Releases: stylify/packages
Releases · stylify/packages
Bugfixes + Typehint fixes
Full Changelog: v0.5.15...v0.5.16
External variables feature
When some external variables are defined (for example CSS variables) it makes no sense to define or import them into Stylify. Instead you can use mark them as external. More info in docs.
const stylifyConfig = {
compiler: {
externalVariables: [
// Simple string check
// Flexible function check. Return true if matched. Otherwise return undefined or nothing.
(variable) => {
if (variable.startsWith('md-') return true;
Full Changelog: v0.5.14...v0.5.15
- Fixed watching for directories with special characters.
- Used chokidar for watching directories instead of, because the watching system is simply a huge mess.
Full Changelog: v0.5.13...v0.5.14
- Fix: Bundler: Already normalized path should not be normalized again
Full Changelog: v0.5.12...v0.5.13
Now you can define Dynamic Components.
With this feature, you can create components, that changes style based on matches from regular expression
For example:
title--large title--$red
const compilerConfig = {
components: {
// title--$red
// title--#06f
'title(?:--(\\S+))?': ({ matches, variables, helpers, dev }) => {
const color = matches[1] ?? '#000';
return `font-size:24px${color ? ` color:${color}` : ''}`;
What's Changed
Full Changelog: v0.5.11...v0.5.12
- Added screen and pseudo classes group
md:{font-size:24px;margin-bottom:8px} lg:hover:{color:purple;scale:1.4}
- Utilities, that are not matched within a content are not generated even though they have been added within component or custom selector
- Removed unnecessary escaping of
in generated CSS - Characters aliases such as
can be now escaped\_
, so the_
is preserved:[.some\_\_selector]{color:blue}
=> this will not replace underscores
What's Changed
- Optimization tunning by @Machy8 in #159
- Multiple properties can be wrapped into pseudo class or screen group by @Machy8 in #160
- Aliases escaping by @Machy8 in #164
Full Changelog: v0.5.10...v0.5.11
- Removed isRoot from bundler file when processed
Full Changelog: v0.5.9...v0.5.10
- Bug fixes in Bundler watch task
Full Changelog: v0.5.8...v0.5.9