Ternary operators are more commonly known as conditional expressions in Python. These operators evaluate something based on a condition being true or not. They became a part of Python in version 2.4
Here is a blueprint and an example of using these conditional expressions.
condition_is_true if condition else condition_is_false
is_fat = True
state = "fat" if is_fat else "not fat"
It allows to quickly test a condition instead of a multiline if statement. Often times it can be immensely helpful and can make your code compact but still maintainable.
Another more obscure and not widely used example involves tuples. Here is some sample code:
(if_test_is_false, if_test_is_true)[test]
fat = True
fitness = ("skinny", "fat")[fat]
print("Ali is ", fitness)
# Output: Ali is fat
This works simply because True == 1 and False == 0, and so can be done with lists in addition to tuples.
The above example is not widely used and is generally disliked by Pythonistas for not being Pythonic. It is also easy to confuse where to put the true value and where to put the false value in the tuple.
Another reason to avoid using a tupled ternery is that it results in both elements of the tuple being evaluated, whereas the if-else ternary operator does not.
condition = True
print(2 if condition else 1/0)
#Output is 2
print((1/0, 2)[condition])
#ZeroDivisionError is raised
This happens because with the tupled ternary technique, the tuple is first built, then an index is found. For the if-else ternary operator, it follows the normal if-else logic tree. Thus, if one case could raise an exception based on the condition, or if either case is a computation-heavy method, using tuples is best avoided.