This section provides how to download and run pre-built Docker image without building the project.
- docker-ce
- Version: 17.09 (or above)
- How to install
2. Download Docker image from Docker Hub
To download the image, you must execute the command: docker pull lfedge/edge-home-orchestration-go:{tag}
, where {tag}
is a release name.
docker pull lfedge/edge-home-orchestration-go:latest
If it succeeds, you can see the Docker image as follows:
docker images
lfedge/edge-home-orchestration-go latest 6669fd8eac0f 6 hours ago 190MB
Please see the below How to work to know how to run Edge Orchestration Docker image
- docker-ce
- Version: 17.06 (or above)
- How to install
For execution of docker commands with non-root privileges you need to add
to docker group.
$ sudo usermod -aG docker $USER
- go compiler
- Version: 1.16.6 (or above)
- How to install
To build Edge Orchestrator from Go sources, you need to set GOPATH environment variable:
$ export GOPATH=$HOME/go
$ export PATH=$PATH:$GOPATH/bin
- extra Go utilities: (optional)
Recommendation: Do not install the
utilities from theedge-home-orchestration-go
go get
go get
go install
- extra linux utilities:
sudo apt-get install tree jq
For build of edge-orchestration project you should run the make create_context
and specify the configuration file name for example: x86_64c
and make
, see example below:
make distclean ; make create_context CONFIGFILE=x86_64c ; make
To change the configuration file, you must execute the command
make distclean
To easy change the configuration, you can use the kconfig-frontends. For Ubuntu 20.04 you can execute next command
sudo apt-get install kconfig-frontends
After successfully build, you can run edge-orchestration for different configurations :
- Run normal mode
make run
If it succeeds, you can see the container runs as follows:
Run Docker container
0debbd5d5429 lfedge/edge-home-orchestration-go:latest "sh" Less than a second ago Up Less than a second edge-orchestration
and the built image as follows:
docker images
lfedge/edge-home-orchestration-go latest 5d51fa2bd4e8 4 minutes ago 198MB
- All Build Options
make help
If you build the edge-orchestration as c-object, then a more detailed description can be found
Edge Orchestration provides REST APIs for its operation. Description of APIs is stored in /docs folder.
- edge_orchestration_api.yaml or
- edge_orchestration_api_secure.yaml for secure mode.
Note that you can visit Swagger Editor to graphically investigate the REST API in YAML.
- Same network connected among the devices.
- Same Authentication key in /var/edge-orchestration/user/orchestration_userID.txt
- To let the Edge Orchestration devices communicate with each other, each devices should have same authentication key in:
(Any cert file can be authentication key)
- To let the Edge Orchestration devices communicate with each other, each devices should have same authentication key in:
- Edge Orchestration Docker image
- Please see the above How to build to know how to build Edge Orchestration Docker image
- If you use in secure mode, you must deploy the key infrastructure.
- If you use Data Storage, you must setup the Data Storage configuration and run the EdgeX Foundry containers
Environment Variables
You can adjust the configuration of the edge-orchestration container by passing the environment variables below on the docker run command.
docker run -it -d --privileged --network="host" --name edge-orchestration -v /var/edge-orchestration/:/var/edge-orchestration/:rw -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock:rw -v /proc/:/process/:ro lfedge/edge-home-orchestration-go:latest
Secure mode can be enabled by setting SECURE to
.docker run -it -d --privileged --network="host" --name edge-orchestration -e SECURE=true -v /var/edge-orchestration/:/var/edge-orchestration/:rw -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock:rw -v /proc/:/process/:ro lfedge/edge-home-orchestration-go:latest
MNEDC mode can be enabled by setting MNEDC to
.docker run -it -d --privileged --network="host" --name edge-orchestration -e MNEDC=server -v /var/edge-orchestration/:/var/edge-orchestration/:rw -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock:rw -v /proc/:/process/:ro lfedge/edge-home-orchestration-go:latest
You can set the log level (Debug, Info, Warn and others) by
(Default level isInfo
).docker run -it -d --privileged --network="host" --name edge-orchestration -e LOGLEVEL=Warn -v /var/edge-orchestration/:/var/edge-orchestration/:rw -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock:rw -v /proc/:/process/:ro lfedge/edge-home-orchestration-go:latest
SERVICE (DataStorage)
docker run -it -d --rm --privileged --network="host" --name edge-orchestration -e SERVICE=DataStorage -v /var/edge-orchestration/:/var/edge-orchestration/:rw -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock:rw -v /proc/:/process/:ro lfedge/edge-home-orchestration-go:latest
docker logs -f edge-orchestration
2019/10/16 07:35:45 main_secured.go:89: [interface] OrchestrationInit
2019/10/16 07:35:45 main_secured.go:90: >>> commitID : c3041ae
2019/10/16 07:35:45 main_secured.go:91: >>> version : v1.1.0
2019/10/16 07:35:45 main_secured.go:92: >>> buildTime : {build time}
2019/10/16 07:35:45 discovery.go:256: [discoverymgr] UUID : {$UUID}
2019/10/16 07:35:45 discovery.go:338: [discoverymgr] [{$discovery_ip_list}]
2019/10/16 07:35:45 discovery.go:369: [deviceDetectionRoutine] edge-orchestration-{$UUID}
2019/10/16 07:35:45 discovery.go:370: [deviceDetectionRoutine] confInfo : ExecType(container), Platform(docker)
2019/10/16 07:35:45 discovery.go:371: [deviceDetectionRoutine] netInfo : IPv4({$discovery_ip_list})
2019/10/16 07:35:45 discovery.go:372: [deviceDetectionRoutine] serviceInfo : Services([])
2019/10/16 07:35:45 discovery.go:373:
2019/10/16 07:35:45 tls.go:40: SetCertFilePath: /var/edge-orchestration/data/cert
2019/10/16 07:35:45 tls.go:40: SetCertFilePath: /var/edge-orchestration/data/cert
2019/10/16 07:35:45 route.go:76: {APIV1Ping GET /api/v1/ping 0x8090f0}
2019/10/16 07:35:45 route.go:76: {APIV1ServicemgrServicesPost POST /api/v1/servicemgr/services 0x809160}
2019/10/16 07:35:45 route.go:76: {APIV1ServicemgrServicesNotificationServiceIDPost POST /api/v1/servicemgr/services/notification/{serviceid} 0x8091c0}
2019/10/16 07:35:45 route.go:76: {APIV1ScoringmgrScoreLibnameGet GET /api/v1/scoringmgr/score 0x809220}
2019/10/16 07:35:45 route.go:76: {APIV1RequestServicePost POST /api/v1/orchestration/services 0x806cb0}
2019/10/16 07:35:45 route.go:104: ListenAndServeTLS_For_Inter
2019/10/16 07:35:45 route.go:111: ListenAndServe
2019/10/16 07:35:45 main_secured.go:141: interface orchestration init done
{ "ServiceName": "hello-world", "ServiceInfo": [ { "ExecutionType": "container", "ExecCmd": [ "docker", "run", "-v", "/var/run:/var/run:rw", "hello-world" ] }], "StatusCallbackURI": "http://localhost:8888/api/v1/services/notification" }
Curl Example:
curl -X POST "IP:56001/api/v1/orchestration/services" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{ \"ServiceName\": \"hello-world\", \"ServiceInfo\": [{ \"ExecutionType\": \"container\", \"ExecCmd\": [ \"docker\", \"run\", \"-v\", \"/var/run:/var/run:rw\", \"hello-world\"]}], \"StatusCallbackURI\": \"http://localhost:8888/api/v1/services/notification\"}"
If the
was run with-e SECURE=true
option. You need to add a JSON Web Token into request headerAuthorization: {token}
and a image digest (sha256) to the last parameter."hello-world@sha256:fc6a51919cfeb2e6763f62b6d9e8815acbf7cd2e476ea353743570610737b752"
. More information about it you can find here.curl -X POST "IP:56001/api/v1/orchestration/services" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: $EDGE_ORCHESTRATION_TOKEN" -d "{ \"ServiceName\": \"hello-world\", \"ServiceInfo\": [{ \"ExecutionType\": \"container\", \"ExecCmd\": [ \"docker\", \"run\", \"-v\", \"/var/run:/var/run:rw\", \"hello-world@sha256:fc6a51919cfeb2e6763f62b6d9e8815acbf7cd2e476ea353743570610737b752\"]}], \"StatusCallbackURI\": \"http://localhost:8888/api/v1/services/notification\"}"
To add the
variable to the environment execute the next command:. tools/ HS256 Admin
To add your container hash to the container white list
, you need to add a hash line to the end file.# echo "fc6a51919cfeb2e6763f62b6d9e8815acbf7cd2e476ea353743570610737b752" >> /var/edge-orchestration/data/cwl/containerwhitelist.txt
Result(Execution on itself)
docker logs -f edge-orchestration
2019/06/07 05:41:03 externalhandler.go:75: [RestExternalInterface] APIV1RequestServicePost 2019/06/07 05:41:03 orchestration_api.go:70: [RequestService] container_service: [docker run -v /var/run:/var/run:rw hello-world] 2019/06/07 05:41:03 scoringmgr.go:131: [IN] getScoreLocalEnv 2019/06/07 05:41:03 scoringmgr.go:139: scoringmgr scoreValue : 7.481732534124991 2019/06/07 05:41:03 orchestration_api.go:90: [orchestrationapi] [{ 7.481732534124991}] 2019/06/07 05:41:03 route.go:87: POST /api/v1/orchestration/services APIV1RequestServicePost 272.182µs 2019/06/07 05:41:03 containerexecutor.go:75: [containerexecutor] container_service [docker run -v /var/run:/var/run:rw hello-world] 2019/06/07 05:41:03 containerexecutor.go:76: [containerexecutor] parameter length : 5 2019/06/07 06:46:12 route.go:87: POST /api/v1/orchestration/services APIV1RequestServicePost 396.063µs {"status":"Pulling from library/hello-world","id":"latest"} {"status":"Digest: sha256:0e11c388b664df8a27a901dce21eb89f11d8292f7fca1b3e3c4321bf7897bffe"} {"status":"Status: Image is up to date for hello-world:latest"} 2019/06/07 05:41:21 containerexecutor.go:90: [containerexecutor] create container : bb8c3425ec 2019/06/07 05:41:22 containerexecutor.go:108: [containerexecutor] container execution status : 0 2019-06-07T05:41:22.144893108Z 2019-06-07T05:45:35.717107646Z Hello from Docker! 2019-06-07T05:45:35.717110637Z This message shows that your installation appears to be working correctly. 2019-06-07T05:45:35.717112612Z 2019-06-07T05:45:35.717114418Z To generate this message, Docker took the following steps: 2019-06-07T05:45:35.717116284Z 1. The Docker client contacted the Docker daemon. 2019-06-07T05:45:35.717118076Z 2. The Docker daemon pulled the "hello-world" image from the Docker Hub. 2019-06-07T05:45:35.717120060Z (amd64) 2019-06-07T05:45:35.717121906Z 3. The Docker daemon created a new container from that image which runs the 2019-06-07T05:45:35.717123788Z executable that produces the output you are currently reading. 2019-06-07T05:45:35.717125570Z 4. The Docker daemon streamed that output to the Docker client, which sent it 2019-06-07T05:45:35.717127407Z to your terminal. 2019-06-07T05:45:35.717129190Z 2019-06-07T05:45:35.717130971Z To try something more ambitious, you can run an Ubuntu container with: 2019-06-07T05:45:35.717132780Z $ docker run -it ubuntu bash 2019-06-07T05:45:35.717134548Z 2019-06-07T05:45:35.717136249Z Share images, automate workflows, and more with a free Docker ID: 2019-06-07T05:45:35.717138053Z 2019-06-07T05:45:35.717139826Z 2019-06-07T05:45:35.717141538Z For more examples and ideas, visit: 2019-06-07T05:45:35.717143307Z 2019-06-07T05:45:35.717145081Z 2019/06/07 05:41:22 orchestration_api.go:163: [orchestrationapi] service status changed [appNames:container_service][status:Finished]
Not supported docker run option [Args in Body]
--detach-keys --disable-content-trust --sig-proxy --name --platform --help --cpu-percent (Windows only option) --cpu-count (Windows only option) --io-maxbandwidth (Windows only option) --io-maxiops (Windows only option)