File Upload Behavior
php composer.phar require --prefer-dist yiisoft/yii2-imagine
Install migrations
yii migrate --migrationPath=@vendor/suver/yii2-behavior-upload/migrations
Create @storage alias for you structur
Configure you nginx server like this
server {
charset utf-8;
client_max_body_size 128M;
listen 80; ## listen for ipv4
root /var/www/com/example/storage/;
index index.php;
location / {
You must add behavior like this
public function behaviors()
return [
'class' => TimestampBehavior::className(),
'value' => new Expression('NOW()'),
'class' => \suver\behavior\upload\UploadBehavior::className(),
'attribute' => 'photo',
'thumbnail' => [
'admin_preview' => ['size' => '200x200', 'prefix' => 'v1'],
'admin_preview_without_animate' => ['size' => '100x100', 'prefix' => 'v2', 'option' => ['jpeg_quality' => 10], 'animate' => false],
'medium2' => ['size' => 'x100'],
'medium3' => ['size' => '100'],
You must add rule for file like this
* @inheritdoc
public function rules()
return [
['photo', 'file', 'extensions' => ['jpg','png','gif'], 'maxSize' => 10*1024*1024, 'maxFiles' => 1]
Upgrade your upload form like this
<!-- Get Uploaded image -->
<img src="<?php echo $model->linkedFile('photo')->thumbnail('admin_preview')->byDefault('/images/gogol.jpg') ?>">
<!-- Render upload input -->
<?= $form->field($model, 'photo')->fileInput() ?>
Its all of you need create for uploaded files for you model )
You don`t create data base or uploaded logic. All you need it add behafior and smoke sigars ))
REMEMBER: Your attribute for file from UploadBehavior options mast not exists in your model class
- attribute - your file attribute
- thumbnail - configuration for you thumbnail
- size - size image like this 200x150 where 200 is width and 150 is height
- prefix - add prefix for file name. When you modifien your thumbnail options you sey thenks for me fo this options ))
- option - imagine option for save file
- preGenerationOff - if this option is FALSE, this thumbnail don`t generated toafter uploaded file
- animate - if
animate == false
you gif animation is off - instanceByName - if true your UploadedFile instance changed on
- type - type of file. Exmaple: image. All type see
- fileModel - You model for file modified. You class must be instanceof FileInterface like ImageFile class
- messageFileNotFound - if file not found you see this message
- multiUpload - if TRUE you can a lot uploaded file, else you can only one file
WARNING: If you wont to lot upload you must add multiUpload=true
to your behavior options
Like Example
<img src="<?php echo $model->linkedFile('photo')->thumbnail('admin_preview')->byDefault('/images/gogol.jpg') ?>">
Other method
// Add file from path
// Add file from http
// return TRUE if remote file is exists else FALSE
//=> [
// ImageFile object,
// File object,
// ImageFile object,
// ]
// return list of uploaded file object
echo $model->linkedFile('photo')
// if exists you see
// if NOT exists you see ''
// if exists you see
// if NOT exists you see ''
// if exists you see
// if NOT exists you see /images/gogol.jpg
// => errtsjdhfjsdhsdfsdfsd
// => jpg
// => delete you file
// => /er/rt/errtsjdhfjsdhsdfsdfsd/errtsjdhfjsdhsdfsdfsd.jpg
// => /var/www/com/example/storage/er/rt/errtsjdhfjsdhsdfsdfsd/errtsjdhfjsdhsdfsdfsd.jpg
// =>
// => TRUE if file exists else FALSE
// => UploadBehavior::TYPE_IMAGE == 1
// => image/jpeg
// => 1545454 - image size
// => avatar.jpg
// => /er/rt/errtsjdhfjsdhsdfsdfsd
// => [width => 1000, height => 1500]
// => sdfsdfsfsdfsdfhsdjfh**sdfsdf - MD5 hash for file content