We welcome contributions from every respectful contributor!
There are multiple ways you can contribute to phospho:
- Help us address bugs and new features by opening an Issue on Github
- Reach out by mail
- Engage in the community on Discord
- Enhance the phospho package by adding new evaluation jobs to the
This guide will focus on how to add jobs to the phospho library.
- Python 3.9 or higher
- Poetry for packaging and dependency management
Install poetry and the phospho project:
curl -sSL https://install.python-poetry.org | python3 -
cd phospho-python
poetry install
Create a new job in phospho-python/lab/job_library.py
by taking an existing job as an example.
# A Job is a function that takes as first parameter a Message and that returns a JobResult
# Additional parameters can be specified
def prompt_to_bool(
message: Message,
prompt: str,
format_kwargs: Optional[dict] = None,
model: str = "gpt-3.5-turbo",
) -> JobResult:
Runs a prompt on a message and returns a boolean result.
# Call any LLM models or API in the job
openai_model = OpenAIModel(config.OPENAI_API_KEY, model)
if format_kwargs is None:
format_kwargs = {}
formated_prompt = prompt.format(
llm_response = openai_model.invoke(formated_prompt).strip()
if llm_response is None:
bool_response = False
bool_response = llm_response.lower() == "true"
# Return a JobResult
return JobResult(
logs=[formated_prompt, llm_response],
Using this framework will allow the job to be compatible with the .optimize
method (to figure out the best set of parameters) and the exported results (to store the analytics in a standard way).
We use pytest for testing. Test files are located in the phospho-python/tests
folder. To run the tests, use the following command:
poetry run pytest
To build the package locally, run :
poetry build
You can then import the built package (even in a different project and environment) using (replace with the path to the actual file) :
pip install path/to/dist/phospho-0.1.0.tar.gz
You can also test your dockerfiles locally by running
docker build -t <name ie frontend, backend, etc...> .
docker build --file <./filename> -t <name ie frontend, backend, etc...> .
In github, create a Pull Request targeting the dev
Publishing is handled by Github Actions when maintainers create a new release.
- Create a new Release in Github. As a tag, use the same version as in
- Tick the pre-release box to deploy to test pypi. Don't tick it to deploy to the main pypi.