curl -X "https://api.xero.com/payroll.xro/2.0/PaySlips/{PaySlipID}"
import org.openapitools.client.*;
+import org.openapitools.client.auth.*;
+import org.openapitools.client.model.*;
+import org.openapitools.client.api.PayrollNzApi;
+import java.io.File;
+import java.util.*;
+public class PayrollNzApiExample {
+ public static void main(String[] args) {
+ ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();
+ // Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
+ OAuth OAuth2 = (OAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("OAuth2");
+ OAuth2.setAccessToken("YOUR ACCESS TOKEN");
+ PayrollNzApi apiInstance = new PayrollNzApi();
+ String xeroTenantId = xeroTenantId_example; // String | Xero identifier for Tenant
+ UUID paySlipID = 38400000-8cf0-11bd-b23e-10b96e4ef00d; // UUID | Identifier for the payslip
+ PaySlip paySlip = { "earningsLines": [ { "earningsLineID": "f9d8f5b5-9049-47f4-8541-35e200f750a5", "earningsRateID": "f9d8f5b5-9049-47f4-8541-35e200f750a5", "displayName": "Ordinary Time", "ratePerUnit": 25, "numberOfUnits": 0, "amount": 0, "isLinkedToTimesheet": false, "isSystemGenerated": true }, { "earningsLineID": "65b83d94-f20f-45e1-85ae-387fcf460c26", "earningsRateID": "65b83d94-f20f-45e1-85ae-387fcf460c26", "displayName": "Salary", "ratePerUnit": 0, "numberOfUnits": 8, "amount": 0, "isLinkedToTimesheet": false, "isSystemGenerated": false } ], "leaveEarningsLines": [ { "earningsLineID": "0441497f-5dc7-4cd3-a90d-f2e07e21b2a6", "earningsRateID": "39b3560a-5d2f-4538-924a-4349dc86396e", "displayName": "Holiday Pay", "fixedAmount": 268.8, "amount": 268.8, "isLinkedToTimesheet": false, "isSystemGenerated": true } ], "deductionLines": [ { "deductionTypeID": "a3760fe4-68a4-4e38-8326-fe616af7dc74", "amount": 100 } ], "leaveAccrualLines": [ { "leaveTypeID": "0441497f-5dc7-4cd3-a90d-f2e07e21b2a6", "numberOfUnits": 268.8 }, { "leaveTypeID": "b0b1b79e-2a25-46c2-ad08-ca25ef48d7e4", "numberOfUnits": 0 }, { "leaveTypeID": "f2f994cf-1899-46f3-ad4f-5d92d78c3719", "numberOfUnits": 0 }, { "leaveTypeID": "34129765-11cb-4d8c-b568-84a2219beda3", "numberOfUnits": 0 } ], "superannuationLines": [ { "superannuationTypeID": "563273ea-0dae-4f82-86a4-e0db77c008ea", "displayName": "KiwiSaver", "amount": 108.86, "fixedAmount": 3, "percentage": 3, "manualAdjustment": false } ], "employeeTaxLines": [ { "taxLineID": "1084146b-e890-489c-aed3-06de80f63d84", "amount": 1057.22, "globalTaxTypeID": "11", "manualAdjustment": false } ], "employerTaxLines": [ { "taxLineID": "6f9eb8cd-0f4a-440b-939c-bdb0f6ad694c", "amount": 18.9, "globalTaxTypeID": "10", "manualAdjustment": false } ], "statutoryDeductionLines": [ { "statutoryDeductionTypeID": "b5efd8d1-0c93-4a14-a314-b5cba4a4e6b3", "amount": 108.86 } ], "grossEarningsHistory": { "daysPaid": 3, "unpaidWeeks": 0 } }; // PaySlip |
+ try {
+ PaySlipObject result = apiInstance.updatePaySlipLineItems(xeroTenantId, paySlipID, paySlip);
+ System.out.println(result);
+ } catch (ApiException e) {
+ System.err.println("Exception when calling PayrollNzApi#updatePaySlipLineItems");
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ }
+ }
import org.openapitools.client.api.PayrollNzApi;
+public class PayrollNzApiExample {
+ public static void main(String[] args) {
+ PayrollNzApi apiInstance = new PayrollNzApi();
+ String xeroTenantId = xeroTenantId_example; // String | Xero identifier for Tenant
+ UUID paySlipID = 38400000-8cf0-11bd-b23e-10b96e4ef00d; // UUID | Identifier for the payslip
+ PaySlip paySlip = { "earningsLines": [ { "earningsLineID": "f9d8f5b5-9049-47f4-8541-35e200f750a5", "earningsRateID": "f9d8f5b5-9049-47f4-8541-35e200f750a5", "displayName": "Ordinary Time", "ratePerUnit": 25, "numberOfUnits": 0, "amount": 0, "isLinkedToTimesheet": false, "isSystemGenerated": true }, { "earningsLineID": "65b83d94-f20f-45e1-85ae-387fcf460c26", "earningsRateID": "65b83d94-f20f-45e1-85ae-387fcf460c26", "displayName": "Salary", "ratePerUnit": 0, "numberOfUnits": 8, "amount": 0, "isLinkedToTimesheet": false, "isSystemGenerated": false } ], "leaveEarningsLines": [ { "earningsLineID": "0441497f-5dc7-4cd3-a90d-f2e07e21b2a6", "earningsRateID": "39b3560a-5d2f-4538-924a-4349dc86396e", "displayName": "Holiday Pay", "fixedAmount": 268.8, "amount": 268.8, "isLinkedToTimesheet": false, "isSystemGenerated": true } ], "deductionLines": [ { "deductionTypeID": "a3760fe4-68a4-4e38-8326-fe616af7dc74", "amount": 100 } ], "leaveAccrualLines": [ { "leaveTypeID": "0441497f-5dc7-4cd3-a90d-f2e07e21b2a6", "numberOfUnits": 268.8 }, { "leaveTypeID": "b0b1b79e-2a25-46c2-ad08-ca25ef48d7e4", "numberOfUnits": 0 }, { "leaveTypeID": "f2f994cf-1899-46f3-ad4f-5d92d78c3719", "numberOfUnits": 0 }, { "leaveTypeID": "34129765-11cb-4d8c-b568-84a2219beda3", "numberOfUnits": 0 } ], "superannuationLines": [ { "superannuationTypeID": "563273ea-0dae-4f82-86a4-e0db77c008ea", "displayName": "KiwiSaver", "amount": 108.86, "fixedAmount": 3, "percentage": 3, "manualAdjustment": false } ], "employeeTaxLines": [ { "taxLineID": "1084146b-e890-489c-aed3-06de80f63d84", "amount": 1057.22, "globalTaxTypeID": "11", "manualAdjustment": false } ], "employerTaxLines": [ { "taxLineID": "6f9eb8cd-0f4a-440b-939c-bdb0f6ad694c", "amount": 18.9, "globalTaxTypeID": "10", "manualAdjustment": false } ], "statutoryDeductionLines": [ { "statutoryDeductionTypeID": "b5efd8d1-0c93-4a14-a314-b5cba4a4e6b3", "amount": 108.86 } ], "grossEarningsHistory": { "daysPaid": 3, "unpaidWeeks": 0 } }; // PaySlip |
+ try {
+ PaySlipObject result = apiInstance.updatePaySlipLineItems(xeroTenantId, paySlipID, paySlip);
+ System.out.println(result);
+ } catch (ApiException e) {
+ System.err.println("Exception when calling PayrollNzApi#updatePaySlipLineItems");
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ }
+ }
Configuration *apiConfig = [Configuration sharedConfig];
+// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: (authentication scheme: OAuth2)
+[apiConfig setAccessToken:@"YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"];
+String *xeroTenantId = xeroTenantId_example; // Xero identifier for Tenant (default to null)
+UUID *paySlipID = 38400000-8cf0-11bd-b23e-10b96e4ef00d; // Identifier for the payslip (default to null)
+PaySlip *paySlip = { "earningsLines": [ { "earningsLineID": "f9d8f5b5-9049-47f4-8541-35e200f750a5", "earningsRateID": "f9d8f5b5-9049-47f4-8541-35e200f750a5", "displayName": "Ordinary Time", "ratePerUnit": 25, "numberOfUnits": 0, "amount": 0, "isLinkedToTimesheet": false, "isSystemGenerated": true }, { "earningsLineID": "65b83d94-f20f-45e1-85ae-387fcf460c26", "earningsRateID": "65b83d94-f20f-45e1-85ae-387fcf460c26", "displayName": "Salary", "ratePerUnit": 0, "numberOfUnits": 8, "amount": 0, "isLinkedToTimesheet": false, "isSystemGenerated": false } ], "leaveEarningsLines": [ { "earningsLineID": "0441497f-5dc7-4cd3-a90d-f2e07e21b2a6", "earningsRateID": "39b3560a-5d2f-4538-924a-4349dc86396e", "displayName": "Holiday Pay", "fixedAmount": 268.8, "amount": 268.8, "isLinkedToTimesheet": false, "isSystemGenerated": true } ], "deductionLines": [ { "deductionTypeID": "a3760fe4-68a4-4e38-8326-fe616af7dc74", "amount": 100 } ], "leaveAccrualLines": [ { "leaveTypeID": "0441497f-5dc7-4cd3-a90d-f2e07e21b2a6", "numberOfUnits": 268.8 }, { "leaveTypeID": "b0b1b79e-2a25-46c2-ad08-ca25ef48d7e4", "numberOfUnits": 0 }, { "leaveTypeID": "f2f994cf-1899-46f3-ad4f-5d92d78c3719", "numberOfUnits": 0 }, { "leaveTypeID": "34129765-11cb-4d8c-b568-84a2219beda3", "numberOfUnits": 0 } ], "superannuationLines": [ { "superannuationTypeID": "563273ea-0dae-4f82-86a4-e0db77c008ea", "displayName": "KiwiSaver", "amount": 108.86, "fixedAmount": 3, "percentage": 3, "manualAdjustment": false } ], "employeeTaxLines": [ { "taxLineID": "1084146b-e890-489c-aed3-06de80f63d84", "amount": 1057.22, "globalTaxTypeID": "11", "manualAdjustment": false } ], "employerTaxLines": [ { "taxLineID": "6f9eb8cd-0f4a-440b-939c-bdb0f6ad694c", "amount": 18.9, "globalTaxTypeID": "10", "manualAdjustment": false } ], "statutoryDeductionLines": [ { "statutoryDeductionTypeID": "b5efd8d1-0c93-4a14-a314-b5cba4a4e6b3", "amount": 108.86 } ], "grossEarningsHistory": { "daysPaid": 3, "unpaidWeeks": 0 } }; //
+PayrollNzApi *apiInstance = [[PayrollNzApi alloc] init];
+// creates employee pay slip
+[apiInstance updatePaySlipLineItemsWith:xeroTenantId
+ paySlipID:paySlipID
+ paySlip:paySlip
+ completionHandler: ^(PaySlipObject output, NSError* error) {
+ if (output) {
+ NSLog(@"%@", output);
+ }
+ if (error) {
+ NSLog(@"Error: %@", error);
+ }
+ }];
const tokenSet: TokenSet = {
+ id_token: 'xxx',
+ access_token: 'yyy',
+ expires_at: 1582308862,
+ token_type: 'Bearer',
+ refresh_token: 'zzz',
+ session_state: 'xxx'
+await xero.setTokenSet(tokenSet);
+const xeroTenantId = "xeroTenantId_example"; // {String} Xero identifier for Tenant
+const paySlipID = "38400000-8cf0-11bd-b23e-10b96e4ef00d"; // {UUID} Identifier for the payslip
+const paySlip:PaySlip = { "earningsLines": [ { "earningsLineID": "f9d8f5b5-9049-47f4-8541-35e200f750a5", "earningsRateID": "f9d8f5b5-9049-47f4-8541-35e200f750a5", "displayName": "Ordinary Time", "ratePerUnit": 25, "numberOfUnits": 0, "amount": 0, "isLinkedToTimesheet": false, "isSystemGenerated": true }, { "earningsLineID": "65b83d94-f20f-45e1-85ae-387fcf460c26", "earningsRateID": "65b83d94-f20f-45e1-85ae-387fcf460c26", "displayName": "Salary", "ratePerUnit": 0, "numberOfUnits": 8, "amount": 0, "isLinkedToTimesheet": false, "isSystemGenerated": false } ], "leaveEarningsLines": [ { "earningsLineID": "0441497f-5dc7-4cd3-a90d-f2e07e21b2a6", "earningsRateID": "39b3560a-5d2f-4538-924a-4349dc86396e", "displayName": "Holiday Pay", "fixedAmount": 268.8, "amount": 268.8, "isLinkedToTimesheet": false, "isSystemGenerated": true } ], "deductionLines": [ { "deductionTypeID": "a3760fe4-68a4-4e38-8326-fe616af7dc74", "amount": 100 } ], "leaveAccrualLines": [ { "leaveTypeID": "0441497f-5dc7-4cd3-a90d-f2e07e21b2a6", "numberOfUnits": 268.8 }, { "leaveTypeID": "b0b1b79e-2a25-46c2-ad08-ca25ef48d7e4", "numberOfUnits": 0 }, { "leaveTypeID": "f2f994cf-1899-46f3-ad4f-5d92d78c3719", "numberOfUnits": 0 }, { "leaveTypeID": "34129765-11cb-4d8c-b568-84a2219beda3", "numberOfUnits": 0 } ], "superannuationLines": [ { "superannuationTypeID": "563273ea-0dae-4f82-86a4-e0db77c008ea", "displayName": "KiwiSaver", "amount": 108.86, "fixedAmount": 3, "percentage": 3, "manualAdjustment": false } ], "employeeTaxLines": [ { "taxLineID": "1084146b-e890-489c-aed3-06de80f63d84", "amount": 1057.22, "globalTaxTypeID": "11", "manualAdjustment": false } ], "employerTaxLines": [ { "taxLineID": "6f9eb8cd-0f4a-440b-939c-bdb0f6ad694c", "amount": 18.9, "globalTaxTypeID": "10", "manualAdjustment": false } ], "statutoryDeductionLines": [ { "statutoryDeductionTypeID": "b5efd8d1-0c93-4a14-a314-b5cba4a4e6b3", "amount": 108.86 } ], "grossEarningsHistory": { "daysPaid": 3, "unpaidWeeks": 0 } }; // {PaySlip}
+try {
+ const response: any = await xero.accountingApi.updatePaySlipLineItems(xeroTenantId, paySlipID, paySlip);
+ console.log(response.body || response.response.statusCode)
+} catch (err) {
+ console.log(`There was an ERROR! \n Status Code: ${err.response.statusCode}.`);
+ console.log(`ERROR: \n ${JSON.stringify(err.response.body, null, 2)}`);
using System;
+using System.Diagnostics;
+using .Api;
+using .Client;
+using .Model;
+namespace Example
+ public class updatePaySlipLineItemsExample
+ {
+ public void main()
+ {
+ // Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
+ Configuration.Default.AccessToken = "YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN";
+ var apiInstance = new PayrollNzApi();
+ var xeroTenantId = xeroTenantId_example; // String | Xero identifier for Tenant (default to null)
+ var paySlipID = new UUID(); // UUID | Identifier for the payslip (default to null)
+ var paySlip = new PaySlip(); // PaySlip |
+ try
+ {
+ // creates employee pay slip
+ PaySlipObject result = apiInstance.updatePaySlipLineItems(xeroTenantId, paySlipID, paySlip);
+ Debug.WriteLine(result);
+ }
+ catch (Exception e)
+ {
+ Debug.Print("Exception when calling PayrollNzApi.updatePaySlipLineItems: " + e.Message );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');
+// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
+$config = XeroAPI\XeroPHP\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setAccessToken( 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN' );
+$xeroTenantId = 'YOUR_XERO_TENANT_ID'; // String | Xero identifier for Tenant
+$apiInstance = new XeroAPI\XeroPHP\Api\PayrollNzApi(
+ new GuzzleHttp\Client(),
+ $config
+try {
+} catch (Exception $e) {
+ echo 'Exception when calling PayrollNzApi->updatePaySlipLineItems: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
use Data::Dumper;
+use ::Configuration;
+use ::PayrollNzApi;
+# Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
+$::Configuration::access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN';
+my $api_instance = ::PayrollNzApi->new();
+my $xeroTenantId = xeroTenantId_example; # String | Xero identifier for Tenant
+my $paySlipID = 38400000-8cf0-11bd-b23e-10b96e4ef00d; # UUID | Identifier for the payslip
+my $paySlip = ::Object::PaySlip->new(); # PaySlip |
+eval {
+ my $result = $api_instance->updatePaySlipLineItems(xeroTenantId => $xeroTenantId, paySlipID => $paySlipID, paySlip => $paySlip);
+ print Dumper($result);
+if ($@) {
+ warn "Exception when calling PayrollNzApi->updatePaySlipLineItems: $@\n";
from __future__ import print_statement
+import time
+from .rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
+.configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
+# create an instance of the API class
+api_instance = .PayrollNzApi()
+xeroTenantId = xeroTenantId_example # String | Xero identifier for Tenant (default to null)
+paySlipID = 38400000-8cf0-11bd-b23e-10b96e4ef00d # UUID | Identifier for the payslip (default to null)
+paySlip = { "earningsLines": [ { "earningsLineID": "f9d8f5b5-9049-47f4-8541-35e200f750a5", "earningsRateID": "f9d8f5b5-9049-47f4-8541-35e200f750a5", "displayName": "Ordinary Time", "ratePerUnit": 25, "numberOfUnits": 0, "amount": 0, "isLinkedToTimesheet": false, "isSystemGenerated": true }, { "earningsLineID": "65b83d94-f20f-45e1-85ae-387fcf460c26", "earningsRateID": "65b83d94-f20f-45e1-85ae-387fcf460c26", "displayName": "Salary", "ratePerUnit": 0, "numberOfUnits": 8, "amount": 0, "isLinkedToTimesheet": false, "isSystemGenerated": false } ], "leaveEarningsLines": [ { "earningsLineID": "0441497f-5dc7-4cd3-a90d-f2e07e21b2a6", "earningsRateID": "39b3560a-5d2f-4538-924a-4349dc86396e", "displayName": "Holiday Pay", "fixedAmount": 268.8, "amount": 268.8, "isLinkedToTimesheet": false, "isSystemGenerated": true } ], "deductionLines": [ { "deductionTypeID": "a3760fe4-68a4-4e38-8326-fe616af7dc74", "amount": 100 } ], "leaveAccrualLines": [ { "leaveTypeID": "0441497f-5dc7-4cd3-a90d-f2e07e21b2a6", "numberOfUnits": 268.8 }, { "leaveTypeID": "b0b1b79e-2a25-46c2-ad08-ca25ef48d7e4", "numberOfUnits": 0 }, { "leaveTypeID": "f2f994cf-1899-46f3-ad4f-5d92d78c3719", "numberOfUnits": 0 }, { "leaveTypeID": "34129765-11cb-4d8c-b568-84a2219beda3", "numberOfUnits": 0 } ], "superannuationLines": [ { "superannuationTypeID": "563273ea-0dae-4f82-86a4-e0db77c008ea", "displayName": "KiwiSaver", "amount": 108.86, "fixedAmount": 3, "percentage": 3, "manualAdjustment": false } ], "employeeTaxLines": [ { "taxLineID": "1084146b-e890-489c-aed3-06de80f63d84", "amount": 1057.22, "globalTaxTypeID": "11", "manualAdjustment": false } ], "employerTaxLines": [ { "taxLineID": "6f9eb8cd-0f4a-440b-939c-bdb0f6ad694c", "amount": 18.9, "globalTaxTypeID": "10", "manualAdjustment": false } ], "statutoryDeductionLines": [ { "statutoryDeductionTypeID": "b5efd8d1-0c93-4a14-a314-b5cba4a4e6b3", "amount": 108.86 } ], "grossEarningsHistory": { "daysPaid": 3, "unpaidWeeks": 0 } } # PaySlip |
+ # creates employee pay slip
+ api_response = api_instance.update_pay_slip_line_items(xeroTenantId, paySlipID, paySlip)
+ pprint(api_response)
+except ApiException as e:
+ print("Exception when calling PayrollNzApi->updatePaySlipLineItems: %s\n" % e)
extern crate PayrollNzApi;
+pub fn main() {
+ let xeroTenantId = xeroTenantId_example; // String
+ let paySlipID = 38400000-8cf0-11bd-b23e-10b96e4ef00d; // UUID
+ let paySlip = { "earningsLines": [ { "earningsLineID": "f9d8f5b5-9049-47f4-8541-35e200f750a5", "earningsRateID": "f9d8f5b5-9049-47f4-8541-35e200f750a5", "displayName": "Ordinary Time", "ratePerUnit": 25, "numberOfUnits": 0, "amount": 0, "isLinkedToTimesheet": false, "isSystemGenerated": true }, { "earningsLineID": "65b83d94-f20f-45e1-85ae-387fcf460c26", "earningsRateID": "65b83d94-f20f-45e1-85ae-387fcf460c26", "displayName": "Salary", "ratePerUnit": 0, "numberOfUnits": 8, "amount": 0, "isLinkedToTimesheet": false, "isSystemGenerated": false } ], "leaveEarningsLines": [ { "earningsLineID": "0441497f-5dc7-4cd3-a90d-f2e07e21b2a6", "earningsRateID": "39b3560a-5d2f-4538-924a-4349dc86396e", "displayName": "Holiday Pay", "fixedAmount": 268.8, "amount": 268.8, "isLinkedToTimesheet": false, "isSystemGenerated": true } ], "deductionLines": [ { "deductionTypeID": "a3760fe4-68a4-4e38-8326-fe616af7dc74", "amount": 100 } ], "leaveAccrualLines": [ { "leaveTypeID": "0441497f-5dc7-4cd3-a90d-f2e07e21b2a6", "numberOfUnits": 268.8 }, { "leaveTypeID": "b0b1b79e-2a25-46c2-ad08-ca25ef48d7e4", "numberOfUnits": 0 }, { "leaveTypeID": "f2f994cf-1899-46f3-ad4f-5d92d78c3719", "numberOfUnits": 0 }, { "leaveTypeID": "34129765-11cb-4d8c-b568-84a2219beda3", "numberOfUnits": 0 } ], "superannuationLines": [ { "superannuationTypeID": "563273ea-0dae-4f82-86a4-e0db77c008ea", "displayName": "KiwiSaver", "amount": 108.86, "fixedAmount": 3, "percentage": 3, "manualAdjustment": false } ], "employeeTaxLines": [ { "taxLineID": "1084146b-e890-489c-aed3-06de80f63d84", "amount": 1057.22, "globalTaxTypeID": "11", "manualAdjustment": false } ], "employerTaxLines": [ { "taxLineID": "6f9eb8cd-0f4a-440b-939c-bdb0f6ad694c", "amount": 18.9, "globalTaxTypeID": "10", "manualAdjustment": false } ], "statutoryDeductionLines": [ { "statutoryDeductionTypeID": "b5efd8d1-0c93-4a14-a314-b5cba4a4e6b3", "amount": 108.86 } ], "grossEarningsHistory": { "daysPaid": 3, "unpaidWeeks": 0 } }; // PaySlip
+ let mut context = PayrollNzApi::Context::default();
+ let result = client.updatePaySlipLineItems(xeroTenantId, paySlipID, paySlip, &context).wait();
+ println!("{:?}", result);