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As Pyccel converts a dynamically typed language (Python) to statically typed languages, it has some decorators which the user can add in the code to provide access to low level optimisations. Here are the available decorators.

Stack array

This decorator indicates that all arrays mentioned as arguments (of the decorator) should be stored on the stack.

In order to store the array on the stack it is important that the size be known at the declaration. In Fortran all declarations must occur at the start of the function. As a result, Pyccel requires that the size of the stack array object is expressed as a function of arguments and pure function results only.

This example shows how the decorators can affect the conversion of the array between the supported languages. Pyccel here is told by the decorator stack_array to store the array array_in_stack in the stack, for the array array_in_heap Pyccel is assuming that it should be stored in the heap:

from pyccel.decorators import stack_array
import numpy as np

def fun1():

     #array stored in the stack
     array_in_stack = np.array([1,2,3])
     #array stored in the heap
     array_in_heap = np.array([1,2,3])

This the C generated code:

#include "boo.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "ndarrays.h"
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string.h>

void fun1(void)
    int64_t array_dummy_0003[3];
    t_ndarray array_in_stack = (t_ndarray){
    t_ndarray array_in_heap;
    /*array stored in the stack*/
    int64_t array_dummy_0001[] = {1, 2, 3};
    memcpy(array_in_stack.nd_int64, array_dummy_0001, array_in_stack.buffer_size);
    /*array stored in the heap*/
    array_in_heap = array_create(1, (int64_t[]){3}, nd_int64);
    int64_t array_dummy_0002[] = {1, 2, 3};
    memcpy(array_in_heap.nd_int64, array_dummy_0002, array_in_heap.buffer_size);

This the Fortran equivalent code:

module boo

  use, intrinsic :: ISO_C_Binding, only : i64 => C_INT64_T
  implicit none


  subroutine fun1()

    implicit none

    integer(i64) :: array_in_stack(0:2_i64)
    integer(i64), allocatable :: array_in_heap(:)

    !array stored in the stack
    array_in_stack = [1_i64, 2_i64, 3_i64]
    !array stored in the heap
    array_in_heap = [1_i64, 2_i64, 3_i64]
    if (allocated(array_in_heap)) then
    end if

  end subroutine fun1

end module boo

Allow negative index

In python negative indexes allow a user to index an array starting from the back (e.g. the index -1 is the last element of the array). Pyccel recreates this behaviour for literal indexes. However when an array is indexed with a variable or an expression, it is impractical (and often impossible) to know at compile time whether the index is positive or negative. As a result an if block must be added. This implies a (potentially large) performance cost. Non-literal negative indexes are not especially common, therefore Pyccel does not add this costly if block unless it is specifically requested. This can be done using the allow_negative_index decorator.

An example shows how Pyccel handles negative indexes between Python and C:

from pyccel.decorators import allow_negative_index
from numpy import array

def fun1(i : int, j : int):
    #////////negative indexing allowed////////
    a = array([1,2,3,4,5,6])
    print(a[i - j])
    #////////negative indexing disallowed. the generated code can cause a crash/compilation error.////////
    b = array([1,2,3,4,5,6])
    print(b[i - j])

This is the generated C code:

#include "boo.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include "ndarrays.h"

void fun1(int64_t i, int64_t j)
    t_ndarray a;
    t_ndarray b;
    /*////////negative indexing allowed////////*/
    a = array_create(1, (int64_t[]){6}, nd_int64);
    int64_t array_dummy_0001[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6};
    memcpy(a.nd_int64, array_dummy_0001, a.buffer_size);
    printf("%ld\n", GET_ELEMENT(a, nd_int64, i - j < 0 ? 6 + (i - j) : i - j));
    /*////////negative indexing disallowed. the generated can cause a crash/compilation error.////////*/
    b = array_create(1, (int64_t[]){6}, nd_int64);
    int64_t array_dummy_0002[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6};
    memcpy(b.nd_int64, array_dummy_0002, b.buffer_size);
    printf("%ld\n", GET_ELEMENT(b, nd_int64, i - j));

And here is the equivalent Fortran code:

module boo

  use, intrinsic :: ISO_C_Binding, only : i64 => C_INT64_T
  implicit none


  subroutine fun1(i, j)

    implicit none

    integer(i64), value :: i
    integer(i64), value :: j
    integer(i64), allocatable :: a(:)
    integer(i64), allocatable :: b(:)

    !////////negative indexing allowed////////
    a = [1_i64, 2_i64, 3_i64, 4_i64, 5_i64, 6_i64]
    print *, a(merge(6_i64 + (i - j), i - j, i - j < 0_i64))
    !////////negative indexing disallowed. the generated can cause a crash/compilation error.////////
    b = [1_i64, 2_i64, 3_i64, 4_i64, 5_i64, 6_i64]
    print *, b(i - j)
    if (allocated(a)) then
    end if
    if (allocated(b)) then
    end if

  end subroutine fun1

end module boo


In Python it is often the case that a function with scalar arguments and a single scalar output (if any) is also able to accept NumPy arrays with identical rank and shape - in such a case the scalar function is simply applied element-wise to the input arrays. In order to mimic this behaviour in the generated C or Fortran code, Pyccel provides the decorator elemental.

Important note: applying the elemental decorator to a function will not make a difference to the C translation of the function definition itself since C doesn't have the elementwise feature. However, Pyccel implements that functionality by calling the function in a for loop when an array argument is passed. In the following example, we will use the function square where @elemental will be useful:

Here is the python code:

from pyccel.decorators import elemental
import numpy as np

def square(x):
    s = x*x
    return s

def square_in_array():
    a = np.ones(5)

The generated C code:

#include "boo.h"
#include "ndarrays.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdint.h>

double square(double x)
    double s;
    s = x * x;
    return s;
void square_in_array(void)
    t_ndarray a;
    t_ndarray Dummy_0001;
    int64_t i_0001;
    a = array_create(1, (int64_t[]){5}, nd_double);
    array_fill((double)1.0, a);
    Dummy_0001 = array_create(1, (int64_t[]){5}, nd_double);
    for (i_0001 = 0; i_0001 < 5; i_0001 += 1)
        GET_ELEMENT(Dummy_0001, nd_double, i_0001) = square(GET_ELEMENT(a, nd_double, i_0001));

Fortran has the elementwise feature which is presented in the code as function prefix elemental. So any function marked as an elemental one can be used to operate on the arrays. See more about elemental.

module boo

  use, intrinsic :: ISO_C_Binding, only : f64 => C_DOUBLE , i64 => &
  implicit none


  elemental function square(x) result(s)

    implicit none

    real(f64) :: s
    real(f64), value :: x

    s = x * x

  end function square

  subroutine square_in_array()

    implicit none

    real(f64), allocatable :: a(:)
    real(f64), allocatable :: Dummy_0001(:)

    a = 1.0_f64
    Dummy_0001 = square(a)
    if (allocated(a)) then
    end if
    if (allocated(Dummy_0001)) then
    end if

  end subroutine square_in_array

end module boo


The decorator pure indicates that the function below the decorator is a pure one. This means that the function should return identical output values for identical input arguments and that it has no side effects (e.g. print) in its application.

Here is a simple usage example:

from pyccel.decorators import pure

def square(x):
    s = x*x
    return s

This decorator has no effect on the C code as the concept of a pure function does not exist in the language. On the other hand, the pure decorator does affect the Python/Fortran conversion. The function prefix pure, which may allow the Fortran compiler to generate faster machine code, is added. See here for more information about the pure keyword in Fortran:

module boo

  use, intrinsic :: ISO_C_Binding, only : f64 => C_DOUBLE
  implicit none


  pure function square(x) result(s)

    implicit none

    real(f64) :: s
    real(f64), value :: x

    s = x * x

  end function square

end module boo


The @inline decorator indicates that the body of a function should be printed directly when it is called rather than passing through an additional function call. This can be useful for code optimisation.

Basic Example

Here is a simple usage example:

def f():
    def cube(s : int):
        return s * s * s
    a = cube(3) + 2
    return a

The generated Fortran code:

module boo

  use, intrinsic :: ISO_C_Binding, only : i64 => C_INT64_T
  implicit none


  function f() result(a)

    implicit none

    integer(i64) :: a

    a = 3_i64 * 3_i64 * 3_i64 + 2_i64

  end function f

end module boo

The generated C code:

#include "boo.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdint.h>

int64_t f(void)
    int64_t a;

    a = 3 * 3 * 3 + 2;
    return a;

Example with Local Variables

The following complicated example shows the handling of arrays and local variables

import numpy as np
from pyccel.decorators import inline

def fill_pi(a : 'float[:]'):
    pi = 3.14159
    for i in range(a.shape[0]):
        a[i] = pi

def f():
    a = np.empty(4)
    pi = 3.14

The generated Fortran code:

module boo

  use, intrinsic :: ISO_C_Binding, only : f64 => C_DOUBLE , i64 => &
  implicit none



  subroutine f()

    implicit none

    real(f64), allocatable :: a(:)
    real(f64) :: pi
    real(f64) :: pi_0001
    integer(i64) :: i_0002

    pi_0001 = 3.14159_f64
    do i_0002 = 0_i64, size(a, kind=i64) - 1_i64, 1_i64
      a(i_0002) = pi_0001
    end do
    pi = 3.14_f64
    print *, a, pi
    if (allocated(a)) then
    end if

  end subroutine f

end module boo

The generated C code:

#include "boo.h"
#include "ndarrays.h"
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>

void f(void)
    t_ndarray a = {.shape = NULL};
    double pi;
    double pi_0001;
    int64_t i_0002;
    int64_t i_0003;
    a = array_create(1, (int64_t[]){4}, nd_double);
    pi_0001 = 3.14159;
    for (i_0002 = 0; i_0002 < a.shape[0]; i_0002 += 1)
        GET_ELEMENT(a, nd_double, i_0002) = pi_0001;
    pi = 3.14;
    printf("%s", "[");
    for (i_0003 = 0; i_0003 < 3; i_0003 += 1)
        printf("%.12lf ", GET_ELEMENT(a, nd_double, i_0003));
    printf("%.12lf]", GET_ELEMENT(a, nd_double, 3));
    printf("%.12lf\n", pi);

Example with Optional Variables

Finally we present an example with optional variables:

def get_val(x : int = None , y : int = None):
    if x is None :
        a = 3
        a = x
    if y is not None :
        b = 4
        b = 5
    return a + b

def f():
    a = get_val(2,7)
    b = get_val()
    c = get_val(6)
    d = get_val(y=0)
    return a,b,c,d

The generated Fortran code:

module boo

  use, intrinsic :: ISO_C_Binding, only : i64 => C_INT64_T
  implicit none



  subroutine f(a, b, c, d)

    implicit none

    integer(i64), intent(out) :: a
    integer(i64), intent(out) :: b
    integer(i64), intent(out) :: c
    integer(i64), intent(out) :: d
    integer(i64) :: a_0001
    integer(i64) :: b_0002
    integer(i64) :: a_0003
    integer(i64) :: b_0004
    integer(i64) :: a_0005
    integer(i64) :: b_0006
    integer(i64) :: a_0007
    integer(i64) :: b_0008

    a_0001 = 2_i64
    b_0002 = 4_i64
    a = a_0001 + b_0002
    a_0003 = 3_i64
    b_0004 = 5_i64
    b = a_0003 + b_0004
    a_0005 = 6_i64
    b_0006 = 4_i64
    c = a_0005 + b_0006
    a_0007 = 3_i64
    b_0008 = 5_i64
    d = a_0007 + b_0008

  end subroutine f

end module boo

The generated C code:

Getting Help

If you face problems with Pyccel, please take the following steps:

  1. Consult our documentation in the tutorial directory;
  2. Send an email message to [email protected];
  3. Open an issue on GitHub.

Thank you!