This file is archived and only kept for reference - DO NOT edit
Key | Description |
:vs | Vertex shader source |
:fs | Fragment shader source |
:attribs | User attributes |
:uniforms | Shader uniform specification & defaults |
:varying | Shader internal bridge variables |
:prelude | GLSL source code to prepend (e.g. #define directives) |
:version | GLSL version number (generates #version directive) |
:state | OpenGL state flags to initialize when shader is used |
TODO sample shader spec
(def uniform-types
#?(:clj {:float [#(.glUniform1f ^GL3 % %2 %3) float 1]
:int [#(.glUniform1i ^GL3 % %2 %3) int 1]
:vec2 [#(.glUniform2fv ^GL3 % %2 1 ^FloatBuffer %3) native/float-buffer 2]
:vec3 [#(.glUniform3fv ^GL3 % %2 1 ^FloatBuffer %3) native/float-buffer 3]
:vec4 [#(.glUniform4fv ^GL3 % %2 1 ^FloatBuffer %3) native/float-buffer 4]
:ivec2 [#(.glUniform2iv ^GL3 % %2 1 ^IntBuffer %3) native/int-buffer 2]
:ivec3 [#(.glUniform3iv ^GL3 % %2 1 ^IntBuffer %3) native/int-buffer 3]
:ivec4 [#(.glUniform4iv ^GL3 % %2 1 ^IntBuffer %3) native/int-buffer 4]
:bool [#(.glUniform1i ^GL3 % %2 %3) bool->int 1]
:bvec2 [#(.glUniform2iv ^GL3 % %2 1 ^IntBuffer %3) bool->ivec 2]
:bvec3 [#(.glUniform3iv ^GL3 % %2 1 ^IntBuffer %3) bool->ivec 3]
:bvec4 [#(.glUniform4iv ^GL3 % %2 1 ^IntBuffer %3) bool->ivec 4]
:mat2 [#(.glUniformMatrix2fv ^GL3 % %2 1 %3 ^FloatBuffer %4) native/float-buffer 4]
:mat3 [#(.glUniformMatrix3fv ^GL3 % %2 1 %3 ^FloatBuffer %4) native/float-buffer 9]
:mat4 [#(.glUniformMatrix4fv ^GL3 % %2 1 %3 ^FloatBuffer %4) native/float-buffer 16]
:sampler2D [#(.glUniform1i ^GL3 % %2 %3) int 1]
:samplerCube [#(.glUniform1i ^GL3 % %2 %3) int 1]}
:cljs {:float ["1f" float]
:int ["1i" int]
:vec2 ["2fv" ta/float32 2]
:vec3 ["3fv" ta/float32 3]
:vec4 ["4fv" ta/float32 4]
:ivec2 ["2iv" ta/int32 2]
:ivec3 ["3iv" ta/int32 3]
:ivec4 ["4iv" ta/int32 4]
:bool ["1i" int]
:bvec2 ["2iv" ta/int32 2]
:bvec3 ["3iv" ta/int32 3]
:bvec4 ["4iv" ta/int32 4]
:mat2 ["Matrix2fv" ta/float32 4]
:mat3 ["Matrix3fv" ta/float32 9]
:mat4 ["Matrix4fv" ta/float32 16]
:sampler2D ["1i" int]
:samplerCube ["1i" int]}))
Shader specs define uniforms as a map under the :uniforms
key. In
this map, each of the shader’s uniform names must be stated as keys
and their types as values. Default values can be given by using a
vector of [type default]
. Default values are only used when a user
doesn’t specify a uniform in their model spec. The example below
defines default values for the :ambient
, :model
and :texture
:uniforms {:alpha :float
:diffuse :vec3
:ambient [:vec3 [0.1 0.1 0.1]]
:texture [:sampler2D 0]
:modelMat [:mat4 M44]
:viewMat :mat4
:projMat :mat4}
Special cases:
- Setters for
uniforms expect a 2-element vector or a number. If the latter, it is interpreted as[n n]
. - Setters for
uniforms expect a 3-element vector, a type or an integer. If the latter, it is interpreted as 24bit RGB value and converted into a normalized RGB vector ([r g b]
). - Setters for
uniforms expect a 4-element vector, color type, an integer or a CSS color string in#hex
form, which is then converted into a normalized RGBA vector ([r g b a]
) - Values for Matrix uniforms can be specified as vector
[mat default transpose?]
to indicate given matrix should be transposed
(defn init-shader-uniforms
#?(:clj [^GL3 gl prog uniforms]
:cljs [^WebGLRenderingContext gl prog uniforms])
(fn [umap id type]
(let [loc #?(:clj (.glGetUniformLocation gl prog (name id))
:cljs (.getUniformLocation gl prog (name id)))
[type default opt] (if (sequential? type) type [type])
[setter u-cast u-len] (uniform-types type)
#?@(:cljs [setter (aget gl (str "uniform" setter))])]
#?(:clj (prn :uniform-loc id loc))
umap id
{:type type
:default default
:setter (cond
(#{:float :int :bool :sampler2D} type)
(fn [x]
#?(:clj (setter gl loc (u-cast x))
:cljs (.call setter gl loc (u-cast x))))
(#{:mat2 :mat3 :mat4} type)
(fn [x]
(setter gl loc (boolean opt)
(if (instance? FloatBuffer x)
x (u-cast x)))
(.call setter gl loc (boolean opt)
(if (ta/typed-array? x)
x (u-cast x)))))
(= :vec2 type)
(fn [x]
(let [x (cond
#?@(:clj [(instance? FloatBuffer x) x]
:cljs [(ta/typed-array? x) x])
(satisfies? streams/IBuffer x) (streams/get-float-buffer x)
(number? x) (u-cast [x x])
:else (u-cast x))]
#?(:clj (setter gl loc x)
:cljs (.call setter gl loc x))))
(= :vec3 type)
(fn [x]
(let [x (cond
#?@(:clj [(instance? FloatBuffer x) x]
:cljs [(ta/typed-array? x) x])
(satisfies? streams/IBuffer x) (streams/get-float-buffer x)
(number? x) (-> x col/int24 col/as-rgba deref (subvec 0 3) u-cast)
:else (u-cast x))]
#?(:clj (setter gl loc x)
:cljs (.call setter gl loc x))))
(= :vec4 type)
(fn [x]
(let [x (cond
#?@(:clj [(instance? FloatBuffer x) x]
:cljs [(ta/typed-array? x) x])
(satisfies? streams/IBuffer x) (streams/get-float-buffer x)
(number? x) (-> x col/int24 col/as-rgba streams/get-float-buffer)
(string? x) (-> x col/css col/as-rgba streams/get-float-buffer)
:else (u-cast x))]
#?(:clj (setter gl loc x)
:cljs (.call setter gl loc x))))
(fn [x]
(setter gl loc
(if (instance? FloatBuffer x)
x (u-cast (if (not (sequential? x)) [x] x))))
(.call setter gl loc
(if (ta/typed-array? x)
x (u-cast (if (not (sequential? x)) [x] x)))))))
:loc loc})))
{} uniforms))
(defn set-uniform
[shader uniforms id val]
;;(#?(:clj prn :cljs debug) :uniform id (get-in shader [:uniforms id :loc]) val)
(if-let [u-spec (-> shader (get :uniforms) (get id))]
((get u-spec :setter) (if (fn? val) (val shader uniforms) val))
(#?(:clj prn :cljs warn) "Unknown shader uniform: " id)))
(defn apply-default-uniforms
[shader uniforms]
(fn [_ id val]
(if-not (get uniforms id)
(if-let [d (get val :default)]
(set-uniform shader uniforms id d))))
nil (get shader :uniforms)))
(defn init-shader-attribs
#?(:clj [^GL3 gl prog attribs]
:cljs [^WebGLRenderingContext gl prog attribs])
(fn [acc id _]
(assoc acc id
(#?(:clj .glGetAttribLocation :cljs .getAttribLocation) gl prog (name id))))
{} attribs))
(defn set-attribute
#?(:clj [^GL3 gl shader id attrib-spec]
:cljs [^WebGLRenderingContext gl shader id attrib-spec])
(let [{:keys [buffer stride size type normalized? offset loc]} attrib-spec]
;;(#?(:clj prn :cljs debug) :loc id (-> shader (get :attribs) (get id)) :size size (or stride (* 4 size)))
(if-let [loc (int (-> shader (get :attribs) (get id)))]
(doto gl
#?(:clj (.glBindBuffer glc/array-buffer (.get ^IntBuffer buffer 0))
:cljs (.bindBuffer glc/array-buffer buffer))
(#?(:clj .glEnableVertexAttribArray :cljs .enableVertexAttribArray) loc)
(#?(:clj .glVertexAttribPointer :cljs .vertexAttribPointer)
(int size)
(or type glc/float)
(boolean normalized?)
(or stride 0)
(or offset 0)))
(#?(:clj println :cljs warn) (str "Unknown shader attribute: " id)))))
(defn disable-attribute
#?(:clj [^GL3 gl shader id]
:cljs [^WebGLRenderingContext gl shader id])
(if-let [loc (-> shader (get :attribs) (get id))]
(do (#?(:clj .glDisableVertexAttribArray :cljs .disableVertexAttribArray) gl loc) gl)
(#?(:clj println :cljs warn) (str "Unknown shader attribute: " id))))
These boilerplate #define
’s are prepended by default to any given
shader source before compilation with compile-shader
precision highp int;
precision highp float;
precision mediump int;
precision mediump float;
#ifndef PI
#define PI 3.141592653589793
#ifndef TWO_PI
#define TWO_PI 6.283185307179586
#ifndef HALF_PI
#define HALF_PI 1.570796326794896
#ifndef RAD
#define RAD 0.008726646259972
(def default-prelude
(defn compile-glsl-vars
[qualifier coll]
(->> coll
(fn [[id type]]
(str qualifier " "
(name (if (sequential? type) (first type) type)) " "
(name id) ";\n")))
(apply str)))
(defn compile-glsl3-attribs
(->> coll
(fn [[id type]]
(if (sequential? type)
(str "layout(location=" (nth type 1) ") in " (name (first type)) " " (name id) ";\n")
(str "in " (name type) " " (name id) ";\n"))))
(apply str)))
(defn prepare-shader-sources
[{:keys [vs fs uniforms attribs varying prelude version]}]
(let [gl3? (and version (>= version 300))
u-src (compile-glsl-vars "uniform" uniforms)
a-src (if gl3? (compile-glsl3-attribs attribs) (compile-glsl-vars "attribute" attribs))
v-src-vs (compile-glsl-vars (if gl3? "out" "varying") varying)
v-src-fs (compile-glsl-vars (if gl3? "in" "varying") varying)
src (if version (str "#version " version "\n") "")
src (str src (or prelude default-prelude) u-src)]
{:vs-src (str src v-src-vs a-src vs)
:fs-src (str src v-src-fs fs)}))
(defn parse-and-throw-error
[^WebGLRenderingContext gl shader src]
(let [src-lines (vec (str/split-lines src))
errors (->> shader
(.getShaderInfoLog gl)
(fn [line]
(let [[_ ln msg] (re-find #"ERROR: \d+:(\d+): (.*)" line)]
(when ln
(str "line " ln ": " msg "\n"
(nth src-lines (dec (js/parseInt ln 10))))))))
(filter identity)
(str/join "\n"))]
(.deleteShader gl shader)
(err/throw! (str "Error compiling shader:\n" errors)))))
(defn compile-shader
[^WebGLRenderingContext gl src type]
(if-let [shader (.createShader gl type)]
(.shaderSource gl shader src)
(.compileShader gl shader)
(if (.getShaderParameter gl shader glc/compile-status)
(parse-and-throw-error gl shader src)))
(err/throw! "Can't create shader"))))
(defn bind-attrib-locations
#?(:clj [^GL3 gl program attribs]
:cljs [^WebGLRenderingContext gl program attribs])
(fn [_ id att]
(when (sequential? att)
(#?(:clj prn :cljs debug) :bind-attr id (nth att 1))
(#?(:clj .glBindAttribLocation :cljs .bindAttribLocation) gl program (nth att 1) (name id))))
nil attribs))
(defn make-shader-from-spec
([^GL3 gl spec version]
(make-shader-from-spec gl (assoc spec :version version)))
([^GL3 gl spec]
(let [{:keys [vs-src fs-src]} (prepare-shader-sources spec)
^{:tag "[[Ljava.lang.CharSequence;"} vs' (make-array CharSequence 1 1)
^{:tag "[[Ljava.lang.CharSequence;"} fs' (make-array CharSequence 1 1)
_ (aset ^{:tag "[Ljava.lang.CharSequence;"} (aget vs' 0) 0 vs-src)
_ (aset ^{:tag "[Ljava.lang.CharSequence;"} (aget fs' 0) 0 fs-src)
vs (ShaderCode. GL3/GL_VERTEX_SHADER 1 vs')
fs (ShaderCode. GL3/GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER 1 fs')
prog (doto (ShaderProgram.)
(.add vs)
(.add fs)
(.init gl))
prog-id (.program prog)]
(bind-attrib-locations gl prog-id (:attribs spec))
(if (.link prog gl System/out)
(let [attribs (init-shader-attribs gl prog-id (:attribs spec))
uniforms (init-shader-uniforms gl prog-id (:uniforms spec))]
(merge spec
{:program prog-id
:uniforms uniforms
:attribs attribs
:vs vs-src
:fs fs-src}))
(err/throw! (str "Shader failed to link:" (ShaderUtil/getProgramInfoLog gl prog-id)))))))
(defn make-shader-from-spec
[^WebGLRenderingContext gl spec]
(let [{:keys [uniforms attribs]} spec
{:keys [vs-src fs-src]} (prepare-shader-sources spec)
vs (compile-shader gl vs-src glc/vertex-shader)
fs (compile-shader gl fs-src glc/fragment-shader)
prog (.createProgram gl)]
(doto gl
(.attachShader prog vs)
(.attachShader prog fs)
(bind-attrib-locations prog attribs)
(.linkProgram prog))
(if (.getProgramParameter gl prog glc/link-status)
(let [attribs (init-shader-attribs gl prog attribs)
uniforms (init-shader-uniforms gl prog uniforms)]
(doto gl
(.deleteShader vs)
(.deleteShader fs))
(merge spec
{:program prog
:uniforms uniforms
:attribs attribs
:vs vs-src
:fs fs-src}))
(err/throw! (str "Shader failed to link:" (.getProgramInfoLog gl prog)))))))
(defn make-shader-from-dom
[^WebGLRenderingContext gl {:keys [vs fs] :as spec}]
gl (assoc spec
:vs (glu/get-script-text vs)
:fs (glu/get-script-text fs)))))
(defn bool->int [x] (if x 1 0))
(defn bool->ivec
[coll] (#?(:clj native/int-buffer :cljs ta/int32) (mapv bool->int coll)))
[com.jogamp.opengl GL GL2 GL3 GL4]
[com.jogamp.opengl.util.glsl ShaderCode ShaderProgram ShaderUtil]
[java.nio Buffer FloatBuffer IntBuffer ShortBuffer])
[cljs-log.core :refer [debug warn]]))
[ :as m]
[ :as g]
[ :as streams]
[ :as col]
[ :as err]
[clojure.string :as str]
[[ :as native]
[ :as glc]
[ :as glsl]]
[[ :as glc]
[ :as glu]
[ :as glsl :include-macros true]
[ :as ta]])))