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sweiguny edited this page Feb 12, 2014 · 24 revisions

The PHP Persistence API (PPA) is an open source ORM Framework for PHP. It provides various features which will make your (PHP-)life easier.


  • CRUD (in work)
  • Relations (in work)
    • OneToOne
    • OneToMany
    • ManyToMany
  • Transactions (in work)
  • Inheritance (in work)

Everything is configured via annotations and PPA does autonomously read and process these annotations. There is no complicated and frightening xml schema configuration or the like. So your code will flow much easier into your versioning tool.

PPA does not explicitly provide DDL functions, because we have the opinion that this is not our territory. We want to give you as much as possible flexibility as well, so we want interfere in your database design.

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