Open world role-playing game and strategy map for Warcraft III: Reforged based on World of Warcraft Reborn featuring computer AI support which allows you to play the map offline. This map is not a recreation of the game World of Warcraft but is inspired by and uses some lore from the game.
Official website: GitHub Repository of the official website: wowr-website
The map is in the folder wowr.w3x and can be modified with the Warcraft III: Reforged World Editor.
Subscribe to become a VIP:
Send me your ID on Discord after subscribing to get it unlocked with the next map release.
- Report any issues on Discord.
- Support the YouTube Channel.
- Discord Server: Join to find players and discuss the map.
- Releases
- Google Drive
- Official download on Warcraft 3: Reforged - Map database
- Official download on Epic War
- Current development version: Use this page with the URL to download the directory, open it with the World Editor and save it as a Frozen Throne scenario to play it. It is stored as folder to avoid a big history.
Download and place the map file wowr[version].w3x
into the folder C:\Users\%USERNAME%\Documents\Warcraft III\Maps\Download
Start Warcraft III: Reforged and play a custom game by choosing the map.
Enable HD graphics in older versions of the map: Older versions of the map are restricted to SD graphics to avoid performance issues. However, you can easily remove this restriction by opening and modifying the map with the World Editor. Load the map in the World Editor and go to "Scenario" -> "Map Options ..." -> "Supported modes:" -> Choose "SD and HD" -> press OK -> save the map.
Make sure that the JassHelper and vJass are enabled:
The map uses Warcraft's AI for computer players. The map contains the modified common.j to make constants available to map triggers AND AI scripts at once. The map contains the modified which is used by all custom AI scripts. Run checkjass.bat on Windows to check all custom AI scripts for syntax errors before releasing the map.
The *.ai files from war3mapImported folder contain a very basic warlord AI for computer players. Warlord computer players start with a town hall and workers besides their hero. they will get a new town hall automatically to rebuild their base if the auto respawn is enabled whenever they lose all workers and town halls. This prevents ending the game for an AI.
The file is imported into the map whenever it is updated. It contains a very basic freelancer AI for computer players.
The map uses several custom systems created by Baradé which can be used in any other map. They are available in systems. Each system provides a prototype map which shows you how to use the system.
There can be translations of the map into different languages:
The files have to be updated according to the English file which is the main file. Strings in custom scripts should always refer to trigger strings in a GUI trigger which are added automatically to the war3map.wts file on saving the map with the World Edito.
Open the folder wowr.w3x with the World Editor and save the map as wowrX.Y.w3x. Use this check list when releasing a new version of the map:
- Add all credits from this README to the map to make them appear in the quest log.
- Add all changes to the ChangeLog in the quest log.
- Make sure that the global variables for the map and the game are split into the proper trigger editor folders. There should be no top level "Variables" folder in trigger editor.
- Make sure that the modified files common.j and are up to date with the latest Warcraft III: Reforged patch.
- Use checkjass.bat to check all JASS scripts.
- Check all translation files in the _Locales folder.
- Make sure that save games still work by saving and loading.
- Use the cheat "-savecodeduplicates" to check for duplicated save code objects.
- Use the cheat "-savecodemissing" to check for missing save code objects.
- Use the cheat "-checkheroskills" to check for all registered hero spells.
- Disable triggers for debugging or generating data only like "WoW Reforged Website" which only adds more code to the map script.
- Make sure the imported data is working and there are no corrupted or big files added by mistake. Check for imported files with a big size or 0 size.
- Save the map as wowrX.Y.w3x and tag the repo with X.Y and create a release on GitHub based on the tag.
- Upload the release on as many modding websites as possible.
- Announce the new release on Discord.
Saving the map takes some time due to the big number of objects. Hence, you can use the "Validate Map Triggers (F10)" action in the trigger editor before actually saving the map to make sure there won't be any syntax error.
Sometimes versions of this map might lead to crashing but since it is really hard to debug Warcraft maps, there are only some possible known reasons for crashes we have experienced so far:
- Missing pathing for buildings constructed by the AI.
- Lower number for maximum number than minimum number of summoned units for Dark Portal based abilities.
- Training of certain unit types by the AI.
in globals instead of a JASS function crashes the game on saving it.- String literals which are longer than 1023 characters will lead to crashes on loading save games.
Warcraft III: Reforged is a fun map based on World of Warcraft Reborn which has been created by the users DeMoNiKuS and EvilPitlord. DeMoNiKuS modified the map World of Warcraft by EvilPitlord. The original map had no trigger data, so all triggers had to be recreated based on the original map script. The original map script has been added to this repository as well as the original map strings:
Look into the folder original_map_modified where some of the modified versions of the original map are stored. Here is a list of some modified versions online:
- World of War in Warcraft 2.03b
- World of Warcraft Reborn 2
- World of Warcraft 1.8
- WoW Reanimated: Complete revision of the original map. It has many more dungeons, professions, heroes and races but no AI support and is missing lots of features from this map.
- Baradé: Creator.
- EvilPitlord: Original map.
- DeMoNiKuS: Original map.
- Runeblade14: Tests.
- Toasty Toast UwU: Tests.
- Deranor: Tests.
- Axxa's World of Warcraft Logo Creator: Logo.
- Wowpedia: Most of the lore.
- Jason Hayes, Glenn Stafford: A Call to Arms
- Kam, Xaran Alamas, Dmitry Rommel, Tufy: Gnomish Submarine
- Scias: BTNGnomeEngineer
- PROXY, ~Nightmare: Sargeras
- LordGandulfo88: Sargeras
- handclaw, Norinrad: Day Laborer
- Burning_Dragoon5: GoblinTrainingCenter
- HerrDave: Hellscream's Fist
- RightField: goblin airfield
- skymarshall: Goblin Fuel Pump
- MiniMage: Goblin Flame Tank
- Burning_Dragoon5: Goblin altar2
- skymarshall: Goblin Tower
- Mike: Goblin Emperor
- General Frank: Goblin Assault Tank 'Gazlowe'
- Null: BTNGoblin Assault Tank 'Gazlowe'
- Snirou: Shredder-Flamethrower
- induwer: Goblin Tower
- skymarshall, General Frank: Goblin Outpost
- Kuhneghetz: Goblin Mage (Variation 1)
- skymarshall: Goblin Barracks
- tillinghast: Goblin sorceress
- Makuza: GoblinFireworkerbackup
- Geries, MiniMage: GoblinAirDrone
- The_Silent: Drop Crate (Airdrop)
- Fingolfin: Parachute
- Sellenisko: GoblinHutNewOneV
- Freddyk: Goblin Bookworm
- Kuhneghetz: Female Goblin
- Blizzard Entertainment, skymarshall: Goblin Factory
- Hayate: Ogre Goblin Cannon Squad
- donut3.5: Goblin Mobile Turret
- donut3.5: Goblin Steamroller
- Shardeth: Gatling Canon
- SantoRayo[iP]: bohrturm
- 8512590215848: BTNOilStation
- kellym0, MiniMage: GoblinHammerheadSubmarine
- donut3.5: Goblin Rocket Rider 2
- General Frank: Goblin Bewm Bewm Tank - The Boomer Retooled
- Direfury, KILLCIDE, Mr.Goblin: Goblin Artist
- Marcos DAB: BTNGoblinFuelSpill
- Eagle XI: BTNGoblinDerrick
- NFWar: BTNAlembic
- Blizzard Entertainment, Darkfang: BTNIncome
- FerSZ: Fel/Shadow Shivarra
- 67chrome: BTNShivarraby67chrome
- Villagerino: Dwarven Miner (variative)
- Mike: Mines
- SeW: tory3
- SeW: tory2
- ossus: WarWagon
- Direfury: Dwarven Workers
- Sephiroth_VII: Dwarven Rail Tank
- Urkdrengi: Rifleman
- Hayate: Gryphon
- Tranquil: Dwarven Rider
- Fuzzyfury: Dwarven Mining Cart
- Tamplier: Dwarven Barracks (WOTR style)
- bakr: Dwarven Buildings (Bronzebeard)
- Ket: Kurdran Academy
- Tranquil: Dwarven Battlepriest
- erwtenpeller: BTNTrollSlayer
- Tranquil: Hero Geomancer
- GreyArchon: Dwarven Runecaster
- General Frank: Steam Fortress - The Vapourizer
- Deolrin, Kwaliti: Elite Siege Engine - The Übertank
- Mr.Goblin: BTNEliteSeigeTank
- communist_orc: Gold Bars
- The_Silent: Medieval Wall
- Deolrin, ike_ike: Human Mailbox
- Stefan.K: Hero_Khadgar
- loktar: Khadgar
- xw1995327www: Dark Portal
- Mike: All types castle (on standart textures)
- Mr. Bob: Norse Hall
- Rhapsodie: Legends of Arkain - BloodStone Dwarfs
- MatiS: High Elven Buildings
- Chen: RiderlessDragonhawk
- garfield: RiddenWarEagle
- supertoinkz: Elven Ranger
- Elenai: ElvenArchCleric
- bakr: Elf Village Buildings
- Cavman, Hawkwing, Mr.Goblin: High Elf Judicator
- Em!: Birdiepult
- Eagle XI: BTNStonewall
- Darkfang: Orb of the Sun
- General Frank: Orb of Fire
- Ujimasa Hojo: Shipyard (Night Elf) and Derivatives
- Retera: Tiered Temple of Tides (from Heaven's Fall)
- cleavinghammer: Coral Golem
- Retera: Treasury of the Tides
- Retera: Pyramid of the Serpent
- -Grendel: Naga Whaler
- Villagerino: Divine Golem (variative)
- Ujimasa Hojo: Arcane Observatory and Derivatives
- Ujimasa Hojo: Archer (Dragonhawk Mount) and Derivatives
- Jampacked11: Random Basic
- Lockheart: Rank 0-5
- bakr: Kultiras Buildings
- Asssssvi: Cannoneer Team Kul-Tiras HD/Age of Colonization
- Asssssvi: Guardsman Kul-Tiras HD
- Asssssvi: Flibustier Kul-Tiras HD
- Explobomb: Kul Tiras Dreadnought
- paulH: Kul Tiras Sailor
- Explobomb: Galleon
- Cavman: BTNSailor
- ViralHatred: Pirate Battleship (Hexed)
- Asssssvi: Rifleman Kul-Tiras HD
- Asssssvi: Knight Kul-Tiras HD
- Ujimasa Hojo: Battleship and Derivatives
- Tauer: Ner'Zhul
- Tauer: BTNNerzhul
- Tauer: Blackhand
- HerrDave, Le Shaysonio: Roman Infantry Pack
- Raging Ent: BTNRomanHelmet
- purparisien: Circus Maximus
- purparisien: Coliseum
- Miseracord: Gladiator-Miseracord
- Kuhneghetz: Lion Female (aka Lioness)
- Kuhneghetz: Lion Male
- Kuhneghetz: BTNLionFemale
- Kuhneghetz: BTNLionMale
- Kuhneghetz: Roman Villa
- GolluM_KoMe, olofmoleman, purparisien: Ancient Ships
- Tykkimies: Temppeli skinillalowpoly
- !!GORO!!: Tower1
- Kwaliti: Deathwing
- XenoStalker: BTNDeathwing
- Mc!: FireElementalByMc
- Blizzard Entertainment: Fire Elemental
- Explobomb: Old God Pack
- ikillforeyou: Goblin War Zeppelin
- Shardeth: Net Launcher Turret
- ILH: Nuclear Silo and Missile
- Callahan: The Void Lord
- Anitarf: Arrow Key System
- Opossum: Third Person Camera System
- Remixer: Pandarian Harvester
- PROXY: PandarenTemple01
- PROXY: HeroGoblinGunner
- Tiberius_XXVII: BTNGobGunner
- UgoUgo: BTNBShipCannon1
- Sylvie: BTNCannonIcon
- UgoUgo: Bamboo
- Asssssvi: Ship's Doctor Kul-Tiras HD
- Asssssvi: Storm Sorcerer Kul-Tiras HD
- 𝓚𝓪𝓭𝓸𝓿𝓲𝓨𝓲ツ: BTNAltar of Eternity
- 𝓚𝓪𝓭𝓸𝓿𝓲𝓨𝓲ツ: BTNHighElf Sanctuary
- 𝓚𝓪𝓭𝓸𝓿𝓲𝓨𝓲ツ: BTNHighElf Sanctuary1
- 𝓚𝓪𝓭𝓸𝓿𝓲𝓨𝓲ツ: BTNHighElf Sanctuary2
- Remixer: Pandarian Sanctuary (Advanced Research Center)
- Remixer: Pandarian Shelter
- Blizzard Entertainment, 𝓚𝓪𝓭𝓸𝓿𝓲𝓨𝓲ツ: Lordaeron Summer Doodads
- Solu9: BTNSimpleCompass12
- NFWar: BTNPieceOfShip
- raft_pl: BTNGate
- raft_pl: BTNGateOpened
- Bribe: Snippet Ascii
- TriggerHappy: FileIO
- Wildfire: Torch
- Explobomb: Fel Reaver
- Mr. Bob: Library
- Missing Shadowsong, YourArthas, Zorrot: Elune The Night Goddess
- Vensedouh: Elune's Vision
- Alethos: Envoy of the Goddess / Vicaress of Elune
- Blizzard Entertainment: BTNINV_Misc_Bag_09
- Direfury: †-Revellion-†'s Goblin Engineer
- Dangerb0y: Easy Item Stack 'n Split v2.7.4 as reference for the unstack and pickup item systems.
- MeKC: GetItemValue as reference for item gold and lumber value system.
- Ergius: IronOre
- Ergius: SilverOre
- Ergius: GoldOre
- Blizzard Entertainment: BTNINV_Ore_Iron_01
- Blizzard Entertainment: BTNINV_Ore_Mithril_01
- Blizzard Entertainment: BTNINV_Ore_Copper_01
- KelThuzad: BTNGoldBar
- Kwaliti: Jedi
- olofmoleman: JediStarfighter
- HerrDave: Star Wars - Darth Vader
- HerrDave: Star Wars - Stormtrooper Pack
- Tim.: Tie
- olofmoleman: BTNDarthVader
- olofmoleman: Marine
- Fingolfin: Fingolfins Separatist Fleet Pack
- olofmoleman: Geonosian
- Illidan(Evil)X: Imperial Shuttle
- Kwaliti: Jedi
- olofmoleman, Yoda: Yoda
- Illidan(Evil)X: Jedi Starfighter
- GreyArchon: Bamboo Doodad 1
- GreyArchon: Bamboo Doodad 2
- Illidan(Evil)X: LightSaber3D
- olofmoleman: BTNLightSaberMW
- Mc !: Laser
- olofmoleman: Droideka
- olofmoleman: Rancor
- olofmoleman: TuskenRaider
- Fingolfin: Multi Troop Transport
- olofmoleman: Hail Fire Droid
- olofmoleman: Super Battle Droid
- olofmoleman: Dwarf Spider Droid
- olofmoleman: DroidStarFighter
- olofmoleman: TechnoUnionShip
- olofmoleman: Aat
- olofmoleman: DarthRevan
- Mechanical Man: Star wars Clone war vehicles
- Illidan(Evil)X: Death Star (high-res) IngameSkin
- Illidan(Evil)X: DBLightsaber3D
- Illidan(Evil)X: LightSaberHilt
- Illidan(Evil)X: ObiWans Lightsaber RotS
- Rolo: Factory
- Nasrudin: Jedi
- Wojannnn: Star Wars Sith pack
- Jack_Sparrow93: BTNGreenLightsaber
- Jack_Sparrow93: BTNRedLightsaber4
- olofmoleman: BTNLightsaberBlock
- purparisien: Ancient Shipyard
- Fingolfin: Acclamator Class Assault Ship
- olofmoleman: Gungan
- Illidan(Evil)X: NabooBuilding02
- olofmoleman: NabooStarFighter
- olofmoleman: Marine
- olofmoleman: BTNCloneTrooper
- Fingolfin: Republic Gunship
- olofmoleman: Marine
- olofmoleman: Turbolazer
- Fingolfin: All Terrain Attack Pod
- Fingolfin: V-Wing Fighter/Bomber
- Fingolfin: Consular-class Cruiser
- Fingolfin: Coruscant
- olofmoleman: Ewok
- olofmoleman: Kaminoan
- olofmoleman: BanthawithRider
- olofmoleman: ArcTrooper
- Illidan(Evil)X: Arc - 170
- RightField: laser
- olofmoleman: Gran
- Kricz: Knockback v1.01b
- Jab1z: Zeus Lord of Olympus
- purparisien: Ancient Barracks
- Fingolfin: Roman Heavy Cavalry
- Maker: Jump System v.
- bakr: Assorted Farm Buildings
- bakr: Kultiras Structures and Doodads
- RightField: Branch
- Mephestrial: Gan'arg Engineer
- Explobomb: Core Hound
- Murlocologist: Ragnaros
- Murlocologist: Ragnaros
- The Panda: BTNBlastHammer
- Murlocologist: Ashbringer
- Eagle XI: Goblin Building Icons
- Ceterai: BTNGoblinTower
- Darkfang: Mage Orb
- lelyanra: BTNDigArtifact
- Blizzard Entertainment: BTNAbility_Hunter_BeastCall
- Mike: Turret
- Blizzard Entertainment: BTNINV_Misc_Bag_10
- johnwar: Troll Gatherer
- Chucky: Troll Hall Tiered
- Just_Spectating: Villager Troll2.0
- -Grendel: Troll Manhunter (Pack)
- Em!: Giant Bat
- Jaccouille: Blood Troll Mage
- johnwar: Troll Hexer
- bakr: Tauren Buildings
- apaka: Tauren Worker
- Cavman: Forest Troll Female
- Deolrin: Jungle Troll - Altar of Blood
- Ujimasa Hojo: Shipyard (Undead) and Derivatives
- The Panda: BTNWindOrb
- warhog: BTNLantern
- Cynon_Ironsmith: BTNEyeOfDalaran
- Ujimasa Hojo: Granary and Derivatives
- Sin'dorei300: Blood Elf Villager
- Sin'dorei300: Night Elf Villager
- General Frank: Chaos: Altar of Terror
- Vinz: Cosmic Elven Wings
- Paladon: BTNPAngelWings
- icewolf055, MiniMage: SandElemental
- exN: BTNSand
- Ujimasa Hojo: Sacrificial Altar and Derivarives
- Wandering Soul: Pikeman
- Kitabatake: Fire Mage
- acolyteofdoom: HeroArchMage
- Tarrasque, General Frank: Lightning Elemental
- Tarrasque: Naked Lightning Elemental
- alfredx_sotn: AirElemental
- Mc !: FrostElemental
- icewolf055: Poison Elemental
- jigrael: BTNLightingElemental
- Darkfang: Elemental Convergence
- Ujimasa Hojo: Gold Mine and Derivatives
- Vexorian: SimError
- Henry_AC: BTNPowerGenerator with different colors
- JollyD: BTNLightingElemental
- BoatyMcBoatface300: Villager Kazotsky Kick Dance
- -Grendel: Void Walker
- Vinz: Void Rain
- Vinz: Void Disc
- Eldin HawkWing: BTNArcaneVoid
- Remixer: Pandarian Elemental Shrine
- Athur12A2: Wooden Bridges
- Skipper: FireworkTeam
- Coinblin: BTNFirework
- PROXY: Pandaren Sage
- Remixer: Pandarian Hall of Elements
- Remixer: Pandarian Storm Spire
- Norinrad: Pandaren Nurse by Norinrad
- General Frank: Pandaren Villager
- Mr.Goblin: BTNPandaVillager
- killst4r: Pandaren Building2
- Stefan.K: Pandaren Warlord
- Mephestrial: LegionTeleporter
- Vinz: Eldritch Covenant
- FerSZ: Jailer
- Alexen: Jailer. Base + Blue + Red
- FerSZ: Inquisitor
- The_Silent: BTNCinematicLever
- Blizzard Entertainment: BTNINV_Misc_Rock_01
- prizraknadache: BTNsteelcage
- Blizzard Entertainment, Xetanth87: BTNEntangledGoldMine
- bakr: Assorted City Buildings
- Blizzard Entertainment, genin32: BTNMurlocHut1
- Ziadoma: Jedi Drone
- PrMosquito: ManaWard
- RightField: webward
- Uncle Fester: MinigunTower
- Eagle XI: Highelf Building Icons
- Eagle XI: BTNBlueDragonNexus
- Hantoo: Santa Claus
- Hantoo, HerrDave: Santa Claus 2017
- Vinz: Christmas Tree
- Jaccouille: Reindeer
- JollyD: BTNGiftHive
- Mc !: Present
- Thrikodius: Frosty the Snowman
- infrenus: Bascinet Knights
- Mike: All types castle
- Mr. Bob: Medieval Buildings: The complete collection.
- PrinceYaser: Queen Azshara
- Eagle XI: Siegemachinery Icons
- Mike: Siege Tower
- Eagle XI: Medieval Building Icons
- Mike: Medieval castle
- purparisien: BTNladder
- MassiveMaster: Siege Ladder
- Hayate and, Mike: PackedTrebuchet
- PROXY: Pandaren Archer
- PROXY: Pandaren Honorguard
- PROXY: Hero Shado Pan
- PROXY: Hero Iron Fist
- PrinceYaser: BTNMedievalHelmet
- Mike: Marketplace
- Mike: Marketplace
- Eagle XI: BTNMarket
- Blizzard Entertainment: Neutral Building - Thieves Guild (Beta)
- MiniMage: Goblin Trade Prince Mech Hero
- Scias: BTNGoblinPrince
- xyzier_24: VoidSkullAura_v5
- Mike: University
- Mike: Towers
- Graber: Villager 255 Animations
- The Panda: BTNSimpleBow
- Uncle Fester: CheapStandardBow
- Mike: Catapult
- Mike: Bombard
- Eagle XI: BTNBuildableCathedral
- takakenji: TCCathedral
- Darkfang: Bishop
- Tranquil: Human Bishop
- Mike: Organ cannon
- Ket: Monk
- Eagle XI: BTNBatteringRam
- Mechanical Man: Battering ram
- Mike: Mantlet
- IamMclovin: Human Wizard
- Hemske: BTNWizardHat
- Explobomb: Battle Elephant
- Em!: Petard
- Miseracord: Crusader-Miseracord
- Mike: Tents
- Mike: Pier
- Mike: RoyalOrb
- Mike: Wagon
- expresso, Tranquil: Angel
- Mike: Chalice
- Asssssvi: Footman Kul-Tiras HD
- Asssssvi: Royal Guard Kul-Tiras HD
- Hellx-Magnus: BTNSpectralHead
- HerrDave: Skyfire Gunship
- Eagle XI: BTNSkyfireGunship.blp
- Null: BTNKul Tiras Defend
- supertoinkz: Gnome Ark
- Эльрат: AT-RT
- Bloody_Turds: Naga Dragon
- olofmoleman: PeregrinFalcon
- Cavman: Kul'Tiras Sailor
- Fingolfin: Wheat Field
- Alethos: Old Witch
- Asssssvi, Xelos: KultirasSiegeLandship
- Oren neu dag: Pirate_Flag, Hive Upload
- ikillforeyou: Horde Crossbow
- Blizzard Entertainment: BTNINV_Weapon_Crossbow_04
- HerrDave: Villager Cavalier Weaponless (Mike)
- ikillforeyou: Crusader Helm
- Sunchips: Mail Armor
- Usedwell: Lance of Honor
- Usedwell: Lance of Honor
- GooS: BTNImprovedLance
- Astaroth Zion: Astaroth Zion's Attachment Pack
- Kitabatake: Medieval Weapons
- olofmoleman: Medieval Trebuchet
- Cuore: Spanish Helmets
- Kitabatake: Samurai Helmet
- Kitabatake: BTNCrimsonYoroi
- Kitabatake: Katana
- Tasyen: CustomConsoleUI
- viiva: HumanUITile01.BLP
- viiva: HumanUITile02.BLP
- viiva: HumanUITile03.BLP
- viiva: HumanUITile04.BLP
- viiva: HumanUITile-InventoryCover.blp
- viiva: HumanUITile-TimeIndicatorFrame.blp
- Spellbound, Unwirklich: Demon UI - Widescreen
- I3lackDeath: Sin'dorei UI by I3lackDeath
- CRAZYRUSSIAN and, MiniMage: GoblinUITile2.blp
- Solu9: SPuiBETA_Tile_01.blp
- KelThuzad: BTNCharge
- Blizzard Entertainment: BTNINV_Letter_12
- Fingolfin: Praetorian Guard
- Kuzakani: Triumphal Arch
- Aquis: Villager Man
- Blizzard Entertainment: BTNINV_Letter_09
- Blizzard Entertainment: BTNINV_Letter_03
- Akolyt0r: BTNAquamarineRing
- olofmoleman: R2d2
- olofmoleman: C-3po
- Flowerman: General Grevious
- olofmoleman: BTNGeneralGrievous
- Mike: Ballista(Catapult)
- Just_Spectating: VillagerTauren2.1
- Blood Raven: Bronze Set
- HerrDave: Warcraft Crusader
- Mechanical Man: Hussar
- Spellbound: UnitEventEx
- TriggerHappy: UnitDex
- Bannar: RegisterNativeEvent/RegisterPlayerUnitEvent
- Almia: World Bounds v1.3
- Gottfrei: Leprechaun
- BLazeKraze: BTNLeprechaun
- RightField: rainbow
- dhguardianes: Rainbow
- 8512590215848: BTNRainbowNegation
- HerrDave: Hobbit Hole
- HerrDave: Hobbit Pack (Lotr)
- HerrDave: Gondorian Pack
- HerrDave, Tamplier: Gondor Barracks (WotR)
- HerrDave: Fountain Guard
- HerrDave: LotR Tower Pack
- HerrDave: Wilderness Outpost
- HerrDave: Rohan Doodads
- HerrDave: Riders of Rohan (War of the Ring)
- HerrDave: Rohan Archer (War of the Ring)
- HerrDave: Men of the West: Heroes (War of the Ring)
- HerrDave: Aragorn (WotR)
- HerrDave: Tolkien Elf Heroes (War of the Ring)
- HerrDave: Gimli (War of the Ring)
- HerrDave: Gondor House
- Hantoo: Chinese Soldier
- San: Pick Lock
- Blizzard Entertainment: BTNAbility_Warrior_Disarm
- Fingolfin: Sindar Archer
- Fingolfin: Sindar Spearman
- Fingolfin: Sindar Swordsman
- Fingolfin: High Elf Cavalry
- olofmoleman: BTNDarthMaul
- Mc !: BTNTheOneRing
- Lordul Dracula: BTNJedi Drone
- Mechanical Man: Comm Center
- HerrDave: Industrial Era Workers
- Illidan(Evil)X: M1A2 Abrams
- The_Silent: Medieval Wall Trigger Map
- Mechanical Man: Factory
- Mr. Bob: PowerGenerators
- JB_McKnight: Formal Villager
- Kofi_Banan: Airbase
- Kofi_Banan: Bunker
- qassamzed: US Ranger
- Mechanical Man: Barracks
- Zombie: BTNreload
- Zombie: BTNhelmet
- SataX: Heliport
- Illidan(Evil)X: Apache
- purparisien: United Nation Building
- Dragon Elf Mogare: Marine model
- Kofi_Banan: M-113-Ambulance
- Fingolfin: Su-35 Super Flanker
- Illidan(Evil)X: T-90S Modernized
- Illidan(Evil)X: Rocket Launcher Vehicle
- Kofi_Banan: Humvee
- Kofi_Banan: CargoHeliV2
- Mr. Bob: Shipyard
- Illidan(Evil)X: Upgradeable Missile Launcher
- Illidan(Evil)X: Cobra Attack Helicopter
- Afronight_76: FlyingMachine
- Kofi_Banan: Sam-Rocket
- Illidan(Evil)X: Aircraft Carrier
- killst4r: Nuclear Silo2
- WILL THE ALMIGHTY: NuclearExplosion
- mikeisman2: BTNNuclearExplosion
- General Frank: BTNTerranBunker
- HerrDave: American Officer Pack
- HerrDave: Breeland Militia (Lord of the Rings Online)
- HerrDave: Forge (WotR)
- HerrDave: RoyalDwarf
- Mister_Haudrauf: Monument Of Honor / Altar of Honor
- The_Silent: BTNMetallurgy
- Kuhneghetz: BTNRun
- Kuhneghetz: White Tiger
- ILH: Satelite
- kola: BTNEarthFixed
- The_Silent: Flamethrower Turret
- Zombie: BTNmachinegun
- Burning_Dragoon5: Guardmen medic
- Red Cross, Red Cross
- Illidan(Evil)X: BTNJeep
- Deon: BTNHeli
- Blizzard Entertainment, genin32: BTNTent
- lieutang: BTNAirFighterPilot
- HerrDave: O'Connor the Spy
- graystuff111: BTNRadio
- RightField: Radar
- SantoRayo[iP]: BTNRadar
- Mike: Safe
- Grey Knight: C4 Item
- Grey Knight: C4
- Deon: BTNTimeSpell
- Praytic: ArtilleryAttack
- WILL THE ALMIGHTY: Artillery Strike
- ANdROnIQ: BTNGrenadeF1
- Kitabatake: Grenade (missile)
- Fingolfin: Flashbang
- ChirusHighwind: BTNTarget
- The_Silent: Survival Ministructure: Shelter
- Kitabatake: Grenade (attachment)
- Zombie: BTNsatchel
- oh_snap: Btnm24
- Kofi_Banan: Apache
- Mc !: Arcane Tome
- iron_warrior: Gear Aura
- Infinitynexus: BTNAutoRepairBots
- Kofi_Banan: Bulldoze
- The_Silent: BTNMetalPlatingLevel1
- The_Silent: BTNMetalPlatingLevel2
- The_Silent: BTNMetalPlatingLevel3
- The_Silent: BTNMotor
- purparisien: Brick Tower
- Kofi_Banan: Vulcan
- BLazeKraze: Bandit Hide
- WILL THE ALMIGHTY: Ultimate Explosion --- Ground-based explosion
- olofmoleman: AT-AT Walker
- JB_McKnight: Formal Villager
- Fleck: BTNHerrDaveIndustrialWorker
- Fingolfin: Fingolfins Greek Building Pack
- Bioautomaton: BTNShrink
- Matilda_Knights: Time Rune
- terrio: Time Passing Sound Effect
- OgeRfaCes: BTN.TimeUp
- Blizzard Entertainment: BTNSpell_Nature_TimeStop
- Sellenisko: NozdormuTheTimelessOne
- Sin'dorei300: BTNNozdormu
- Golden-Drake: BTNWingedClock
- Kino: RuneClock
- HerrDave: O'Connor
- HerrDave: Mordor Great Hall
- HerrDave: LotR Orc Pack
- chopinski: New Bonus
- HerrDave: Troll Den (WotR)
- HerrDave: Lotr Troll Pack
- PurgeandFire: Libram v3.0.0.0
- bakr, HerrDave: Haradrim Barracks (Lotr)
- HerrDave: Mûmak
- olofmoleman: Barad'dur
- HerrDave, Tamplier: Orc Slaughterhouse (War of the Ring)
- HerrDave, Tamplier: Orc Mound
- HerrDave: Pack - Men of Rhûn
- HerrDave: Warg Rider (War of the Ring)
- Uncle Fester: HaradrimRider
- olofmoleman: Sauron
- olofmoleman: SauronsMace
- The_Silent: HQ Victrola
- Darkfang: BTNHolyNote
- Shaysonio: Roman icons
- Mike: Ballista(Scorpion)
- Mister_Haudrauf: Battle Chariot
- purparisien: Ancient Workshop
- MassiveMaster: Fortification buildings
- 67chrome: BTNTeleport
- Marcos DAB: BTNKingdomFlag
- darkdeathknight: BTNCamera
- Mephestrial: LogBridgeSmall45
- Itius Leurn Freim: ElfAltar
- Sellenisko: GoblinShopCentreCataclysmV
- Anachron: BTNANAHolyCross
- kola: BTNFlamethrower
- purparisien: Vintage Car Pack
- Ziadoma: GTA Checkpoint model
- Blizzard Entertainment: BTNINV_Misc_Bomb_01
- Blizzard Entertainment: BTNINV_Misc_Bomb_02
- 4eNNightmare: BTNRocketFlare
- MiniMage: HammerheadTorpedos
- Teaspoon: WaterMine
- Splatt: Bomb
- Scias: BTNGnomeEngineer
- infrenus, Kam, Sellenisko: Ironclad Submarine
- Zombie: BTNrocket
- GreyArchon: Goblin Sheep Processor
- Pvt.Toma: Gnome Engineer
- Champara Bros: Flame Thrower
- MiniMage: Goblin Tinker Turret Flamethrower
- Kofi_Banan: RocketMissile-2-
- Tarrasque: Naga Royal Guard
- Tarrasque: warqueen
- Sun gate: Scream of terror
- olofmoleman: Trex
- olofmoleman: Orthanc
- I3lackDeath: BTNPalantirSauron
- Fingolfin: Uruk Hai Swordsman
- Fingolfin: Uruk Hai Crossbowman
- Fingolfin: Uruk Hai Pikeman
- Alok: BTNUruk-haiPikeman, Elven and Uruk Icons
- HerrDave: Saruman (War of the Ring)
- The Lord of the Rings movies: BTNSaruman, BTNSarumansStaff
- NFWar: BTNGunFire
- Blizzard Entertainment: BTNINV_Ingot_Iron
- Blood Raven: Ingot
- olofmoleman: BTNJediStarFighter
- Kinjal: Aqueduct
- Tranquil: Monk
- DOTA2, Milan The Ripper: BTNJetpack
- Dinosaur Nest, olofmoleman: DragonRoost
- Syczewski: German Buildings
- HerrDave: German Infantry Units
- HerrDave: German Rifleman
- HerrDave, SonsOfSami: German Tank Pack
- purparisien: German Zeppelin
- M0rbid: BTNStickGrenade
- HerrDave: German Officer Units
- HerrDave: German Support Units
- merai: BTNTiger
- Syczewski: HerrDave's WW Additional Units
- Syczewski: Icons for HerrDave's WWII models
- Illidan(Evil)X: Me 109
- Teaspoon: Barbed Wire
- SonsOfSami: Trench Wall
- HerrDave: Wrath of the Kaiser: Flag Pack
- EhrGhoul: WW2 Flags
- The_Silent: Bunker Wall Pieces v.1.5
- purparisien: Brick House
- RED BARON: Red Baron Airplane
- Sellenisko: Dragons Reach
- Eagle XI: BTNVrykulMain2
- Sellenisko: VrykulWorker
- Eagle XI: BTNVrykulWorker
- Sellenisko: VrykulFisherHouse
- Eagle XI: BTNVrykulFarm
- Syczewski: German additional units
- Eagle XI: Vrykul Icons
- olofmoleman: VikingLongHouse
- Eagle XI: BTNVrykulWarrior
- Eagle XI: BTNVrykulWarMammoth
- Eagle XI: BTNVrykulHarpooner
- Alok: Dragon Roosts with Birth and Decay animations and team colour
- Eagle XI: BTNVrykulProtoDrake
- Ujimasa Hojo: Shipyard (Human) and Derivatives
- Eagle XI: BTNVrykulLongboat
- Ujimasa Hojo: Altar of Kings and Derivarives
- JollyD: Adventure Road
- Eagle XI: BTNVrykulThane
- Sin'dorei300: BTNRagnarFlamebeard
- Kershbob: BTNHeroRanger
- Insk: BTNRainOfArrows
- WaggaWagga: ArrowRain
- Cavman: Worgen Peasant
- Murlocologist: Worgen
- bakr: Gilneas Buildings
- Kimbo: BTNWorgenMoon
- Whitewolf8: Worgen Knight
- jordan10: Worgen Druid
- Sellenisko: WorgenDeathknigh
- Sellenisko, Zadelim/Zade: Adelas Deathclaw
- NFWar: BTNWorgenHero
- Cavman: Suited Worgen
- Mr.Goblin: BTNWorgen
- Sellenisko: WorgenBlackBandit
- BLazeKraze: BTNWorgenFemale
- Mister_Haudrauf: Worgen Rifleman
- Cavman: Worgen Footy
- BLazeKraze: BTNSavannahNight
- 4eNNightmare, HappyCockroach: Herald of the Deep Mother
- Grey Knight: Firework Update
- Ujimasa Hojo: Mortar Team and Derivatives
- Ujimasa Hojo: MortarTeam
- Oinkerwinkle: Telescope
- Kenathorn: Icons to Models Pack
- republicola: RingOfProtection
- Arak1da: DwarfHero Female Woodcutter
- Kenathorn: Pickaxe Item
- Sellenisko: Balrog Of Moria
- Grey Knight: DUMMY
- tillinghast: Alchemist lab
- Golden-Drake: BTNGDFlameWhip
- The Panda: BTNFlameStorm
- r.ace613: Acolyte and Derivatives
- Darky29: BTNDragonEye
- (Darkfang), Blizzard Entertainment: DivineArmor
- PrinceYaser: BTNSoulDischarge
- TurieL: RiflemanElite
- PrinceYaser: BTNPlateArmor
- Illidan(Evil)X: Replaceable Banner
- Blizzard Entertainment: BTNCharge
- Ujimasa Hojo: Shaman and Derivatives
- Alok: Furbolg Worker
- Stefan.K: Prophet Velen
- Mouseketeer: BTNDraeneiProphet
- Pvt.Toma: Gnome Castle
- Pvt.Toma: Gnome Worker
- Blizzard Entertainment, Sellenisko: DarkVal'kyrSvH
- Sellenisko: Golden Val'Kyr
- Hantoo: Raptors
- LordGandulfo88: Troll Raptor
- debode, skin by, FrIkY: Druid of the Panda
- pWn3d: demonspaceship1.5.2
- Pvt.Toma: Gnome Brassman
- AndrewOverload519: Gnomish Field Engineer
- Hantoo, johnwar: Elite Darkspear Troll Rider
- frostwhisper: Zandalari Throne of War
- frostwhisper: Troll Golem
- Matarael: Elven Boots
- terrio: item models
- General Frank: Orb of Darkness
- General Frank: Orb of Ice
- General Frank: Orb of Blood (...or Orb of Emos)
- Darkfang: Bloodstone Orb
- doom_sheep: Arcane Tower Missile Recolors
- General Frank: Orb of Poison
- General Frank: Orb of Lightning
- abcdefghstuvwxy: BTNOrbOfLightningYellow
- General Frank: Orb of Light
- Yours Truly: Troll Voodoo Cannoneer
- Uncle Fester: TempleOfSacrifice
- Uncle Fester: TrollTigersharkRider
- Norinrad: Gnomish Rifleman
- Norinrad: Gnomish Artillery Tank
- AndrewOverload519: Mechanostrider
- Ujimasa Hojo: Flying Machine, Gyrocopter, and Derivatives
- Pvt.Toma: Gnome Turret
- markus-1: Troll Hall Tired
- markus-1: Troll Barrack
- Chief_Death: Shaman
- frostwhisper: Aqir
- Filip95: Troll Barrack
- Footman16, SinisterX: Blood Elf buildings
- General Frank: Bloodelf 'Scorpion' Ballista
- General Frank: Bloodelven Archer Maiden
- General Frank: Bloodelven Decimator
- Sin'dorei300: BTNFemaleBE
- th15: laser
- ChevronSeven: OrcChild
- ChevronSeven: TrollChild
- antiquegirl33, Cheshire: Troll child icon
- Freddyk: Robot Factory
- Solu9: Gear (Rotating)
- kola: BTNGear
- Retera: Draenei Altar of Seers
- Retera: Draenei Hut
- Ujimasa Hojo: Draenei (Lost One) and Derivatives
- Ujimasa Hojo: Villager (Kid, Gryphon Mount) and Derivatives
- GiantSandWorm, Sephiroth_VII: GiantSandWorm
- Vinz: Orbs of Frostcraft
- GhostThruster: BTNlegolasHD
- North Star: GnomishHoverCopter
- olofmoleman: NazgulRider
- LordRazor: Gnome Teleporter
- Norinrad: Gnomish Warlock
- BLazeKraze: BTNBrainSap
- Mike: UniversalFarm
- Ergius: WoodenPool
- armel: StarDestroyer
- HerrDave: Star Wars - Stormtrooper Pack
- olofmoleman: AT-ST Walker
- Tim: Tie
- olofmoleman: KotoBeastNoRider
- olofmoleman: KotoBeastNoRider
- olofmoleman: RepublicAssaultShip
- olofmoleman: JarJarBinks
- biridius, snorthcall2t: Futuristic buildings
- Fingolfin: Greek Hoplite (Corinthian)
- Fingolfin: Greek Soldier (Corinthian)
- AbstractCreativity: BTNHopliteHelmetUPG1
- AbstractCreativity: BTNHopliteHelmetUPG2
- AbstractCreativity: BTNHopliteHelmetUPG3
- purparisien: Lighthouse of Alexandria
- Fingolfin: Companion Cavalry
- Wezthal: BTNReturnResources2
- Ujimasa Hojo: Acolyte and Derivatives
- Tranquil: Monk
- Painkiller91: Old Man
- eubz: Armored_VillagerMan_Archer
- bakr: Lordaeron Buildings
- z00rtaz: Human Slinger
- Hoth: Cage/Transport Chariot pack
- HerrDave: Greek Battle Helmet
- loktar: Corn & Wheat Pack
- Blizzard, MasterDragons: BTNINVWaterBucket
- bakr: Assorted Village Buildings
- Kimbo: Sparta
- .KC, diosilva16: Villager in robe - 40 animations
- purparisien: Ancient Market
- Asssssvi: Mystical Knight on Pegasus Lordaeron
- Tunadil: The Seven Kingdoms of Human
- Kuhneghetz: Riderless Undead Horse
- Ceterai: Orc Taming Pack
- Walle: BTNPickPocket
- Asssssvi: Archer Lordaeron
- Asssssvi: Knight Lordaeron
- bakr: Lordaeron Units
- Asssssvi: Spearman Lordaeron
- Himperion: Lordaeron Magician
- Asssssvi: Crossbowman Lordaeron
- Arkamond: BTNCopperCoins
- NemoVonFish: BTNSilverCoin
- MultiGod: BTNElectricityBreakout
- skrab: Noname
- Mephestrial: HumanOilPlatform
- communist_orc: Spike Trap
- Heroic_Milkman: Bee
- Jaccouille: Honeycomb Item
- communist_orc: Noname
- darkdeathknight: BTNFish
- Retera: Fish Item Model
- maxor_gan: BTNWheat
- Illidan(Evil)X: Tiberium Crystals - Green/blue
- killst4r: Geyser
- 4eNNightmare: BTNTestOfFaith
- Shimrra: BTNResourceCrystal
- Shimrra: BTNVespianGeyser
- 67chrome: BTNAstralCalander
- KelThuzad: BTNSilverBar
- Ziadoma, Blizzard Entertainment: Ingots
- maxor_gan: BTNFirePit
- Mr. Bob: Tavern
- TESCAO: BTNLaserBeam
- jk2pach: ScoutTower
- Cavman: Bull and Cow
- darkdeathknight: BTNcow
- Frozen_Naga: BTN.Galaxy
- Blizzard Entertainment: BTNINV_Misc_Food_18
- HerrDave: Scarlet Monastery
- olofmoleman: Hoth Blaster
- Asssssvi: Footman Lordaeron HQ
- Asssssvi: Rifleman Lordaeron HD
- Jiok: Bannercarrier and Derivatives
- Kofi_Banan, purparisien: Wagons and Train
- unchips: Fish Vending Stand
- Sellenisko: MoriaGoblin
- bakr: Human Alliance Banners
- Alok: Nerubian Worker
- Ujimasa Hojo: Necropolis and Derivatives
- Lender: Web
- Khazmo: Altar of the Spider
- Zion007: SpiderAltarIconNew2
- Tranquil: Door 00
- Darky29: BTNEgg
- communist_orc: Witch Hut
- Bioautomaton: Human Airship
- Stefan.K: Goblin Prince
- killst4r: command center connected final
- General Frank: BTNCommandCenter
- killst4r: SCV Final
- General Frank: BTNTerranSCV
- General Frank: BTNTerranSupplyDepot
- killst4r: SupplyDepot
- The_Silent: BTNSyringeStimpack
- killst4r: Barracks Connected
- killst4r: Akademy
- General Frank: BTNTerranAcademy
- Max666: Battlecruiser
- Shimrra: BTNBattleCruiser
- Don Valentino: Demon Armor Upgrade
- Hawkwing: Naaru
- Chen: BTNGiftoftheNaaru
- Blood Raven: Anvil
- Ujimasa Hojo: Crypt and Derivatives
- AndrewOverload519: Crypt Drone
- AndrewOverload519: Crypt Drone Cocoon
- Ujimasa Hojo: Boneyard and Derivatives
- Ujimasa Hojo: Tomb of Relics and Derivatives
- Markus3832: Starcraft Larva
- Shimrra: BTNLarva
- Ujimasa Hojo: Shrine of Azshara and Derivatives
- Burning_Dragoon5: Nerubian Flying Bombarder by Burning_Dragoon5
- Maxwell: BTNNerubian_Bombarder
- Mister_Haudrauf: Spider Nest
- MatiS: Nerubian Watchtower/Stronghold/Palace
- Windrunner29: BTNNerubianPalace
- Hellx-Magnus: BTNNerubianScepter
- The Panda: Pack of Nerub Icons
- alfredx_sotn: CryptFiend
- unwirklich, Wa666r: Nerubian UI
- Lender: Web animated
- Juice_F: BTNSpiderWeb
- Sellenisko: ArmoredWolf
- Sin'dorei300: BTNArmoredBlackWolf
- Sin'dorei300: BTNArmoredWolf
- Sellenisko: VrykulLamp
- Sellenisko: UndeadVrykul
- D.O.G.: BTNIconSave
- General Frank: Frankster's Gems
- Cavman, Kuhneghetz: Eversong Lynx
- Mr. Bob: Norse Stronghold
- Sin'dorei300: BarbarianVillager
- Direfury: Norse Runecarver
- Palaslayer: BTNHorn
- Mephestrial: GilneasGunship
- Mc !: Werewolf
- bakr: Gilneas Units
- Darkfang: Arcane Sphere Orb
- SovietElf: Shadow orb
- Blizzard Entertainment, Darkfang: MoonOrb
- Mechanical Man: Manticore
- Eagle XI: BTNManticore
- Worgen: Feral Worgen & Derivatives
- Sellenisko: WorgenCage
- bakr: Transport Ships
- bakr: Frigates
- Ujimasa Hojo: Battleship and Derivatives
- Amigurumi: BTNDice
- Blood Raven: Dice and Cup
- Stefan.K: Genn Greymane
- Sellenisko: GreymaneWall
- ShadiHD: CSW - High Elf Swordsman Soundset
- Loken Ironwolf: Warcraft III Cenarius Soundset
- Cavman, Hawkwing: Arakkoa
- Ujimasa Hojo: Harpy and Derivatives
- Mouseketeer: BTNArakkoaWarrioress
- garfield: Tuskarr Worker
- Mr.Goblin: Tuskarr Pack
- Retera: Northrend Buildings Pack
- Cavman, Mr.Goblin: TuskarrShaman
- Retera: Tuskarr Mammoth Rider
- Gen Bloodhorn: tuskarr villager
- Retera: Frozen Halls and derivatives
- kola: BTNHarpoon
- Retera: Owl Moon Priestess
- Barorque: Druid Forms
- UgoUgo: MeteorStrike
- Aldeia: Fire Meteor
- Cavman, Kuhneghetz: Night Elf Druid Cat Form
- Dmitry Rommel: Archdruid
- Blizzard Entertainment: BTNDruidOfTheTalonBETA
- Xetanth87: Owl Riding Priestess of the Moon
- PetHer01c3, StonemaulMidget: Murloc Buildings (Completed)
- Retera: Dragon Turtle with Siege Mode
- 67chrome: BTNMurlocGreenWorkerby67chrome
- frostwhisper: Multi-Tier Hydra
- Murlocologist, Stefan.K: Magni Bronzebeard
- Retera: Elite Armored Polar Bear
- PrincePhoenix: UI Ice CRAZYRUSSIAN Fixed By Phoenix
- The_Silent: Crossbow Turret
- Liomsi: Murlocs models and Icons
- WilliamBz: Murloc Hatchling Ground
- willydawiller: Murloc Fisher
- Maxwell: BTNMurloc_Caviar
- 00110000: Murloc Air / Bubble Mage
- Zephyrius2412: Murloc & Mur'gul - Variations - Shadowcaster
- Marcos DAB: BTNWaterPearlStaff
- Mr.Goblin: BTNShaman
- HerrDave: Captain James Hook
- Mc !: Tome Of Retraining
- Blizzard Entertainment, Zephyrius2412: High Elven Upgrades
- Spellbound: Lost Tribe UI
- Direfury: Ogre Peon\Peasant/Worker
- Rubellu Sidus: Ogre Mound
- Stanakin: BTNOgreClubs2
- supertoinkz: WC2 Ogre (Normal Ogre Texture)
- supertoinkz: WC2 Ogre (Ogre Mage Texture)
- NO_exe: TaurenAxeFighter
- flemil: Tauren Catapult
- Null: BTNTauren Catapult
- Stefan.K: Female Tauren Druid
- Cavman, Kuhneghetz: Tauren Druid Cat Form
- b17rider: BTNBlackTaurenShaman
- johnwar: Elite Tauren (Re-Classic)
- Taur: TaurenSpearThrower
- Fingolfin: Totem Pole
- Wildfire: BTNTaurenTotem
- Blizzard Entertainment, HerrDave: Teamcolored Kodo
- apaka: TaurenKodoBeast
- Direfury: Gnome Arcanist
- Sin'dorei300: Black Wizard
- Norinrad: Gnomish Bombardier
- darkdeathknight: BTNCamera
- darkdeathknight: BTNCameraReset
- darkdeathknight: BTNCameraRight
- darkdeathknight: BTNCameraLeft
- darkdeathknight: BTNCameraClose
- darkdeathknight: BTNCameraFar
- r.ace613: Tauren and Derivatives
- ChevronSeven: BTNOrbOfNature
- Sin'dorei300: Heart Amulet
- Lord_T: Lord_T's Ogre Drummer
- Kitabatake: Ogre Stone Thrower
- Red XIII: WCIIOgreMound
- killst4r: Pandaren Building6
- Athur12A2: Paper Lanterns
- FrIkY: BTNPandaWeaponUpg1
- FrIkY: BTNPandaWeaponUpg2
- FrIkY: BTNPandaWeaponUpg3
- FrIkY: BTNPandaArmorUpg1
- FrIkY: BTNPandaArmorUpg2
- FrIkY: BTNPandaArmorUpg2
- killst4r: Pandaren Building7
- Spellbound, Unwirklich: Pandaren UI - Widescreen version
- Kimbo: CritterTurtle
- Norinrad: Pandaren Geomancer by Norinrad
- Skipper: PandarenMilitia
- eubz: High_Bamboo
- infrenus: Pandaren Transport Ship
- infrenus: Pandaren Battleship
- chr2: BTNPandaAura
- Tauer: Gul'dan
- PrinceYaser: BTNGul'dan
- Tauer: GaronaHalforcen
- loktar: Garona
- kola: BTNQuestScroll
- Just_Spectating: Villager Druid 2.0
- kola: BTNOrange
- kola: BTNBanana3
- D.O.G.: Banana Item
- WyrWuulfe: Satyr
- Oinkerwinkle: HarvestCart
- HerrDave: Berry Bush
- Ujimasa Hojo: Hunter's Hall and Derivatives
- Ujimasa Hojo: Ancient of Lore and Derivatives
- Ujimasa Hojo: Ancient of Wind and Derivatives
- 84chrome: Corrupted Night Elves
- Loken Ironwolf: Warcraft III Medivh Soundset
- Technopig: Bilgewater Building Icon Pack
- (zerotul), Blizzard Entertainment: Furbolg Hut
- (zerotul), Blizzard Entertainment: Furbolg Hut 2
- (zerotul), Blizzard Entertainment: Centaur Tent
- (zerotul), Blizzard Entertainment: Centaur Tent 2
- Searinox: centaur worker
- Alfagar: Centaur Tent Camp
- Mephestrial: Gnoll Race Pack
- Mephestrial: HeroGnollAlpha
- Gyrosphinx: Kobold Slave
- Direfury: Wildland Storehouse/Fort\Hold
- Mister_Haudrauf: Quilboar Race
- WilliamBz: WarCraft III Guldan soundset
- Zenonoth: Mal'Ganis Soundset
- Dragunov: Maiev Caged
- r.ace613: Ancient of Wind and Derivatives
- Direfury: All-Purpose Gate/Archway\Portal
- takakenji: ogre arena
- Eagle XI: BTNSimpleOgreArena
- takakenji: OgreWarlock
- johnwar: Ogre Legion Models (Re-Classic Pack)
- Stanakin: BTNOgreClubs1
- Stanakin: BTNOgreClubs3
- Stanakin: BTNOgreArmor1
- Stanakin: BTNOgreArmor2
- Stanakin: BTNOgreArmor3
- Blizzard Entertainment: BTNOgreMound
- Marcos DAB: BTNGiantOgreSmashingHand
- Chucky: BTNOgreBash
- Marcos DAB: BlueOgre - Ambush
- Champara Bros: Holy Nova
- 8512590215848: BTNHolyBan
- strongwill: Dragon Kazan, Battle Realms
- Vortballat: Krush Tazsh the Ogre Warlock
- Eagle XI: Skeleton Ogre
- supertoinkz: Altar of some sorts
- Kam: Ogre Reincarnation
- Ujimasa Hojo: Grunt and Derivatives
- Serbianbeast: ElevatorPuzzle
- HerrDave: Elf Maiden
- Alethos, Cuore: Camel Pack Bundle
- Uncle Fester: BTNMagnifyingGlass
- Mc !: BTNItemForging
- Stefan.K: King Anduin Wrynn
- Scias: BTNHeroAnduinWrynn
- Chen: BTNKingAnduin
- Tauer: Anduin Lothar
- BLazeKraze: Anduin Lothar
- Tauer: Durotan
- 8512590215848: BTNDurotan164
- bakr: Stormwind Buildings
- Tauer: Orgrim Doomhammer
- loktar: Orgrim Doomhammer
- supertoinkz: Orc Oil Tanker
- Mephestrial: HumanOilTanker
- TheHuntress: Chaplain Icon
- bakr: Cathedral of Light
- bakr: Generic Human Units
- bakr: Stormwind Units
- bakr: Gryphon Knight
- johnwar: Footmen and Captains (Re-Classic Pack)
- Moy, Stefan.K: King Varian Wrynn
- Scias: BTNVarianWrynn
- Mephestrial: Knight Unmounted
- Jiok: Stormwind City
- chr2, Sellenisko: Gronn V.4
- Marshmalo: Gronn Icon
- Hawkwing: Blue Wild Elekk
- Ilya Alaric: Priest Pack
- AndrewOverload519: Female Human Mage
- Zydler: WC2 Death Knight
- Blizzard: BTNOrcDeathKnight
- Blizzard: Warcraft II Oil icon.
- Red XIII: WCII_GreatHall
- loktar: Great Hall (WC2) v2
- Red XIII: WCIIPigFarm
- Red XIII: WCII Orc Barrack
- Red XIII: WCIITrollLumberMill
- Red XIII: WCIIOrcBlacksmith
- Red XIII: WCIIOrcWarTower
- Red XIII: WCIIOrcFoundry
- Mephestrial: OrcOilPlatform
- Blizzard Entertainment: BTNOrcShipyard
- Red XIII: WCIITempleOfDamned
- Red XIII: WCII Altar of Storms
- LordPerenoldeII: Oil Patch
- Blizzard: BTNOrcCatapult
- Blizzard: BTNUpgradeShipArmorOrc
- Blizzard: BTNUpgradeShipArmorOrc2
- Blizzard: BTNUpgradeCannonOrc
- Blizzard: BTNUpgradeCannonOrc2
- Blizzard: BTNOrcRefinery
- LordPerenoldeII: Warcraft 2 - Tides of Darkness - Orcs/Oil Patches/Refinery
- Blizzard: BTNOrcPeon
- Blizzard: BTNHumanPeasant
- Tarrasque: Tidal Lord
- Himperion: Great Elementals
- NFWar: BTNEarthElemental
- leetslay: BTNSummonAirElemental
- Shardeth: Subterrain Vehicle v1.2
- SuPa-: Earth Elemental
- Red XIII: WCIITownHall
- loktar: Town Hall (WC2)
- Red XIII: WCIIHumanFarm
- Blizzard: BTNHumanFarm
- Shardeth: Subterrain Vehicle v1.2
- kondoriyano: cloud serpent/Cloud Serpent
- PROXY: Draenei / Eredar Pack
- Wa666r: Draenei UI
- Ujimasa Hojo: Villager (Kid) and Derivatives
- ShadiHD: CSW - Gnomish Submarine
- Verdun: domer
- Syczewski: American Civil War Units
- StonemaulMidget: All Human Nations Tents_Colored
- Mechanical Man: Saloon
- Lord Zodiac: Saloon
- Fingolfin: Training Teepee
- Kitabatake: Balloon Transport
- Illidan(Evil)X: Replaceable Flag
- TheHuntress: Horse Upgrade
- Radagast: Apatche Mounted Archer
- General Frank: Azure Dragon Judicator
- Muoteck: BTN_AzureDragonJudicator
- Golden-Drake: BTNNagaTail
- Hantoo, HerrDave: Brutasaurus
- stan0033: Quest Exclamation + Question Mark & Variations
- Grey Knight: Staff Item
- Mr. Bob: Armory
- Kuhneghetz: Skeletal Child
- Mace Windu, olofmoleman: Hellscream
- Blood Raven: BTNLemons
- Cavman: Bum Bed
- ikillforeyou: Crusader Sword
- HerrDave: Sword
- Pretor: PaladinHammer
- Vinz: Disarm
- Vinz: Armor Penetration / Stimulus
- HerrDave: Shield
- paladinjst: Guard_Shield
- paladinjst: HumanHelmetByShadow
- Sunchips: Wolf Pelt Boot by Sunchips
- eubz: Arrow n' Quiver
- Mr.Goblin: BTNQuiver
- Blood Raven: Studded Quiver
- HerrDave: Bow
- KayS: Basic Bow
- Deolrin: Simple Scythe
- KingB00ker: BTNScythe
- imforfun: Simple Hood
- imforfun: Simple Cape
- paladinjst: Guard_Armor_Kultiras
- Kitabatake: Bandit Armor
- Praytic: BTNKatana
- smithyjones: Handheld Lantern
- sunwarrior25: Torch Attachment
- HappyTauren: Nightvision Attachment
- Muoteck: BTNNightVisionGoggles
- theJ89: jetpack
- theJ89: jetpack
- Talon the Mage: Konstrukt_MinigunAttachment
- Deathbringer: BTNMinigun
- Talon the Mage: Konstrukt_MinigunMissile
- tee.dubs: Bloody Chainsaw
- Talon the Mage: Konstrukt_FlameThrowerAttachment
- Talon the Mage: Konstrukt_FlameThrowerEffektAttachment
- Moy: BTNHalberd
- Grey Knight: Arcanite and Thorium
- Blood Raven: Flamberge
- jatter2: SpellShield
- Darkwind: GoldenClaw
- Uncle Fester: ElvenRangerBow
- Uncle Fester: Naga Trident Attachment & Item Version
- Deleted member 126647: Pirate Attachment Pack
- Herio-san: Flintlock Rifle
- Blood Raven: Diablo II Weapon Pack
- Sin'dorei300: CentaurStaff
- Blood Raven: Nerubian Headwear
- Sunchips: Mage Hat by Sunchips
- Hemske: BTNWizardhat2
- Truth Troll UA: DruidStaff
- Hellx-Magnus: BTNEagleDruidStaff
- The_Silent: BTNPirateCutlass
- Hantoo: Cutlass
- Blood Raven: Knightly Rapier
- Mainy, War_Golum: ArcaneStaff
- 1223344: demon sword
- Hantoo: Naginata
- Black flesh: Demon Hunter Blade
- Molot: Animated smoke in three colors
- Stanakin: BTNAntler
- General Frank: It's a bear trap!
- HerrDave: Leather Jerkin
- The_Silent: Survival Ministructure: Skinning Rack
- Moy: BTNReinforcedFireAttack
- stonneash: High Quallity Red Handled Spiked ClubV0.9
- r.ace613: Ogre MEGA Pack
- HuanJuan: Ogre Drummer Icon Variations
- Xetanth87: I2S without natives for use in AI scripts
- bakr: Pandaren Buildings
- Sellenisko: Malorne, Great Stag Mount
- Hantoo: Saddle Item
- Hantoo, Heinvers: BTNSaddleItem
- Blood Raven: Cowboy Hat
- xXMephistoXx: Magic Hat
- Kitabatake: Samurai Dual Sword
- BLazeKraze: BTNPandarenBambooStick
- Blizzard: BTNHaste
- Blizzard: BTNTouchOfDarkness
- Blizzard: BTNDeathCoil
- loktar: Fortress (WC2)
- Wezthal: BTNIncreaseIncome2
- Blizzard: BTNEyeOfKilrogg
- Blizzard: BTNOrcStronghold
- Blizzard: BTNHumanKeep
- Blizzard: BTNHumanCastle
- Blizzard: WCIIHumanFarm
- Blizzard: ElfLumberMill
- Blizzard: BTNElvenLumbermill
- Blizzard: BTNTrollLumbermill
- Red XIII: WCII_Church
- Red XIII: WCIIMageTower
- Blizzard: BTNMageTower
- AndrewOverload519: Warcraft II Mage
- Ujimasa Hojo: Sapper and Derivatives
- BlinkBoy: Wc2ElvenArcher
- BlinkBoy: Spanish Conquistador
- Killrogg Deadeye, BlinkBoy: Warcraft 2 Elven Ranger
- Blizzard: BTNElvenRanger
- Cavman: Clefthoof
- Heinvers, Sellenisko: FelLord
- -Berz-: BTNThrowingAxe
- Lord_T: Short Axe/Throwing Axe
- Lord_T: Item Short Axe/ Throwing Axe
- Devine, dansaDisco: Dice
- Windrunner29: BTNGarlic
- MeteORA: Wooden Fishing Rod
- darkdeathknight: BTNFishDish
- KelThuzad: BTNFishing1
- Sharks: olofmoleman
- NFWar: BTNShark
- Praytic: BTNCarvingKnife
- kola: BTNRecipe
- JollyD: BTNCloverStuff
- Riley: BTNstamina
- Hantoo: AdvancedFirePit
- Benboncan: Cow.wav
- MasterHaosis: Demonic Crystal Generator
- Dristitia: Crystal Building
- CreatorD3292: Crystal Building
- Cavman, Hawkwing: Elekk Knight
- rkevil7: Elekk Knight Icon
- GhostThruster: Nether Ray
- FerSZ: Wrathguard
- FerSZ, Murlocologist: Mo'arg Overlord
- Red: Talbuk
- Just_Spectating: Villager Draenei
- FerSZ: Eredar Witch
- Nightmare2077: Eredar Witch
- Kuhneghetz: Panther
- Alok: Dragonspawn Worker
- Pvt.Toma: Altar of Dragon
- exN: BTNFlower1
- kellym0: AnimatedFlowerAv.343
- Vinz: Sawmill / War Mill
- Tranquil: Generators
- Nightmare2077: Generator sphere
- Nightmare2077: Generator crystal
- HappyCockroach: Night Elven Airship
- pWn3d: Sunwell
- Stormode: Murlocs Buildings
- Stefan.K: Lion Rider
- PROXY: Eredar Annihilator
- Blizzard Entertainment, PashaFenko036: WC2 - Orc
- Ujimasa Hojo: Great Hall and Derivatives
- General Frank: Fel Orc Lancer
- General Frank: Fel Orc Felhound Rider
- General Frank: Fel Orc Crossbowman
- Arch-archdemon: Orc Warlock Variations
- TVK: Fel Cultist
- Mr.Goblin: BTNFelOrcCrossbow
- General Frank: Icecrown Overlord
- General Frank: BTNIceCrownOverlord
- Vinz: Frost Bolt
- Footman16, General Frank: Tidesage
- Sin'dorei300: FacelessOneWorker
- AndrewOverload519: Faceless One Tentacle Pit
- D.O.G.: Forgotten One Birth
- Maxwell: Faceless One Buildings
- Diegoit: Faceless units
- Mister_Haudrauf: Black Empire Building Set
- Sin'dorei300: Faceless & Unbroken Cultists
- Radagast: Faceless & Unbroken Pack
- Sin'dorei300: FacelessOneKid
- Scias: BTNFacelessOneCultist
- Kuhneghetz: Raven
- HerrDave: Mordor Blacksmith (LOTR)
- HerrDave: Rohan Town Hall (LOTR)
- Fant0md: BTNFacelessArtillery
- Aldeia: HQ Classic - Faceless Ones
- MN Lahmar: Faceless King
- Maxwell: BTNCreepAttack1
- Maxwell: BTNCreepAttack2
- Maxwell: BTNCreepAttack3
- Maxwell: BTNExample1
- Maxwell: BTNExample2
- Maxwell: BTNExample3
- Misha: Faceless Nightmare Weaver
- Wa666r: Faceless Ones v1.1 - Faceless One UI
- Bleeq: Parrot (multiple varieties)
- Dentothor: General Vezax
- HerrDave: Horde Warmachine
- Dominus15: BTNFelOrcWarlock
- stonneash: Warlock Upgrades
- MasterHaosis: Chaos Barracks
- MasterHaosis: Chaos Mill
- MasterHaosis: Chaos Beastiary
- MasterHaosis: ChaosVault
- MasterHaosis: Chaos Pig Farm
- MasterHaosis: Chaos Warlock Temple
- Mister_Haudrauf: Hellfire Citadel (Outland)
- Salepate: Floppy Disk
- Blizzard Entertainment, KadoviYi: Berserk Derivatives
- Mister_Haudrauf: Kargath Bladefist (Fel Orc)
- Don Valentino: Life Burn and Fel Burn
- TheHuntress: Chaos/Fel Orc Peon
- Ilya Alaric: Peon Pack
- Mainywc3sear: BootsOfTeleport
- BaiyuGalan: Xe'ra Icon
- Spellbound: Spellbound's Custom Lightning Effects
- Darky29: BTNCoralStone
- Tarrasque: RoyalGuard
- Mouseketeer: BTNNagaArmoredRoyalGuard
- The Panda: BTNFireIceAttack
- Darkfang: Shadow Capture and 3 chain and hook icons
- AndrewOverload519: Naga Royal Vault
- Explobomb: Doom Lord
- Explobomb: Djinn/Genie
- Mc !: BTNTNTBarrel
- Blizzard Entertainment: BTNGlyphV2
- The_Avenger's_Return: BTNBattleTerror
- Blizzard Entertainment: BTNAbility_Parry
- Enmouth: BTNTrack
- Diegoit: Kobold barracks
- komarovba: Kobold barracks
- Stormode: Kobold Tunneler
- (zerotul), Blizzard Entertainment: Ice Troll Hut
- (zerotul), Blizzard Entertainment: Ice Troll Hut 1
- komarovba: Repair
- Mike: BTNSpade
- Sunchips: Wolf Spirit Headpiece by Sunchips
- Sunchips: InfernalDestroyer
- HerrDave, 1_Freon_1: Oathbreaker Pack (LOTR)
- Blizzard Entertainment: BTNOrcScoutTower
- Blizzard Entertainment: BTNOrcCannonTower
- Blizzard Entertainment: BTNOrcGuardTower
- olofmoleman: BobaFett
- olofmoleman: BTNBobaFett
- ynosh: Star Wars BFTF 1.12.01
- Jaccouille: Star Wars: Rebel Trooper
- olofmoleman: Ithorian
- Elunes-Guardian: StarBase
- Domokun: xwing11
- Illidan(Evil)X: B-Wing Starfighter
- Illidan(Evil)X: Y-Wing Starfighter
- Illidan(Evil)X: Millennium Falcon
- chilla_killa: Bacta Tank by chilla_killa
- olofmoleman: BTNJediMale1
- olofmoleman: Jedi Male
- Mike: Arabian inn
- Mike: Arabian market
- killst4r: Factory Animated
- General Frank: BTNTerranFactory
- General Frank: BTNTerranBarracs
- killst4r: Armory 2
- General Frank: BTNTerranArmory
- Uncle Fester: HaradrimBannerCarrier
- Blizzard Entertainment: BTNHumanChurch
- Blizzard Entertainment, Zephyrius2412: Blood Elven Upgrades
- Barade, Blizzard Entertainment: Doodad icons
- Barade, Fingolfin, HerrDave: Star Wars unit icons
- NhazUl: Dreadlord Child
- Thrikodius: Goblin Kid
- Em!: Creep-Spawner/Basements&Tunnels/Waygates
- Retera: Draenei Harvester's Mill
- Mr.Goblin: BTNPadarenKid
- Blizzard Entertainment, Ujimasa Hojo: Shipyard (Goblin) and Derivatives
- BLazeKraze: BTNTrollBatrider
- Blizzard Entertainment, zerotul: Forest Troll Hut 0
- Blizzard Entertainment, zerotul: Forest Troll Hut 1
- Dionesiist: Vampire Combatant
- Remixer: Stone Coffin
- Darkfang: BTNDeathCoffin
- Stanakin: Kobold Race Pack
- Blood Raven: BTNKoboldCandles
- =X=EclipsE, Elf Knight-: Demon Armor Upg1
- =X=EclipsE, Elf Knight-: Demon Armor Upg2
- =X=EclipsE, Elf Knight-: Demon Armor Upg3
- =X=EclipsE, Elf Knight-: Demon Weapon Upg1
- =X=EclipsE, Elf Knight-: Demon Weapon Upg2
- =X=EclipsE, Elf Knight-: Demon Weapon Upg3
- Darky29: BTNMushroom1
- Grey-Tuzed: BTNCorruptedBlessing
- bakr: Pandaren Banners
- Tunadil: Khaz Modan Banner
- donut3.5: Goblin Drillbot 3000
- Liu: SeaLife killer whale
- Ket: Thief - Blade Edition
- Lockheart: BTNcheck
- Mike: Mine
- Tro||: BTNBag
- The_Silent: BTNModernDrill
- Sellenisko: YseraTheDreamer
- Sellenisko: BTNYsera
- Bolthan: Elk_male
- Moy: BTNElkMount
- Ujimasa Hojo: Tent (Centaur, 2) and Derivatives
- komarovba: CentaurTent2V2.01
- johnwar: Female Centaur Archer (Re-Classic)
- BaiyuGalan: Centaur Diviner
- Ujimasa Hojo: Nest (Harpy) and Derivatives
- komarovba: HarpyNestV2.01
- Null: BTNCentaur Tent
- NFWar: BTNHorseShoe
- NFWar: BTNHorseShoe2
- NFWar: BTNHorseShoe3
- Legal_Ease: BTNJudgmentOff
- The_Silent: BTNMindControlWBrain
- Mouseketeer: BTN_NagaSorceror
- Misha: Naga Sorceror
- AndrewOverload519: Naga Nazjatar Gate
- AndrewOverload519: BTNNagaGate
- epsilon: Azshara statue portrait
- Chucky: Naga (Generic) Hatchery Animated
- ikillforeyou: Night sky with moon skybox
- Fingolfin: Fingolfins Planet Pack
- Explobomb: Direhorn
- PrinceYaser: BTNNagaWhaler
- PROXY: Goblin Demolisher (Goblin Car)
- Chriz: Fill-Me-Up Treasure Chest
- The_Silent: BTNMolotovCocktail
- Red: Ak-47
- Zombie: BTNAk47
- Talon the Mage: Konstrukt_SniperAttachment
- Deathbringer: BTNSniperRifle
- Talon the Mage: Konstrukt_SniperMissile01
- epsilon: m249_ByEpsilon
- Zombie: Btnm249
- paladinjst: Guard_Armor_Stormwind
- Kitabatake: Farm
- Archangel_Tidusx: BTNFarmKita
- NFWar: BTNPumkin
- R2D2: Pumpkin
- Sunchips: RedApple
- Aldeia: Red Apple
- Kenathorn: Some Custom Items Pack
- Blizzard, UgoUgo, Kam: HeroCryptLord
- Traxamillion: Sand Troll Shaman
- -Dieser-: BTNSnowFlake
- Praytic: BTNRainyWeather
- GolluM_KoMe: DesertTile.blp
- Null: BTNZandalari Throne of War
- Darkfang: Improved Ancient Protector
- Jacky The turtle: Balloons
- Em!: Fireflies
- Null: BTNDay Time
- Hexus: Fountain statue
- WhiteDeath: Living Statue
- Hantoo: CandyItem
- NFWar: Blood Oak Tree
- StonemaulMidget: Ashen Autumn Tree Wall
- Thrikodius: Moon
- Horn: Ancient Malfurion
- Mc !: NightElfCar
- 8512590215848: BTNHunter01
- DeathKnight: BTNPoisonArrowsOn
- DeathKnight: BTNPoisonArrows
- Jaccouille: Star Wars: Empire Vehicle AT-AT
- supertoinkz: Crannies Summer and Fall
- supertoinkz: Crannies Snow/y and Winter
- JetFangInferno: MusicTarget
- Mike: Music effect (notes)
- assasin_lord: Dwarf Bard
- assasin_lord: Bard Projectile
- General Frank: BTNSteamfortress
- TerranUp16: BTN_BronzeRoost
- Rebel-Turret: Tie
- General Frank: Draconian Spear thrower
- General Frank: BTNDraconianSpearThrower
- Mister_Haudrauf: Quilboar Raider
- garfield: RazorManeWorker
- Wandering Soul: Razormane Hunter
- Mister_Haudrauf: Skeletal Razormane
- Edge45: Quilboar Bunker
- Windrunner29: BTNQuilboarBunker
- Darkfang: PiercingQuills
- komarovba: Main building Kobolds
- komarovba: MarketPlace Kobold
- komarovba: Arcane Academy Kobold
- komarovba: Forge Kobold
- komarovba: Altar Throne Kobold
- komarovba: Farm Kobold
- komarovba: Beastiary Kobold
- komarovba: Shipyard Kobold
- komarovba: Boulder Tower Kobold
- komarovba: Goldmine Kobold
- komarovba: LibraryKobold
- Coronel Mael Radec: BTNKoboldGodmine
- Coronel Mael Radec: BTNKoboldArcaneAcademy
- Coronel Mael Radec: BTNKoboldShipyard
- Coronel Mael Radec: BTNkoboldAltar
- Coronel Mael Radec: BTNKoboldBestiary
- Coronel Mael Radec: BTNTowerKobold
- Coronel Mael Radec: BTNkoboldForge
- Coronel Mael Radec: BTNKoboldMarket
- Coronel Mael Radec: BTNKoboldGreatHall
- Coronel Mael Radec: BTNKoboldBastion
- Coronel Mael Radec: BTNKoboldFort
- Coronel Mael Radec: BTNKoboldTowerUpgrade
- Coronel Mael Radec: BTNKoboldLibrary
- Coronel Mael Radec: BTNFarmKobold
- frostwhisper, Galendor an'Kreil, Ket: Troll Warbeast Kraal
- Mephestrial: Gnoll Race Pack
- loktar: Furion (Optimized)
- bakr: Kultiras Navy
- bakr, Ian The Red: Elven Ships
- johnwar: Gnoll Treasure Hunter (Re-Classic)
- Direfury: Gnoll Battle Arena
- HuanJuan: Gnoll Battle Arena
- Nosferoh: Silithid Wasp
- Nosferoh: Prophet of the Qiraji
- Ilya Alaric: Worker Pack
- Ilya Alaric: Militia Pack
- Ujimasa Hojo: Mercenary Camp and Derivatives
- Coronel Mael Radec: BTNChurchBanditV2
- komarovba, Ket: Human Church Bandit
- Coronel Mael Radec: BTNLumberMillBandit
- komarovba, Red XIII: BanditLumberMill
- Coronel Mael Radec: BTNMarketPlaceBandit
- komarovba, Ujimasa Hojo: MarketPlace Pack
- HuanJuan: Altar of Champions
- Direfury: Altar of Champions
- Coronel Mael Radec: BTNBanditTower
- komarovba: Tower Bandit
- DREADMAN: Bandit-Pack
- Scias: BTNAmbal
- Direfury: Deathguard Falric
- loktar: Dark Falric
- NFWar: BTNLeatherArmor
- NFWar: BTNBanditsLeather
- NFWar: BTNBanditsLeather2
- Ujimasa Hojo: Aviary (Gryphon) and Derivatives
- komarovba: GryphonAviaryBandit
- Mouseketeer: BTN_Azshara_Siren
- Wandering Soul: Bandit Gryphon Raider
- Thrikodius: Surrender (buff)
- Wandering Soul: Bandit Crossbowman
- Gluma: Human Crossbowman
- Hoth: Bandit Elite Barrack
- HuanJuan: Bandit Elite Barrack
- Ujimasa Hojo: Hut (Gnoll) and Derivatives
- loktar: Knight, Bandit Lord & Riderless Horse (WC1 & WC2)
- MassiveMaster: FlyingSpearThrower
- Hermit: CorruptedGoldmine
- Hermit: BTNCorruptedMine
- Brombie: BTNStrawberry
- Steel0RaZoR: BTNCherry
- DEE-BOO: BTNBagOfPlums
- Blizzard Entertainment: BTNINV_Misc_Milk_04
- Cavman: Skeletal Peasant
- Villagerino: Skeleton Warriors (pack I)
- Achille: Skeleton Berserker
- The_Silent: Dungeon Walls [Mine] + Bookshelfs, Porticulus and Columns
- Mike: Rack (torture)
- HappyTauren: Skeleton Fire Warior Mage
- HappyTauren: BTNSkeletonFireWarriorMage
- HappyTauren: Lava
- TriggerHappy: GameStatus (Replay Detection)
- Bleeq: Female Kobold Mushroom Caster
- maxor_gan: BTNBlueMushroom
- Scias: BTNGoblinWorker
- kellym0: LavaBridge.v075
- Grunts_Fadora: BTNTomeGreen
- Grunts_Fadora: BTNTomeRed
- Technomancer: BTNMasks
- bakr: Black Dragon Buildings
- Mr.Goblin: TimberWolf.blp
- Gluma: Dragon-priest
- Sellenisko: VrykkulDRakkarShip
- Stefan.K: Ogres pack
- Stanakin: Hedgehog
- Stanakin: FeralPigeon
- Antimatter: BTNTrollVillager
- Born2Modificate: Cloud.mdx
- chr2: MountainGiant.blp
- chr2: MountainGiant.blp
- Wraithling: Kraken
- alfredx_sotn: EarthElemental
- grunt: tiger and panther centaur
- Trollschnitzel: Pyramide
- Mr. Bob: EgyptionTomb
- PROXY: Hero_Huntress
- JesusHipster: Shadow Phoenix
- chr2: Revenant.blp
- Sin'dorei300: BTNAirRevenant
- chr2: BatTroll.blp
- chr2: Raven.BLP
- chr2: DruidottheTalon.BLP
- Arak1da: Lava andd poison Dooddas
- Hantoo: Lava Pit
- Stanakin: PirateCaptain.blp
- Mc !: CrystalGolem
- Uncle Fester: Red & Yellow Crystals
- Uncle Fester: Blue & Green Crystals
- Uncle Fester: Orange & Purple Crystals
- MangakaDark: Hero Geomancer Icon
- bakr, Manastorm: Elven Banners
- bakr: Dwarven Banners
- Hantoo: BaldEagles
- Mr.Goblin: BTNEagled
- Sin'dorei300: BTNFireMage
- 8512590215848: BTNGoldenCrown3
- Kwaliti: The Lich King
- BLazeKraze: BTNBlackhand
- 8512590215848: BTNHolyCrest
- 8512590215848: BTNHolyHeavyBoots
- 8512590215848: BTNHolyPlatedGauntlet
- 8512590215848: BTNHolyArmor
- 8512590215848: BTNGoldenSword
- 8512590215848: BTNGoldenShieldHoly
- 8512590215848: BTNFireSpellBook
- LongbowMan: Gypsy Wagon
- Sunchips: House Building
- Stefan.K: Magna Aegwynn
- 8512590215848: Book with Earth\Nature Spells
- 8512590215848: Book with Water Spells
- Blizzard Entertainment: BTNINV_Misc_Food_11
- bakr: Wyrmrest Temple
- sPy: HolyMissile
- 8512590215848: BTNTreasureChest
- PrinceYaser: BTNTentacles
- bakr, Wargeras (Sponsor): Tauren Log Launcher
- Ceterai: BTNFountainOfMagic
- Mechanical Man: CannonNaval
- bakr: TNT Catapult
- bisnar13: Bed
- Blood Raven: Fireplace
- Blood Raven: Pendulum Clock
- Blood Raven: Ink Bottle
- Blood Raven: Basket of Potatoes
- Blood Raven: Wooden Bucket
- Blood Raven: Wine Bottle
- bisnar13: Candle
- Mike: WallTorch
- RodOfNOD: PapilioBlue
- Blizzard Entertainment: BTNINV_Misc_Dynamite_01
- Deleted member 126647: Dynamite Projectile
- lllLSDlll: BTNTomeOWonders
- Ujimasa Hojo: Death Knights and Derivatives