- akkadotnet/akka.net - Port of Akka actors for .NET
- Akka.NET Bootcamp
- End to End Akka.NET Distributed Programming with Akka.Cluster, K8s, and Docker
- Lesson 1 - Working with Akka.NET and Akka.Cluster
- Lesson 2 - Docker-izing Akka.NET and Akka.Cluster
- Lesson 3 - Akka.Cluster Best Practices for Continuous Deployment
- Lesson 4 - Advanced Akka.Cluster Techniques DistributedPubSub, Sharding, and ClusterClient
- Lesson 5 - Deploying Akka.Cluster in Kubernetes
- Lesson 6 - Monitoring Akka.NET with Phobos
- petabridge/akkadotnet-cluster-workshop - Akka.NET + Kubernetes + Akka.Cluster Training Course
- petabridge/akka-bootcamp - Self-paced training course to learn Akka.NET fundamentals from scratch
- petabridge/azure-container-app-akkadotnet