System-On-Chip using Lion and targeting the VELDT FPGA development board.
- Project IceStorm
- riscv-gnu-toolchain
- Need
binaries e.g.:foo@bar:~$ git clone foo@bar:~$ cd riscv-gnu-toolchain foo@bar:~/riscv-gnu-toolchain$ git submodule update --init --recursive foo@bar:~/riscv-gnu-toolchain$ ./configure --prefix=/opt/riscv/ foo@bar:~/rsicv-gnu-toolchain$ sudo make foo@bar:~/riscv-gnu-toolchain$ export PATH=$PATH:/opt/riscv/bin
- Need
cabal build all
- Ensure the VELDT is ON and in the FLASH mode.
cabal run soc -- prog
- Cycle power switch, set mode switch to FPGA.
cabal run com
to open serial port, then press any key to display the Lion SoC name. The Lion Soc will echo any further input. Press Ctrl-c to end the program. The default port forcom
. If you require a different port, specify it as an argument:cabal run com -- path/to/port
. Other serial port programs will work as well; be sure to specify 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no flow control, and a baud rate of 19200.
__ _ ____ _____
/ / (_)__ ___ / __/__ / ___/
/ /__/ / _ \/ _ \ _\ \/ _ \/ /__
/____/_/\___/_//_/ /___/\___/\___/
Standard Semiconductor (c) 2024
To compile, synthesize, and route Lion SoC without programming: cabal run soc
cabal run soc -- clean
Device utilisation:
ICESTORM_LC: 2685/ 5280 50%
ICESTORM_RAM: 8/ 30 26%
SB_IO: 6/ 96 6%
SB_GB: 8/ 8 100%
ICESTORM_DSP: 1/ 8 12%
SB_SPI: 1/ 2 50%
SB_LEDDA_IP: 1/ 1 100%
SB_RGBA_DRV: 1/ 1 100%
Max frequency for clock: 14.93 MHz (PASS @ 12MHz)
Peripheral | Start Address | End Address |
LED | 0x00000000 | 0x00000000 |
UART | 0x00000004 | 0x00000004 |
SPI Flash | 0x00000008 | 0x00000008 |
ROM | 0x00000400 | 0x000007FF |
SPRAM | 0x00020000 | 0x0003FFFF |
Byte 3 | Byte 2 | Byte 1 | Byte 0 |
Reserved | Reserved | Register Address | Register Data |
See Appendix D of the iCE40 LED Driver Usage Guide for information on LED control bus addressable registers and register field descriptions.
Byte 3 | Byte 2 | Byte 1 | Byte 0 |
Reserved | Status | RX Buffer | TX Buffer |
Status Byte:
||__Transmitter Status: 0 = Empty (Idle), 1 = Full (Busy)
|___Receiver Status: 0 = Empty, 1 = Full
li a0, 0xAB # load desired byte to send
li a1, 0x4 # set pointer to UART peripheral memory location
1: lbu a2, 0x2(a1) # read status
andi a2, a2, 0x1 # mask transmitter status
bnez a2, 1b # wait until transmitter empty
sb a0, (a1) # transmit byte
li a0, 0x4 # set pointer to UART peripheral memory location
1: lbu a1, 0x2(a0) # read status register
andi a1, a1, 0x2 # mask receiver status
beqz a1, 1b # wait until receiver full
lbu a1, 0x1(a0) # read receiver buffer
See VELDT-info for more information about the on-board SPI flash chip and the Lattice SPI and SysBus interface.
Byte 3 | Byte 2 | Byte 1 | Byte 0 |
SysBus Status | SysBus Read/Write AND SysBus Received | SysBus Command Address | SysBus Command Data |
|__ 0 = Idle, 1 = Busy
When writing to this memory location: 0 indicates READ, 1 indicates WRITE.
When reading from this memory location: most recently received byte from SysBus.
SysBus Read/Write:
|__ 0 = READ, 1 = WRITE
li a0, 0x8 # set pointer to SPI peripheral memory address
1: lbu a1, 3(a0) # read bus status
bnez a1, 1b # wait until bus idle
li a1, 0x00010000 # set WRITE mode
li a2, 0x00000900 # set CR1 address
or a1, a1, a2 # set CR1 address
ori a1, a1, 0x80 # set SPI enable
sw a1, (a0) # send SPI enable command
li a0, 0x8 # set pointer to SPI peripheral memory address
1: lbu a1, 3(a0) # read bus status
bnez a1, 1b # wait until bus idle
li a1, 0x00000C00 # set READ mode and SR address
sw a1, (a0) # send SPI read status command
2: lbu a1, 3(a0) # read bus status
bnez a1, 2b # wait until bus idle
lbu a1, 2(a0) # read SPI status from bus received