diff --git a/README.zh.md b/README.zh.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a0b4bc4e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README.zh.md
@@ -0,0 +1,268 @@
+ # TOC Generator 内容目录生成器
+[![CI Status](https://github.com/technote-space/toc-generator/workflows/CI/badge.svg)](https://github.com/technote-space/toc-generator/actions)
+[![License: MIT](https://img.shields.io/badge/License-MIT-blue.svg)](https://github.com/technote-space/toc-generator/blob/main/LICENSE)
+*阅读本文件的多语言版本: [English](README.md), [日本語](README.ja.md),[中文版](README.zh.md)。*
+这是一个 `GitHub Actions` ,用于生成 TOC (内容目录),
+它会执行 [DocToc](https://github.com/thlorenz/doctoc) 并在发生变更时提交。
+## 内容目录
+- [Installation](#installation)
+- [Screenshot](#screenshot)
+- [Options](#options)
+ - [Specify options individually](#specify-options-individually)
+- [Action event details](#action-event-details)
+ - [Target event](#target-event)
+ - [Conditions](#conditions)
+- [Addition](#addition)
+ - [GITHUB_TOKEN](#github_token)
+ - [Create PullRequest](#create-pullrequest)
+ - [Context variables](#context-variables)
+ - [Context PR variables](#context-pr-variables)
+- [Configuration Examples](#configuration-examples)
+ - [Example 1](#example-1)
+ - [Example 2](#example-2)
+ - [Example 3](#example-3)
+- [Author](#author)
+## 安装
+1. 指定 TOC 位置(可选)
+示例 `README.md`
+ ```markdown
+ ```
+ [详情](https://github.com/thlorenz/doctoc#specifying-location-of-toc)
+1. 创建 workflow
+ 示例 `.github/workflows/toc.yml`
+ ```yaml
+ on: push
+ name: TOC Generator
+ jobs:
+ generateTOC:
+ name: TOC Generator
+ runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+ steps:
+ - uses: technote-space/toc-generator@v4
+ ```
+## 截图
+## 选项
+| 名称 | 描述 | 默认值 | 示例 |
+|TARGET_PATHS|Target file path. (Comma separated, [Detail](https://github.com/thlorenz/doctoc#adding-toc-to-individual-files))|`README*.md`|`README*.md,CHANGELOG.md`, `.`|
+|TOC_TITLE|TOC Title|`**Table of Contents**`|`''`|
+|MAX_HEADER_LEVEL|Maximum heading level. ([Detail](https://github.com/thlorenz/doctoc#specifying-a-maximum-heading-level-for-toc-entries))| |`3`|
+|CUSTOM_MODE|Whether it is custom mode([Generated Example](samples/README.horizontal.md))|`false`|`true`|
+|CUSTOM_TEMPLATE|Custom template for custom mode|`
`| |
+|ITEM_TEMPLATE|Item template for custom mode|`${TEXT}`| |
+|SEPARATOR|Separator for custom mode|\|\
| |
+|FOLDING|Whether to make TOC foldable|`false`|`true`|
+|COMMIT_MESSAGE|Commit message|`chore(docs): update TOC`|`docs: update TOC`|
+|COMMIT_NAME|Git commit name|`${github.actor}`| |
+|COMMIT_EMAIL|Git commit email|`${github.actor}@users.noreply.github.com`| |
+|CREATE_PR|Whether to create PullRequest|`false`|`true`|
+|CHECK_ONLY_DEFAULT_BRANCH|Whether to check only default branch|`false`|`true`|
+|PR_BRANCH_PREFIX|PullRequest branch prefix|`toc-generator/`| |
+|PR_BRANCH_NAME|PullRequest branch name
[Context variables](#context-variables)|`update-toc-${PR_ID}`|`toc-${PR_NUMBER}`|
+|PR_TITLE|PullRequest title
[Context variables](#context-variables)|`chore(docs): update TOC (${PR_MERGE_REF})`|`docs: update TOC`|
+|PR_BODY|PullRequest body
[Context PR variables](#context-pr-variables)|[action.yml](action.yml)| |
+|PR_COMMENT_BODY|PullRequest body for comment
[Context PR variables](#context-pr-variables)|[action.yml](action.yml)| |
+|PR_CLOSE_MESSAGE|Message body when closing PullRequest|`This PR has been closed because it is no longer needed.`| |
+|TARGET_BRANCH_PREFIX|Filter by branch name| |`release/`|
+|INCLUDE_LABELS|Labels used to check if the PullRequest has it| |`Label1, Label2`|
+|OPENING_COMMENT|Opening comment (for other than DocToc)|`
+## Action 事件详情
+### 目标事件
+| eventName: action | condition |
+|push: *|[condition1](#condition1)|
+|pull_request: \[opened, synchronize, reopened, labeled, unlabeled]|[condition2](#condition2)|
+|pull_request: \[closed]||
+|schedule, repository_dispatch, workflow_dispatch||
+- 以下活动类型必须明确指定 ([详情](https://help.github.com/en/github/automating-your-workflow-with-github-actions/events-that-trigger-workflows#pull-request-event-pull_request))
+ - `labeled`, `unlabeled`, `closed`
+### 条件
+#### condition1
+- 推送到分支 (不是tag)
+ - 分支名称 ([`TARGET_BRANCH_PREFIX`](#options))
+#### condition2
+- 包含指定标签? ([`INCLUDE_LABELS`](#options))
+- 分支名称 ([`TARGET_BRANCH_PREFIX`](#options))
+## 附加说明
+ `GITHUB_TOKEN` 作为 `GitHub Actions` 的一部分,没有授权来创建任何后续事件。
+因此它不会产生由推送触发的 action 。
+如果你想触发 action,使用个人访问令牌来代替。
+1. 生成一个 [个人访问令牌](https://help.github.com/en/articles/creating-a-personal-access-token-for-the-command-line) ,范围需选择 public_repo 或 repo 。
+(私有仓库必须选择 repo)。
+1. [保存为ACCESS_TOKEN](https://help.github.com/en/actions/configuring-and-managing-workflows/creating-and-storing-encrypted-secrets)
+1. 使用 `ACCESS_TOKEN` 代替 `GITHUB_TOKEN` 作为输入。
+ 示例 `.github/workflows/toc.yml`
+ ```yaml
+ on: push
+ name: TOC Generator
+ jobs:
+ generateTOC:
+ name: TOC Generator
+ runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+ steps:
+ - uses: technote-space/toc-generator@v4
+ with:
+ ```
+### 创建 PullRequest
+如果 `CREATE_PR` 设置为 `true`,则会创建一个 PR 。
+on: pull_request
+name: TOC Generator
+ generateTOC:
+ name: TOC Generator
+ runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+ steps:
+ - uses: technote-space/toc-generator@v4
+ with:
+ CREATE_PR: true
+![创建 PR](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/technote-space/toc-generator/images/create_pr.png)
+如果活动类型设置为 `closed`,则该 action 会在 PR 不再需要时关闭它 。
+ pull_request:
+ types: [opened, synchronize, reopened, closed]
+name: TOC Generator
+ generateTOC:
+ name: TOC Generator
+ runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+ steps:
+ - uses: technote-space/toc-generator@v4
+### 上下文变量
+| 名称 | 描述 |
+| PR_NUMBER | pull_request.number (如 `11`) |
+| PR_NUMBER_REF | `#${pull_request.number}` (如 `#11`) |
+| PR_ID | pull_request.id (如 `21031067`) |
+| PR_HEAD_REF | pull_request.head.ref (如 `change`) |
+| PR_BASE_REF | pull_request.base.ref (如 `main`) |
+| PR_MERGE_REF | pull_request.base.ref (如 `change -> main`) |
+| PR_TITLE | pull_request.title (如 `update the README with new information.`) |
+[Payload 示例](https://developer.github.com/v3/activity/events/types/#webhook-payload-example-28)
+### 上下文 PR 变量
+- [上下文变量](#context-variables)
+| 名称 | 描述 |
+| PR_LINK | PR 链接 |
+| FILES_SUMMARY | 如 `Changed 2 files` |
+| FILES | 变更文件列表 |
+## 配置示例 Examples
+### 示例 1
+在没有限制的分支上push时执行 action 并直接提交。
+on: push
+name: TOC Generator
+ generateTOC:
+ name: TOC Generator
+ runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+ steps:
+ - uses: technote-space/toc-generator@v4
+### 示例 2
+通过仅对以 `release/` 开头的分支执行 PR 更新操作,从而创建或更新 PR。
+ pull_request:
+ types: [opened, synchronize, reopened, closed]
+name: TOC Generator
+ generateTOC:
+ name: TOC Generator
+ runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+ steps:
+ - uses: technote-space/toc-generator@v4
+ with:
+ CREATE_PR: true
+### 示例 3
+(使用为其他 workflow 运行而创建的 Token)
+ schedule:
+ - cron: "0 23 * * *"
+name: TOC Generator
+ generateTOC:
+ name: TOC Generator
+ runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+ steps:
+ - uses: technote-space/toc-generator@v4
+ with:
+## 作者
+[GitHub (Technote)](https://github.com/technote-space)