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CReleaseNameProposals |
/CReleaseNameProposals/ |
This page collects proposals for the release name of the Tanglu release following 2.0 "Bartholomea Annulata". The release name must start with a "C" and somehow be connected to the previous one. Here is a short checklist for the release name, to see if it can be used for Tanglu:
- It must start with a C
- It must be related to the previous codename "Bartholomea Annulata" (a sea anemone)
- The relation should be direct. Association chains with too many links are not valid (e.g. Aequorea is a jellyfish which lives in water, water is a chemical compound, so is silicon which is often found in ground, potatoes grow in the ground so the next codename should be "baked potatoe" would be invalid)
- Relations should not be based on insider knowledge (an exception is stuff very well-known in the Tanglu community)
- If it is a two-part release name, the first part ("bartholomea" in the previous case) must not contain special caracters. In any other case, the whole name must not contain special caracters.
- It must not be used as a trademark already
- Don't create an incredibly long name, as we use the name in the archive and URLs. So, "Satanarchaeolidealcohellish" is not a great release name.
We will most likely do a vote on the next release name later.
Name Proposal | Relation to Bartholomea Annulata |
Cantarell | An offshore oil-field near Mexico. While the anemone lives in the sea, the oil lies below it. |
Calamari | http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Calamari |
Chlorostilbon maugeaus | A hummingbird living on several islands in the Caribbean Sea, where the Bartholomea annulata lives. |
Calliactis polypus | This is a sea anemone of the Hormathiidae family. It is usually found living on the surface of a sea snail shell in which a hermit crab is living. 1 |
Chrysiptera taupou | Chrysiptera taupou, known commonly as the southseas devil, southseas demoiselle, and Fiji damsel, a species of damselfish which live around Bartholomea Anulata. It is native to the western Pacific Ocean from the Coral Sea to Samoa. Pictures: 1, 2, 3. But there're many more of the species Chrysiptera. Have a [https://www.google.de/search?hl=de&authuser=0&site=imghp&tbm=isch&source=hp&biw=1680&bih=892&q=Chrysiptera+springeri&oq=Chrysiptera+springeri&gs_l=img.3..0.20611.20611.0.20745. look]! Very nice ^^ |
Crunchy Crab | No explanation is needed. Just a nice assonance |
Crab Nebula | Name of a supernova: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crab_Nebula |
Chromodoris willani | Continuing the tradition of high-lighting interesting marine invertebrates, Chromodoris willani is a colourful "nudibranch" or sea-slug. Its very pretty and thoroughly alien: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chromodoris_willani |