If you would like to contribute to this module please open a pull request on Github.
We use ssdev to develop modules and project. If you want to get started with it, follow these steps to work on this module:
- install dependencies for ssdev
- run
npx ssdev init path/to/moduleproject
and change to the root dir. - run
npx ssdev serve
- install this module with
npx ssdev run composer -- require syntro/silverstripe-klaro:dev-master
- make your changes
- run the tests (in the root directory where you have inited)
- PHPUnit:
npx ssdev run -- vendor/bin/phpunit vendor/syntro/silverstripe-klaro/
npx ssdev run -- vendor/bin/phpcs vendor/syntro/silverstripe-klaro/
- PHPStan:
ssdev run -- bash -c "cd vendor/syntro/silverstripe-klaro && ../../bin/phpstan analyse src/ --memory-limit=1G -c phpstan-dev.neon -a ../../symbiote/silverstripe-phpstan/bootstrap.php --no-ansi --level 4"
- PHPUnit:
- open a pull request to the