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[Bug]: #503

nfeliccia opened this issue Jan 23, 2025 · 0 comments · Fixed by #508

[Bug]: #503

nfeliccia opened this issue Jan 23, 2025 · 0 comments · Fixed by #508
bug Something isn't working


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NBA API Version



This needs scheduleLeagueV2 added to the


all = [

from .alltimeleadersgrids import AllTimeLeadersGrids
from .assistleaders import AssistLeaders
from .assisttracker import AssistTracker
from .boxscoreadvancedv2 import BoxScoreAdvancedV2
from .boxscoreadvancedv3 import BoxScoreAdvancedV3
from .boxscoredefensivev2 import BoxScoreDefensiveV2
from .boxscorefourfactorsv2 import BoxScoreFourFactorsV2
from .boxscorefourfactorsv3 import BoxScoreFourFactorsV3
from .boxscorehustlev2 import BoxScoreHustleV2
from .boxscorematchupsv3 import BoxScoreMatchupsV3
from .boxscoremiscv2 import BoxScoreMiscV2
from .boxscoremiscv3 import BoxScoreMiscV3
from .boxscoreplayertrackv2 import BoxScorePlayerTrackV2
from .boxscoreplayertrackv3 import BoxScorePlayerTrackV3
from .boxscorescoringv2 import BoxScoreScoringV2
from .boxscorescoringv3 import BoxScoreScoringV3
from .boxscoresummaryv2 import BoxScoreSummaryV2
from .boxscoretraditionalv2 import BoxScoreTraditionalV2
from .boxscoretraditionalv3 import BoxScoreTraditionalV3
from .boxscoreusagev2 import BoxScoreUsageV2
from .boxscoreusagev3 import BoxScoreUsageV3
from .commonallplayers import CommonAllPlayers
from .commonplayerinfo import CommonPlayerInfo
from .commonplayoffseries import CommonPlayoffSeries
from .commonteamroster import CommonTeamRoster
from .commonteamyears import CommonTeamYears
from .cumestatsplayer import CumeStatsPlayer
from .cumestatsplayergames import CumeStatsPlayerGames
from .cumestatsteam import CumeStatsTeam
from .cumestatsteamgames import CumeStatsTeamGames
from .defensehub import DefenseHub
from .draftboard import DraftBoard
from .draftcombinedrillresults import DraftCombineDrillResults
from .draftcombinenonstationaryshooting import DraftCombineNonStationaryShooting
from .draftcombineplayeranthro import DraftCombinePlayerAnthro
from .draftcombinespotshooting import DraftCombineSpotShooting
from .draftcombinestats import DraftCombineStats
from .drafthistory import DraftHistory
from .fantasywidget import FantasyWidget
from .franchisehistory import FranchiseHistory
from .franchiseleaders import FranchiseLeaders
from .franchiseplayers import FranchisePlayers
from .gamerotation import GameRotation
from .glalumboxscoresimilarityscore import GLAlumBoxScoreSimilarityScore
from .homepageleaders import HomePageLeaders
from .homepagev2 import HomePageV2
from .hustlestatsboxscore import HustleStatsBoxScore
from .iststandings import ISTStandings
from .infographicfanduelplayer import InfographicFanDuelPlayer
from .leaderstiles import LeadersTiles
from .leaguedashlineups import LeagueDashLineups
from .leaguedashplayerbiostats import LeagueDashPlayerBioStats
from .leaguedashplayerclutch import LeagueDashPlayerClutch
from .leaguedashoppptshot import LeagueDashOppPtShot
from .leaguedashplayerptshot import LeagueDashPlayerPtShot
from .leaguedashplayershotlocations import LeagueDashPlayerShotLocations
from .leaguedashplayerstats import LeagueDashPlayerStats
from .leaguedashptdefend import LeagueDashPtDefend
from .leaguedashptstats import LeagueDashPtStats
from .leaguedashptteamdefend import LeagueDashPtTeamDefend
from .leaguedashteamclutch import LeagueDashTeamClutch
from .leaguedashteamptshot import LeagueDashTeamPtShot
from .leaguedashteamshotlocations import LeagueDashTeamShotLocations
from .leaguedashteamstats import LeagueDashTeamStats
from .leaguehustlestatsplayer import LeagueHustleStatsPlayer
from .leaguehustlestatsteam import LeagueHustleStatsTeam
from .leaguegamefinder import LeagueGameFinder
from .leaguegamelog import LeagueGameLog
from .leagueleaders import LeagueLeaders
from .leaguelineupviz import LeagueLineupViz
from .leagueplayerondetails import LeaguePlayerOnDetails
from .leagueseasonmatchups import LeagueSeasonMatchups
from .leaguestandings import LeagueStandings
from .leaguestandingsv3 import LeagueStandingsV3
from .matchupsrollup import MatchupsRollup
from .playbyplay import PlayByPlay
from .playbyplayv2 import PlayByPlayV2
from .playbyplayv3 import PlayByPlayV3
from .playerawards import PlayerAwards
from .playercareerbycollege import PlayerCareerByCollege
from .playercareerbycollegerollup import PlayerCareerByCollegeRollup
from .playercareerstats import PlayerCareerStats
from .playercompare import PlayerCompare
from .playerdashptpass import PlayerDashPtPass
from .playerdashptreb import PlayerDashPtReb
from .playerdashptshotdefend import PlayerDashPtShotDefend
from .playerdashptshots import PlayerDashPtShots
from .playerdashboardbyclutch import PlayerDashboardByClutch
from .playerdashboardbygamesplits import PlayerDashboardByGameSplits
from .playerdashboardbygeneralsplits import PlayerDashboardByGeneralSplits
from .playerdashboardbylastngames import PlayerDashboardByLastNGames
from .playerdashboardbyshootingsplits import PlayerDashboardByShootingSplits
from .playerdashboardbyteamperformance import PlayerDashboardByTeamPerformance
from .playerdashboardbyyearoveryear import PlayerDashboardByYearOverYear
from .playerestimatedmetrics import PlayerEstimatedMetrics
from .playerfantasyprofile import PlayerFantasyProfile
from .playerfantasyprofilebargraph import PlayerFantasyProfileBarGraph
from .playergamelog import PlayerGameLog
from .playergamelogs import PlayerGameLogs
from .playergamestreakfinder import PlayerGameStreakFinder
from .playerindex import PlayerIndex
from .playernextngames import PlayerNextNGames
from .playerprofilev2 import PlayerProfileV2
from .playervsplayer import PlayerVsPlayer
from .playoffpicture import PlayoffPicture
from .scoreboardv2 import ScoreboardV2
from .shotchartdetail import ShotChartDetail
from .shotchartleaguewide import ShotChartLeagueWide
from .shotchartlineupdetail import ShotChartLineupDetail
from .synergyplaytypes import SynergyPlayTypes
from .teamandplayersvsplayers import TeamAndPlayersVsPlayers
from .teamdashlineups import TeamDashLineups
from .teamdashptpass import TeamDashPtPass
from .teamdashptreb import TeamDashPtReb
from .teamdashptshots import TeamDashPtShots
from .teamdashboardbygeneralsplits import TeamDashboardByGeneralSplits
from .teamdashboardbyshootingsplits import TeamDashboardByShootingSplits
from .teamdetails import TeamDetails
from .teamestimatedmetrics import TeamEstimatedMetrics
from .teamgamelog import TeamGameLog
from .teamgamelogs import TeamGameLogs
from .teamgamestreakfinder import TeamGameStreakFinder
from .teamhistoricalleaders import TeamHistoricalLeaders
from .teaminfocommon import TeamInfoCommon
from .teamplayerdashboard import TeamPlayerDashboard
from .teamplayeronoffdetails import TeamPlayerOnOffDetails
from .teamplayeronoffsummary import TeamPlayerOnOffSummary
from .teamvsplayer import TeamVsPlayer
from .teamyearbyyearstats import TeamYearByYearStats
from .videodetails import VideoDetails
from .videodetailsasset import VideoDetailsAsset
from .videoevents import VideoEvents
from .videostatus import VideoStatus
from .winprobabilitypbp import WinProbabilityPBP

@nfeliccia nfeliccia added bug Something isn't working triage Researching into a possible bug labels Jan 23, 2025
@rsforbes rsforbes removed the triage Researching into a possible bug label Feb 23, 2025
@rsforbes rsforbes linked a pull request Feb 23, 2025 that will close this issue
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bug Something isn't working
None yet

Successfully merging a pull request may close this issue.

2 participants