- Diogo Mendonça, ist193701, @diogomendonc-a
- Ricardo Subtil, ist193752, @ev1lbl0w
Note: Workload was adjusted, as some features involved little to no coding; see comments at #80, #120 and #83
The list of pull requests associated with this feature is:
- Creates a new open ended question
- Can view question (with button)
- Can view question (with click)
- Can update title (with right-click)
- Can update content (with button)
- Can duplicate question
- Can delete created question
- Bernardo Mota, ist193693, @bermota
- João Caldeira, ist193729, @joaomiguelcaldeira
The list of pull requests associated with this feature is:
- Updates option order
- Updates correct options
- Unchecks correct option with order
- Creates question with correct answers without order
- Create multiple selection question with order
- Update multiple selection question with order
- View question (with button)
- View question (with click)
- Update title
- Update content
- Duplicate question
- Delete question
- Creates question with 2 options
- Creates question with 10 options
- Guilherme Cândido, ist193719, @guilhermemcandido
- Tiago Leitão, ist193758, @tiagomileitao
The list of pull requests associated with this feature is: