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Pancake Cat

Turbo game window with an orange cat head and falling pancakes


Move a cat left and right to catch and each pancakes as they fall from the sky. The more pancake you eat, the higher your score.

Getting Started

From the project dir, run the following command:

turbo run -w .

Development Tips:

  • If you update sprites while your game is running, Turbo will immediately show the changes. Just be sure to restart Turbo when adding new sprites.
  • Using the keyboard shortcut cmd+r / ctrl+r will reset your game to its initial state
  • After you run the project, see if you can change the hearts in background to tacos! taco.png


Game Configuration

The turbo::cfg! macro is used to define metadata and settings for your game.

  • name, version, author: Basic information about your game.
  • description: A short description of your game.
  • resolution: The resolution of the game window.
turbo::cfg! {r#"
    name = "Pancake Cat"
    version = "1.0.0"
    author = "Turbo"
    description = "Catch falling pancakes!"
    resolution = [256, 144]

Game State Initialization

The turbo::init! macro is used to define the game state and its initial value. This includes the following fields:

  • frame: The current frame number.
  • last_munch_at: The frame when the cat last caught a pancake.
  • cat_x, cat_y: The initial position of the cat.
  • cat_r: The radius of the cat.
  • pancakes: A vector containing the state of falling pancakes.
  • score: The current score.

Initially, there are no pancakes and the cat is located 128 pixels from the left and 112 pixels from the top of the screen.

turbo::init! {
    struct GameState {
        frame: u32,
        last_munch_at: u32,
        cat_x: f32,
        cat_y: f32,
        cat_r: f32,
        pancakes: Vec<struct Pancake {
            x: f32,
            y: f32,
            vel: f32,
            radius: f32,
        score: u32,
    } = {
        Self {
            frame: 0,
            last_munch_at: 0,
            cat_x: 128.0,
            cat_y: 112.0,
            cat_r: 8.0,
            pancakes: vec![],
            score: 0,

Game Loop

The game loop is the core of your game, handling user input, updating the game state, and rendering. A typical Turbo game loop follows the following pattern:

turbo::go! {
    // Load the current frame's game state
    let mut state = GameState::load();

    // Update the game state and draw graphics
    // ...

    // Save the game state for the next frame;

In this walkthrough, we will cover:

  • Cat movement
  • Pancake generation, movement, and collision
  • Drawing various game elements

Cat movement

The following code handles the left and right movements of the cat via player 1's gamepad:

if gamepad(0).left.pressed() {
    state.cat_x -= 2.;
if gamepad(0).right.pressed() {
    state.cat_x += 2.;

Pancake Generation

There is a 1/64th chance of generating a new pancake each frame. The x, vel, and radius of the pancakes are also randomized:

if rand() % 64 == 0 {
    // Create a new pancake with random attributes
    let pancake = Pancake {
        x: (rand() % 256) as f32,
        y: 0.0,
        vel: (rand() % 3 + 1) as f32,
        radius: (rand() % 10 + 5) as f32,

Pancake Movement and Collision

Updating pancake positions and checking for collisions with the cat:

let cat_center = (state.cat_x + state.cat_r, state.cat_y + state.cat_r);
state.pancakes.retain_mut(|pancake| {
    pancake.y += pancake.vel;

    // Check for collision with the cat
    let pancake_center = (pancake.x + pancake.radius, pancake.y + pancake.radius);

    // Calculate the distance between the cat and the pancake
    let dx = cat_center.0 - pancake_center.0;
    let dy = cat_center.1 - pancake_center.1;

    let distance = (dx * dx + dy * dy).sqrt();
    let radii_sum = state.cat_r + pancake.radius;
    let radii_diff = (state.cat_r - pancake.radius).abs();

    if radii_diff <= distance && distance <= radii_sum {
        // Cat caught the pancake
        state.score += 1;
        state.last_munch_at = state.frame;
        false // Remove the pancake from the game
    } else if pancake.y < 144. + (pancake.radius * 2.) {
        true // Keep the pancake in the game if it's within the screen
    } else {
        false // Remove the pancake if it's off-screen

Drawing the Background

Draw a tiled background of moving sprites:

// Draw a tiled background of moving sprites
let frame = (state.frame as i32) / 2;
for col in 0..9 {
    for row in 0..6 {
        let x = col * 32;
        let y = row * 32;
        let x = ((x + frame) % (272 + 16)) - 32;
        let y = ((y + frame) % (144 + 16)) - 24;
        sprite!("heart", x = x, y = y);
state.frame += 1;

Drawing Speech Bubbles

Draw a speech bubble when the cat eats a pancake:

if state.frame >= 64 && state.frame.saturating_sub(state.last_munch_at) <= 60 {
    rect!(w = 30, h = 10, x = state.cat_x as i32 + 32, y = state.cat_y as i32);
    circ!(d = 10, x = state.cat_x as i32 + 28, y = state.cat_y as i32);
    rect!(w = 10, h = 5, x = state.cat_x as i32 + 28, y = state.cat_y as i32 + 5);
    circ!(d = 10, x = state.cat_x as i32 + 56, y = state.cat_y as i32);
    text!("MUNCH!", x = state.cat_x as i32 + 33, y = state.cat_y as i32 + 3, font = Font::S, color = 0x000000ff);

Drawing the Cat

Here's how to draw the cat. Since its sprite is a horizontal strip, it is automatically animated:

sprite!("munch_cat", x = (state.cat_x - state.cat_r) as i32, y = (state.cat_y - 4.) as i32, fps = fps::FAST);

Drawing the Pancakes

Draw the falling pancakes

for pancake in &state.pancakes {
    circ!(x = pancake.x as i32, y = pancake.y as i32 + 1, d = (pancake.radius + 2.) as u32, color = 0x000000aa); // Render the pancakes
    circ!(x = pancake.x as i32, y = pancake.y as i32, d = (pancake.radius + 1.) as u32, color = 0xf4d29cff); // Render the pancakes
    circ!(x = pancake.x as i32, y = pancake.y as i32, d = pancake.radius as u32, color = 0xdba463ff); // Render the pancakes

Drawing the Score

Draw the score (aka number of pancakes eaten):

text!(&format!("Score: {}", state.score), x = 10, y = 10, font = Font::L, color = 0xffffffff); // Render the score