This README provides brief instructions on setting up a dev environment that you can use to clone the project, edit project files, build the UI and deploy the application. You can also deploy any of the CloudFormation templates from any module using the Cloud9 IDE as well!
We strongly recommend you use Cloud9 which will have the necessary dependencies, i.e. AWS CLI, git, node/npm, angular cli already installed and configured - you'll only need to clone the git repository and update the version of nvm used.
Our Cloud9 instance will be in eu-west-1
The Cloud9 service allows you to complete the entire workshop using just your web browser - including conneting to the command line on your development instance - its really simple to set up. We are going to use the EC2 Instance method
Make sure you are in eu-west-1
nvm install 8.12.0
git clone
This will pull down all of the files and directories you will need to complete the workshop and keep them on the local file system.
Note If you decide to open a second tab or command line in your Cloud9 environment, or the instance is not used for a long perioud of time, you will need to re-install the correct version of nvm again.
You should now be able to build the UI when you get to that step in the second module, as well as deploy CloudFormation templates, and do any other workshop activities that require command line activities.
One you have the instance up and running and you have connected to it, you can move forward.
Now you are ready to get back to the Workshop. Go back to the README