🪱 Svelte
🧱 Utilitarian component library written in Svelte, for Svelte
A library of accessible component primitives, actions and utilities for Svelte.
A svelte 3 component that implements a list with animated drag-n-drop functionality.
Svelte Select. A select component for Svelte
Keyboard-friendly, accessible and highly customizable multi-select component
Start using view transitions without any hassle!
Yeah you've seen lots of modals. But have you seen a modal that returns a promise?
Modals in Svelte made easy. Promised.🤞
A sveltekit starter template. 2024 edition
Next-Generation full text search library for Browser and Node.js
A book describing the patterns and practices that Mainmatter uses to build lasting products, systematically.
An action based drag and drop container for Svelte
Blazing fast excel sheets in the browser, hugely inspired by JExcel, built with Svelte and XLSX.
Companion extension for Grimoire - the bookmark manager for the wizards 🧙
Optimistic UI in sveltekit made easy
A very basic SvelteKit blog with markdoc
Composable Svelte chart components to build a wide range of visualizations
Documentation, Prototyping, Inspection & Testing Workbench Tool for Svelte (SvelteKit Storybook alternative)
A Starter Kit with SurrealDB and Svelte [ SvelteKit ], featuring Authentication and CRUD Operations + Realtime
A basic template for making cross-platform apps with Tauri (Rust), SvelteKit, and SQLite (SQLx)
The Jamstack static site framework for Svelte