All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
[1.8.3] - 2023-01-04 (swrlab)
- feat: add test and build ci
- feat: add build-checks to example app
- feat: add eslint to check lib and example
- feat: add tests for example layouts
- feat: add react-native example app
- chore: update dependabot checks
- chore: update deprecated-react-native-prop-types to v3
- chore: move package files to lib dir
- chore: move readme images to img dir
- chore: use code examples in test-app
- chore: move and restructure example files
- fix: move react and rn to peer-deps
- fix: color prop in simple example
[1.8.2] - 2022-08-15 (swrlab)
- fix: TextPropTypes (deprecated-react-native-prop-types)
- fix: ImagePropTypes (deprecated-react-native-prop-types)
- chore: reformat code-base and update readme
[1.8.1] - 2022-04-26 (swrlab)
- fix: ViewPropTypes (deprecated-react-native-prop-types)
[1.8.0] - 2019-06-29 (pjamrozowicz)
- fix: item.type.displayName bug in release
- chore: fix eslint warnings
- chore: moved to hairlineWidth
- chore: merge titleBoxStyle with default styles
[1.8.0] - 2017-11-04 (evetstech)
- ...