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Scarb: The Package Manager

To make the most of this chapter, a basic grasp of the Cairo programming language is advised. We suggest reading chapters 1-6 of the Cairo Book, covering topics from Getting Started to Enums and Pattern Matching. Follow this by studying the Starknet Smart Contracts chapter in the same book. With this background, you’ll be well-equipped to understand the examples presented here.

Scarb is Cairo’s package manager designed for both Cairo and Starknet projects. It handles dependencies, compiles projects, and integrates with tools like Foundry. It is built by the same team that created Foundry for Starknet.

Scarb Workflow

Follow these steps to develop a Starknet contract using Scarb:

  1. Initialize: Use scarb new to set up a new project, generating a Scarb.toml file and initial src/lib.cairo.

  2. Code: Add your Cairo code in the src directory.

  3. Dependencies: Add external libraries using scarb add.

  4. Compile: Execute scarb build to convert your contract into Sierra code.

Scarb simplifies your development workflow, making it efficient and streamlined.


Scarb is cross-platform, supporting macOS, Linux, and Windows. For installation, refer to the Basic installation guide.

Cairo Project Structure

Next, we’ll dive into the key components that make up a Cairo project.

Cairo Packages

Cairo packages, also referred to as "crates" in some contexts, are the building blocks of a Cairo project. Each package must follow several rules:

  • A package must include a Scarb.toml file, which is Scarb’s manifest file. It contains the dependencies for your package.

  • A package must include a src/lib.cairo file, which is the root of the package tree. It allows you to define functions and declare used modules.

Package structures might look like the following case where we have a package named my_package, which includes a src directory with the lib.cairo file inside, a snips directory which in itself a package we can use, and a Scarb.toml file in the top-level directory.

├── src/
│   ├── module1.cairo
│   ├── module2.cairo
│   └── lib.cairo
├── snips/
│   ├── src/
│   │   ├── lib.cairo
│   ├── Scarb.toml
└── Scarb.toml

Within the Scarb.toml file, you might have:

    name = "my_package"
    version = "0.1.0"

    starknet = ">=2.6.3"
    snips = { path = "snips" }

Here starknet and snips are the dependencies of the package. The starknet dependency is hosted on the Scarb registry (we do not need to download it), while the snips dependency is located in the snips directory.

Setting Up a Project with Scarb

To create a new project using Scarb, navigate to your desired project directory and execute the following command:

$ scarb new hello_scarb

This command will create a new project directory named hello_scarb, including a Scarb.toml file, a src directory with a lib.cairo file inside, and initialize a new Git repository with a .gitignore file.

├── src/
│   └── lib.cairo
└── Scarb.toml

Upon opening Scarb.toml in a text editor, you should see something similar to the code snippet below:

    name = "hello_scarb"
    version = "0.1.0"

    # See more keys and their definitions at
    # foo = { path = "vendor/foo" }

Building a Scarb Project

Clear all content in src/lib.cairo and replace with the following:

// src/lib.cairo
mod hello_scarb;

Next, create a new file titled src/hello_scarb.cairo and add the following:

// src/hello_scarb.cairo
fn main() {
    println!("Hello, Scarb!");

In this instance, the lib.cairo file contains a module declaration referencing hello_scarb, which includes the hello_scarb.cairo file’s implementation. For more on modules, imports, and the lib.cairo file, please refer to the cairo-book on Managing Cairo Projects in Chapter 7.

Scarb mandates that your source files be located within the src directory.

To build (compile) your project from your hello_scarb directory, use the following command:

scarb build

This command compiles your project and produces the Sierra code in the target/dev/hello_scarb.sierra.json file. Sierra serves as an intermediate layer between high-level Cairo and compilation targets such as Cairo Assembly (CASM). To understand more about Sierra, check out this article.

To remove the build artifacts and delete the target directory, use the scarb clean command.

Adding Dependencies

Scarb facilitates the seamless management of dependencies for your Cairo packages. Here are two methods to add dependencies to your project:

  • Edit Scarb.toml File

Open the Scarb.toml file in your project directory and locate the [dependencies] section. If it doesn’t exist, add it. To include a dependency hosted on a Git repository, use the following format:

alexandria_math = { git = "" }

For consistency, it’s recommended to pin Git dependencies to specific commits. This can be done by adding the rev field with the commit hash:

alexandria_math = { git = "", rev = "81bb93c" }

After adding the dependency, remember to save the file.

  • Use the scarb add Command

Alternatively, you can use the scarb add command to add dependencies to your project. Open your terminal and execute the following command:

scarb add alexandria_math --git

This command will add the alexandria_math dependency from the specified Git repository to your project.

To remove a dependency, you can use the scarb rm command.

Once a dependency is added, the Scarb.toml file will be automatically updated with the new dependency information.

Using Dependencies in Your Code

After dependencies are added to your project, you can start utilizing them in your Cairo code.

For example, let’s assume you have added the alexandria_math dependency. Now, you can import and utilize functions from the alexandria_math library in your src/hello_scarb.cairo file:

// src/hello_scarb.cairo
use alexandria_math::fibonacci;

fn main() -> felt252 {
    fibonacci::fib(0, 1, 10)

In the above example, we import the fibonacci function from the alexandria_math library and utilize it in the main function.

Scarb Cheat Sheet

Here’s a quick cheat sheet of some of the most commonly used Scarb commands:

  • scarb new <project_name>: Initialize a new project with the given project name.

  • scarb build: Compile your Cairo code into Sierra code.

  • scarb add <dependency> --git <repository>: Add a dependency to your project from a specified Git repository.

  • scarb rm <dependency>: Remove a dependency from your project.

  • scarb run <script>: Run a custom script defined in your Scarb.toml file.

What is new since version 2.3.0

  • JSON containing Sierra code of Starknet contract class becomes: contract.contract_class.json.
  • JSON containing CASM code of Starknet contract class becomes: contract.compiled_contract_class.json.
  • Now cairo supports Components. They are modular add-ons encapsulating reusable logic, storage, and events that can be incorporated into multiple contracts. They can be used to extend a contract's functionality, without having to reimplement the same logic over and over again.

Project using Components

One of the most important features since scarb 2.3.0 version is Components. Think of components as Lego blocks. They allow you to enrich your contracts by plugging in a module that you or someone else wrote.

Lets see and example. Recover our project from Getting Started section. We used the Ownable-Starknet example to interact with the blockchain, now we are going to use the same project, but we will refactor the code in order to use components

This is how our smart contract looks now

// of the code

mod ownable_component {
    use super::{ContractAddress, IOwnable};
    use starknet::get_caller_address;

    struct Storage {
        owner: ContractAddress

    #[derive(Drop, starknet::Event)]
    enum Event {
        OwnershipTransferred: OwnershipTransferred

    #[derive(Drop, starknet::Event)]
    struct OwnershipTransferred {
        previous_owner: ContractAddress,
        new_owner: ContractAddress,

    impl OwnableImpl<
        TContractState, +HasComponent<TContractState>
    > of IOwnable<ComponentState<TContractState>> {
        fn transfer_ownership(
            ref self: ComponentState<TContractState>, new_owner: ContractAddress
        ) {
        fn owner(self: @ComponentState<TContractState>) -> ContractAddress {

    impl InternalImpl<
        TContractState, +HasComponent<TContractState>
    > of InternalTrait<TContractState> {
        fn only_owner(self: @ComponentState<TContractState>) {
            let owner: ContractAddress =;
            let caller: ContractAddress = get_caller_address();
            assert(!caller.is_zero(), 'ZERO_ADDRESS_CALLER');
            assert(caller == owner, 'NOT_OWNER');

        fn _transfer_ownership(
            ref self: ComponentState<TContractState>, new_owner: ContractAddress
        ) {
            let previous_owner: ContractAddress =;
                    OwnershipTransferred { previous_owner: previous_owner, new_owner: new_owner }

mod ownable_contract {
    use ownable_project::ownable_component;
    use super::{ContractAddress, IData};

    component!(path: ownable_component, storage: ownable, event: OwnableEvent);

    impl OwnableImpl = ownable_component::Ownable<ContractState>;

    impl OwnableInternalImpl = ownable_component::InternalImpl<ContractState>;

    struct Storage {
        data: felt252,
        ownable: ownable_component::Storage

    #[derive(Drop, starknet::Event)]
    enum Event {
        OwnableEvent: ownable_component::Event

    fn constructor(ref self: ContractState, initial_owner: ContractAddress) {
    impl OwnableDataImpl of IData<ContractState> {
        fn get_data(self: @ContractState) -> felt252 {
        fn set_data(ref self: ContractState, new_value: felt252) {

Basically we decided to apply components on the section related to ownership and created a separated module ownable_component. Then we kept the data section in our main module ownable_contract.

To get the full implementation of this project, navigate to the src/ directory in the examples/Ownable-Components directory of the Starknet Book repo. The src/lib.cairo file contains the contract to practice with.

After you get the full code on your machine, open your terminal, input scarb build to compile it, deploy your contract and call functions.

You can learn more about components in Chapter 16 of The Cairo Book.

Scarb is a versatile tool, and this is just the beginning of what you can achieve with it. As you gain more experience in the Cairo language and the Starknet platform, you’ll discover how much more you can do with Scarb.

To stay updated on Scarb and its features, be sure to check the official Scarb documentation regularly. Happy coding!

The Book is a community-driven effort created for the community.