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Wave-U-Net: A Multi-scale Neural Network for End-to-End Audio Source Separation

Proposes an adaptation of U-Net to the one-dimensional domain (time-domain) to perform audio source separation.

Why time-domain?

  • Most models operate on magnitude spectrum with a fixed spectral transformation and they ignore phase information
  • In time-domain, the model should be able to model phase information without using a fixed spectral transformation.


Most methods almost exclusively operate on frequency domain :

  1. Apply Short-Time Fourier Transform (STFT) to input signal, generating a complex-valued spectrogram
  2. The spectrogram is split into its magnitude and phase components
  3. The model only uses magnitude and predicts the output magnitude spectrogram for the individual sound sources
  4. Then the magnitudes are combined with the mixture phase information
  5. An inverse STFT is applied to the spectrogram to generate the individual audio signals

Some authors also recover the individual phase information using the Griffin-Lim algorithm. This iterative algorithm works as follows:

  1. Start with a complex-valued spectrogram with the desired magnitude but with the imaginary part with uniform noise (no phase information)
  2. Perform Inverse STFT (ISTFT) to obtain an audio signal based on magnitude information
  3. Apply STFT to the generated audio signal, getting a spectrogram with some imperfect phase information.
  4. On the generated spectrogram replace the real part with the original magnitude spectrogram.
  5. Redo Step 2

The process is done several times until some end criteria. The phase information will iteratively be more relevant.

The frequency domain has several limitations:

  • It is dependent on parameters as the size and overlap of audio frames, affecting time and frequency resolution.
  • These parameters need to be optimized as an additional hyperparameter of the model since they will affect the performance (although generally these are fixed to specific values).
  • Since phase estimation is not included, the phase is assumed incorrectly to be the same as the initial mixture (which is incorrect for overlapping partials)
  • Even if Griffin-Lim algorithm is used, this method is slow and often no such signal exists.

These reasons are behind why the authors claim that the phase information should be included in the model separation.

Related Work

The authors identify some related papers that also explore time-domain.

TasNet (Time-domain audio separation Network)


  • Focused on real-time speech separation task.

  • It proposes an encoder-decoder framework with four parts: a preprocessing normalization module, an encoder for estimating the mixture weight, a separation module, and a decoder for waveform reconstruction:

    1. Input audio is normalized to have unit L^2^ norm.
    2. An encoder tries to estimate the nonnegative mixture weights for each segment using a 1-D gated convolutional layer (similar to the paper on Language modeling with gated convolutional networks)
    3. A deep LSTM whit identity skip-connections followed by a fully-connected layer works as the separation network and is used to estimate the source masks that indicate the contribution of each source to the mixture weight.
    4. A Transposed Convolution is done with N 1-D filters to recover the temporal information
    5. The L^2^ normalization is inverted to obtain the final separated sources.

MR-CAE (Multi-Resolution Convolutional Auto-Encoder)

It uses a convolutional autoencoder with layers composed by different sets of filters. Each set has filters of different size that try to capture different features:

These filters are then concatenated before the activation layers (ELU) and after batch normalization in each set of filters. They do not apply any pre or post processing on the audio signals. The network is trained on input signals of 1025 length and the filters chosen have sizes of 5, 50, 256, 512 and 1025. In the decoder part, the process is repeated with Transposed Convolutions.

SEGAN (Speech Enhancement Generative Adversarial Network)

It uses a GAN applied to speech enhancement and tries to enhance a noisy audio signal. The generator network performs the enhancement, having as inputs the noisy input signal together with the latent representation z. The generator is fully convolutional and is structured similarly to an auto-encoder.

The encoder uses stride convolutions with PReLUs activations and allows consecutive compressions until getting a condensed representation (called the thought vector c) that is concatenated with the latent vector z. The decoder then reverses the process with fractional-strided transposed convolutions with PReLUs activations. The generator also includes skip connections that connect each encoding layer to its homologous decoding layer. This allows many low-level details to be passed to the decoding stage (that otherwise could be lost). The discriminator in an adversarial setting just classifies whether the generated signal is real or not, allowing the generator to progressively create realistic clean speech audio signals. An additional component of the loss is added to the discriminator to minimize the distance between its generations and clean examples.


Designed for generating speech audio waveforms, WaveNet is a fully convolutional neural network, based on dilated causal convolutions to deal with the long-range temporal dependencies. The convolutions have various dilatation factors to provide an exponential growth of the receptive field with depth. It is inspired by PixelCNNs, by modeling the conditional probability distributions by a stack of conv layers.

The causal convolutions are the main difference in this model since it guarantees that the model does not violate the order in which the data is modeled. The generation of new samples is sequential as WaveNet outputs a categorical distribution of the next time-step with a softmax layer and maximizes the log-likelihood of the data. Since causal convolutions require many layers or large filters (to increase the receptive field) they use dilated convolutions, i.e. the conv filters are applied on a larger area than its length by skipping input steps:

Notice that dilatation 1 is standard convolution. The dilation factors are doubled for every layer up to a limit and then repeated (1 - 2 - 4 - ... - 512 - 1 - 2 - ... - 512), increasing the model's capacity and the receptive field size.

Since each timestep is stored as a 16-bit integer this would lead to a softmax layer with 65536 (2^16^) probabilities. To avoid this the values are quantized to 256 possible values with a µ-law: dsad

The main problem of this approach is the high memory consumption.


Base Architecture

  • According to the authors, the feature maps with increasingly more features and less resolution allows the modeling of long-term dependencies.
  • The increasing number of high-level features on coarser time scales is done using downsampling blocks.
  • The Wave-U-net has L levels, with each level working on half the time resolution as the previous one.
  • It applies zero-padding in the input and after each 1D convolution, it is applied a LeakyReLU activation.
  • After each Conv1D it is applied decimation that discard features for every other time-step and decreasing the resolution in half.
  • The process is repeated for L layers and then a Conv1D is applied after L blocks initiating the decoding process of the network with UpSampling blocks alternated with Conv1D blocks.
  • Similarly to U-Net, features from the encoding phase are concatenated with the decoding phase, allowing the combination of high-level features with more local ones.
  • The final activation is a tanh and the predictions are returned in the interval [-1, 1].

The authors noticed that the upsampling blocks and the transposed convolutions used in related work models introduced aliasing artifacts in the generation process (in the form of high-frequency noise).

To avoid this a linear interpolation for upsampling is applied, ensuring temporal continuity in the feature space. This allowed the removal of high-frequency artifacts. In a) upsampling with artifacts and in b) the linear interpolation:

Author's Improvements on base architecture

  • Instead of outputting K output sources, they propose a final output of K-1 sources. The final mixture is just the subtraction of the K-1 outputs to the original mixture. According to the authors, this constrains the model to learn that the sum of the output sources should be equal to the original mixtures.
  • To avoid the zero-padding artifacts created by the base architecture, they propose convolutions without implicit padding. They use an input larger than the size of the output so that the convolutions are computed in the correct audio context.
  • They evaluate the effect of stereo vs mono results
  • Instead of a linear-interpolation they also propose an alternative learned upsampling layer, i.e, a 1D convolution with F filters of size 2 and no padding. This can be seen as a generalization of simple linear interpolation.

Implementation details

  • No Preprocessing
  • Audio Signals are resampled to 22050 Hz and are split into non-overlapping segments of 1 second.
  • Data Augmentation is used by multiplying the sources by a random ration between [0.7, 1]. The augmented mixture is obtained by summing all the augmented sources.
  • Mean Squared Error Loss used
  • Adam optimizer with learning rate (0.0001) and default Betas.
  • Training with early stopping after 20 epochs with no improvements in validation MSE.
  • After this, the model is fine-tuned with double of the batch size and learning rate of (0.00001) with early stopping after 20 epochs with no improvements in validation MSE.
  • Baseline model has 12 Layers with 24 filters of sizes 15 in downsampling and 5 in upsampling.
  • Models with additional input context (no zero padding) have bigger input and output samples.
  • Signal-to-distortion metric (SDR) is used to evaluate final source separation after training. Other metrics exist:

  • Since SDR of silent audio segments is undefined (log(0)), these segments are ignored in the implementation.
  • Due to the SDR is not normally distributed across segments the median is taken over segments (describes the min performance that is achieved 50% of the time). The Median Absolute deviation is also used.

Results and conclusions

  • The change in the number of output sources does not have a significant impact on performance.
  • Introducing the context improves performance.
  • Stereo outperforms mono.
  • Learned upsample improves the median in vocal separation but decreases the mean.
  • It is very competitive to spectrogram U-Net.
  • Since the segments are combined by concatenation some inconsistencies occur at the borders. The context model corrects this.
  • The authors suggest trying out different losses in the future.


  • Stoller, Daniel, Sebastian Ewert, and Simon Dixon. "Wave-u-net: A multi-scale neural network for end-to-end audio source separation." arXiv preprint arXiv:1806.03185 (2018).
  • Luo, Yi, and Nima Mesgarani. "TasNet: time-domain audio separation network for real-time, single-channel speech separation." In 2018 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), pp. 696-700. IEEE, 2018.
  • Yann N Dauphin, Angela Fan, Michael Auli, and David Grangier, “Language modeling with gated convolutional networks,” arXiv preprint arXiv:1612.08083, 2016.
  • Grais, Emad M., Dominic Ward, and Mark D. Plumbley. "Raw Multi-Channel Audio Source Separation using Multi-Resolution Convolutional Auto-Encoders." In 2018 26th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), pp. 1577-1581. IEEE, 2018.
  • Pascual, Santiago, Antonio Bonafonte, and Joan Serrà. "SEGAN: Speech enhancement generative adversarial network." arXiv preprint arXiv:1703.09452 (2017).
  • Oord, Aaron van den, Sander Dieleman, Heiga Zen, Karen Simonyan, Oriol Vinyals, Alex Graves, Nal Kalchbrenner, Andrew Senior, and Koray Kavukcuoglu. "Wavenet: A generative model for raw audio." arXiv preprint arXiv:1609.03499 (2016).
  • Vincent, Emmanuel, Rémi Gribonval, and Cédric Févotte. "Performance measurement in blind audio source separation." IEEE transactions on audio, speech, and language processing 14, no. 4 (2006): 1462-1469.