The virtual machines by default are using the MicrosoftWindowsServer
OS publisher virtual machine type. For production usage, it's highly recommended to use the CIS hardened virtual machines. To make this happen you must complete two steps:
- Update
to use the CIS hardened variables.
"virtualMachine": {
"OSPublisher": "center-for-internet-security-inc",
"OSOffer": "cis-ws2019-l1",
"OSVersion": "cis-windows-server-2019-v1-0-0-l1",
- Accept the terms of the Marketplace VM image by running the following PowerShell cmdlet in the customers subscription and Azure AD tenancy.
Set-AzMarketplaceTerms -Publisher "center-for-internet-security-inc" -Product "cis-ws2019-l1" -Name "cis-windows-server-2019-v1-0-0-l1" | Set-AzMarketplaceTerms -Accept
For more information, refer to the following Microsoft Docs page.
The data factory pipelines look for the following secrets in the operational Key Vault, which you would need to manually add: