Scope all the form fields %s/= (label|text|number|range|check|radio|select)/= vc.\1/g
\\ - comments out
\ - uncomments
jk - Escape
\rccc - Cucumber current (feature) file
\rccl - Cucumber current (feature file) line
\rcss - Rspec current (spec) file
\rcll - Rspec current (spec file) line
git branch -r --merged production | sed 's/ *origin///' | grep -v 'production$' | xargs -I% git push origin :%
Gdiff production
i - opens commit info for a commit opens the revision of the file for the commit
####jump to diffs [c
####update diff spec diffupdate
--- find all files with full path of type n find . | grep pdf
lsof -p lsof -i
select * from pg_stat_activity;
ls /usr/local/var/postgres
sudo vi /usr/local/var/postgres/postgresql.conf
sudo find / -name php.ini
php -i #outputs php configuration (information)
lunchy start -w php-cgi
perl -i -pe "s/oldstring/NewString/gi" find . -name *.blah
ack -l your_search_term | xargs mvim -p -c /$1
find . | grep -v 'git' | ack agreement -i | xargs mvim -p -c /$1
ack --ignore-dir=bleh
echo $GEM_HOME
ctags -R --exclude=.git --exclude=log * $GEM_HOME
dscacheutl -flushcache
cmd f12 - opens firefox
pry -r ./config/environment
cat /Users/steve/.rvm/log/ruby-1.9.3-p286/gemset.pristine.log
in rails console to see crontab: {|c| [,] }
Full search - f