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File metadata and controls

99 lines (72 loc) · 2.16 KB

Alexandria Framework


$loader = require_once(__DIR__.'/alexandria/lib/loader');
$loader->register($namespace = "", __DIR__ . "/app");

$output = alexandria\cms::start([
	'db'       => [
		'driver'   => 'pdo',
		'dsn'      => 'mysql:dbname=test;host=localhost',
		'username' => 'user',
		'password' => 'password',

	'router'   => [
		'autoroute'     => true,           // pass routes to controllers that are matched with the namespace
		'default_route' => 'index',        // pass / queries to this controller
		'fail_route'    => 'pagenotfound', // pass not matched routes to this controller

	'firewall' => [
		'allow' => [
		'deny'  => [

echo $output;


In app/index.php or app/index/controller.php (use namespace index and the class name controller in the second case):


use alexandria\cms\controller;

class index extends controller
	public static function __widget()
		return "Hi, I'm index controller widget";

	public function some_action($id) // called with
		$ret = $id; // "some_id"

		cms::theme()->show_form('index/main_form', [
			'id' => $ret,

		// Dynamically load any library from alexandria\lib
		// and keep single instance in the cms:: registry
		$docker = cms::docker([
			'api' => '',

		$docker->containerExec("1a2fde4c", "rm -rf /");

	// ...

Form (View)

Hi, I'm an form.

I can write some value: <code>{$value}</code> if it's passed to cms::theme()->show_form() or cms::theme()->load_form().
Also I can display values from configuration: {[config_name]}.
And some widgets {{controller_name}} from the application controllers.

Alexandria Framework can freely work from the subdirectory while keeping all realativeness transparent, so you can generate project-related absolute links here:
<a href="{root}/path/to/some/thing">I'm a link</a>

Also you can use theme-related links:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{theme}/css/style.css">

Good luck!