- Resolve be-1426 "use lite to adjust init block"
- Ni: add-get-account-state-by-transaction
- Impl #be-1317: serialize_dict
- Impl #be-1412: partialeq for invalidmesage
- Impl #be-1604: update_recent_init_block on tonlib client init
- Impl #be-1441: improve dict load/store
- Fix dependency pinning
- Impl #be-1619: technical release
- Impl #be-1464: read dict key TonHash in BE format
- Impl #BE-1662: Limited get raw txs
- Expose emulator_set_verbosity_level, enabling ability to keep application log dry (#115)
- Impl #BE-1620: More strict dictionary handling
- Impl #BE-1624: Support wallet v5r1
- Impl #BE-1660: made LiteServerInfo fields public
- Impl #BE-1386: Fix handling null instead of dict in TvmStackEntry
- Impl #BE-1625: moved tx hash mismatch handling in factory cache
- Impl #be-1742: fix read_collection_metadata_content for internal
- Impl #ni: update tvm integration tests
- Impl #ni: tvmemulator cleanup
- Bump tonlib-sys to 2024.10.2
- Impl #be-1430: config path via environment variable
- Impl #be-1708: added cmp for tonaddress
- Impl #be-1785: removed state_cache feature
- Impl #be-1431: impl tryfrom for tontxid
- Impl #be-1429: tonhash converted to struct
- Ni: added into_single_root method
- Ni: bump thiserror dependency version
- Iml #be-1761: fix memory leak in emulator
- added From for [u8; TON_HASH_LEN]
- Bump tonlib-sys
- Impl #be-1820: rm unwrap from jettonmetadata conversion
- make pub TvmEmulatorUnsafe
- Impl #BE-1846: library cache
- Impl #BE-1881: Replaced dashmap by tokio::sync:Mutex to avoid mem leaks
- Impl #BE-1839: Boxed long errors, updated builder methods
- Impl #BE-1892: Display for TonHash
- Impl #BE-1893: Library provider trait and implementation of BlockChainLibraryProvider
- NI: bump tonlib-sys to 2024.10.4
- NI: Factory cache disabled by default
- Impl #be-1988: impl tlb-types and support anycast in tonaddress
- Implement load/store tonhash
- Impl #BE-1854: Factory cache disabled by default
- Impl #BE-2034: Support tlb StateInit
- Impl #BE-2032: Support tl-b Message
- Impl #BE-1989: Support tl-b TonAddress
- Impl #BE-2088: Wallet v5 message building
- Bump tonlib-sys to 2025.2.2