- inspect your post requests
- inspect cookies
- export cookies so you can use them with
- session cookie should expire on when user window is closed
( cookie attribute
should beSession
not some date in future )
to protect replace =
with '=
This will display a black cell when first downloaded, with a security bar at the top of excel document allowing users to enable editing if they trust the file
def secure_xls_cell(cell_value)
cell_value[0] = "'=" if cell_value[0] == '='
example of attack
=HYPERLINK(""&B1&B2, "Error: please click for further
you can use cloud API solutions like Scanii which can directly pull from S3, or implement solution where you would have antivirus VM that would pull list of files from app and then pull files from S3 and POST to your app resoult
update I wrote: and to deal with this issue. Basically you set up separate windows VM with antivirus (like Casperski) and you just add Which Doctor gem as a gateway to your Rails app to schedule scans.
- ability to login with 2 devices at the same time
now this may be a good thing for social network (mobile, tablet, computer at a same time) however in banking system dashboard that is a security risk. Make sure that only one session stays active.
for Devise gem in Rails there exist gem devise security extension :session_limitable
which tracks only one session an logs out other one (Beware, this gem has no tests and promote "writing own integration tests on application side)
if website is providing reset password feature, make sure that you show same error message (and redirect to same page) nomather if the email address is in your database or not. If you don't do that someone can crate bot that would randomply hammer your application with email addresses => exposing what email addresses are in DB
with Devise there is build in option
# config/initializers/devise.rb
Devise.setup do |config|
# ...
config.paranoid = true
# ...
...or iframe hijacking
Cickjacking is an attack whereby a web application is loaded in an IFRAME and transparently layered above an innocent looking malicious page. This allows the attacker to manipulate a user into performing actions unbeknownst to them, such as stealing sensitive information.
Server should send X-Frame-Option to client browser (most modern browsers sport it ). When browser receive it web page will prevent beeing redered in Iframe
# nginx/sites-enabled/my-site.conf
location @unicorn {
# ...
add_header X-Frame-Options SAMEORIGIN;
# ...
- note that the above will only work as an HTTP header; a META tag inside the page will not work
For older browsers use:
try {
if (top.location.hostname != self.location.hostname) throw 1;
} catch (e) {
top.location.href = self.location.href;
same cofeescript version:
throw 1 unless top.location.hostname is self.location.hostname
catch e
top.location.href = self.location.href
you should place both on your server
to test this create simple html file with iframe
<iframe src=""></iframe>.
example is in examples/clickjacking-iframe-example.html
Given user reset password now When he tries to access it within 2 hours Then resset password link should not be valid other words only one computer should be able to loggin for the same user. Logout the other computer.
Make sence for a bank dashboard, make no sence for social app (multiple devices at a same time)
Many web browsers will prompt the user to remember the username and password fields and offer to automatically populate them in future.
Internet Explorer > 11, Mozilla Firefox > 30, Google Chrome > 34) no longer support HTML 'AutoComplete' on password field
<input type=”text” name=”username” autocomplete=”off” />
<input type=”password” name=”password” autocomplete=”off” />
more info heartcombo/simple_form#1191
make sure you don't use cookie storage but some other better storage like cache store, database store, .. (explained in
solution : "Incorporate Client Identifiers Within Session Data"
Consider implementing a mechanism to detect session
tokens being moved between client machines
* user agent changing (browser)
* ip chang
basically the premiss is to map session ids to IP adresses however there is lot of discussion on how this may be an overkill
(for devise you can use my for of devise_security_extensions branch: sessions_non_transferable, once again there are no tests yet as original gem promotes writing integration test)
if you want to use it as a general session ID, you might have problem to deal with users behind a certain proxy gateway, where all users will have the same IP address. although it could be used to prevent session theft (using techniques like cookie highjacking) for some level. but it should be considered that the cookie hijacker can also mimic the IP address of the victim. so checking the user session and also the IP address can be a good practice to have a higher security, but is not a bullet proof solution.
in other words if you building nuclear misle application it make sence but you are better of just whitelisting IP addresses that can access the site on a firewall
one good approach is just to map changes of IP addresses and Browser changes analized in backgorund job and then just force them to verify (like caling client manager number)
testing session-non transferable using firefox-export-cookies plugin
- 1 cleare all cookies in firefox
- 2 login to your site and export cookies using firefox export cookies plugin
- 3
wget --load-cookies=/tmp/cookies.txt
try to upload located in scrapbook2/examples/filename_xss_example/XSSfile.<a onmouseover="alert(1)">a
Ensure that the secure flag is set on all cookies that are used to maintain user state or have any security impact, and that all sensitive data is transmitted over HTTPS.
meaning that secure = secure
cookies wont be sent via http => only https => cannot hijack
Also ensure that any redirects from HTTPS pages redirect to HTTPS and not HTTP pages.
eithere use config.force_ssl
in production => everyting is https == and all cookies are secure
or if you need some pages to be "http" as well force_ssl
only on controller and
you need to manually pass allong session_id
cookie another secure cookie with
random string you'll compare on your side
you can do
# in config/environment.rb:
config.action_controller.session = {
:key => '_myapp_secure_session',
:secret => 'super_very_long_key_more_than_30_chars',
:expire_after => 3600 # 1 hour , or use session option to expiere when session expire
...or for Devise gem:
add gem
and if you're using devise rememberable use
# config/initializers/devise.rb
config.rememberable_options = { secure: true }
one more thing don't use cookies to store information just use them to session ID. Rather store cookies in diferrent way. There as the whole cookie store is bad, so better use some other type of storage(ActiveRecord db, Redis, Memcache) more info here
# config/initialzers/session_store.rb
## old no-no cookie way
# MyProject::Application.config.session_store :cookie_store, key:
.session_store ActionDispatch::Session::CacheStore, :expire_after => 20.minutes
# confix/environmets/production.rb && staging
config.force_ssl = true
if you need it per controller level
class ApplicationController < ActiveController::Base
force_ssl if: :should_force_ssl?
def should_force_ssl?
! test))
class NonHttpsContoller < ApplicationController
def should_force_ssl?
You may have problems with NginX accepting the force_ssl
. To solve this use
location @unicorn {
# ...
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto https;
# ...
nginx should be updated regulary on server
sudo aptitude update
sudo aptitude safe-upgrade
# or if you prefere apt-get
apt-get update
apt-get upgrade # equivalent of safe-upgrade in aptitude
# if doing kernels
apt-get dist-upgrade
# And Unattended Upgrades for automatic security updates
apt-get install unattended-upgrades #
dpkg-reconfigure unattended-upgrades # enable or disable easity
# configure in /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/50unattended-upgrades
- my colegue M.H., thx Mike
# /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
# ...
http {
# ...
# disable SSLv3 (POODLE)
ssl_protocols TLSv1 TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2;
# ...
make sure that you render custom error pages for every error. You don't have to create own page for every error but you must ensure that you won't show NginX error page or Rails stack trace page
# /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/my-site.conf
error_page 500 501 502 503 504 /500.html;
error_page 400 /400.html;
error_page 401 /401.html;
error_page 403 /403.html;
error_page 404 /404.html;
error_page 405 /405.html;
error_page 406 /406.html;
will render custom error page (400)
another isuse is Rack::ShowExceptions
stack trace when you do
something like:
curl -XINVALID -k
this stack trace is by default turn off in production in rails 3.2.21 & rails 4.x but maybe you will need to turn it off for other enviroments. I don't know the solution for that, for me the production was good enough
test it with opening browser at :
# /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
# ...
http {
# ...
server_tokens off;
# ...
This also disable the version number from next check headers in
header. You should hide this header. You can find how to
remove headers is in this scapbook note file under "#Remove Headers"
If you compile your own NginX you can compile it with module
and use:
more_clear_headers Server Date Status X-UA-Compatible Cache-Control
X-Request-Id X-Runtime X-Rack-Cache;
...or if you mange to install sudo apt-get nginx-extras
working that
module should be included (never tried it )
If you use Nginx from Ubuntu apt-get repo
server {
location @unicorn {
# ...
proxy_hide_header X-Powered-By;
proxy_hide_header X-Runtime;
# ...
The pages within authenticated areas of the application are set to be cached in the browser. After a user has logged off from the application, these pages are still accessible within the browser, for example by using the back button. Within a shared computing environment, information within authenticated areas is exposed to this attack.
Caching of pages within the authenticated areas should be disabled. This can be achieved by returning the following HTTP headers for all authenticated areas of the application:
Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store
Pragma: no-cache
Expires: -1
in rails