From ca67ce94cc7e605442e31f387c99456458c9aae9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Peter Teuben Date: Mon, 18 Mar 2024 21:58:34 -0400 Subject: [PATCH] remove titles --- asclKeywords.txt | 2174 +++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------- 1 file changed, 1089 insertions(+), 1085 deletions(-) diff --git a/asclKeywords.txt b/asclKeywords.txt index 2beb9cc..777112a 100644 --- a/asclKeywords.txt +++ b/asclKeywords.txt @@ -2131,1091 +2131,1094 @@ ascl:1911.024 comb ascl:1912.001 Polyspectrum ascl:1912.002 casacore ascl:1912.003 ASKAPsoft -ascl:1912.004 DALiuGE: Data Activated Liu Graph Engine -ascl:1912.005 Athena++: Radiation GR magnetohydrodynamics code -ascl:1912.006 HSIM: HARMONI simulation pipeline -ascl:1912.007 anesthetic: Nested sampling visualization -ascl:1912.008 PopSyCLE: Population Synthesis for Compact object Lensing Events -ascl:1912.009 FORSTAND: Flexible ORbit Superposition Toolbox for ANalyzing Dynamical models -ascl:1912.010 AstroAccelerate: Accelerated software package for processing time-domain radio astronomy data -ascl:1912.011 QSOSIM: Simulated Quasar Spectrum Generator -ascl:1912.012 GAME: GAlaxy Machine learning for Emission lines -ascl:1912.013 GriSPy: Fixed-radius nearest neighbors grid search in Python -ascl:1912.014 HARMPI: 3D massively parallel general relativictic MHD code -ascl:1912.015 ENTERPRISE: Enhanced Numerical Toolbox Enabling a Robust PulsaR Inference SuitE -ascl:1912.016 GWpy: Python package for studying data from gravitational-wave detectors -ascl:1912.017 PTMCMCSampler: Parallel tempering MCMC sampler package written in Python -ascl:1912.018 Tangos: Framework and web interface for database-driven analysis of numerical structure formation simulations -ascl:1912.019 STACKER: Stack sources in interferometric data -ascl:1912.020 MRExo: Non-parametric mass-radius relationship for exoplanets -ascl:2001.001 Min-CaLM: Mineral compositional analysis on debris disk spectra -ascl:2001.002 TRANSPHERE: 1-D spherical continuum radiative transfer -ascl:2001.003 sf3dmodels: Star-forming regions 3D modelling package -ascl:2001.004 FragMent: Fragmentation techniques for studying filaments -ascl:2001.005 FAKEOBS: Model visibilities generator -ascl:2001.006 Protostellar Evolution: Stellar evolution simulator -ascl:2001.007 BTS: Behind The Spectrum -ascl:2001.008 DebrisDiskFM: Debris Disk Forward Modeling -ascl:2001.009 ORCS: Analysis engine for SITELLE spectral cubes -ascl:2001.010 CosMOPED: Compressed Planck likelihood -ascl:2001.011 ExoTETHyS: Exoplanetary transits and eclipsing binaries modeler -ascl:2001.012 MCMCI: Markov Chain Monte Carlo + Isochrones method for characterizing exoplanetary systems -ascl:2001.013 RPPPS: Re-analyzing Pipeline for Parkes Pulsar Survey -ascl:2001.014 Peasoup: C++/CUDA GPU pulsar searching library -ascl:2001.015 gnm: The MCMC Jagger -ascl:2002.001 SDAR: Slow-Down Algorithmic Regularization code for solving few-body problems -ascl:2002.002 RASCAS: Resonant line transfer in AMR simulations -ascl:2002.003 ORIGIN: detectiOn and extRactIon of Galaxy emIssion liNes -ascl:2002.004 triceratops: Candidate exoplanet rating tool -ascl:2002.005 ODUSSEAS: Observing Dwarfs Using Stellar Spectroscopic Energy-Absorption Shapes -ascl:2002.006 ScamPy: Sub-halo Clustering and Abundance Matching Python interface -ascl:2002.007 ProSpect: Spectral generation package -ascl:2002.008 ExoSim: Simulator for predicting signal and noise in transit spectroscopy observations -ascl:2002.009 DASH: Deep Automated Supernova and Host classifier -ascl:2002.010 Apercal: Pipeline for the Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope Apertif upgrade -ascl:2002.011 PyHammer: Python spectral typing suite -ascl:2002.012 DMRadon: Radon Transform calculation tools -ascl:2002.013 GWecc: Calculator for pulsar timing array signals due to eccentric supermassive binaries -ascl:2002.014 HaloAnalysis: Read and analyze halo catalogs and merger trees -ascl:2002.015 GizmoAnalysis: Read and analyze Gizmo simulations -ascl:2002.016 Cobra: Bayesian pulsar searching -ascl:2002.017 libstempo: Python wrapper for Tempo2 -ascl:2002.018 Bayesfit: Command-line program for combining Tempo2 and MultiNest components -ascl:2002.019 ExoRT: Two-stream radiative transfer code -ascl:2002.020 ExoCAM: Exoplanet Community Atmospheric Model -ascl:2002.021 CR-SISTEM: Symplectic integrator for lunar core-mantle and orbital dynamics -ascl:2002.022 DISKMODs: Accretion Disk Radial Structure Models -ascl:2003.001 TESS-Point: High precision TESS pointing tool -ascl:2003.002 MAGNETAR: Histogram of relative orientation calculator for MHD observations -ascl:2003.003 acorns: Agglomerative Clustering for ORganising Nested Structures -ascl:2003.004 scousepy: Semi-automated multi-COmponent Universal Spectral-line fitting Engine -ascl:2003.005 RHT: Rolling Hough Transform -ascl:2003.006 PORTAL: POlarized Radiative Transfer Adapted to Lines -ascl:2003.007 RAPID: Real-time Automated Photometric IDentification -ascl:2003.008 CoastGuard: Automated timing data reduction pipeline -ascl:2003.009 TOASTER: Times-Of-Arrival Tracker -ascl:2003.010 MARGE: Machine learning Algorithm for Radiative transfer of Generated Exoplanets -ascl:2003.011 HOMER: A Bayesian inverse modeling code -ascl:2003.012 PYSOLATOR: Remove orbital modulation from a binary pulsar and/or its companion -ascl:2003.013 AstroHOG: Analysis correlations using the Histograms of Oriented Gradients -ascl:2003.014 Torch: Coupled gas and N-body dynamics simulator -ascl:2004.001 Locus: Optimized differential photometry -ascl:2004.002 Tangra: Software for video photometry and astrometry -ascl:2004.003 IllinoisGRMHD: GRMHD code for dynamical spacetimes -ascl:2004.004 WD: Wilson-Devinney binary star modeling -ascl:2004.005 PyWD2015: Wilson-Devinney code GUI -ascl:2004.006 ASTRAEUS: Semi-analytical semi-numerical galaxy evolution and reionization code -ascl:2004.007 PyCosmo: Multi-purpose cosmology calculation tool -ascl:2004.008 PPMAP: Column density mapping with extra dimensions -ascl:2004.009 stardate: Measure precise stellar ages -ascl:2004.010 kombine: Kernel-density-based parallel ensemble sampler -ascl:2004.011 FUNDPAR: Deriving FUNDamental PARameters from equivalent widths -ascl:2004.012 ArviZ: Exploratory analysis of Bayesian models -ascl:2004.013 Finesse: Frequency domain INterfErometer Simulation SoftwarE -ascl:2004.014 PyKat: Python interface and tools for Finesse -ascl:2004.015 IRDAP: SPHERE-IRDIS polarimetric data reduction pipeline -ascl:2004.016 PRECISION: Astronomical infrared observations data reduction -ascl:2005.001 RID: Relativistic Image Doubling in water Cherenkov detectors -ascl:2005.002 michi2: SED and SLED fitting tool -ascl:2005.003 RM-Tools: Rotation measure (RM) synthesis and Stokes QU-fitting -ascl:2005.004 REDFIT: Red-noise spectra directly from unevenly spaced time series -ascl:2005.005 RoLo: Calculate radius and potential of the Roche Lobe -ascl:2005.006 FFANCY: Fast Folding Algorithm for pulsar searching -ascl:2005.007 Carpyncho: VVV Catalog browser toolkit -ascl:2005.008 HiFLEx: Echelle data reduction pipeline -ascl:2005.009 s3PCF: Compute the 3-point correlation function in the squeezed limit -ascl:2005.010 NNKCDE: Nearest Neighbor Kernel Conditional Density Estimation -ascl:2005.011 gotetra: Cosmic velocity fields tracking through the use of tetrahedra -ascl:2005.012 2DBAT: 2D Bayesian Automated Tilted-ring fitter -ascl:2005.013 qubefit: MCMC kinematic modeling -ascl:2005.014 FETCH: Fast Extragalactic Transient Candidate Hunter -ascl:2005.015 AMPEL: Alert Management, Photometry, and Evaluation of Light curves -ascl:2005.016 RAPP: Robust Automated Photometry Pipeline -ascl:2005.017 cdetools: Tools for Conditional Density Estimates -ascl:2005.018 RFCDE: Random Forests for Conditional Density Estimation -ascl:2005.019 MCRaT: Monte Carlo Radiation Transfer -ascl:2005.020 HIPSTER: HIgh-k Power Spectrum EstimatoR -ascl:2006.001 HEARSAY: Simulations for the probability of alien contact -ascl:2006.002 PRIISM: Python module for Radio Interferometry Imaging with Sparse Modeling -ascl:2006.003 KinMS: Three-dimensional kinematic modeling of arbitrary gas distributions -ascl:2006.004 2D-FFTLog: Generalized FFTLog algorithm for non-Gaussian covariance matrices -ascl:2006.005 CosmoCov: Configuration space covariances for projected galaxy 2-point statistics -ascl:2006.006 CosmoLike: Cosmological Likelihood analyses -ascl:2006.007 TATTER: Two-sAmple TesT EstimatoR -ascl:2006.008 DeepSphere: Graph-based spherical convolutional neural network for cosmology -ascl:2006.009 AxionNS: Ray-tracing in neutron stars -ascl:2006.010 PRISim: Precision Radio Interferometer Simulator -ascl:2006.011 SERVAL: SpEctrum Radial Velocity AnaLyser -ascl:2006.012 pxf_kin_err: Radial velocity and velocity dispersion uncertainties estimator -ascl:2006.013 JoXSZ: Joint X-ray and SZ fitting for galaxy clusters in Python -ascl:2006.014 CARACal: Containerized Automated Radio Astronomy Calibration pipeline -ascl:2006.015 ARCHI: Add-on pipeline module for background star analysis from CHEOPS data -ascl:2006.016 SPISEA: Stellar Population Interface for Stellar Evolution and Atmospheres -ascl:2006.017 AstroCatR: Time series reconstruction of large-scale astronomical catalogs -ascl:2006.018 Powderday: Dust radiative transfer package -ascl:2006.019 TATOO: Tidal-chronology Age TOOl -ascl:2006.020 GenetIC: Initial conditions generator for cosmological simulations -ascl:2006.021 FAMED: Extraction and mode identification of oscillation frequencies for solar-like pulsators -ascl:2006.022 MCSED: Spectral energy distribution fitting package for galactic systems -ascl:2006.023 deepSIP: deep learning of Supernova Ia Parameters -ascl:2007.001 GProtation: Measuring stellar rotation periods with Gaussian processes -ascl:2007.002 hierArc: Hierarchical analysis of strong gravitational lenses -ascl:2007.003 SPARTA: Subhalo and PARticle Trajectory Analysis -ascl:2007.004 spex_to_xspec: Convert SPEX output to XSPEC input -ascl:2007.005 PeTar: ParticlE Tree & particle-particle & Algorithmic Regularization code for simulating massive star clusters -ascl:2007.006 PoPE: Population Profile Estimator -ascl:2007.007 PSRVoid: Statistical suite for folded pulsar data -ascl:2007.008 MPSolve: Multiprecision Polynomial SOLVEr -ascl:2007.009 polyMV: Multipolar coefficients converter -ascl:2007.010 DarkHistory: Modified cosmic ionization and thermal histories calculator -ascl:2007.011 FleCSPH: Parallel and distributed SPH implementation based on the FleCSI -ascl:2007.012 Line-Stacker: Spectral lines stacking -ascl:2007.013 wdtools: Spectroscopic analysis of white dwarfs -ascl:2007.014 PARS: Paint the Atmospheres of Rotating Stars -ascl:2007.015 MAGI: Initial-condition generator for galactic N-body simulations -ascl:2007.016 ReadPDS: Visualization tools for PDS4 data -ascl:2007.017 SPEX: Spectral Executive -ascl:2007.018 OSPEX: Object Spectral Executive -ascl:2007.019 TROVE: Theoretical ROVibrational Energies -ascl:2007.020 pygwinc: Gravitational Wave Interferometer Noise Calculator -ascl:2007.021 JB2008: Empirical Thermospheric Density Model -ascl:2007.022 SPARTA: SPectroscopic vARiabiliTy Analysis -ascl:2007.023 CosmoGRaPH: Cosmological General Relativity and (Perfect fluid | Particle) Hydrodynamics -ascl:2007.024 CaTffs: Calcium triplet indexes -ascl:2008.001 kinesis: Kinematic modeling of clusters -ascl:2008.002 PhaseTracer: Cosmological phases mapping -ascl:2008.003 KLLR: Kernel Localized Linear Regression -ascl:2008.004 SOT: Spin-Orbit Tomography -ascl:2008.005 PySAP: Python Sparse data Analysis Package -ascl:2008.006 Umbrella: Asteroid detection, validation, and identification -ascl:2008.007 sslf: A simple spectral-line finder -ascl:2008.008 Barry: Modular BAO fitting code -ascl:2008.009 SuperNNova: Photometric classification -ascl:2008.010 zeus: Lightning Fast MCMC -ascl:2008.011 Magnetizer: Computing magnetic fields of evolving galaxies -ascl:2008.012 Ujti: Geodesics in general relativity -ascl:2008.013 SEDBYS: Spectral Energy Distribution Builder for Young Stars -ascl:2008.014 SuperRAENN: Supernova photometric classification pipeline -ascl:2008.015 CMEchaser: Coronal Mass Ejection line-of-sight occultation detector -ascl:2008.016 ParaMonte: Parallel Monte Carlo library -ascl:2008.017 CVXOPT: Convex Optimization -ascl:2008.018 maxsmooth: Derivative constrained function fitting -ascl:2008.019 iFIT: 1D surface photometry code -ascl:2008.020 Eclaire: CUDA-based Library for Astronomical Image REduction -ascl:2008.021 ramses2hsim: RAMSES output to 3D data cube for HSIM -ascl:2008.022 healpy: Python wrapper for HEALPix -ascl:2008.023 DUCC: Distinctly Useful Code Collection -ascl:2008.024 MUSIC2-monofonIC: 3LPT initial condition generator -ascl:2008.025 TRISTAN: TRIdimensional STANford code -ascl:2008.026 TDEmass: Tidal Disruption Event interpretor -ascl:2008.027 HorizonGRound: Relativistic effects in ultra-large-scale clustering -ascl:2009.001 JetSeT: Numerical modeling and SED fitting tool for relativistic jets -ascl:2009.002 vlt-sphere: Automatic VLT/SPHERE data reduction and analysis -ascl:2009.003 oxkat: Semi-automated imaging of MeerKAT observations -ascl:2009.004 ISPy3: Integrated-light Spectroscopy for Python3 -ascl:2009.005 CASI-3D: Convolutional Approach to Structure Identification-3D -ascl:2009.006 SPInS: Stellar Parameters INferred Systematically -ascl:2009.007 J plots: Tool for characterizing 2D and 3D structures in the interstellar medium -ascl:2009.008 Paramo: PArticle and RAdiation MOnitor -ascl:2009.009 MADHAT: Gamma-ray emission analyzer -ascl:2009.010 MLG: Microlensing with Gaia -ascl:2009.011 PyWST: WST and RWST for astrophysics -ascl:2009.012 minot: Modeling framework for diffuse components in galaxy clusters -ascl:2009.013 AstroVaDEr: Unsupervised clustering and synthetic image generation -ascl:2009.014 pySpectrum: Power spectrum and bispectrum calculator -ascl:2009.015 rcosmo: Cosmic Microwave Background data analysis -ascl:2009.016 halomod: Flexible interface for the halo model of dark matter halos -ascl:2009.017 CosmoloPy: Cosmology package for Python -ascl:2009.018 CRAC: Cosmology R Analysis Code -ascl:2009.019 FLEET: Finding Luminous and Exotic Extragalactic Transients -ascl:2009.020 cosmoFns: Functions for observational cosmology -ascl:2009.021 Chrono: Multi-physics simulation engine -ascl:2009.022 Harmonia: Hybrid-basis inference for large-scale galaxy clustering -ascl:2009.023 DASTCOM5: JPL small-body data browser -ascl:2009.024 MSL: Mining for Substructure Lenses -ascl:2009.025 Binary-Speckle: Binary or triple star parameters -ascl:2010.001 MBF: MOLSCAT 2020, BOUND, and FIELD for atomic and molecular collisions -ascl:2010.002 GSpec: Gamma-ray Burst Monitor analyzer -ascl:2010.003 stsynphot: synphot for HST and JWST -ascl:2010.004 TACHE: TensoriAl Classification of Hydrodynamic Elements -ascl:2010.005 GRAPUS: GRAvitational instability PopUlation Synthesis -ascl:2010.006 LaSSI: Large-Scale Structure Information -ascl:2010.007 stella: Stellar flares identifier -ascl:2010.008 Exo-DMC: Exoplanet Detection Map Calculator -ascl:2010.009 plancklens: Planck 2018 lensing pipeline -ascl:2010.010 lenspyx: Curved-sky python lensed CMB maps simulation package -ascl:2010.011 ROGER: Automatic classification of galaxies using phase-space information -ascl:2010.012 Astronomaly: Flexible framework for anomaly detection in astronomy -ascl:2010.013 Legolas: Large Eigensystem Generator for One-dimensional pLASmas -ascl:2010.014 Pix2Prof: Deep learning for textraction of useful sequential information from galaxy imagery -ascl:2010.015 relxill: Reflection models of black hole accretion disks -ascl:2011.001 AdaMet: Adaptive Metropolis for Bayesian analysis -ascl:2011.002 CAPTURE: Interferometric pipeline for image creation from GMRT data -ascl:2011.003 Kalkayotl: Inferring distances to stellar clusters from Gaia parallaxes -ascl:2011.004 MCMCDiagnostics: Markov Chain Monte Carlo convergence diagnostics -ascl:2011.005 DarkCapPy: Dark Matter Capture and Annihilation -ascl:2011.006 tlpipe: Data processing pipeline for the Tianlai experiment -ascl:2011.007 DYNAMITE: DYnamics, Age and Metallicity Indicators Tracing Evolution -ascl:2011.008 GOTHIC: Double nuclei galaxy detector -ascl:2011.009 HaloGen: Modular halo model code -ascl:2011.010 ARES: Accelerated Reionization Era Simulations -ascl:2011.011 frbcat: Fast Radio Burst CATalog querying package -ascl:2011.012 wobble: Time-series spectra analyzer -ascl:2011.013 TLC: Tidally Locked Coordinates -ascl:2011.014 SEDkit: Spectral energy distribution construction and analysis tools -ascl:2011.015 EvapMass: Minimum mass of planets predictor -ascl:2011.016 GoFish: Molecular line detections in protoplanetary disks -ascl:2011.017 RRATtrap: Rotating Radio Transient identifier -ascl:2011.018 Clustering: Code for clustering single pulse events -ascl:2011.019 Scintools: Pulsar scintillation data tools -ascl:2011.020 REBOUNDx: Adding effects in REBOUND N-body integrations -ascl:2011.021 HSTCosmicrays: Analyzing cosmic rays in HST calibration data -ascl:2011.022 GPCAL: Instrumental polarization calibration in VLBI data -ascl:2011.023 reproject: Python-based astronomical image reprojection -ascl:2011.024 ACStools: Python tools for Hubble Space Telescope Advanced Camera for Surveys data -ascl:2011.025 PNICER: Extinction estimator -ascl:2011.026 DeepShadows: Finding low-surface-brightness galaxies in survey images -ascl:2011.027 kiauhoku: Stellar model grid interpolation -ascl:2011.028 CWITools: Tools for Cosmic Web Imager data -ascl:2011.029 DarkBit: Dark matter constraints calculator -ascl:2011.030 DDCalc: Dark matter direct detection phenomenology package -ascl:2012.001 getsf: Multi-scale, multi-wavelength sources and filaments extraction -ascl:2012.002 NSCG: NOIRLab Source Catalog Generator -ascl:2012.003 Sengi: Interactive viewer for spectral outputs from stellar population synthesis models -ascl:2012.004 BinaryStarSolver: Orbital elements of binary stars solver -ascl:2012.005 MLC_ELGs: Machine Learning Classifiers for intermediate redshift Emission Line Galaxies -ascl:2012.006 Robovetter: Automatic vetting of Threshold Crossing Events (TCEs) -ascl:2012.007 EOS: Equation of State for planetary impacts -ascl:2012.008 LIFELINE: LIne proFiles in massivE coLliding wInd biNariEs -ascl:2012.009 HydroCode1D: 1D finite volume code -ascl:2012.010 MADLens: Differentiable lensing simulator -ascl:2012.011 Skye: Excess clustering of transit times detection -ascl:2012.012 TRAN_K2: Planetary transit search -ascl:2012.013 sedop: Optimize discrete versions of common SEDs -ascl:2012.014 dolphin: Automated pipeline for lens modeling -ascl:2012.015 seaborn: Statistical data visualization -ascl:2012.016 Pomegranate: Probabilistic model builder -ascl:2012.017 SLIT: Sparse Lens Inversion Technique -ascl:2012.018 SimCADO: Observations simulator for infrared telescopes and instruments -ascl:2012.019 PyXel: Astronomical X-ray imaging data modeling -ascl:2012.020 BlackHawk: Black hole evaporation calculator -ascl:2012.021 LALSuite: LIGO Scientific Collaboration Algorithm Library Suite -ascl:2012.022 SWIGLAL: Access LALSuite libraries with Python and Octave scripts -ascl:2012.023 HCGrid: Mapping non-uniform radio astronomy data onto a uniformly distributed grid -ascl:2012.024 DRAGraces: Reduction pipeline for GRACES spectra -ascl:2012.025 Magritte: 3D radiative transfer library -ascl:2012.026 EinsteinPy: General Relativity and gravitational physics problems solver -ascl:2101.001 3LPT-init: Initial conditions with third-order Lagrangian perturbation for cosmological N-body simulations -ascl:2101.002 BAYES-LOSVD: Bayesian framework for non-parametric extraction of the LOSVD -ascl:2101.003 whereistheplanet: Predicting positions of directly imaged companions -ascl:2101.004 radiowinds: Radio emission from stellar winds -ascl:2101.005 Avocado: Photometric classification of astronomical transients and variables with biased spectroscopic samples -ascl:2101.006 ptemcee: A parallel-tempered version of emcee -ascl:2101.007 Mask galaxy: Machine learning pipeline for morphological segmentation of galaxies -ascl:2101.008 EphemMatch: Ephemeris matching of DR25 TCEs, KOIs, and EBs for false positive identification -ascl:2101.009 cFS: core Flight System -ascl:2101.010 apogee: Tools for APOGEE data -ascl:2101.011 Nigraha: Find and evaluate planet candidates from TESS light curves -ascl:2101.012 Octo-Tiger: HPX parallelized 3-D hydrodynamic code for stellar mergers -ascl:2101.013 Curvit: Create light curves from UVIT data -ascl:2101.014 PyXspec: Python interface to XSPEC spectral-fitting program -ascl:2101.015 DarpanX: X-ray reflectivity of multilayer mirrors -ascl:2101.016 pyUPMASK: Unsupervised clustering method for stellar clusters -ascl:2101.017 Eigentools: Tools for studying linear eigenvalue problems -ascl:2101.018 stratsi: Stratified streaming instability -ascl:2102.001 spinOS: SPectroscopic and INterferometric Orbital Solution finder -ascl:2102.002 MST: Minimum Spanning Tree algorithm for identifying large-scale filaments -ascl:2102.003 Pixell: Rectangular pixel map manipulation and harmonic analysis library -ascl:2102.004 ThumbStack: Map and profile stacking pipeline -ascl:2102.005 X-PSI: X-ray Pulse Simulation and Inference -ascl:2102.006 Lightbeam: Simulate light through weakly-guiding waveguides -ascl:2102.007 viscm: Colormaps analyzer and creator -ascl:2102.008 CMasher: Scientific colormaps for making accessible, informative plots -ascl:2102.009 EqTide: Equilibrium Tide calculations -ascl:2102.010 hardCORE: Exoplanet core radius fractions calculator -ascl:2102.011 polgraw-allsky: All-sky almost-monochromatic gravitational-wave pipeline -ascl:2102.012 MUSE-PSFR: PSF reconstruction for MUSE WFM-AO mode -ascl:2102.013 GalRotpy: Parametrize the rotation curve and gravitational potential of disk-like galaxies -ascl:2102.014 nway: Bayesian cross-matching of astronomical catalogs -ascl:2102.015 ForwardDiff: Forward mode automatic differentiation for Julia -ascl:2102.016 OPUS: Interoperable access to analysis and simulation codes -ascl:2102.017 mirkwood: SED modeling using machine learning -ascl:2102.018 DaMaSCUS-SUN: Dark Matter Simulation Code for Underground Scatterings - Sun Edition -ascl:2102.019 HUAYNO: Hierarchically split-Up AstrophYsical N-body sOlver N-body code -ascl:2102.020 MOSAIC: Multipole operator generator for Fast Multipole Method operators -ascl:2102.021 lensingGW: Lensing of gravitational waves -ascl:2102.022 RASSINE: Normalizing 1D stellar spectra -ascl:2102.023 Multi_CLASS: Cross-tracer angular power spectra of number counts using CLASS -ascl:2102.024 Piff: PSFs In the Full FOV -ascl:2102.025 binaryoffset: Detecting and correcting the binary offset effect in CCDs -ascl:2102.026 extinction: Dust extinction laws -ascl:2102.027 PyFstat: Continuous gravitational-wave data analysis -ascl:2102.028 PyAutoFit: Classy probabilistic programming -ascl:2102.029 BALRoGO: Bayesian Astrometric Likelihood Recovery of Galactic Objects -ascl:2102.030 GLEAM: Galaxy Line Emission and Absorption Modeling -ascl:2103.001 21cmDeepLearning: Matter density map extractor -ascl:2103.002 hfs_fit: Atomic emission spectral line hyperfine structure fitting -ascl:2103.003 spalipy: Detection-based astronomical image registration -ascl:2103.004 redshifts: Spectroscopic redshifts search tool -ascl:2103.005 satcand: Orbital stability and tidal migration constraints for KOI exomoon candidates -ascl:2103.006 ggm: Gaussian gradient magnitude filtering of astronomical images -ascl:2103.007 TFF: Template Fourier Fitting -ascl:2103.008 Pyedra: Python implementation for asteroid phase curve fitting -ascl:2103.009 DarkEmulator: Cosmological emulation code for halo clustering statistics -ascl:2103.010 TransitFit: Exoplanet transit fitting package for multi-telescope datasets -ascl:2103.011 AstroNet-Vetting: Neural network for TESS light curve vetting -ascl:2103.012 AstroNet-Triage: Neural network for TESS light curve triage -ascl:2103.013 schNell: Fast calculation of N_ell for GW anisotropies -ascl:2103.014 QuickCBC: Rapid and reliable inference for binary mergers -ascl:2103.015 LPF: Real-time detection of transient sources in radio data streams -ascl:2103.016 RAiSERed: Analytic AGN model based code for radio-frequency redshifts -ascl:2103.017 CRIME: Cosmological Realizations for Intensity Mapping Experiments -ascl:2103.018 GalacticDNSMass: Bayesian inference determination of mass distribution of Galactic double neutron stars -ascl:2103.019 SUPERNU: Radiative transfer code for explosive outflows using Monte Carlo methods -ascl:2103.020 ARTIS: 3D Monte Carlo radiative transfer code for supernovae -ascl:2103.021 Carsus: Atomic database for astronomy -ascl:2103.022 nestle: Nested sampling algorithms for evaluating Bayesian evidence -ascl:2103.023 DRAKE: Relic density in concrete models prediction -ascl:2103.024 PION: Computational fluid-dynamics package for astrophysics -ascl:2103.025 Silo: Saving scientific data to binary disk files -ascl:2103.026 PyPion: Post-processing code for PION simulation data -ascl:2103.027 GalLenspy: Reconstruction of mass profile in disc-like galaxies from the gravitational lensing effect -ascl:2103.028 Astro-Fix: Correcting astronomical bad pixels in Python -ascl:2103.029 SparseBLS: Box-Fitting Least Squares implementation for sparse data -ascl:2103.030 DIAPHANE: Library for radiation and neutrino transport in hydrodynamical simulations -ascl:2103.031 CARTA: Cube Analysis and Rendering Tool for Astronomy -ascl:2104.001 hera_opm: The HERA Online Processing Module -ascl:2104.002 Librarian: The HERA Librarian -ascl:2104.003 Hilal-Obs: Authentication agorithm for new moon visibility report -ascl:2104.004 Spectractor: Spectrum extraction tool for slitless spectrophotometry -ascl:2104.005 CTR: Coronal Temperature Reconstruction -ascl:2104.006 RJObject: Reversible Jump Objects -ascl:2104.007 EPIC5: Lindblad orbits in ovally perturbed potentials -ascl:2104.008 LaFuLi: NASA Langley Fu-Liou radiative transfer code -ascl:2104.009 OpacityTool: Dust opacities for disk modeling -ascl:2104.010 OpTool: Command-line driven tool for creating complex dust opacities -ascl:2104.011 Freeture: Free software to capTure meteors -ascl:2104.012 Mo'Astro: MongoDB framework for observational astronomy -ascl:2104.013 pfits: PSRFITS-format data file processor -ascl:2104.014 SSSpaNG: Stellar Spectra as Sparse Non-Gaussian Processes -ascl:2104.015 dense_basis: Dense Basis SED fitting -ascl:2104.016 Skyoffset: Sky offset optimization and mosaicing toolkit -ascl:2104.017 Bagpipes: Bayesian Analysis of Galaxies for Physical Inference and Parameter EStimation -ascl:2104.018 GGchem: Fast thermo-chemical equilibrium code -ascl:2104.019 SpectRes: Simple spectral resampling -ascl:2104.020 LAPACK: Linear Algebra PACKage -ascl:2104.021 cmblensplus: Cosmic microwave background tools -ascl:2104.022 RadioFisher: Fisher forecasting for 21cm intensity mapping and spectroscopic galaxy surveys -ascl:2104.023 PyBird: Python code for biased tracers in redshift space -ascl:2104.024 GAMMA: Relativistic hydro and local cooling on a moving mesh -ascl:2104.025 SpaceHub: High precision few-body and large scale N-body simulations -ascl:2104.026 Skye: Equation of state for fully ionized matter -ascl:2104.027 linemake: Line list generator -ascl:2104.028 globalemu: Global (sky-averaged) 21-cm signal emulation -ascl:2104.029 TES: Terrestrial Exoplanet Simulator -ascl:2104.030 lofti_gaiaDR2: Orbit fitting with Gaia astrometry -ascl:2104.031 Posidonius: N-Body simulator for planetary and/or binary systems -ascl:2105.001 BHPToolkit: Black Hole Perturbation Toolkit -ascl:2105.002 PDM2: Phase Dispersion Minimization -ascl:2105.003 ATARRI: A TESS Archive RR Lyrae Classifier -ascl:2105.004 TesseRACt: Tessellation-based Recovery of Amorphous halo Concentrations -ascl:2105.005 COMPAS: Rapid binary population synthesis code -ascl:2105.006 The Sequencer: Detect one-dimensional sequences in complex datasets -ascl:2105.007 SpheCow: Galaxy and dark matter halo dynamical properties -ascl:2105.008 MCALF: Velocity information from spectral imaging observations -ascl:2105.009 MeerCRAB: Transient classifier using a deep learning model -ascl:2105.010 ZOGY: Python implementation of proper image subtraction -ascl:2105.011 BlackBOX: BlackGEM and MeerLICHT image reduction software -ascl:2105.012 orvara: Orbits from Radial Velocity, Absolute, and/or Relative Astrometry -ascl:2105.013 SISPO: Imaging simulator for small solar system body missions -ascl:2105.014 encore: Efficient isotropic 2-, 3-, 4-, 5- and 6-point correlation functions -ascl:2105.015 PyTorchDIA: Difference Image Analysis tool -ascl:2105.016 CUDAHM: MCMC sampling of hierarchical models with GPUs -ascl:2105.017 Pyrat Bay: Python Radiative Transfer in a Bayesian framework -ascl:2105.018 ClaRAN: Classifying Radio sources Automatically with Neural networks -ascl:2105.019 RandomQuintessence: Integrate the Klein-Gordon and Friedmann equations with random initial conditions -ascl:2105.020 PAP: PHANGS-ALMA pipeline -ascl:2105.021 Kepler's Goat Herd: Solving Kepler's equation via contour integration -ascl:2105.022 PFITS: Spectra data reduction -ascl:2106.001 KOBE: Kepler Observes Bern Exoplanets -ascl:2106.002 dopmap: Fast Doppler mapping program -ascl:2106.003 PyDoppler: Wrapper for Doppler tomography software -ascl:2106.004 crowdsource: Crowded field photometry pipeline -ascl:2106.005 Marvin: Data access and visualization for MaNGA -ascl:2106.006 Pyshellspec: Binary systems with circumstellar matter -ascl:2106.007 CoMover: Bayesian probability of co-moving stars -ascl:2106.008 simqso: Simulated quasar spectra generator -ascl:2106.009 baofit: Fit cosmological data to measure baryon acoustic oscillations -ascl:2106.010 Maneage: Managing data lineage -ascl:2106.011 MakeCloud: Turbulent GMC initial conditions for GIZMO -ascl:2106.012 StarcNet: Convolutional neural network for classifying galaxy images into morphological classes -ascl:2106.013 Kadath: Spectral solver -ascl:2106.014 Lemon: Linear integral Equations' Monte carlo solver based On the Neumann solution -ascl:2106.015 ATES: ATmospheric EScape -ascl:2106.016 QuasarNET: CNN for redshifting and classification of astrophysical spectra -ascl:2106.017 redvsblue: Quasar and emission line redshift fitting -ascl:2106.018 picca: Package for Igm Cosmological-Correlations Analyses -ascl:2106.019 GLEMuR: GPU-based Lagrangian mimEtic Magnetic Relaxation -ascl:2106.020 simple_reg_dem: Differential Emission Measures in the solar corona -ascl:2106.021 aztekas: GRHD numerical code -ascl:2106.022 STaRS: Sejong Radiative Transfer through Raman and Rayleigh Scattering with atomic hydrogen -ascl:2106.023 so_noise_models: Simons Observatory N(ell) noise models -ascl:2106.024 RedPipe: Reduction Pipeline -ascl:2106.025 ModeChord: Primordial scalar and tensor power spectra solver -ascl:2106.026 Katu: Interaction of particles in plasma simulator -ascl:2106.027 MultiModeCode: Numerical exploration of multifield inflation models -ascl:2106.028 FRBSTATS: A web-based platform for visualization of fast radio burst properties -ascl:2106.029 EMBERS: Experimental Measurement of BEam Responses with Satellites -ascl:2106.030 DM_statistics: Statistics of the cosmological dispersion measure (DM) -ascl:2106.031 BiHalofit: Fitting formula of non-linear matter bispectrum -ascl:2106.032 DarkSirensStat: Measuring modified GW propagation and the Hubble parameter -ascl:2106.033 ZWAD: Anomaly detection pipeline -ascl:2106.034 ztf-viewer: SNAD ZTF data releases object viewer -ascl:2106.035 CalPriorSNIa: Effective calibration prior on the absolute magnitude of Type Ia supernovae -ascl:2106.036 BiFFT: Fast estimation of the bispectrum -ascl:2106.037 PORTA: POlarized Radiative TrAnsfer -ascl:2106.038 ehtplot: Plotting functions for the Event Horizon Telescope -ascl:2106.039 atmos: Coupled climate-photochemistry model -ascl:2106.040 IRAGNSEP: Spectral energy distribution fitting code -ascl:2107.001 light-curve: Light curve analysis toolbox -ascl:2107.002 ROA: Running Optimal Average -ascl:2107.003 PMN-body: Particle Mesh N-body code -ascl:2107.004 FoF-Halo-finder: Halo location and size -ascl:2107.005 ReionYuga: Epoch of Reionization neutral Hydrogen field generator -ascl:2107.006 snmachine: Photometric supernova classification -ascl:2107.007 Skymapper: Mapping astronomical survey data on the sky -ascl:2107.008 nimbus: A Bayesian inference framework to constrain kilonova models -ascl:2107.009 Balrog: Astronomical image simulation -ascl:2107.010 SpArcFiRe: SPiral ARC FInder and REporter -ascl:2107.011 AlignBandColors: Inter-color-band image alignment tool -ascl:2107.012 PyROA: Modeling quasar light curves -ascl:2107.013 GUBAS: General Use Binary Asteroid Simulator -ascl:2107.014 Skylens++: Simulation package for optical astronomical observations -ascl:2107.015 shapelens: Astronomical image analysis and shape estimation framework -ascl:2107.016 shear-stacking: Stacked shear profiles and tests based upon them -ascl:2107.017 PyCactus: Post-processing tools for Cactus computational toolkit simulation data -ascl:2107.018 ART: A Reconstruction Tool -ascl:2107.019 PlaSim: Planet Simulator -ascl:2107.020 Chem-I-Calc: Chemical Information Calculator -ascl:2107.021 RePrimAnd: Recovery of Primitives And EOS framework -ascl:2107.022 Kd-match: Correspondences of objects between two catalogs through pattern matching -ascl:2107.023 cosmic_variance: Cosmic variance calculator -ascl:2107.024 K2-CPM: Causal Pixel Model for K2 data -ascl:2107.025 MCPM: Modified CPM method -ascl:2107.026 K2mosaic: Mosaic Kepler pixel data -ascl:2107.027 KeplerPORTS: Kepler Planet Occurrence Rate Tools -ascl:2107.028 TRINITY: Dark matter halos, galaxies and supermassive black holes empirical model -ascl:2107.029 PHL: Persistent_Homology_LSS -ascl:2107.030 HERMES: High-Energy Radiative MESsengers -ascl:2108.001 HRK: HII Region Kinematics -ascl:2108.002 AUM: A Unified Modeling scheme for galaxy abundance, galaxy clustering and galaxy-galaxy lensing -ascl:2108.003 MAPS: Multi-frequency Angular Power Spectrum estimator -ascl:2108.004 WaldoInSky: Anomaly detection algorithms for time-domain astronomy -ascl:2108.005 millennium-tap-query: Python tool to query the Millennium Simulation UWS/TAP client -ascl:2108.006 viper: Velocity and IP EstimatoR -ascl:2108.007 catwoman: Transit modeling Python package for asymmetric light curves -ascl:2108.008 CatBoost: High performance gradient boosting on decision trees library -ascl:2108.009 caesar-rest: Web service for the caesar source extractor -ascl:2108.010 FIREFLY: Chi-squared minimization full spectral fitting code -ascl:2108.011 BOSS-Without-Windows: Window-free analysis of the BOSS DR12 power spectrum and bispectrum -ascl:2108.012 NRDD_constraints: Dark Matter interaction with the Standard Model exclusion plot calculator -ascl:2108.013 AMOEBA: Automated Gaussian decomposition -ascl:2108.014 StelNet: Stellar mass and age predictor -ascl:2108.015 ELISa: Eclipsing binaries Learning Interactive System -ascl:2108.016 Chemulator: Thermochemical emulator for hydrodynamical modeling -ascl:2108.017 AutoProf: Automatic Isophotal solutions for galaxy images -ascl:2108.018 Cosmic-CoNN: Cosmic ray detection toolkit -ascl:2108.019 PIPS: Period detection and Identification Pipeline Suite -ascl:2108.020 DBSP_DRP: DBSP Data Reduction Pipeline -ascl:2108.021 ExoPlaSim: Exoplanet climate simulator -ascl:2108.022 COSMIC: Compact Object Synthesis and Monte Carlo Investigation Code -ascl:2108.023 CMC-COSMIC: Cluster Monte Carlo code -ascl:2108.024 iminuit: Jupyter-friendly Python interface for C++ MINUIT2 -ascl:2108.025 SORA: Stellar Occultation Reduction Analysis -ascl:2109.001 gammaALPs: Conversion probability between photons and axions/axionlike particles -ascl:2109.002 alpconv: Calculating alp-photon conversion -ascl:2109.003 VOLKS2: VLBI Observation for transient Localization Keen Searcher -ascl:2109.004 DviSukta: Spherically Averaged Bispectrum calculator -ascl:2109.005 SoFiA 2: An automated, parallel HI source finding pipeline -ascl:2109.006 eMCP: e-MERLIN CASA pipeline -ascl:2109.007 SkyCalc_ipy: SkyCalc wrapper for interactive Python -ascl:2109.008 pyia: Python package for working with Gaia data -ascl:2109.009 pyFFTW: python wrapper around FFTW -ascl:2109.010 Frankenstein: Flux reconstructor -ascl:2109.011 Rubble: Simulating dust size distributions in protoplanetary disks -ascl:2109.012 STAR-MELT: STellar AccrRetion Mapping with Emission Line Tomography -ascl:2109.013 WimPyDD: WIMP direct-detection rates predictor -ascl:2109.014 HSS: The Hough Stream Spotter -ascl:2109.015 unpopular: Using CPM detrending to obtain TESS light curves -ascl:2109.016 SkyPy: Simulating the astrophysical sky -ascl:2109.017 HTOF: Astrometric solutions for Hipparcos and Gaia intermediate data -ascl:2109.018 GLoBES: General Long Baseline Experiment Simulator -ascl:2109.019 SNOwGLoBES: SuperNova Observatories with GLoBES -ascl:2109.020 SNEWPY: Supernova Neutrino Early Warning Models for Python -ascl:2109.021 WeakLensingDeblending: Weak lensing fast simulations and analysis of blended objects -ascl:2109.022 ShapeMeasurementFisherFormalism: Fisher Formalism for Weak Lensing -ascl:2109.023 gphist: Cosmological expansion history inference using Gaussian processes -ascl:2109.024 BHJet: Semi-analytical black hole jet model -ascl:2109.025 Menura: Multi-GPU numerical model for space plasma simulation -ascl:2109.026 Varstar Detect: Variable star detection in TESS data -ascl:2109.027 OSPREI: Sun-to-Earth (or satellite) CME simulator -ascl:2109.028 Healpix.jl: Julia-only port of the HEALPix library -ascl:2109.029 BiPoS1: Dynamical processing of the initial binary star population -ascl:2109.030 Snowball: Generalizable atmospheric mass loss calculator -ascl:2110.001 JWSTSim: Geometric-Focused JWST Deep Field Image Simulation -ascl:2110.002 exodetbox: Finding planet-star projected separation extrema and difference in magnitude extrema -ascl:2110.003 PSRDADA: Distributed Acquisition and Data Analysis for Radio Astronomy -ascl:2110.004 TULIPS: Tool for Understanding the Lives, Interiors, and Physics of Stars -ascl:2110.005 TauRunner: Code to propagate tau neutrinos at very high energies -ascl:2110.006 ArtPop: Artificial Stellar Populations generator -ascl:2110.007 PISCOLA: Python for Intelligent Supernova-COsmology Light-curve Analysis -ascl:2110.008 ParSNIP: Parametrization of SuperNova Intrinsic Properties -ascl:2110.009 Quokka: Two-moment AMR radiation hydrodynamics on GPUs for astrophysics -ascl:2110.010 BASTA: BAyesian STellar Algorithm -ascl:2110.011 GRASS: GRanulation and Spectrum Simulator -ascl:2110.012 GGCHEMPY: Gas-Grain CHEMical code for interstellar medium in Python3 -ascl:2110.013 Nauyaca: N-body approach for determining planetary masses and orbital elements -ascl:2110.014 swordfish: Information yield of counting experiments -ascl:2110.015 Flux: Julia machine learning library -ascl:2110.016 pyro: Deep universal probabilistic programming with Python and PyTorch -ascl:2110.017 ThERESA: 3D Exoplanet Cartography -ascl:2110.018 FEniCS: Computing platform for solving partial differential equations -ascl:2110.019 SELCIE: Screening Equations Linearly Constructed and Iteratively Evaluated -ascl:2110.020 BCES: Linear regression for data with measurement errors and intrinsic scatter -ascl:2110.021 PT-REX: Point-to-point TRend EXtractor -ascl:2110.022 XookSuut: Model circular and noncircular flows on 2D velocity maps -ascl:2111.001 astroDDPM: Realistic galaxy simulation via score-based generative models -ascl:2111.002 JAX: Autograd and XLA -ascl:2111.003 PSwarm: Global optimization solver for bound and linear constrained problems -ascl:2111.004 NLopt: Nonlinear optimization library -ascl:2111.005 CEvNS: Calculate Coherent Elastic Neutrino-Nucleus Scattering cross sections and recoil spectra -ascl:2111.006 prose: FITS images processing pipeline -ascl:2111.007 LEGWORK: LISA Evolution and Gravitational Wave ORbit Kit -ascl:2111.008 COCOPLOT: COlor COllapsed PLOTting software -ascl:2111.009 CoLoRe: Cosmological Lofty Realization -ascl:2111.010 Nii: Multidimensional posterior distributions framework -ascl:2111.011 p-winds: Python implementation of Parker wind models for planetary atmospheres -ascl:2111.012 flatstar: Make 2d intensity maps of limb-darkened stars -ascl:2111.013 Astrosat: Satellite transit calculator -ascl:2111.014 UniMAP: Unicorn Multi-window Anomaly Detection Pipeline -ascl:2111.015 gCMCRT: 3D Monte Carlo Radiative Transfer for exoplanet atmospheres using GPUs -ascl:2111.016 SteParSyn: Stellar atmospheric parameters using the spectral synthesis method -ascl:2111.017 pySYD: Measuring global asteroseismic parameters -ascl:2111.018 GWToolbox: Gravitational wave observation simulator -ascl:2112.001 pycelp: Python package for Coronal Emission Line Polarization -ascl:2112.002 QUESTFIT: Fitter for mid-infrared galaxy spectra -ascl:2112.003 SCORPIO: Sky COllector of galaxy Pairs and Image Output -ascl:2112.004 Defringe: Fringe artifact correction -ascl:2112.005 Interferopy: Analyzing datacubes from radio-to-submm observations -ascl:2112.006 STDPipe: Simple Transient Detection Pipeline -ascl:2112.007 NeutrinoFog: Neutrino fog and floor for direct dark matter searches -ascl:2112.008 MISTTBORN: MCMC Interface for Synthesis of Transits, Tomography, Binaries, and Others of a Relevant Nature -ascl:2112.009 AsteroGaP: Asteroid Gaussian Processes -ascl:2112.010 WIMpy_NREFT: Dark Matter direct detection rates detector -ascl:2112.011 DarkARC: Dark Matter-induced Atomic Response Code -ascl:2112.012 DiracVsMajorana: Statistical discrimination of sub-GeV Majorana and Dirac dark matter -ascl:2112.013 Qwind: Non-hydrodynamical model for AGN line-drive winds -ascl:2112.014 Qwind3: Modeling UV line-driven winds originating from accretion discs -ascl:2112.015 SAPHIRES: Stellar Analysis in Python for HIgh REsolution Spectroscopy -ascl:2112.016 TESSreduce: Transient focused reduction for TESS data -ascl:2112.017 deeplenstronomy: Pipeline for versatile strong lens sample simulations -ascl:2112.018 Optab: Ideal-gas opacity tables generator -ascl:2112.019 O'TRAIN: Optical TRAnsient Identification NEtwork -ascl:2112.020 BayesicFitting: Model fitting and Bayesian evidence calculation package -ascl:2112.021 GRIT: Gravitational Rigid-body InTegrators for simulating coupled dynamics -ascl:2112.022 hankl: Python implementation of the FFTLog algorithm for cosmology -ascl:2112.023 wpca: Weighted Principal Component Analysis in Python -ascl:2112.024 l1p: Python implementation of the l1 periodogram -ascl:2112.025 FTP: Fast Template Periodogram -ascl:2112.026 HoloSim-ML: Analyzing radio holography measurements of complex optical systems -ascl:2112.027 JexoSim 2.0: JWST Exoplanet Observation Simulator -ascl:2201.001 EzTao: Easier CARMA Modeling -ascl:2201.002 AstroToolBox: Java tools for identifying and classifying astronomical objects -ascl:2201.003 BLOSMapping: Determine line-of-sight magnetic fields of molecular clouds -ascl:2201.004 FitsMap: Interactive astronomical image and catalog data visualizer -ascl:2201.005 AllStarFit: R package for source detection, PSF and multi-component galaxy fitting -ascl:2201.006 dark-photons-perturbations: Dark photon conversions in our inhomogeneous Universe -ascl:2201.007 tellrv: Radial velocities for low-resolution NIR spectra -ascl:2201.008 fermi-gce-flows: Infer the Galactic Center gamma-ray excess -ascl:2201.009 AltaiPony: Flare finder for Kepler, K2, and TESS light curves -ascl:2201.010 statmorph: Non-parametric morphological diagnostics of galaxy images -ascl:2201.011 COWS: Cosmic web filament finder -ascl:2201.012 MAGRATHEA: Planet interior structure code -ascl:2201.013 disnht: Absorption spectrum solver -ascl:2201.014 nProFit: n-Profile Fitting tool -ascl:2202.001 GA Galaxy: Interacting galaxies model fitter -ascl:2202.002 NWelch: Spectral analysis of time series with nonuniform observing cadence -ascl:2202.003 Zwindstroom: Cosmological growth factors from fluid calculations -ascl:2202.004 SUPPNet: Spectrum normalization neural network -ascl:2202.005 palettable: Color palettes for Python -ascl:2202.006 FIRE Studio: Movie making utilities for the FIRE simulations -ascl:2202.007 SciCatalog: Tools for scientific data catalogs -ascl:2202.008 TERRA: Transit detection code -ascl:2202.009 EDIV: Exoplanet Detection Identifier Vetter -ascl:2202.010 EDIVU: Exoplanet Detection Identifier Vetter Unplugged -ascl:2202.011 RFEP: Residual Feature Extraction Pipeline -ascl:2202.012 fiducial_flare: Spectra and lightcurves of a standardized far ultraviolet flare -ascl:2202.013 PSLS: PLATO Solar-like Light-curve Simulator -ascl:2202.014 Citlalicue: Create and manipulate stellar light curves -ascl:2202.015 SPARTAN: SPectroscopic And photometRic fiTting tool for Astronomical aNalysis -ascl:2202.016 Find_Orb: Orbit determination from observations -ascl:2202.017 GALLUMI: GALaxy LUMInosity function pipeline -ascl:2202.018 Sculptor: Interactive modeling of astronomical spectra -ascl:2202.019 Contaminante: Identify blended targets in Kepler, TESS, and K2 data -ascl:2202.020 distance-omnibus: Distance estimation method for molecular cloud clumps in the Milky Way -ascl:2202.021 popsynth: Observed surveys from latent population models -ascl:2202.022 ASPIRED: Automated SpectroPhotometric Image REDuction -ascl:2202.023 Starduster: Radiative transfer and deep learning multi-wavelength SED model -ascl:2202.024 SunnyNet: Neural network framework for solving 3D NLTE radiative transfer in stellar atmospheres -ascl:2202.025 INSANE: INflationary potential Simulator and ANalysis Engine -ascl:2202.026 topoaccel: Topological acceleration scripts -ascl:2203.001 SISTER: Starshade Imaging Simulation Toolkit for Exoplanet Reconnaissance -ascl:2203.002 exoVista: Planetary systems generator -ascl:2203.003 NIMBLE: Non-parametrIc jeans Modeling with B-spLinEs -ascl:2203.004 imexam: IMage EXAMination and plotting -ascl:2203.005 pygacs: Toolkit to manipulate Gaia catalog tables -ascl:2203.006 starry_process: Interpretable Gaussian processes for stellar light curves -ascl:2203.007 GAMERA: Source modeling in gamma astronomy -ascl:2203.008 MIRaGe: Multi Instrument Ramp Generator -ascl:2203.009 fleck: Fast starspot rotational modulation light curves -ascl:2203.010 D2O: Distributed Data Object -ascl:2203.011 SATCHEL: Pipeline to search for long-period exoplanet signals -ascl:2203.012 pyobs: Python framework for autonomous astronomical observatories -ascl:2203.013 PetroFit: Petrosian properties calculator and galaxy light profiles fitter -ascl:2203.014 AutoSourceID-Light: Source localization in optical images -ascl:2203.015 easyFermi: Fermi-LAT data analyzer -ascl:2203.016 MaNGA-DRP: MaNGA Data Reduction Pipeline -ascl:2203.017 MaNGA-DAP: MaNGA Data Analysis Pipeline -ascl:2203.018 sympy2c: Generating fast C/C++ functions and ODE solvers from symbolic expressions -ascl:2203.019 agnpy: Modeling jetted Active Galactic Nuclei radiative processes with Python -ascl:2203.020 MAMPOSSt: Mass/orbit modeling of spherical systems -ascl:2203.021 MG-MAMPOSSt: Test gravity with the mass profiles of galaxy clusters -ascl:2203.022 Vetting: Stand-alone tools for vetting transit signals in Kepler, K2 and TESS data -ascl:2203.023 MAGRATHEA: Multi-processor Adaptive Grid Refinement Analysis for THEoretical Astrophysics -ascl:2203.024 Magrathea-Pathfinder: 3D AMR ray-tracing in simulations -ascl:2203.025 SetCoverPy: A heuristic solver for the set cover problem -ascl:2203.026 axionCAMB: Modification of the CAMB Boltzmann code -ascl:2203.027 Zoobot: Deep learning galaxy morphology classifier -ascl:2203.028 SimLine: Radiative transfer in molecular lines -ascl:2203.029 Bootsik: Potential field calculator -ascl:2203.030 Wigglewave: Linearized governing equations solver -ascl:2203.031 TAWAS: Wave equation solver -ascl:2204.001 TG: Turbulence Generator -ascl:2204.002 Astroplotlib: Python scripts to handle astronomical images -ascl:2204.003 legacystamps: Retrieve DESI Legacy Imaging Surveys cutouts -ascl:2204.004 Bayesian SZNet: Bayesian deep learning to predict redshift with uncertainty -ascl:2204.005 TESS-Localize: Localize variable star signatures in TESS Photometry -ascl:2204.006 dsigma: Galaxy-galaxy lensing Python package -ascl:2204.007 RTS: Radio Transient Simulations -ascl:2204.008 RMNest: Bayesian approach to measuring Faraday rotation and conversion in radio signals -ascl:2204.009 MAYONNAISE: ADI data imaging processing pipeline -ascl:2204.010 FBCTrack: Fragmentation and bulk composition tracking -ascl:2204.011 SimAb: Planet formation model -ascl:2204.012 SpECTRE: Multi-scale, multi-physics problem solver -ascl:2204.013 SCRIPT: Semi-numerical Code for ReIonization with PhoTon-conservation -ascl:2204.014 GADGET-4: Parallel cosmological N-body and SPH code -ascl:2204.015 ADBSat: Aerodynamic Database for Satellites -ascl:2204.016 pySIDES: Simulated Infrared Dusty Extragalactic Sky in Python -ascl:2204.017 RSG: Redshift Search Graphs -ascl:2204.018 ProFuse: Galaxies and components modeler -ascl:2204.019 DarkFlux: Dark Matter annihilation spectrum computer -ascl:2204.020 MonoTools: Planets of uncertain periods detector and modeler -ascl:2205.001 PMOIRED: Parametric Modeling of Optical Interferometric Data -ascl:2205.002 am: Microwave through submillimeter-wave propagation tool for the terrestrial atmosphere -ascl:2205.003 QSOGEN: Model quasar SEDs -ascl:2205.004 FAlCon-DNS: Framework of time schemes for direct numerical simulation of annular convection -ascl:2205.005 maelstrom: Forward modeling of pulsating stars in binaries -ascl:2205.006 LATTE: Lightcurve Analysis Tool for Transiting Exoplanet -ascl:2205.007 EarthScatterLikelihood: Event rates and likelihoods for Dark Matter direct detection in the presence of Earth-Scattering -ascl:2205.008 Hyperopt: Distributed asynchronous hyper-parameter optimization -ascl:2205.009 hyperas: Keras + Hyperopt -ascl:2205.010 pyICs: Initial Conditions creator for isolated galaxy formation simulations -ascl:2205.011 myRadex: Radex with a twist -ascl:2205.012 Zelda: Generate correlation functions and power spectra from a galaxy catalog -ascl:2205.013 ld-exosim: Simulate biases using different limb darkening laws -ascl:2205.014 FHD: Fast Holographic Deconvolution -ascl:2205.015 CS-ROMER: Compressed Sensing ROtation MEasure Reconstruction -ascl:2205.016 Pryngles: PlanetaRY spaNGLES -ascl:2205.017 LiSA: LIghtweight Source finding Algorithms for analysis of HI spectral data -ascl:2205.018 ASOHF: Adaptive Spherical Overdensity Halo Finder -ascl:2205.019 HOPS: Haystack Observatory Postprocessing System -ascl:2205.020 ASTROMER: Building light curves embeddings using transfomers -ascl:2205.021 CPNest: Parallel nested sampling -ascl:2205.022 BANG: BAyesian decomposiotioN of Galaxies -ascl:2205.023 PyWPF: Waterfall Principal Component Analysis (PCA) Folding -ascl:2205.024 MM-LSD: Multi-Mask Least-Squares Deconvolution -ascl:2205.025 simulateSearch: High-time resolution data sets simulations for radio telescopes -ascl:2206.001 vortex: Helmholtz-Hodge decomposition for an AMR velocity field -ascl:2206.002 TCF: Transit Comb Filter periodogram -ascl:2206.003 ExoJAX: Spectrum modeling of exoplanets and brown dwarfs -ascl:2206.004 pystortion: Distortion measurement support -ascl:2206.005 NonnegMFPy: Nonnegative Matrix Factorization with heteroscedastic uncertainties and missing data -ascl:2206.006 MYRaf: Aperture photometry GUI for IRAF -ascl:2206.007 CircleCraters: Crater-counting plugin for QGIS -ascl:2206.008 Craterstats2: Planetary surface dating from crater size-frequency distribution measurements -ascl:2206.009 Craterstats3: Analyze and plot crater count data for planetary surface dating -ascl:2206.010 pyHIIexplorerV2: Integrated spectra of HII regions extractor -ascl:2206.011 IFSCube: Analyze and process integral field spectroscopy data cubes -ascl:2206.012 WDPhotTools: White Dwarf Photometric SED fitter and luminosity function builder -ascl:2206.013 smooth: Smoothing for N-body simulations -ascl:2206.014 SpinSpotter: Stellar rotation periods from high-cadence photometry calculator -ascl:2206.015 Smart: Automatic differentiation of accelerations and variational equations -ascl:2206.016 wdwarfdate: White dwarfs age calculator -ascl:2206.017 atoMEC: Average-Atom code for Matter under Extreme Conditions -ascl:2206.018 MADYS: Isochronal parameter determination for young stellar and substellar objects -ascl:2206.019 SEVN: Stellar EVolution for N-body -ascl:2206.020 CCDLAB: FITS image viewer and data reducer -ascl:2206.021 PyCASSO2: Stellar population and emission line fits in integral field spectra -ascl:2206.022 RealSim-IFS: Realistic synthetic integral field spectrscopy of galaxies from numerical simulations -ascl:2206.023 pyPipe3D: Spectroscopy analysis pipeline -ascl:2206.024 Wavetrack: Arbitrary time-evolving solar object recognition and tracking -ascl:2206.025 CuspCore: Core formation in dark matter haloes and ultra-diffuse galaxies by outflow episodes -ascl:2206.026 ShapePipe: Galaxy shape measurement pipeline -ascl:2206.027 DustFilaments: Paint filaments to produce a thermal dust full sky map at mm frequencies -ascl:2206.028 Spritz: General relativistic magnetohydrodynamic code -ascl:2207.001 MULTIGRIS: Multicomponent probabilistic grid search -ascl:2207.002 pynucastro: Python interfaces to the nuclear reaction rate databases -ascl:2207.003 MeSsI: MErging SystemS Identification -ascl:2207.004 cosmic-kite: Auto-encoding the Cosmic Microwave Background -ascl:2207.005 echelle: Dynamic echelle diagrams for asteroseismology -ascl:2207.006 MultiModes: Efficiently analyze pulsating stars -ascl:2207.007 Pyriod: Period detection and fitting routines -ascl:2207.008 TESS_PRF: Display the TESS pixel response function -ascl:2207.009 SolAster: 'Sun-as-a-star' radial velocity variations -ascl:2207.010 Helios-r2: Bayesian nested-sampling retrieval code -ascl:2207.011 samsam: Scaled Adaptive Metropolis SAMpler -ascl:2207.012 ExoCTK: Exoplanet Characterization Tool Kit -ascl:2207.013 MuSCAT2_transit_pipeline: MuSCAT2 photometry and transit analysis pipelines -ascl:2207.014 petitRADTRANS: Exoplanet spectra calculator -ascl:2207.015 calviacat: Calibrate star photometry by catalog comparison -ascl:2207.016 DustPy: Simulation of dust evolution in protoplanetary disks -ascl:2207.017 LOTUS: 1D Non-LTE stellar parameter determination via Equivalent Width method -ascl:2207.018 pocoMC: Preconditioned Monte Carlo method for accelerated Bayesian inference -ascl:2207.019 walter: Predictor for the number of resolved stars in a given observation from RST -ascl:2207.020 vKompth: Time-dependent Comptonization model for black-hole X-ray binaries -ascl:2207.021 BAYGAUD: BAYesian GAUssian Decomposer -ascl:2207.022 triple-stability: Triple-star system stability determinator -ascl:2207.023 MCFOST: Radiative transfer code -ascl:2207.024 pymcfost: Python interface to the MCFOST 3D radiative transfer code -ascl:2207.025 casa_cube: Display and analyze astronomical data cubes -ascl:2207.026 pdspy: MCMC tool for continuum and spectral line radiative transfer modeling -ascl:2207.027 ConeRot: Velocity perturbations extractor -ascl:2207.028 disksurf: Measure the molecular emission surface of protoplanetary disks -ascl:2207.029 ParticleGridMapper: Particle data interpolator -ascl:2207.030 Analysis of dipole alignment in large-scale distribution of galaxy spin directions -ascl:2207.031 BANZAI: Beautiful Algorithms to Normalize Zillions of Astronomical Images -ascl:2207.032 gwdet: Detectability of gravitational-wave signals from compact binary coalescences -ascl:2207.033 piXedfit: Analyze spatially resolved SEDs of galaxies -ascl:2207.034 SSHT: Fast spin spherical harmonic transforms -ascl:2207.035 massmappy: Mapping dark matter on the celestial sphere -ascl:2208.001 BlaST: Synchrotron peak estimator for blazars -ascl:2208.002 qrpca: QR-based Principal Components Analysis -ascl:2208.003 Scatfit: Scattering fits of time domain radio signals (Fast Radio Bursts or pulsars) -ascl:2208.004 TOM Toolkit: Target and Observation Manager Toolkit -ascl:2208.005 Asymmetric Uncertainty: Handling nonstandard numerical uncertainties -ascl:2208.006 ThermoEngine: Thermodynamic properties estimator and phase equilibrium calculator -ascl:2208.007 VapoRock: Modeling magma ocean atmospheres and stellar nebula -ascl:2208.008 RJ-plots: Automated objective classification of 2D structures -ascl:2208.009 LeXInt: Leja Exponential Integrators -ascl:2208.010 FFD: Flare Frequency Distribution -ascl:2208.011 POIS: Python Optical Interferometry Simulation -ascl:2208.012 DELIGHT: Identify host galaxies of transient candidates -ascl:2208.013 SPAMMS: Spectroscopic PAtch Model for Massive Stars -ascl:2208.014 uvcombine: Combine images with different resolutions -ascl:2208.015 J-comb: Combine high-resolution and low-resolution data -ascl:2208.016 CRPropa3: Simulation framework for propagating extraterrestrial ultra-high energy particles -ascl:2208.017 HOCHUNK3D: Dust radiative transfer in 3D -ascl:2208.018 EstrellaNueva: Expected rates of supernova neutrinos calculator -ascl:2208.019 RadioLensfit: Radio weak lensing shear measurement in the visibility domain -ascl:2208.020 GStokes: Magnetic field structure and line profiles calculator -ascl:2208.021 GSSP: Grid Search in Stellar Parameters -ascl:2208.022 PyNAPLE: Automated pipeline for detecting changes on the lunar surface -ascl:2208.023 CubeFit: Regularized 3D fitting for spectro-imaging data -ascl:2208.024 toise: Performance estimator for high-energy neutrino detectors -ascl:2208.025 Yonder: Data denoising and reconstruction -ascl:2209.001 A-SLOTH: Semi-analytical model to connect first stars and galaxies to observables -ascl:2209.002 Herculens: Differentiable gravitational lensing -ascl:2209.003 DeepMass: Cosmological map inference with deep learning -ascl:2209.004 Cluster Toolkit: Tools for analyzing galaxy clusters -ascl:2209.005 SCORE: Shape COnstraint REstoration -ascl:2209.006 KaRMMa: Curved-sky mass map reconstruction -ascl:2209.007 AMBER: Fast pipeline for detecting single-pulse radio transients -ascl:2209.008 PINION: Accelerating radiative transfer simulations for cosmic reionization -ascl:2209.009 GRUMPY: Galaxy formation with RegUlator Model in PYthon -ascl:2209.010 HyPhy: Hydrodynamical Physics via Deep Generative Painting -ascl:2209.011 GaLight: 2D modeling of galaxy images -ascl:2209.012 URILIGHT: Time-dependent Monte-Carlo radiative-transfer -ascl:2209.013 wsynphot: Synthetic photometry package using quantities -ascl:2209.014 SyntheticISOs: Synthetic Population of Interstellar Objects -ascl:2209.015 TauREx3: Tau Retrieval for Exoplanets -ascl:2209.016 RAPOC: Rosseland and Planck mean opacities calculator -ascl:2209.017 SpectraPy: Extract and reduce astronomical spectral data -ascl:2209.018 libTheSky: Compute positions of celestial bodies and events -ascl:2209.019 SolTrack: Compute the position of the Sun in topocentric coordinates -ascl:2209.020 FastQSL: Quasi-separatrix Layers computation method -ascl:2210.001 PSS: Pulsar Survey Scraper -ascl:2210.002 SPINspiral: Parameter estimation for analyzing gravitational-wave signals -ascl:2210.003 NIRDust: Near Infrared Dust finder for Type2 AGN K-band spectra -ascl:2210.004 Finder_charts: Create finder charts from image data of various sky surveys -ascl:2210.005 PSFr: Point Spread Function reconstruction -ascl:2210.006 ExoRad2: Generic point source radiometric model -ascl:2210.007 COMET: Emulated predictions of large-scale structure observables -ascl:2210.008 RADTRAN: General purpose planetary radiative transfer model -ascl:2210.009 NEMESIS: Non-linear optimal estimator for multivariate spectral analysis -ascl:2210.010 TSRecon: Time series reconstruction method of massive astronomical catalogs -ascl:2210.011 gbdes: DECam instrumental signature fitting and processing programs -ascl:2210.012 pixmappy: Python interface to gbdes astrometry solutions -ascl:2210.013 iharm3D: Hybrid MPI/OpenMP 3D HARM with vectorization -ascl:2210.014 Blacklight: GR ray tracing code for post-processing Athena++ simulations -ascl:2210.015 Solar-MACH: Multi-spacecraft longitudinal configuration plotter -ascl:2210.016 PETSc: Portable, Extensible Toolkit for Scientific Computation -ascl:2210.017 PySME: Spectroscopy Made Easy reimplemented with Python -ascl:2210.018 LavAtmos: Gas-melt equilibrium calculations for a given temperature and melt composition -ascl:2210.019 POSYDON: Single and binary star population synthesis code -ascl:2210.020 ixpeobssim: Imaging X-ray Polarimetry Explorer simulator and analyzer -ascl:2210.021 SHEEP: Machine Learning pipeline for astronomy classification -ascl:2210.022 MCCD: Multi-CCD Point Spread Function Modelling -ascl:2210.023 BornRaytrace: Weak gravitational lensing effects simulator -ascl:2210.024 Faiss: Similarity search and clustering of dense vectors library -ascl:2210.025 tvguide: Observability by TESS -ascl:2210.026 PGOPHER: Rotational, vibrational, and electronic spectra simulator -ascl:2210.027 LensingETC: Lensing Exposure Time Calculator -ascl:2210.028 CK: Cloud modeling and removal -ascl:2210.029 paltas: Simulation-based inference on strong gravitational lensing systems -ascl:2210.030 cuvarbase: fast period finding utilities for GPUs -ascl:2211.001 PTAfast: PTA correlations from stochastic gravitational wave background -ascl:2211.002 KC: Analytical propagator with collision detection for Keplerian systems -ascl:2211.003 AMBER: Abundance Matching Box for the Epoch of Reionization -ascl:2211.004 PAHDecomp: Decomposing the mid-IR spectra of extremely obscured galaxies -ascl:2211.005 unTimely_Catalog_explorer: A search and visualization tool for the unTimely Catalog -ascl:2211.006 baobab: Training data generator for hierarchically modeling strong lenses with Bayesian neural networks -ascl:2211.007 mgcnn: Standard and modified gravity (MG) cosmological models classifier -ascl:2211.008 pmclib: Population Monte Carlo library -ascl:2211.009 ovejero: Bayesian neural network inference of strong gravitational lenses -ascl:2211.010 BlackJAX: Library of samplers for JAX -ascl:2211.011 fastSHT: Fast Spherical Harmonic Transforms -ascl:2211.012 gsf: Grism SED Fitting package -ascl:2211.013 2DFFTUtils: 2DFFT Utilities implementation -ascl:2211.014 PDFchem: Average abundance of species from Av-PDFs -ascl:2211.015 H-FISTA: Phase retrieval for pulsar spectroscopy -ascl:2211.016 Korg: 1D local thermodynamic equilibrium stellar spectral synthesis -ascl:2211.017 BiGONLight: Bi-local Geodesic Operators framework for Numerical Light propagation -ascl:2211.018 ODNet: Asteroid occultation detection convolutional neural network -ascl:2211.019 APERO: A PipelinE to Reduce Observations -ascl:2211.020 EXCEED-DM: EXtended Calculation of Electronic Excitations for Direct detection of Dark Matter -ascl:2212.001 GWFAST: Fisher information matrix python package for gravitational-wave detectors -ascl:2212.002 Eventdisplay: Analysis and reconstruction package for ground-based Gamma-ray astronomy -ascl:2212.003 MGCosmoPop: Modified gravity and cosmology with binary black holes population models -ascl:2212.004 FastDF: Integrating neutrino geodesics in linear theory -ascl:2212.005 MTNeedlet: Spherical maps filtering -ascl:2212.006 GPry: Bayesian inference of expensive likelihoods with Gaussian processes -ascl:2212.007 PyMCCF: Python Modernized Cross Correlation Function for reverberation mapping studies -ascl:2212.008 panco2: Pressure profile measurements of galaxy clusters -ascl:2212.009 Hazma: Compute indirect detection constraints on sub-GeV dark matter -ascl:2212.010 sf_deconvolve: PSF deconvolution and analysis -ascl:2212.011 xwavecal: Wavelength calibrating echelle spectrographs -ascl:2212.012 BANZAI-NRES: BANZAI data reduction pipeline for NRES -ascl:2212.013 PACMAN: Planetary Atmosphere, Crust, and MANtle geochemical evolution -ascl:2212.014 pyTANSPEC: Python tool for extracting 1D TANSPEC spectra from 2D images -ascl:2212.015 SImMER: Stellar Image Maturation via Efficient Reduction -ascl:2212.016 AbundanceMatching: Subhalo abundance matching with scatter -ascl:2212.017 powspec: Power and cross spectral density of 2D arrays -ascl:2212.018 SourceXtractor++: Extracts sources from astronomical images -ascl:2212.019 m2mcluster: Star clusters made-to-measure modeling -ascl:2212.020 Omega: Photon equations of motion -ascl:2212.021 Infinity: Calculate accretion disk radiation forces onto moving particles -ascl:2212.022 Elysium: Observing black hole accretion disks -ascl:2212.023 Tranquillity: Creating black hole spin divergence plots -ascl:2212.024 Burning Arrow: Black hole massive particles orbit degradation -ascl:2212.025 CONTROL: Colorado Ultraviolet Transit Experiment data reduction pipeline -ascl:2212.026 Spender: Neural spectrum encoder and decoder -ascl:2301.001 CALSAGOS: Select cluster members and search, find, and identify substructures -ascl:2301.002 Pyxel: Detector and end-to-end instrument simulation -ascl:2301.003 WF4Py: Gravitational waves waveform models in pure Python language -ascl:2301.004 HEADSS: HiErArchical Data Splitting and Stitching for non-distributed clustering algorithms -ascl:2301.005 fitOmatic: Interferometric data modeling -ascl:2301.006 Self-cal: Optical/IR long-baseline interferometry -ascl:2301.007 LoLLiPoP: Low-L Likelihood Polarized for Planck -ascl:2301.008 HiLLiPoP: High-L Likelihood Polarized for Planck -ascl:2301.009 Xpol: Pseudo-Cl power spectrum estimator -ascl:2301.010 Fastcc: Broadband radio telescope receiver fast color corrections -ascl:2301.011 Rosetta: Platform for resource-intensive, interactive data analysis -ascl:2301.012 XGA: Efficient analysis of XMM observations -ascl:2301.013 pyExoRaMa: An interactive tool to investigate the radius-mass diagram for exoplanets -ascl:2301.014 LBL: Line-by-line velocity measurements -ascl:2301.015 SOAP-GPU: Spectral time series simulations with GPU -ascl:2301.016 FERRE: Match physical models to measurements -ascl:2301.017 ReACT: Calculation of non-linear power spectra from non-standard physics -ascl:2301.018 kderp: Keck Cosmic Web Imager Data Extraction and Reduction Pipeline in IDL -ascl:2301.019 KCWI_DRP: Keck Cosmic Web Imager Data Reduction Pipeline in Python -ascl:2301.020 VDA: Void Dwarf Analyzer -ascl:2301.021 WALDO: Waveform AnomaLy DetectOr -ascl:2301.022 GalCEM: GALactic Chemical Evolution Model -ascl:2301.023 PoWR: Potsdam Wolf-Rayet Models -ascl:2301.024 SOXS: Simulated Observations of X-ray Sources -ascl:2301.025 desitarget: Selecting DESI targets from photometric catalogs -ascl:2301.026 MGwave: Detect kinematic moving groups in astronomical data -ascl:2301.027 Puri-Psi: Radio interferometric imaging -ascl:2301.028 special: SPEctral Characterization of directly ImAged Low-mass companions -ascl:2301.029 ALMA3: plAnetary Love nuMbers cAlculator -ascl:2301.030 HIPP: HIgh-Performance Package for scientific computation -ascl:2302.001 nicaea: NumerIcal Cosmology And lEnsing cAlculations -ascl:2302.002 deconfuser: Fast orbit fitting to directly imaged multi-planetary systems -ascl:2302.003 PHOTOe: Monte Carlo model for simulating the slowing down of photoelectrons -ascl:2302.004 SFQEDtoolkit: Strong-field QED processes modeling for PIC and Monte Carlo codes -ascl:2302.005 celmech: Sandbox for celestial mechanics calculations -ascl:2302.006 RCR: Robust Chauvenet Outlier Rejection -ascl:2302.007 AnalyticLC: Dynamical modeling of planetary systems -ascl:2302.008 HawkingNet: Finding Hawking points in the Cosmic Microwave Background -ascl:2302.009 EXOTIC: EXOplanet Transit Interpretation Code -ascl:2302.010 SASHIMI-W: Semi-Analytical SubHalo Inference ModelIng for Warm Dark Matter -ascl:2302.011 UniverseMachine: Empirical model for galaxy formation -ascl:2302.012 Diffstar: Differentiable star formation histories -ascl:2302.013 SASHIMI-C: Semi-Analytical SubHalo Inference ModelIng for Cold Dark Matter -ascl:2302.014 kima: Exoplanet detection in RVs with DNest4 and GPs -ascl:2302.015 FCFC: C toolkit for computing correlation functions from pair counts -ascl:2302.016 swyft: Scientific simulation-based inference at scale -ascl:2302.017 RichValues: Managing numeric values with uncertainties and upper/lower limits -ascl:2302.018 GCP: Automated GILDAS-CLASS Pipeline -ascl:2302.019 MADCUBA: MAdrid Data CUBe Analysis -ascl:2302.020 UBER: Universal Boltzmann Equation Solver -ascl:2302.021 AMICAL: Aperture Masking Interferometry Calibration and Analysis Library -ascl:2302.022 RALF: RADEX Line Fitter -ascl:2302.023 AART: Adaptive Analytical Ray Tracing -ascl:2302.024 DSPS: Differentiable Stellar Population Synthesis -ascl:2302.025 Diffmah: Differentiable models of halo and galaxy formation history -ascl:2302.026 HDMSpectra: Dark Matter Spectra from the electroweak to the Planck scale -ascl:2303.001 cysgp4: Wrapper for C++ SGP4 satellite library -ascl:2303.002 line_selections: Automatic line detection for large spectroscopic surveys -ascl:2303.003 SeeKAT: Localizer for transients detected in tied-array beams -ascl:2303.004 naif: Frequency analysis package -ascl:2303.005 Blobby3D: Bayesian inference for gas kinematics -ascl:2303.006 GPCC: Gaussian process cross-correlation for time delay estimation -ascl:2303.007 PyCom: Interstellar communication -ascl:2303.008 nd-redshift: Number Density Redshift Evolution Code -ascl:2303.009 Pandora: Fast exomoon transit detection algorithm -ascl:2303.010 spinsfast: Fast and exact spin-s spherical harmonic transforms -ascl:2303.011 Scri: Manipulate time-dependent functions of spin-weighted spherical harmonics -ascl:2303.012 EvoEMD: Cosmic Evolution with an Early Matter-Dominated era -ascl:2303.013 FastJet: Jet finding in pp and e+e collisions -ascl:2303.014 Delphes: Fast simulation of a generic collider experiment -ascl:2303.015 SIDM: Density profiles of self-interacting dark-matter halos with inhabitant galaxies -ascl:2303.016 SatGen: Semi-analytical satellite galaxy and dark matter halo generator -ascl:2303.017 bajes: Bayesian Jenaer software -ascl:2303.018 MORPHOFIT: Morphological analysis of galaxies -ascl:2303.019 pulsar_spectra: Pulsar flux density measurements, spectral models fitting, and catalog -ascl:2303.020 HaloGraphNet: Predict halo masses from simulations -ascl:2304.001 ASSIST: Solar system test particles trajectories integrator -ascl:2304.002 Applefy: Robust detection limits for high-contrast imaging -ascl:2304.003 BatAnalysis: HEASOFT wrapper for processing Swift-BAT data -ascl:2304.004 FALCO: Fast Linearized Coronagraph Optimizer in MATLAB -ascl:2304.005 FALCO: Fast Linearized Coronagraph Optimizer in Python -ascl:2304.006 JET: JWST Exoplanet Targeting -ascl:2305.001 FRIDDA: Fisher foRecast code for combIned reDshift Drift and Alpha -ascl:2305.002 Virtual Telescope: Next-Generation Space Telescope Simulator -ascl:2305.003 extrapops: Fast simulation and analysis of extra-galactic binary GW sources -ascl:2305.004 katdal: MeerKAT Data Access Library -ascl:2305.005 killMS: Direction-dependent radio interferometric calibration package -ascl:2305.006 QuartiCal: Fast radio interferometric calibration -ascl:2305.007 Stimela: Containerized radio interferometry scripting framework -ascl:2305.008 DDFacet: Facet-based radio imaging package -ascl:2305.009 breizorro: Image masking tool -ascl:2305.010 FLAGLET: Fast and exact wavelet transform on the ball -ascl:2305.011 DarkMappy: Mapping the dark universe -ascl:2305.012 KERN: Radio telescope toolkit -ascl:2305.013 aartfaac2ms: Aartfaac datasets converter -ascl:2305.014 DP3: Streaming processing pipeline for radio interferometric data -ascl:2305.015 EIDOS: Modeling primary beams of radio astronomy antennas -ascl:2305.016 gw_pta_emulator: Gravitational Waves via Pulsar Timing Arrays -ascl:2305.017 simple-m2m: Extensions to the standard M2M algorithm for full modeling of observational data -ascl:2305.018 GWSurrogate: Gravitational wave surrogate models -ascl:2305.019 sterile-dm: Sterile neutrino production -ascl:2305.020 JEDI: James's EVE Dimming Index -ascl:2305.021 COLIBRI: Cosmological libraries in Python -ascl:2305.022 GrGadget: Evolve metric perturbations in the weak field limit -ascl:2305.023 GLASS: Cosmological simulations on the sphere -ascl:2305.024 Nextflow: DSL for data-driven computational pipelines -ascl:2305.025 CELEBI: Precision localizations and polarimetric data for fast radio bursts -ascl:2306.001 HAFFET: Supernovae photometric and spectroscopic data analyzer -ascl:2306.002 sbi: Simulation-based inference toolkit -ascl:2306.003 SAVED21cm: Global 21cm signal extraction pipeline -ascl:2306.004 TIDYMESS: TIdal DYnamics of Multi-body ExtraSolar Systems -ascl:2306.005 Delight: Photometric redshift via Gaussian processes with physical kernels -ascl:2306.006 β-SGP: Scaled Gradient Projection algorithm using β-divergence -ascl:2306.007 PhotoParallax: Data-driven photometric parallaxes built with Gaia and 2MASS -ascl:2306.008 sstrax: Fast stellar stream modelling in JAX -ascl:2306.009 Albatross: Stellar stream parameter inference with neural ratio estimation -ascl:2306.010 MOBSE: Massive Objects in Binary Stellar Evolution -ascl:2306.011 margarine: Posterior sampling and marginal Bayesian statistics -ascl:2306.012 ZodiPy: Zodiacal emission simulations in timestreams or HEALPix for solar system observers -ascl:2306.013 SCONCE-SCMS: Spherical and conic cosmic web finders with extended SCMS algorithms -ascl:2306.014 AIOLOS: Planetary atmosphere accretion and escape simulations -ascl:2306.015 Mangrove: Infer galaxy properties using dark matter merger trees -ascl:2306.016 SuperRad: Black hole superradiance gravitational waveform modeler -ascl:2306.017 Zeus21: Simulations of 21-cm at cosmic dawn -ascl:2306.018 FRB: Fast Radio Burst calculations, estimations, and analysis -ascl:2306.019 realfast: Real-time interferometric data analysis for the VLA -ascl:2306.020 mockFRBhosts: Limiting the visibility and follow-up of FRB host galaxies -ascl:2306.021 pipes_vis: Interactive GUI and visualizer tool for SPS spectra -ascl:2306.022 apollinaire: Helioseismic and asteroseismic peakbagging frameworks -ascl:2306.023 RELAGN: AGN SEDs with full GR ray tracing -ascl:2306.024 COpops: Compute CO sizes and fluxes -ascl:2306.025 ALminer: ALMA archive mining and visualization toolkit -ascl:2306.026 Parthenon: Portable block-structured adaptive mesh refinement framework -ascl:2306.027 PEP: Planetary Ephemeris Program -ascl:2306.028 rfast: Planetary spectral forward and inverse modeling tool -ascl:2306.029 Mixclask: Mixing Cloudy and SKIRT -ascl:2306.030 Butterpy: Stellar butterfly diagram and rotational light curve simulator -ascl:2306.031 ECLIPSE: Efficient Cmb poLarization and Intensity Power Spectra Estimator -ascl:2306.032 CosmoGraphNet: Cosmological parameters and galaxy power spectrum from galaxy catalogs -ascl:2306.033 lasso_spectra: Predict properties from galaxy spectra using Lasso regression -ascl:2306.034 COLT: Monte Carlo radiative transfer and simulation analysis toolkit -ascl:2306.035 CONCEPT: COsmological N-body CodE in PyThon -ascl:2306.036 IDEFIX: Astrophysical fluid dynamics -ascl:2306.037 CADET: X-ray cavity detection tool -ascl:2306.038 FacetClumps: Molecular clump detection algorithm based on Facet model -ascl:2306.039 GRChombo: Numerical relativity simulator -ascl:2306.040 PEPITA: Prediction of Exoplanet Precisions using Information in Transit Analysis -ascl:2306.041 COFFE: COrrelation Function Full-sky Estimator -ascl:2306.042 CONDUCT: Electron transport coefficients of magnetized stellar plasmas -ascl:2306.043 SHERLOCK: Explore Kepler, K2, and TESS data -ascl:2306.044 nuSpaceSim: Cosmic neutrino simulation -ascl:2306.045 nuPyProp: Propagate neutrinos through the earth -ascl:2306.046 CHIPS: Circumstellar matter and light curves of interaction-powered transients simulator -ascl:2306.047 COLASolver: Particle-Mesh N-body code -ascl:2306.048 MG-PICOLA: Simulating cosmological structure formation -ascl:2306.049 ARPACK-NG: Large scale eigenvalue problem solver -ascl:2306.050 SubgridClumping: Clumping factor for large low-resolution N-body simulations -ascl:2306.051 Hitomi: Cosmological analysis of anisotropic galaxy distributions -ascl:2306.052 kilopop: Binary neutron star population of optical kilonovae -ascl:2306.053 TiDE: Light curves and spectra of tidal disruption events -ascl:2306.054 threepoint: Covariance of third-order aperture statistics -ascl:2306.055 ESSENCE: Evaluate spatially correlated noise in interferometric images -ascl:2306.056 PSFMachine: Toolkit for doing PSF photometry -ascl:2306.057 pybranch: Calculate experimental branching fractions and transition probabilities from atomic spectra -ascl:2306.058 GER: Global Extinction Reduction -ascl:2306.059 BOXFIT: Gamma-ray burst afterglow light curve generator -ascl:2306.060 SCF-FDPS: Disk-halo systems simulator -ascl:2307.001 Jdaviz: JWST astronomical data analysis tools in the Jupyter platform -ascl:2307.002 BE-HaPPY: Bias emulator for halo power spectrum -ascl:2307.003 RelicFast: Fast scale-dependent halo bias -ascl:2307.004 ALF: Absorption line fitter -ascl:2307.005 axionHMcode: Non-linear power spectrum calculator -ascl:2307.006 pyPplusS: Modeling exoplanets with rings -ascl:2307.007 AGNvar: Model spectral timing properties in active galactic nuclei -ascl:2307.008 21cmvFAST: Adding dark matter-baryon relative velocities to 21cmFAST -ascl:2307.009 pnautilus: Three-phase chemical code -ascl:2307.010 baccoemu: Cosmological emulators for large-scale structure statistics -ascl:2307.011 DiscVerSt: Vertical structure calculator for accretion discs around neutron stars and black holes -ascl:2307.012 mnms: Map-based Noise ModelS -ascl:2307.013 SIRENA: Energy reconstruction of X-ray photons for Athena X-IFU -ascl:2307.014 Synthetic LISA: Simulator for LISA-like gravitational-wave observatories -ascl:2307.015 BOWIE: Gravitational wave binary signal analysis -ascl:2307.016 DataComb: Combining data for better images -ascl:2307.017 Veusz: Scientific plotting package -ascl:2307.018 IMRIpy: Intermediate Mass Ratio Inspirals simulator -ascl:2307.019 IMRPhenomD: Phenomenological waveform model -ascl:2307.020 PolyBin: Binned polyspectrum estimation on the full sky +ascl:1912.004 DALiuGE +ascl:1912.005 Athena++ +ascl:1912.006 HSIM +ascl:1912.007 anesthetic +ascl:1912.008 PopSyCLE +ascl:1912.009 FORSTAND +ascl:1912.010 AstroAccelerate +ascl:1912.011 QSOSIM +ascl:1912.012 GAME +ascl:1912.013 GriSPy +ascl:1912.014 HARMPI +ascl:1912.015 ENTERPRISE +ascl:1912.016 GWpy +ascl:1912.017 PTMCMCSampler +ascl:1912.018 Tangos +ascl:1912.019 STACKER +ascl:1912.020 MRExo +ascl:2001.001 Min-CaLM +ascl:2001.002 TRANSPHERE +ascl:2001.003 sf3dmodels +ascl:2001.004 FragMent +ascl:2001.005 FAKEOBS +# ascl:2001.006 Protostellar Evolution +ascl:2001.007 BTS +ascl:2001.008 DebrisDiskFM +ascl:2001.009 ORCS +ascl:2001.010 CosMOPED +ascl:2001.011 ExoTETHyS +ascl:2001.012 MCMCI +ascl:2001.013 RPPPS +ascl:2001.014 Peasoup +ascl:2001.015 gnm +ascl:2002.001 SDAR +ascl:2002.002 RASCAS +ascl:2002.003 ORIGIN +ascl:2002.004 triceratops +ascl:2002.005 ODUSSEAS +ascl:2002.006 ScamPy +ascl:2002.007 ProSpect +ascl:2002.008 ExoSim +ascl:2002.009 DASH +ascl:2002.010 Apercal +ascl:2002.011 PyHammer +ascl:2002.012 DMRadon +ascl:2002.013 GWecc +ascl:2002.014 HaloAnalysis +ascl:2002.015 GizmoAnalysis +ascl:2002.016 Cobra +ascl:2002.017 libstempo +ascl:2002.018 Bayesfit +ascl:2002.019 ExoRT +ascl:2002.020 ExoCAM +ascl:2002.021 CR-SISTEM +ascl:2002.022 DISKMODs +ascl:2003.001 TESS-Point +ascl:2003.002 MAGNETAR +ascl:2003.003 acorns +ascl:2003.004 scousepy +ascl:2003.005 RHT +ascl:2003.006 PORTAL +ascl:2003.007 RAPID +ascl:2003.008 CoastGuard +ascl:2003.009 TOASTER +ascl:2003.010 MARGE +ascl:2003.011 HOMER +ascl:2003.012 PYSOLATOR +ascl:2003.013 AstroHOG +ascl:2003.014 Torch +ascl:2004.001 Locus +ascl:2004.002 Tangra +ascl:2004.003 IllinoisGRMHD +ascl:2004.004 WD +ascl:2004.005 PyWD2015 +ascl:2004.006 ASTRAEUS +ascl:2004.007 PyCosmo +ascl:2004.008 PPMAP +ascl:2004.009 stardate +ascl:2004.010 kombine +ascl:2004.011 FUNDPAR +ascl:2004.012 ArviZ +ascl:2004.013 Finesse +ascl:2004.014 PyKat +ascl:2004.015 IRDAP +ascl:2004.016 PRECISION +ascl:2005.001 RID +ascl:2005.002 michi2 +ascl:2005.003 RM-Tools +ascl:2005.004 REDFIT +ascl:2005.005 RoLo +ascl:2005.006 FFANCY +ascl:2005.007 Carpyncho +ascl:2005.008 HiFLEx +ascl:2005.009 s3PCF +ascl:2005.010 NNKCDE +ascl:2005.011 gotetra +ascl:2005.012 2DBAT +ascl:2005.013 qubefit +ascl:2005.014 FETCH +ascl:2005.015 AMPEL +ascl:2005.016 RAPP +ascl:2005.017 cdetools +ascl:2005.018 RFCDE +ascl:2005.019 MCRaT +ascl:2005.020 HIPSTER +ascl:2006.001 HEARSAY +ascl:2006.002 PRIISM +ascl:2006.003 KinMS +ascl:2006.004 2D-FFTLog +ascl:2006.005 CosmoCov +ascl:2006.006 CosmoLike +ascl:2006.007 TATTER +ascl:2006.008 DeepSphere +ascl:2006.009 AxionNS +ascl:2006.010 PRISim +ascl:2006.011 SERVAL +ascl:2006.012 pxf_kin_err +ascl:2006.013 JoXSZ +ascl:2006.014 CARACal +ascl:2006.015 ARCHI +ascl:2006.016 SPISEA +ascl:2006.017 AstroCatR +ascl:2006.018 Powderday +ascl:2006.019 TATOO +ascl:2006.020 GenetIC +ascl:2006.021 FAMED +ascl:2006.022 MCSED +ascl:2006.023 deepSIP +ascl:2007.001 GProtation +ascl:2007.002 hierArc +ascl:2007.003 SPARTA +ascl:2007.004 spex_to_xspec +ascl:2007.005 PeTar +ascl:2007.006 PoPE +ascl:2007.007 PSRVoid +ascl:2007.008 MPSolve +ascl:2007.009 polyMV +ascl:2007.010 DarkHistory +ascl:2007.011 FleCSPH +ascl:2007.012 Line-Stacker +ascl:2007.013 wdtools +ascl:2007.014 PARS +ascl:2007.015 MAGI +ascl:2007.016 ReadPDS +ascl:2007.017 SPEX +ascl:2007.018 OSPEX +ascl:2007.019 TROVE +ascl:2007.020 pygwinc +ascl:2007.021 JB2008 +ascl:2007.022 SPARTA +ascl:2007.023 CosmoGRaPH +ascl:2007.024 CaTffs +ascl:2008.001 kinesis +ascl:2008.002 PhaseTracer +ascl:2008.003 KLLR +ascl:2008.004 SOT +ascl:2008.005 PySAP +ascl:2008.006 Umbrella +ascl:2008.007 sslf +ascl:2008.008 Barry +ascl:2008.009 SuperNNova +ascl:2008.010 zeus +ascl:2008.011 Magnetizer +ascl:2008.012 Ujti +ascl:2008.013 SEDBYS +ascl:2008.014 SuperRAENN +ascl:2008.015 CMEchaser +ascl:2008.016 ParaMonte +ascl:2008.017 CVXOPT +ascl:2008.018 maxsmooth +ascl:2008.019 iFIT +ascl:2008.020 Eclaire +ascl:2008.021 ramses2hsim +ascl:2008.022 healpy +ascl:2008.023 DUCC +ascl:2008.024 MUSIC2-monofonIC +ascl:2008.025 TRISTAN +ascl:2008.026 TDEmass +ascl:2008.027 HorizonGRound +ascl:2009.001 JetSeT +ascl:2009.002 vlt-sphere +ascl:2009.003 oxkat +ascl:2009.004 ISPy3 +ascl:2009.005 CASI-3D +ascl:2009.006 SPInS +# ascl:2009.007 J plots +ascl:2009.008 Paramo +ascl:2009.009 MADHAT +ascl:2009.010 MLG +ascl:2009.011 PyWST +ascl:2009.012 minot +ascl:2009.013 AstroVaDEr +ascl:2009.014 pySpectrum +ascl:2009.015 rcosmo +ascl:2009.016 halomod +ascl:2009.017 CosmoloPy +ascl:2009.018 CRAC +ascl:2009.019 FLEET +ascl:2009.020 cosmoFns +ascl:2009.021 Chrono +ascl:2009.022 Harmonia +ascl:2009.023 DASTCOM5 +ascl:2009.024 MSL +ascl:2009.025 Binary-Speckle +ascl:2010.001 MBF +ascl:2010.002 GSpec +ascl:2010.003 stsynphot +ascl:2010.004 TACHE +ascl:2010.005 GRAPUS +ascl:2010.006 LaSSI +ascl:2010.007 stella +ascl:2010.008 Exo-DMC +ascl:2010.009 plancklens +ascl:2010.010 lenspyx +ascl:2010.011 ROGER +ascl:2010.012 Astronomaly +ascl:2010.013 Legolas +ascl:2010.014 Pix2Prof +ascl:2010.015 relxill +ascl:2011.001 AdaMet +ascl:2011.002 CAPTURE +ascl:2011.003 Kalkayotl +ascl:2011.004 MCMCDiagnostics +ascl:2011.005 DarkCapPy +ascl:2011.006 tlpipe +ascl:2011.007 DYNAMITE +ascl:2011.008 GOTHIC +ascl:2011.009 HaloGen +ascl:2011.010 ARES +ascl:2011.011 frbcat +ascl:2011.012 wobble +ascl:2011.013 TLC +ascl:2011.014 SEDkit +ascl:2011.015 EvapMass +ascl:2011.016 GoFish +ascl:2011.017 RRATtrap +ascl:2011.018 Clustering +ascl:2011.019 Scintools +ascl:2011.020 REBOUNDx +ascl:2011.021 HSTCosmicrays +ascl:2011.022 GPCAL +ascl:2011.023 reproject +ascl:2011.024 ACStools +ascl:2011.025 PNICER +ascl:2011.026 DeepShadows +ascl:2011.027 kiauhoku +ascl:2011.028 CWITools +ascl:2011.029 DarkBit +ascl:2011.030 DDCalc +ascl:2012.001 getsf +ascl:2012.002 NSCG +ascl:2012.003 Sengi +ascl:2012.004 BinaryStarSolver +ascl:2012.005 MLC_ELGs +ascl:2012.006 Robovetter +ascl:2012.007 EOS +ascl:2012.008 LIFELINE +ascl:2012.009 HydroCode1D +ascl:2012.010 MADLens +ascl:2012.011 Skye +ascl:2012.012 TRAN_K2 +ascl:2012.013 sedop +ascl:2012.014 dolphin +ascl:2012.015 seaborn +ascl:2012.016 Pomegranate +ascl:2012.017 SLIT +ascl:2012.018 SimCADO +ascl:2012.019 PyXel +ascl:2012.020 BlackHawk +ascl:2012.021 LALSuite +ascl:2012.022 SWIGLAL +ascl:2012.023 HCGrid +ascl:2012.024 DRAGraces +ascl:2012.025 Magritte +ascl:2012.026 EinsteinPy +ascl:2101.001 3LPT-init +ascl:2101.002 BAYES-LOSVD +ascl:2101.003 whereistheplanet +ascl:2101.004 radiowinds +ascl:2101.005 Avocado +ascl:2101.006 ptemcee +# ascl:2101.007 Mask galaxy +ascl:2101.008 EphemMatch +ascl:2101.009 cFS +ascl:2101.010 apogee +ascl:2101.011 Nigraha +ascl:2101.012 Octo-Tiger +ascl:2101.013 Curvit +ascl:2101.014 PyXspec +ascl:2101.015 DarpanX +ascl:2101.016 pyUPMASK +ascl:2101.017 Eigentools +ascl:2101.018 stratsi +ascl:2102.001 spinOS +ascl:2102.002 MST +ascl:2102.003 Pixell +ascl:2102.004 ThumbStack +ascl:2102.005 X-PSI +ascl:2102.006 Lightbeam +ascl:2102.007 viscm +ascl:2102.008 CMasher +ascl:2102.009 EqTide +ascl:2102.010 hardCORE +ascl:2102.011 polgraw-allsky +ascl:2102.012 MUSE-PSFR +ascl:2102.013 GalRotpy +ascl:2102.014 nway +ascl:2102.015 ForwardDiff +ascl:2102.016 OPUS +ascl:2102.017 mirkwood +ascl:2102.018 DaMaSCUS-SUN +ascl:2102.019 HUAYNO +ascl:2102.020 MOSAIC +ascl:2102.021 lensingGW +ascl:2102.022 RASSINE +ascl:2102.023 Multi_CLASS +ascl:2102.024 Piff +ascl:2102.025 binaryoffset +ascl:2102.026 extinction +ascl:2102.027 PyFstat +ascl:2102.028 PyAutoFit +ascl:2102.029 BALRoGO +ascl:2102.030 GLEAM +ascl:2103.001 21cmDeepLearning +ascl:2103.002 hfs_fit +ascl:2103.003 spalipy +ascl:2103.004 redshifts +ascl:2103.005 satcand +ascl:2103.006 ggm +ascl:2103.007 TFF +ascl:2103.008 Pyedra +ascl:2103.009 DarkEmulator +ascl:2103.010 TransitFit +ascl:2103.011 AstroNet-Vetting +ascl:2103.012 AstroNet-Triage +ascl:2103.013 schNell +ascl:2103.014 QuickCBC +ascl:2103.015 LPF +ascl:2103.016 RAiSERed +ascl:2103.017 CRIME +ascl:2103.018 GalacticDNSMass +ascl:2103.019 SUPERNU +ascl:2103.020 ARTIS +ascl:2103.021 Carsus +ascl:2103.022 nestle +ascl:2103.023 DRAKE +ascl:2103.024 PION +ascl:2103.025 Silo +ascl:2103.026 PyPion +ascl:2103.027 GalLenspy +ascl:2103.028 Astro-Fix +ascl:2103.029 SparseBLS +ascl:2103.030 DIAPHANE +ascl:2103.031 CARTA +ascl:2104.001 hera_opm +ascl:2104.002 Librarian +ascl:2104.003 Hilal-Obs +ascl:2104.004 Spectractor +ascl:2104.005 CTR +ascl:2104.006 RJObject +ascl:2104.007 EPIC5 +ascl:2104.008 LaFuLi +ascl:2104.009 OpacityTool +ascl:2104.010 OpTool +ascl:2104.011 Freeture +ascl:2104.012 Mo'Astro +ascl:2104.013 pfits +ascl:2104.014 SSSpaNG +ascl:2104.015 dense_basis +ascl:2104.016 Skyoffset +ascl:2104.017 Bagpipes +ascl:2104.018 GGchem +ascl:2104.019 SpectRes +ascl:2104.020 LAPACK +ascl:2104.021 cmblensplus +ascl:2104.022 RadioFisher +ascl:2104.023 PyBird +ascl:2104.024 GAMMA +ascl:2104.025 SpaceHub +ascl:2104.026 Skye +ascl:2104.027 linemake +ascl:2104.028 globalemu +ascl:2104.029 TES +ascl:2104.030 lofti_gaiaDR2 +ascl:2104.031 Posidonius +ascl:2105.001 BHPToolkit +ascl:2105.002 PDM2 +ascl:2105.003 ATARRI +ascl:2105.004 TesseRACt +ascl:2105.005 COMPAS +# ascl:2105.006 The Sequencer +ascl:2105.007 SpheCow +ascl:2105.008 MCALF +ascl:2105.009 MeerCRAB +ascl:2105.010 ZOGY +ascl:2105.011 BlackBOX +ascl:2105.012 orvara +ascl:2105.013 SISPO +ascl:2105.014 encore +ascl:2105.015 PyTorchDIA +ascl:2105.016 CUDAHM +# ascl:2105.017 Pyrat Bay +ascl:2105.018 ClaRAN +ascl:2105.019 RandomQuintessence +ascl:2105.020 PAP +# ascl:2105.021 Kepler's Goat Herd +ascl:2105.022 PFITS +ascl:2106.001 KOBE +ascl:2106.002 dopmap +ascl:2106.003 PyDoppler +ascl:2106.004 crowdsource +ascl:2106.005 Marvin +ascl:2106.006 Pyshellspec +ascl:2106.007 CoMover +ascl:2106.008 simqso +ascl:2106.009 baofit +ascl:2106.010 Maneage +ascl:2106.011 MakeCloud +ascl:2106.012 StarcNet +ascl:2106.013 Kadath +ascl:2106.014 Lemon +ascl:2106.015 ATES +ascl:2106.016 QuasarNET +ascl:2106.017 redvsblue +ascl:2106.018 picca +ascl:2106.019 GLEMuR +ascl:2106.020 simple_reg_dem +ascl:2106.021 aztekas +ascl:2106.022 STaRS +ascl:2106.023 so_noise_models +ascl:2106.024 RedPipe +ascl:2106.025 ModeChord +ascl:2106.026 Katu +ascl:2106.027 MultiModeCode +ascl:2106.028 FRBSTATS +ascl:2106.029 EMBERS +ascl:2106.030 DM_statistics +ascl:2106.031 BiHalofit +ascl:2106.032 DarkSirensStat +ascl:2106.033 ZWAD +ascl:2106.034 ztf-viewer +ascl:2106.035 CalPriorSNIa +ascl:2106.036 BiFFT +ascl:2106.037 PORTA +ascl:2106.038 ehtplot +ascl:2106.039 atmos +ascl:2106.040 IRAGNSEP +ascl:2107.001 light-curve +ascl:2107.002 ROA +ascl:2107.003 PMN-body +ascl:2107.004 FoF-Halo-finder +ascl:2107.005 ReionYuga +ascl:2107.006 snmachine +ascl:2107.007 Skymapper +ascl:2107.008 nimbus +ascl:2107.009 Balrog +ascl:2107.010 SpArcFiRe +ascl:2107.011 AlignBandColors +ascl:2107.012 PyROA +ascl:2107.013 GUBAS +ascl:2107.014 Skylens++ +ascl:2107.015 shapelens +ascl:2107.016 shear-stacking +ascl:2107.017 PyCactus +ascl:2107.018 ART +ascl:2107.019 PlaSim +ascl:2107.020 Chem-I-Calc +ascl:2107.021 RePrimAnd +ascl:2107.022 Kd-match +ascl:2107.023 cosmic_variance +ascl:2107.024 K2-CPM +ascl:2107.025 MCPM +ascl:2107.026 K2mosaic +ascl:2107.027 KeplerPORTS +ascl:2107.028 TRINITY +ascl:2107.029 PHL +ascl:2107.030 HERMES +ascl:2108.001 HRK +ascl:2108.002 AUM +ascl:2108.003 MAPS +ascl:2108.004 WaldoInSky +ascl:2108.005 millennium-tap-query +ascl:2108.006 viper +ascl:2108.007 catwoman +ascl:2108.008 CatBoost +ascl:2108.009 caesar-rest +ascl:2108.010 FIREFLY +ascl:2108.011 BOSS-Without-Windows +ascl:2108.012 NRDD_constraints +ascl:2108.013 AMOEBA +ascl:2108.014 StelNet +ascl:2108.015 ELISa +ascl:2108.016 Chemulator +ascl:2108.017 AutoProf +ascl:2108.018 Cosmic-CoNN +ascl:2108.019 PIPS +ascl:2108.020 DBSP_DRP +ascl:2108.021 ExoPlaSim +ascl:2108.022 COSMIC +ascl:2108.023 CMC-COSMIC +ascl:2108.024 iminuit +ascl:2108.025 SORA +ascl:2109.001 gammaALPs +ascl:2109.002 alpconv +ascl:2109.003 VOLKS2 +ascl:2109.004 DviSukta +# ascl:2109.005 SoFiA 2 +ascl:2109.006 eMCP +ascl:2109.007 SkyCalc_ipy +ascl:2109.008 pyia +ascl:2109.009 pyFFTW +ascl:2109.010 Frankenstein +ascl:2109.011 Rubble +ascl:2109.012 STAR-MELT +ascl:2109.013 WimPyDD +ascl:2109.014 HSS +ascl:2109.015 unpopular +ascl:2109.016 SkyPy +ascl:2109.017 HTOF +ascl:2109.018 GLoBES +ascl:2109.019 SNOwGLoBES +ascl:2109.020 SNEWPY +ascl:2109.021 WeakLensingDeblending +ascl:2109.022 ShapeMeasurementFisherFormalism +ascl:2109.023 gphist +ascl:2109.024 BHJet +ascl:2109.025 Menura +# ascl:2109.026 Varstar Detect +ascl:2109.026 Varstar +ascl:2109.027 OSPREI +ascl:2109.028 Healpix.jl +ascl:2109.029 BiPoS1 +ascl:2109.030 Snowball +ascl:2110.001 JWSTSim +ascl:2110.002 exodetbox +ascl:2110.003 PSRDADA +ascl:2110.004 TULIPS +ascl:2110.005 TauRunner +ascl:2110.006 ArtPop +ascl:2110.007 PISCOLA +ascl:2110.008 ParSNIP +ascl:2110.009 Quokka +ascl:2110.010 BASTA +ascl:2110.011 GRASS +ascl:2110.012 GGCHEMPY +ascl:2110.013 Nauyaca +ascl:2110.014 swordfish +ascl:2110.015 Flux +ascl:2110.016 pyro +ascl:2110.017 ThERESA +ascl:2110.018 FEniCS +ascl:2110.019 SELCIE +ascl:2110.020 BCES +ascl:2110.021 PT-REX +ascl:2110.022 XookSuut +ascl:2111.001 astroDDPM +ascl:2111.002 JAX +ascl:2111.003 PSwarm +ascl:2111.004 NLopt +ascl:2111.005 CEvNS +ascl:2111.006 prose +ascl:2111.007 LEGWORK +ascl:2111.008 COCOPLOT +ascl:2111.009 CoLoRe +ascl:2111.010 Nii +ascl:2111.011 p-winds +ascl:2111.012 flatstar +ascl:2111.013 Astrosat +ascl:2111.014 UniMAP +ascl:2111.015 gCMCRT +ascl:2111.016 SteParSyn +ascl:2111.017 pySYD +ascl:2111.018 GWToolbox +ascl:2112.001 pycelp +ascl:2112.002 QUESTFIT +ascl:2112.003 SCORPIO +ascl:2112.004 Defringe +ascl:2112.005 Interferopy +ascl:2112.006 STDPipe +ascl:2112.007 NeutrinoFog +ascl:2112.008 MISTTBORN +ascl:2112.009 AsteroGaP +ascl:2112.010 WIMpy_NREFT +ascl:2112.011 DarkARC +ascl:2112.012 DiracVsMajorana +ascl:2112.013 Qwind +ascl:2112.014 Qwind3 +ascl:2112.015 SAPHIRES +ascl:2112.016 TESSreduce +ascl:2112.017 deeplenstronomy +ascl:2112.018 Optab +ascl:2112.019 O'TRAIN +ascl:2112.020 BayesicFitting +ascl:2112.021 GRIT +ascl:2112.022 hankl +ascl:2112.023 wpca +ascl:2112.024 l1p +ascl:2112.025 FTP +ascl:2112.026 HoloSim-ML +# ascl:2112.027 JexoSim 2.0 +ascl:2112.027 JexoSim +ascl:2201.001 EzTao +ascl:2201.002 AstroToolBox +ascl:2201.003 BLOSMapping +ascl:2201.004 FitsMap +ascl:2201.005 AllStarFit +ascl:2201.006 dark-photons-perturbations +ascl:2201.007 tellrv +ascl:2201.008 fermi-gce-flows +ascl:2201.009 AltaiPony +ascl:2201.010 statmorph +ascl:2201.011 COWS +ascl:2201.012 MAGRATHEA +ascl:2201.013 disnht +ascl:2201.014 nProFit +# ascl:2202.001 GA Galaxy +ascl:2202.002 NWelch +ascl:2202.003 Zwindstroom +ascl:2202.004 SUPPNet +ascl:2202.005 palettable +# ascl:2202.006 FIRE Studio +ascl:2202.007 SciCatalog +ascl:2202.008 TERRA +ascl:2202.009 EDIV +ascl:2202.010 EDIVU +ascl:2202.011 RFEP +ascl:2202.012 fiducial_flare +ascl:2202.013 PSLS +ascl:2202.014 Citlalicue +ascl:2202.015 SPARTAN +ascl:2202.016 Find_Orb +ascl:2202.017 GALLUMI +ascl:2202.018 Sculptor +ascl:2202.019 Contaminante +ascl:2202.020 distance-omnibus +ascl:2202.021 popsynth +ascl:2202.022 ASPIRED +ascl:2202.023 Starduster +ascl:2202.024 SunnyNet +ascl:2202.025 INSANE +ascl:2202.026 topoaccel +ascl:2203.001 SISTER +ascl:2203.002 exoVista +ascl:2203.003 NIMBLE +ascl:2203.004 imexam +ascl:2203.005 pygacs +ascl:2203.006 starry_process +ascl:2203.007 GAMERA +ascl:2203.008 MIRaGe +ascl:2203.009 fleck +ascl:2203.010 D2O +ascl:2203.011 SATCHEL +ascl:2203.012 pyobs +ascl:2203.013 PetroFit +ascl:2203.014 AutoSourceID-Light +ascl:2203.015 easyFermi +ascl:2203.016 MaNGA-DRP +ascl:2203.017 MaNGA-DAP +ascl:2203.018 sympy2c +ascl:2203.019 agnpy +ascl:2203.020 MAMPOSSt +ascl:2203.021 MG-MAMPOSSt +ascl:2203.022 Vetting +ascl:2203.023 MAGRATHEA +ascl:2203.024 Magrathea-Pathfinder +ascl:2203.025 SetCoverPy +ascl:2203.026 axionCAMB +ascl:2203.027 Zoobot +ascl:2203.028 SimLine +ascl:2203.029 Bootsik +ascl:2203.030 Wigglewave +ascl:2203.031 TAWAS +ascl:2204.001 TG +ascl:2204.002 Astroplotlib +ascl:2204.003 legacystamps +# ascl:2204.004 Bayesian SZNet +ascl:2204.004 SZNet +ascl:2204.005 TESS-Localize +ascl:2204.006 dsigma +ascl:2204.007 RTS +ascl:2204.008 RMNest +ascl:2204.009 MAYONNAISE +ascl:2204.010 FBCTrack +ascl:2204.011 SimAb +ascl:2204.012 SpECTRE +ascl:2204.013 SCRIPT +ascl:2204.014 GADGET-4 +ascl:2204.015 ADBSat +ascl:2204.016 pySIDES +ascl:2204.017 RSG +ascl:2204.018 ProFuse +ascl:2204.019 DarkFlux +ascl:2204.020 MonoTools +ascl:2205.001 PMOIRED +ascl:2205.002 am +ascl:2205.003 QSOGEN +ascl:2205.004 FAlCon-DNS +ascl:2205.005 maelstrom +ascl:2205.006 LATTE +ascl:2205.007 EarthScatterLikelihood +ascl:2205.008 Hyperopt +ascl:2205.009 hyperas +ascl:2205.010 pyICs +ascl:2205.011 myRadex +ascl:2205.012 Zelda +ascl:2205.013 ld-exosim +ascl:2205.014 FHD +ascl:2205.015 CS-ROMER +ascl:2205.016 Pryngles +ascl:2205.017 LiSA +ascl:2205.018 ASOHF +ascl:2205.019 HOPS +ascl:2205.020 ASTROMER +ascl:2205.021 CPNest +ascl:2205.022 BANG +ascl:2205.023 PyWPF +ascl:2205.024 MM-LSD +ascl:2205.025 simulateSearch +ascl:2206.001 vortex +ascl:2206.002 TCF +ascl:2206.003 ExoJAX +ascl:2206.004 pystortion +ascl:2206.005 NonnegMFPy +ascl:2206.006 MYRaf +ascl:2206.007 CircleCraters +ascl:2206.008 Craterstats2 +ascl:2206.009 Craterstats3 +ascl:2206.010 pyHIIexplorerV2 +ascl:2206.011 IFSCube +ascl:2206.012 WDPhotTools +ascl:2206.013 smooth +ascl:2206.014 SpinSpotter +ascl:2206.015 Smart +ascl:2206.016 wdwarfdate +ascl:2206.017 atoMEC +ascl:2206.018 MADYS +ascl:2206.019 SEVN +ascl:2206.020 CCDLAB +ascl:2206.021 PyCASSO2 +ascl:2206.022 RealSim-IFS +ascl:2206.023 pyPipe3D +ascl:2206.024 Wavetrack +ascl:2206.025 CuspCore +ascl:2206.026 ShapePipe +ascl:2206.027 DustFilaments +ascl:2206.028 Spritz +ascl:2207.001 MULTIGRIS +ascl:2207.002 pynucastro +ascl:2207.003 MeSsI +ascl:2207.004 cosmic-kite +ascl:2207.005 echelle +ascl:2207.006 MultiModes +ascl:2207.007 Pyriod +ascl:2207.008 TESS_PRF +ascl:2207.009 SolAster +ascl:2207.010 Helios-r2 +ascl:2207.011 samsam +ascl:2207.012 ExoCTK +ascl:2207.013 MuSCAT2_transit_pipeline +ascl:2207.014 petitRADTRANS +ascl:2207.015 calviacat +ascl:2207.016 DustPy +ascl:2207.017 LOTUS +ascl:2207.018 pocoMC +ascl:2207.019 walter +ascl:2207.020 vKompth +ascl:2207.021 BAYGAUD +ascl:2207.022 triple-stability +ascl:2207.023 MCFOST +ascl:2207.024 pymcfost +ascl:2207.025 casa_cube +ascl:2207.026 pdspy +ascl:2207.027 ConeRot +ascl:2207.028 disksurf +ascl:2207.029 ParticleGridMapper +# ascl:2207.030 Analysis of dipole alignment in large-scale distribution of galaxy spin directions +ascl:2207.031 BANZAI +ascl:2207.032 gwdet +ascl:2207.033 piXedfit +ascl:2207.034 SSHT +ascl:2207.035 massmappy +ascl:2208.001 BlaST +ascl:2208.002 qrpca +ascl:2208.003 Scatfit +# ascl:2208.004 TOM Toolkit +# ascl:2208.005 Asymmetric Uncertainty +ascl:2208.006 ThermoEngine +ascl:2208.007 VapoRock +ascl:2208.008 RJ-plots +ascl:2208.009 LeXInt +ascl:2208.010 FFD +ascl:2208.011 POIS +ascl:2208.012 DELIGHT +ascl:2208.013 SPAMMS +ascl:2208.014 uvcombine +ascl:2208.015 J-comb +ascl:2208.016 CRPropa3 +ascl:2208.017 HOCHUNK3D +ascl:2208.018 EstrellaNueva +ascl:2208.019 RadioLensfit +ascl:2208.020 GStokes +ascl:2208.021 GSSP +ascl:2208.022 PyNAPLE +ascl:2208.023 CubeFit +ascl:2208.024 toise +ascl:2208.025 Yonder +ascl:2209.001 A-SLOTH +ascl:2209.002 Herculens +ascl:2209.003 DeepMass +# ascl:2209.004 Cluster Toolkit +ascl:2209.005 SCORE +ascl:2209.006 KaRMMa +ascl:2209.007 AMBER +ascl:2209.008 PINION +ascl:2209.009 GRUMPY +ascl:2209.010 HyPhy +ascl:2209.011 GaLight +ascl:2209.012 URILIGHT +ascl:2209.013 wsynphot +ascl:2209.014 SyntheticISOs +ascl:2209.015 TauREx3 +ascl:2209.016 RAPOC +ascl:2209.017 SpectraPy +ascl:2209.018 libTheSky +ascl:2209.019 SolTrack +ascl:2209.020 FastQSL +ascl:2210.001 PSS +ascl:2210.002 SPINspiral +ascl:2210.003 NIRDust +ascl:2210.004 Finder_charts +ascl:2210.005 PSFr +ascl:2210.006 ExoRad2 +ascl:2210.007 COMET +ascl:2210.008 RADTRAN +ascl:2210.009 NEMESIS +ascl:2210.010 TSRecon +ascl:2210.011 gbdes +ascl:2210.012 pixmappy +ascl:2210.013 iharm3D +ascl:2210.014 Blacklight +ascl:2210.015 Solar-MACH +ascl:2210.016 PETSc +ascl:2210.017 PySME +ascl:2210.018 LavAtmos +ascl:2210.019 POSYDON +ascl:2210.020 ixpeobssim +ascl:2210.021 SHEEP +ascl:2210.022 MCCD +ascl:2210.023 BornRaytrace +ascl:2210.024 Faiss +ascl:2210.025 tvguide +ascl:2210.026 PGOPHER +ascl:2210.027 LensingETC +ascl:2210.028 CK +ascl:2210.029 paltas +ascl:2210.030 cuvarbase +ascl:2211.001 PTAfast +ascl:2211.002 KC +ascl:2211.003 AMBER +ascl:2211.004 PAHDecomp +ascl:2211.005 unTimely_Catalog_explorer +ascl:2211.006 baobab +ascl:2211.007 mgcnn +ascl:2211.008 pmclib +ascl:2211.009 ovejero +ascl:2211.010 BlackJAX +ascl:2211.011 fastSHT +ascl:2211.012 gsf +ascl:2211.013 2DFFTUtils +ascl:2211.014 PDFchem +ascl:2211.015 H-FISTA +ascl:2211.016 Korg +ascl:2211.017 BiGONLight +ascl:2211.018 ODNet +ascl:2211.019 APERO +ascl:2211.020 EXCEED-DM +ascl:2212.001 GWFAST +ascl:2212.002 Eventdisplay +ascl:2212.003 MGCosmoPop +ascl:2212.004 FastDF +ascl:2212.005 MTNeedlet +ascl:2212.006 GPry +ascl:2212.007 PyMCCF +ascl:2212.008 panco2 +ascl:2212.009 Hazma +ascl:2212.010 sf_deconvolve +ascl:2212.011 xwavecal +ascl:2212.012 BANZAI-NRES +ascl:2212.013 PACMAN +ascl:2212.014 pyTANSPEC +ascl:2212.015 SImMER +ascl:2212.016 AbundanceMatching +ascl:2212.017 powspec +ascl:2212.018 SourceXtractor++ +ascl:2212.019 m2mcluster +ascl:2212.020 Omega +ascl:2212.021 Infinity +ascl:2212.022 Elysium +ascl:2212.023 Tranquillity +# ascl:2212.024 Burning Arrow +ascl:2212.025 CONTROL +ascl:2212.026 Spender +ascl:2301.001 CALSAGOS +ascl:2301.002 Pyxel +ascl:2301.003 WF4Py +ascl:2301.004 HEADSS +ascl:2301.005 fitOmatic +ascl:2301.006 Self-cal +ascl:2301.007 LoLLiPoP +ascl:2301.008 HiLLiPoP +ascl:2301.009 Xpol +ascl:2301.010 Fastcc +ascl:2301.011 Rosetta +ascl:2301.012 XGA +ascl:2301.013 pyExoRaMa +ascl:2301.014 LBL +ascl:2301.015 SOAP-GPU +ascl:2301.016 FERRE +ascl:2301.017 ReACT +ascl:2301.018 kderp +ascl:2301.019 KCWI_DRP +ascl:2301.020 VDA +ascl:2301.021 WALDO +ascl:2301.022 GalCEM +ascl:2301.023 PoWR +ascl:2301.024 SOXS +ascl:2301.025 desitarget +ascl:2301.026 MGwave +ascl:2301.027 Puri-Psi +ascl:2301.028 special +ascl:2301.029 ALMA3 +ascl:2301.030 HIPP +ascl:2302.001 nicaea +ascl:2302.002 deconfuser +ascl:2302.003 PHOTOe +ascl:2302.004 SFQEDtoolkit +ascl:2302.005 celmech +ascl:2302.006 RCR +ascl:2302.007 AnalyticLC +ascl:2302.008 HawkingNet +ascl:2302.009 EXOTIC +ascl:2302.010 SASHIMI-W +ascl:2302.011 UniverseMachine +ascl:2302.012 Diffstar +ascl:2302.013 SASHIMI-C +ascl:2302.014 kima +ascl:2302.015 FCFC +ascl:2302.016 swyft +ascl:2302.017 RichValues +ascl:2302.018 GCP +ascl:2302.019 MADCUBA +ascl:2302.020 UBER +ascl:2302.021 AMICAL +ascl:2302.022 RALF +ascl:2302.023 AART +ascl:2302.024 DSPS +ascl:2302.025 Diffmah +ascl:2302.026 HDMSpectra +ascl:2303.001 cysgp4 +ascl:2303.002 line_selections +ascl:2303.003 SeeKAT +ascl:2303.004 naif +ascl:2303.005 Blobby3D +ascl:2303.006 GPCC +ascl:2303.007 PyCom +ascl:2303.008 nd-redshift +ascl:2303.009 Pandora +ascl:2303.010 spinsfast +ascl:2303.011 Scri +ascl:2303.012 EvoEMD +ascl:2303.013 FastJet +ascl:2303.014 Delphes +ascl:2303.015 SIDM +ascl:2303.016 SatGen +ascl:2303.017 bajes +ascl:2303.018 MORPHOFIT +ascl:2303.019 pulsar_spectra +ascl:2303.020 HaloGraphNet +ascl:2304.001 ASSIST +ascl:2304.002 Applefy +ascl:2304.003 BatAnalysis +ascl:2304.004 FALCO +ascl:2304.005 FALCO +ascl:2304.006 JET +ascl:2305.001 FRIDDA +# ascl:2305.002 Virtual Telescope +ascl:2305.003 extrapops +ascl:2305.004 katdal +ascl:2305.005 killMS +ascl:2305.006 QuartiCal +ascl:2305.007 Stimela +ascl:2305.008 DDFacet +ascl:2305.009 breizorro +ascl:2305.010 FLAGLET +ascl:2305.011 DarkMappy +ascl:2305.012 KERN +ascl:2305.013 aartfaac2ms +ascl:2305.014 DP3 +ascl:2305.015 EIDOS +ascl:2305.016 gw_pta_emulator +ascl:2305.017 simple-m2m +ascl:2305.018 GWSurrogate +ascl:2305.019 sterile-dm +ascl:2305.020 JEDI +ascl:2305.021 COLIBRI +ascl:2305.022 GrGadget +ascl:2305.023 GLASS +ascl:2305.024 Nextflow +ascl:2305.025 CELEBI +ascl:2306.001 HAFFET +ascl:2306.002 sbi +ascl:2306.003 SAVED21cm +ascl:2306.004 TIDYMESS +ascl:2306.005 Delight +ascl:2306.006 β-SGP +ascl:2306.007 PhotoParallax +ascl:2306.008 sstrax +ascl:2306.009 Albatross +ascl:2306.010 MOBSE +ascl:2306.011 margarine +ascl:2306.012 ZodiPy +ascl:2306.013 SCONCE-SCMS +ascl:2306.014 AIOLOS +ascl:2306.015 Mangrove +ascl:2306.016 SuperRad +ascl:2306.017 Zeus21 +ascl:2306.018 FRB +ascl:2306.019 realfast +ascl:2306.020 mockFRBhosts +ascl:2306.021 pipes_vis +ascl:2306.022 apollinaire +ascl:2306.023 RELAGN +ascl:2306.024 COpops +ascl:2306.025 ALminer +ascl:2306.026 Parthenon +ascl:2306.027 PEP +ascl:2306.028 rfast +ascl:2306.029 Mixclask +ascl:2306.030 Butterpy +ascl:2306.031 ECLIPSE +ascl:2306.032 CosmoGraphNet +ascl:2306.033 lasso_spectra +ascl:2306.034 COLT +ascl:2306.035 CONCEPT +ascl:2306.036 IDEFIX +ascl:2306.037 CADET +ascl:2306.038 FacetClumps +ascl:2306.039 GRChombo +ascl:2306.040 PEPITA +ascl:2306.041 COFFE +ascl:2306.042 CONDUCT +ascl:2306.043 SHERLOCK +ascl:2306.044 nuSpaceSim +ascl:2306.045 nuPyProp +ascl:2306.046 CHIPS +ascl:2306.047 COLASolver +ascl:2306.048 MG-PICOLA +ascl:2306.049 ARPACK-NG +ascl:2306.050 SubgridClumping +ascl:2306.051 Hitomi +ascl:2306.052 kilopop +ascl:2306.053 TiDE +ascl:2306.054 threepoint +ascl:2306.055 ESSENCE +ascl:2306.056 PSFMachine +ascl:2306.057 pybranch +ascl:2306.058 GER +ascl:2306.059 BOXFIT +ascl:2306.060 SCF-FDPS +ascl:2307.001 Jdaviz +ascl:2307.002 BE-HaPPY +ascl:2307.003 RelicFast +ascl:2307.004 ALF +ascl:2307.005 axionHMcode +ascl:2307.006 pyPplusS +ascl:2307.007 AGNvar +ascl:2307.008 21cmvFAST +ascl:2307.009 pnautilus +ascl:2307.010 baccoemu +ascl:2307.011 DiscVerSt +ascl:2307.012 mnms +ascl:2307.013 SIRENA +# ascl:2307.014 Synthetic LISA +ascl:2307.015 BOWIE +ascl:2307.016 DataComb +ascl:2307.017 Veusz +ascl:2307.018 IMRIpy +ascl:2307.019 IMRPhenomD +ascl:2307.020 PolyBin ascl:2307.021 FGBuster ascl:2307.022 TOAST ascl:2307.023 PyIMRPhenomD @@ -3336,6 +3339,7 @@ ascl:2312.012 PulsarX ascl:2312.013 21cmEMU ascl:2312.014 GRFolres ascl:2312.015 SUNBIRD +# ascl:2312.016 The Farmer ascl:2312.016 Farmer ascl:2312.017 LimberJack.jl ascl:2312.018 PyMsOfa