This source repository contains the Android assistant app and lava_clock.
- assistant - Android offline voice assistant app
- lava_clock - clock app
This document describes general steps to build release a version of the assistant app using command line tools.
Flutter 3 is required and Android 33+ SDK (Android 13+) is recommended.
Flutter can be downloaded from Follow the installation steps and requirements. Steps below assume manual install from a linux tar archive.
Android cmdline-tools zip can be downloaded from
Use cmdline-tools to download the Android build-tools and platforms.
These steps may be helpful: (replace xyz with latest versions)
$ cd ~
$ tar -Jxvf flutter_linux_xyz-stable.tar.xz
$ cd flutter
# Add ~/flutter/bin to your PATH
$ mkdir ~/android
$ cd ~/android
$ unzip
$ cd cmdline-tools
$ mkdir latest
$ mv * latest
$ cd ../..
$ ./cmdline-tools/latest/bin/sdkmanager --list
$ ./cmdline-tools/latest/bin/sdkmanager --install 'build-tools;34.0.0'
$ ./cmdline-tools/latest/bin/sdkmanager --install 'platforms;android-34'
# Add ANDROID_SDK_ROOT=~/android to your environment
# Optional, add ~/android/platform-tools to your PATH
After these steps you'll have Flutter and the necessary Android tools ready to build apps.
There is a Makefile that can be used to do the entire build.
Run make release
or make bundle
. Both options will build a signed
release apk and bundle
creates and appbundle for Google Play.
A signing key is required for release builds. Create a file in
the app android
directory. Do not add keys to source control! Example:
- assistant/android/
The should have the following:
storePassword=<your store password>
keyPassword=<your key password>
keyAlias=<your key alias>
storeFile=<path to keystore file>
Run make assets
to copy built apk files (and bundles) to the assets
directory with appropriate version in the apk filename. For example:
- com.takeoutfm.assistant-0.1.0.apk