The primary programming language used for client-side in-browser functionality.
- Complete Codecademy's JavaScript Track
- Run programs.
- Define a function.
- Invoke a function.
- Avoid syntax errors.
- Print values.
- Use common control flow structures.
- Instantiate an object.
- Initialize arrays using
. - Initialize empty objects and hashes using
. - Iterate over collections.
- Use Web Inspector to test your ideas.
- Read Eloquent JavaScript
- Read about common mistakes and subtle bugs, as well as performance issues and bad practices in JavaScript Garden
- Read JavaScript: The Definitive Guide, Core and Client-Side Reference chapters
- Avoid global variables.
- Inherit classes using prototype.
- Make HTTP requests.
- Serialize and deserialize JSON.
- Access and manipulate DOM elements.
- Register and remove event handlers.
- Respond to events.
- Define functions that operate on window or DOM in scope of window.
- Organize code into Models, Views, and Controllers.
- Use Pub/Sub with DOM and non-DOM events.
- Generate GUIDs.
- Secure your application against cross-domain requests.
- Persist data locally between page refreshes using localStorage.
- Use the HTML5 History API.
- Bind a view element to a JavaScript object (usually a model).
- Conform to a style guide.