This is the development verson of agui, not to be confused with the public version that only works with "mini-athenak" that is being extracted from this during the Aug 21-25 week at IAS.
Here show some examples of executing athena using a dynamic GUI. nIn theory this could apply to any of the Athena family (athena [AC], athena++ [AX], or athenak [AK]). It is easiest to work with athenak, since all the problems are compiled into one executable. We cover some examples of athena++ below as well, since at the moment athenak is not yet public. For good historic measure, classic athenaC is also available.
Related and inspired by is NEMO's tkrun and run frontends, but we aim to use python based software here. The GUI directive we are proposing are an updated version of the one that was used in tkrun
This agui is a convenience repo that can contain all dependant repos (athenac, athena, athenak and nemo). First get agui:
git clone
cd agui
after which any of the components can be built, or pick the one you want to focus on:
make build_athenac
make build_athena
make build_athenak
make build_nemo
make build_python
For some systems you may need to install additional software, which are assembled in the requirement files, e.g.
sudo apt install $(grep -v ^# requirements.apt)
sudo dnf install $(grep -v ^# requirements.dnf)
brew install $(grep -v ^# requirements.brew)
pip install -r requirements.txt
How the user sets up python could be covered in a separate document. We do mention the build_python target listed before, which sets up a personal anaconda3 tree in this directory, but needs an additional
source anaconda3/
to be activated in your shell.
Using native Qt is probably our preferred method of using the GUI, viz.
should show a GUI where to select an athinput file. Everything should guide itself.
pySimpleGui (pysg) is an alternative method where you can pick the GUI from "qt" or "tkinter", and actually two more we didn't play with. Here you would start with
and again, since it's a GUI, things should guide itself.
Using athenak is preferred, as it has all problems compiled into one executable. Examples using athena++ can be found below.
First, an example how to compile and run the code
git clone --recursive
mkdir athenak/build
cd athenak/build
cmake ..
make -j
or if you're lazy, use the Makefile in this agui directory:
make build
this compilation takes a bit longer than athena++, mostly because the kokkos library has to be compiled first. The binary is now in athenak/build/src/athena.
build/src/athena -i inputs/tests/linear_wave_hydro.athinput -d run1
build/src/athena -i inputs/tests/advect_hyd.athinput -d run2
build/src/athena -i inputs/tests/advect_mhd.athinput -d run3
build/src/athena -i inputs/tests/hohlraum_1d.athinput -d run4
build/src/athena -i inputs/tests/rad_linwave.athinput -d run5
-> rad_linwave.hydro_w.*.tab
-> rad_linwave.rad_coord.*.tab
build/src/athena -i inputs/hydro/sod.athinput -d run6
base=run6/tab/Sod xcol=3 ycol=4
base=run6/tab/Sod xcol=3 ycol=5
base=run6/tab/Sod xcol=3 ycol=6
build/src/athena -i inputs/hydro/shu_osher.athinput -d run7
build/src/athena -i inputs/hydro/viscosity.athinput -d run8
base=run8/tab/ViscTest xcol=3 ycol=6
First we grab and compile the code for the linear wave problem
git clone
cd athena
./ --prob linear_wave
make clean
make -j
Compiling the code takes the most time, but on a typical laptop well under 30 seconds.
After this we can run it
bin/athena -i inputs/hydro/athinput.linear_wave1d -d run1
but the default output from that athinput file is the vtk data format, which for this GUI demo would be too complex to parse. TBD. For now we switch to the ascii table format, viz.
bin/athena -i inputs/hydro/athinput.linear_wave1d -d run2 output2/file_type=tab
which also shows how the GUI will have to deal with command line parameters beyond the -i and -d options.
First example is NEMO biased, effectively quickly plotting all tab files using tabplot. Noting that the second row in each table shows the columns names:
# Athena++ data at time=0.000000e+00 cycle=0 variables=prim
# i x1v rho press vel1 vel2 vel3
this would be an animation of x1v vs. vel1
for f in LinWave*.tab; do
tabplot $f xcol=2 ycol=5
or using our sample script
../../animate1 xcol=x1v ycol=vel1
if tkrun is enabled, use
tkrun ../../animate1
but this may be broken by now, at least the names of the columns differ between athena++ and athenak
The history (hst) keeps track of a number of variables of which we can obtain the statistics (agui/show_stats)
#col [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11]
#name time dt mass 1-mom 2-mom 3-mom 1-KE 2-KE 3-KE tot-E max-v2
npt: 501 501 501 501 501 501 501 501 501 501 501
min: 0 1.31217e-05 1 -3.14329e-22 0 0 2.49497e-13 0 0 0.9 0
max: 5 0.003125 1 3.19912e-22 0 0 2.5e-13 0 0 0.9 0
sum: 1253.43 1.56251 501 -1.56725e-20 0 0 1.25127e-10 0 0 450.9 0
mean: 2.50186 0.00311879 1 -3.12825e-23 0 0 2.49754e-13 0 0 0.9 0
disp: 1.44625 0.00013889 0 8.61373e-23 0 0 1.46346e-16 0 0 0 0
skew: -4.15046e-05 -22.316 0 0.0211432 0 0 -0.0439997 0 0 0 0
kurt: -1.20002 496.002 0 0.579502 0 0 -1.23003 0 0 0 0
min: -1.72989 -22.3607 -nan -3.28599 -nan -nan -1.75681 -nan -nan inf -nan
max: 1.72732 0.0447214 -nan 4.07715 -nan -nan 1.68025 -nan -nan inf -nan
median: 2.50312 0.003125 1 -3.21566e-23 0 0 2.49757e-13 0 0 0.9 0
The old style V1 tkrun format separated the parameter setting from the GUI specification:
#> RADIO mode=gauss gauss,newton,leibniz
but in the new style V2 will allow us to mix the GUI specifications with the (language dependent) key=val construct that gives it a default value, e.g.
mode=gauss # specify the integration method #> RADIO gauss,newton,leibniz
set mode = gauss # specify the integration method #> RADIO gauss,newton,leibniz
mode="gauss" # specify the integration method #> RADIO gauss,newton,leibniz
mode = gauss # specify the integration method #> RADIO gauss,newton,leibniz
but will still leave open the option to build an executionar.
This is how we envision running agui:
agui [-i athinput] [-x athena] [-s scriptfile]
-i optional athinput file. If not provided, a filebrowser will let you search for and select one
Default: athinput
-x name (and or location) of the athena executable to use.
Default: athena
-s name of a script file where run commands will be appended to. This can act like a logfile
Default: agui.log
This will bring up a succession of 3 GUI's:
The (optional) athinput file selector. Here the defaults of all parameters are given
Setting parameters for the run
- The "-d" run directory
- parameters parsed from the athinput file (with or without the "#> GUI" specifications
The user can then run the simulation. This should probably detach from this GUI, maybe bring up a progress bar in a new window, which will then morph into the results browser(s) as described in the next two steps:
History (.hst) file browser. This is a file that as function of simulation time has stored a number of variables. This GUI will allow you to plot any column vs. any other column using a standard matplotlib windows embedded in the GUI. This will otherwise be a static plot, as time is one of the columns in the history table.
Results (1D: .tab) browser. This browser is similar to the history file browser, except results are available for each selected dump time. An animation button will allow you to move through time, as well as select two variables from the results table.
This will of course fine for 1D problems, for 2D problems the last GUI ("plot1D") will be a "plot2D" widget that shows an image with a color-bar instead of a 1D plot. This has not been implemented yet. Also to be determined is the allowed format? FITS and HDF ?
athena++ GRMHD code and adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) framework -
pyro: a python hydro code -
- summer 2023: UMD students Anh Hoang Cao and Kylie Gong coding pyqt, gooey and pysimplegui examples (test1..9)