Dialect identification using Siamese network Siamese network based dimensionality reduction for robust dialect identification (and as well as language recognition) Requirment Python, tested on 2.7.6 (better with jupyter notebook) Tensorflow Training Model train_ivector.ipynb : Training siamese neural network model for i-vector feature train_word.ipynb : Training siamese neural network model for word feature train_char.ipynb : Training siamese neural network model for character feature train_phone.ipynb : Training siamese neural network model for phoneme feature Performance evaluation example of i-vector feature on MGB-3 Test dataset Confusion matrix EGY GLF LAB MSA NOR EGY 225 13 37 11 24 GLF 11 178 31 16 12 LAB 43 45 212 14 31 MSA 5 5 10 208 10 NOR 18 9 44 13 267 Precision EGY GLF LAB MSA NOR 0.73 0.72 0.61 0.87 0.76 Recall EGY GLF LAB MSA NOR 0.75 0.71 0.63 0.79 0.78 Overall performance Accurary : 0.731 Precision : 0.739 Recall : 0.732