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Game of Life



"Game of Life" is a digital simulation of Conway's Game of Life, a cellular automaton devised by the British mathematician John Horton Conway in 1970. This game simulates the birth, survival, and death of cells on a square lattice based on a set of rules. It's a zero-player game, meaning that its evolution is determined by its initial state, requiring no further input from players.

Getting Started

To run this game, clone the repository and navigate to the project directory.

Run the following command:

turbo-cli run -w .

The screen starts blank. Use spacebar or touch anywhere on mobile to reset the game.



turbo::cfg! {r#"
    name = "Game of Life"
    version = "1.0.0"
    author = "Turbo"
    description = "Conway's Game of Life Simulation"
    resolution = [256, 256]

The game configuration sets up basic information about the game, such as its name, version, and author.


turbo::init! {
    struct GameState {
        grid: Vec<Vec<bool>>,
        next_grid: Vec<Vec<bool>>,
        cell_size: u32,
    } = {
        let cell_size = 8; // Size of each cell in pixels
        let grid_size = 256 / cell_size; // Number of cells in each dimension
        Self {
            grid: vec![vec![false; grid_size as usize]; grid_size as usize],
            next_grid: vec![vec![false; grid_size as usize]; grid_size as usize],

Game Loop

The game loop is the core of your game, handling user input, updating the game state, and rendering. A typical Turbo game loop follows the following pattern:

turbo::go! {
    let mut state = GameState::load();

    if gamepad(0).start.just_pressed() || gamepad(0).select.just_pressed() || mouse(0).left.just_pressed() {
        // Randomize grid on A button press
        for row in 0..state.grid.len() {
            for col in 0..state.grid[row].len() {
                state.grid[row][col] = rand() % 2 == 0;

    // Game logic
    for y in 0..state.grid.len() {
        for x in 0..state.grid[y].len() {
            let alive_neighbours = count_alive_neighbours(&state.grid, x, y);
            // Alive cell logic
            if state.grid[y][x] {
                // An alive cell survives if it has exactly 2 or 3 alive neighbours, otherwise it dies
                state.next_grid[y][x] = alive_neighbours == 2 || alive_neighbours == 3;
            } else {
                // A dead cell becomes alive if it has exactly 3 alive neighbours
                state.next_grid[y][x] = alive_neighbours == 3;

    // Swap grids
    let temp = state.grid;
    state.grid = state.next_grid;
    state.next_grid = temp;

    // Drawing
    clear(0x000000ff); // Clear screen with black

    for y in 0..state.grid.len() {
        for x in 0..state.grid[y].len() {
            if state.grid[y][x] {
                let x_pos = x as i32 * state.cell_size as i32;
                let y_pos = y as i32 * state.cell_size as i32;
                rect!(x = x_pos, y = y_pos, w = state.cell_size, h = state.cell_size, color = 0xffffffff); // Draw living cell

There's also a helper function to count "alive" neighbors:

// Helper function to count alive neighbours
fn count_alive_neighbours(grid: &Vec<Vec<bool>>, x: usize, y: usize) -> i32 {
    let mut count = 0;
    for i in -1..=1 {
        for j in -1..=1 {
            if i == 0 && j == 0 {
            let new_x = (x as i32 + i).rem_euclid(grid.len() as i32) as usize;
            let new_y = (y as i32 + j).rem_euclid(grid.len() as i32) as usize;
            if grid[new_y][new_x] {
                count += 1;