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198 lines (170 loc) · 6.75 KB

File metadata and controls

198 lines (170 loc) · 6.75 KB


Small, flexible, single-header library for aggregate (struct / class) runtime reflection and meta data using C++11 features. Minimal STL usage, no other dependencies.


  • Copy 'reflect.h' to project

  • In ONE cpp file, define REGISTER_REFLECTION:

#include "reflect.h"
#include "my_struct_1.h"
#include "my_struct_2.h"
#include etc...
  • Classes / Structs should be simple aggregate types (standard layout)

  • BEFORE using reflection functions, make one call to



Registration in Header File, example: "transform.h"


#include "reflect.h"
struct Transform2D {
    int width;
    int height;
    std::vector<double> position;
    std::string text;

#endif // TRANSFORM2D_H

In Code

Initialize class instance

Transform2D t { };
t.width = 100;
t.height = 100;
t.position = std::vector<double>({1.0, 2.0, 3.0});
t.text = "Hello world!";

TypeData Object

// Class TypeData
TypeData data = ClassData<Transform2D>();           // By class type
TypeData data = ClassData(t);                       // By class instance
TypeData data = ClassData(type_hash);               // By class type hash
TypeData data = ClassData("Transform2D");           // By class name

// Member TypeData
TypeData data = MemberData<Transform2D>(0);         // By class type, member index
TypeData data = MemberData<Transform2D>("width");   // By class type, member name
TypeData data = MemberData(t, 0);                   // By class instance, member index
TypeData data = MemberData(t, "width");             // By class instance, member name
TypeData data = MemberData(type_hash, 0);           // By class type hash, member index
TypeData data = MemberData(type_hash, "width");     // By class type hash, member name

Get / Set Member Variables

  • Use the ClassMember<member_type>(class_instance, member_data) function to return a reference to a member variable. This function requires the return type, a class instance (can be void* or class type), and a member variable TypeData object. Before calling ClassMember<>(), member variable type can be checked by comparing to types using helper function TypeHashID<type_to_check>()
// Member Variable by Index
TypeData member = MemberData(t, 0);
if (member.type_hash == TypeHashID<int>()) {
    // Create reference to member
    int& width = ClassMember<int>(&t, member);
    // Can now set member variable directly
    width = 120;

// Member Variable by Name
TypeData member = MemberData(t, "position");
if (member.type_hash == TypeHashID<std::vector<double>>()) {
    // Create reference to member
    std::vector<double>& position = ClassMember<std::vector<double>>(&t, member);
    // Can now set member variable directly
    position = { 2.0, 4.0, 6.0 };

Iterating Members / Properties

int member_count = ClassData(t).member_count;
for (int index = 0; index < member_count; ++index) {
    TypeData member = MemberData(t, index);
    std::cout << " Index: " << member.index << ", ";
    std::cout << " Name: "  <<  << ", ";
    std::cout << " Title: " << member.title << ", ";
    std::cout << " Value: ";
    if (member.type_hash == TypeHashID<int>()) {
        std::cout << ClassMember<int>(&t, member);
    } else if (member.type_hash == TypeHashID<std::string>()) {
        std::cout << ClassMember<std::string>(&t, member);
    } else if (member.type_hash == TypeHashID<std::vector<double>>()) {
        std::vector<double>& vec = ClassMember<std::vector<double>>(&t, member);
        for (auto& number : vec) {
            std::cout << number << ", ";

Data from Unknown Class Type

  • If using with an entity component system, it's possible you may not have access to class type at runtime. Often a collection of components are stored in a container of void pointers. Somewhere in your code when your class is initialized, store the component class TypeHash:
TypeHash saved_hash = ClassData(t).type_hash;
void* class_pointer = (void*)(&t);
  • Later (if your components are stored as void pointers in an array / vector / etc. with other components) you may still access the member variables of the component without casting the component back to the original type. This is done by using the saved_hash from earlier:
using vec = std::vector<double>;
TypeData member = MemberData(saved_hash, 3);
if (member.type_hash == TypeHashID<vec>()) {
    vec& rotation = ClassMember<vec>(class_pointer, member);
    std::cout << "  Rotation X: " << rotation[0];
    std::cout << ", Rotation Y: " << rotation[1];
    std::cout << ", Rotation Z: " << rotation[2];

User Meta Data

Registration in Header File, example: "transform.h"

  • Meta data can by stored as std::string within a class or member type. Set user meta data at compile time using CLASS_META_DATA and MEMBER_META_DATA in the class header file with (int, string) or (sting, string) pairs:
        CLASS_META_DATA(META_DATA_DESCRIPTION, "Describes object in 2D space.")
        CLASS_META_DATA("icon", "assets/transform.png")
        MEMBER_META_DATA(META_DATA_DESCRIPTION, "Width of this object.")
        MEMBER_META_DATA(META_DATA_DESCRIPTION, "Height of this object.")
        MEMBER_META_DATA("tooltip", "Pos")

Get / Set Meta Data

  • BY REFERENCE, pass a TypeData object (class or member, this can be retrieved many different ways as shown earlier) to the meta data functions to get / set meta data at runtime:
// TypeData from class
TypeData& type_data = ClassData<Transform2D>();
// or from member variable
TypeData& type_data = MemberData<Transform2D>("width");

// Get meta data
std::string description = GetMetaData(type_data, META_DATA_DESCRIPTION);
std::string icon_file   = GetMetaData(type_data, "icon");

// Set meta data
SetMetaData(type_data, META_DATA_DESCRIPTION, description);
SetMetaData(type_data, "icon", icon_file);


Tested and compiled with:

  • GCC 4.2.1
  • Emscripten 1.38.43