category = temp.replace(' ', '%20')  # prepare string for url, replace space with url encoded space '%20'
        url = "{}".format(category)  # api url, append category

        response = requests.request("GET", url, headers=headers)  # request API response
        parsed_results = json.loads(response.text)  # parse the results

        for recipe in parsed_results:  # iterate through parsed data, pull out the pieces we want
            results = {
                'name': recipe['title'],  # get recipe name
                'category': recipe['category'],  # get recipe category
                'recipe_url': recipe['url'],  # get source url
                'image': recipe['img']  # get image url
            results_list.append(results)  # append results to list
        context = {'form': form, 'results_list': results_list}  # package form and results_list in context
    return render(request, 'Desserts/desserts_category_search.html', context)


Over the course of this project, I increased my knowledge and gained new coding and noncoding skills. I learned what it's like to work on a developer team in a professional setting.

Some of the new coding skills I developed during this project are:

  • Effectively using the Beautiful Soup library to parse data and navigate the website’s data structure for web-scraping
  • Utilizing API endpoints, Requests library, and JSON

Some of the non-coding related skills that I developed are:

  • Using Agile and Scrum methodologies:

    • Attended a sprint planning session where we discussed what the project expectations were and how we would accomplish those expectations
    • Attended daily standups where we discussed what we each worked on previously, what out workplans for the day were, and any roadblocks that we had that were impeding progress
    • Attending weekly coding retrospectives where we discussed what was helpful and what was detrimental to productivity and team workflow
  • Using Azure DevOps to manage workflow and repos

  • Effectively using version control to make commits, merges, push/pulls while being mindful of minimizing merge conflicts