diff --git a/tardis/io/logger/logger2.py b/tardis/io/logger/logger2.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 3f1aa9abbaf..00000000000
--- a/tardis/io/logger/logger2.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,286 +0,0 @@
-import logging
-import re
-import panel as pn
-from dataclasses import dataclass, field
-import asyncio
-import concurrent.futures
-import threading
-from IPython.display import display
-import os
-PYTHON_WARNINGS_LOGGER = logging.getLogger("py.warnings")
-def get_environment():
- """Determine the execution environment"""
- try:
- import IPython
- ipython = IPython.get_ipython()
- if ipython is None:
- return 'standard'
- # Check for VSCode specific environment variables
- if any(x for x in ('VSCODE_PID', 'VSCODE') if x in os.environ):
- return 'vscode'
- # Check if running in Jupyter notebook
- if 'IPKernelApp' in ipython.config:
- return 'jupyter'
- return 'standard'
- except:
- return 'standard'
-def create_output_widget(height=300):
- return pn.widgets.Terminal(
- "",
- options={"cursorBlink": True},
- height=height,
- sizing_mode='stretch_width'
- )
-log_outputs = {
- "WARNING/ERROR": create_output_widget(),
- "INFO": create_output_widget(),
- "DEBUG": create_output_widget(),
- "ALL": create_output_widget(),
-tab_order = ["ALL", "WARNING/ERROR", "INFO", "DEBUG"]
-logger_widget = pn.Tabs(
- *[(title, log_outputs[title]) for title in tab_order],
- height=350,
- sizing_mode='stretch_width'
-class LoggingConfig:
- LEVELS: dict[str, int] = field(default_factory=lambda: {
- "NOTSET": logging.NOTSET,
- "DEBUG": logging.DEBUG,
- "INFO": logging.INFO,
- "WARNING": logging.WARNING,
- "ERROR": logging.ERROR,
- })
- COLORS: dict[int | str, str] = field(default_factory=lambda: {
- logging.INFO: "#D3D3D3",
- logging.WARNING: "orange",
- logging.ERROR: "red",
- logging.CRITICAL: "orange",
- logging.DEBUG: "blue",
- "default": "black",
- })
-class AsyncEmitLogHandler(logging.Handler):
- def __init__(self, log_outputs, colors, display_widget=True):
- super().__init__()
- self.log_outputs = log_outputs
- self.colors = colors
- self.environment = get_environment()
- self.main_thread_id = threading.get_ident()
- self.futures = []
- self.display_widget = display_widget
- # Only set up async handling for GUI environments when display_widget is True
- if self.display_widget and self.environment in ['jupyter', 'vscode']:
- self.loop = asyncio.new_event_loop()
- self.thread = threading.Thread(target=self._run_event_loop, daemon=True)
- self.thread.start()
- # Only set up display handle for Jupyter
- if self.environment == 'jupyter':
- self.display_handle = display(logger_widget, display_id=True)
- def _run_event_loop(self):
- """Runs event loop in separate thread"""
- asyncio.set_event_loop(self.loop)
- self.loop.run_forever()
- def emit(self, record):
- log_entry = self.format(record)
- if not self.display_widget or self.environment == 'standard':
- stream_handler = logging.StreamHandler()
- stream_handler.setFormatter(logging.Formatter("%(name)s [%(levelname)s] %(message)s (%(filename)s:%(lineno)d)"))
- stream_handler.emit(record)
- return
- clean_log_entry = self._remove_ansi_escape_sequences(log_entry)
- html_output = self._format_html_output(clean_log_entry, record)
- future = asyncio.run_coroutine_threadsafe(
- self._async_emit(record.levelno, html_output),
- self.loop
- )
- self.futures.append(future)
- def close(self):
- if self.display_widget and self.environment in ['jupyter', 'vscode']:
- self.loop.call_soon_threadsafe(self.loop.stop)
- self.thread.join(timeout=5)
- # Clean up any remaining tasks in the loop
- pending = asyncio.all_tasks(self.loop)
- for task in pending:
- task.cancel()
- # Run the event loop one last time to finalize all pending tasks
- self.loop.run_until_complete(asyncio.gather(*pending, return_exceptions=True))
- self.loop.close()
- super().close()
- @staticmethod
- def _remove_ansi_escape_sequences(text):
- """Remove ANSI escape sequences from string."""
- ansi_escape = re.compile(r"\x1B[@-_][0-?]*[ -/]*[@-~]")
- return ansi_escape.sub("", text)
- def _format_html_output(self, log_entry, record):
- """Format log entry as HTML with appropriate styling."""
- color = self.colors.get(record.levelno, self.colors["default"])
- parts = log_entry.split(" ", 2)
- if len(parts) > 2:
- prefix, levelname, message = parts
- return f'{prefix} {levelname} {message}'
- return log_entry
- async def _async_emit(self, level, html_output):
- level_to_output = {
- logging.INFO: "INFO",
- logging.DEBUG: "DEBUG"
- }
- # Remove HTML wrapping since we're using Terminal now
- clean_text = re.sub('<[^<]+?>', '', html_output) + '\n'
- # Update specific level output
- output_key = level_to_output.get(level)
- if output_key:
- self.log_outputs[output_key].write(clean_text)
- # Update ALL output
- self.log_outputs["ALL"].write(clean_text)
- if self.environment == 'jupyter':
- self.display_handle.update(logger_widget.embed())
-class TARDISLogger:
- def __init__(self):
- self.config = LoggingConfig()
- self.logger = logging.getLogger("tardis")
- def configure_logging(self, log_level, tardis_config, specific_log_level=None):
- if "debug" in tardis_config:
- specific_log_level = tardis_config["debug"].get(
- "specific_log_level", specific_log_level
- )
- logging_level = log_level or tardis_config["debug"].get(
- "log_level", "INFO"
- )
- if log_level and tardis_config["debug"].get("log_level"):
- self.logger.debug(
- "log_level is defined both in Functional Argument & YAML Configuration {debug section}, "
- f"log_level = {log_level.upper()} will be used for Log Level Determination"
- )
- else:
- tardis_config["debug"] = {}
- logging_level = log_level or self.config.DEFAULT_LEVEL
- specific_log_level = specific_log_level or self.config.DEFAULT_SPECIFIC_STATE
- logging_level = logging_level.upper()
- if logging_level not in self.config.LEVELS:
- raise ValueError(
- f"Passed Value for log_level = {logging_level} is Invalid. Must be one of the following {list(self.config.LEVELS.keys())}"
- )
- logger = logging.getLogger("tardis")
- tardis_loggers = [
- logging.getLogger(name)
- for name in logging.root.manager.loggerDict
- if name.startswith("tardis")
- ]
- if logging_level in self.config.LEVELS:
- for logger in tardis_loggers:
- logger.setLevel(self.config.LEVELS[logging_level])
- if logger.filters:
- for filter in logger.filters:
- for logger in tardis_loggers:
- logger.removeFilter(filter)
- if specific_log_level:
- filter_log = LogFilter([self.config.LEVELS[logging_level], logging.INFO, logging.DEBUG])
- for logger in tardis_loggers:
- logger.addFilter(filter_log)
- else:
- for filter in logger.filters:
- for logger in tardis_loggers:
- logger.removeFilter(filter)
- def setup_widget_logging(self, display_widget=True):
- """
- Set up widget-based logging interface.
- Parameters
- ----------
- display_widget : bool, optional
- Whether to display the widget in GUI environments (default: True)
- """
- self.widget_handler = AsyncEmitLogHandler(
- log_outputs,
- self.config.COLORS,
- display_widget=display_widget
- )
- self.widget_handler.setFormatter(
- logging.Formatter("%(name)s [%(levelname)s] %(message)s (%(filename)s:%(lineno)d)")
- )
- self._configure_handlers()
- def _configure_handlers(self):
- """Configure logging handlers."""
- logging.captureWarnings(True)
- for logger in [self.logger, logging.getLogger()]:
- for handler in logger.handlers[:]:
- logger.removeHandler(handler)
- self.logger.addHandler(self.widget_handler)
- PYTHON_WARNINGS_LOGGER.addHandler(self.widget_handler)
-class LogFilter:
- """Filter for controlling which log levels are displayed."""
- def __init__(self, log_levels):
- self.log_levels = log_levels
- def filter(self, log_record):
- return log_record.levelno in self.log_levels
-def logging_state(log_level, tardis_config, specific_log_level=None, display_widget=True):
- logger = TARDISLogger()
- logger.configure_logging(log_level, tardis_config, specific_log_level)
- logger.setup_widget_logging(display_widget=display_widget)
- if display_widget and get_environment() == 'vscode':
- display(logger_widget)
- return logger_widget if (display_widget and get_environment() in ['jupyter', 'vscode']) else None