- 9/9/2022: initial proposal
The main purpose of this ADR is to split each IBC handler (e.g. UpdateClient
, ConnOpenTry
, etc.) into a "validation" and an "execution" phase in order to accommodate a larger class of host architectures such as Namada. We call "validation" the part of a handler that does all the checks necessary for correctness. We call "execution" the part of the handler that applies the state modifications, assuming that validation passed. This is a necessary change for architectures like Namada. For example, for each transaction in a block, Namada first runs execution followed by validation. If validation fails, the changes are reverted. The current architecture of the IBC handlers doesn't allow for that.
Our current deliver()
entrypoint can then be split into 2 entrypoints: validate()
and execute()
. More specifically, we replace the current Ics26Context
and all its supertraits with 2 traits: ValidationContext
and ExecutionContext
. ValidationContext
exposes and implements the validate()
entrypoint, while the ExecutionContext
exposes and implements the execute()
entrypoint. Note that we will still expose deliver()
(perhaps slightly modified) for convenience.
This ADR will only concern itself with the external-facing API.
The following are out of scope for this ADR:
- Exposing an
API - Enabling light clients to define and require the host to implement a set of traits
Below is a diagram of how the main components of this ADR fit together.
Each handler can be split into validation and execution. Validation is the set of statements which can make the transaction fail. It comprises all the "checks". Execution is the set of statements which mutate the state. In the IBC standard handlers, validation occurs before execution. Note that execution can fail in practice, if say a write operation fails.
As an example, consider the UpdateClient
function updateClient(
id: Identifier,
clientMessage: ClientMessage) {
// Validation START
clientState = provableStore.get(clientStatePath(id))
abortTransactionUnless(clientState !== null)
// Validation END
// Execution START
foundMisbehaviour := clientState.CheckForMisbehaviour(clientMessage)
if foundMisbehaviour {
else {
// Execution END
Below, we define the ValidationContext
and ExecutionContext
trait ValidationContext {
/// Validation entrypoint.
fn validate(&self, message: Any) -> Result<(), Error> {
/* implemented by us */
/* See Appendix A for a full method list */
trait ExecutionContext {
/// Execution entrypoint
fn execute(&mut self, message: Any) -> Result<(), Error> {
/* implemented by us */
/* See Appendix A for a full method list */
A useful way to understand how these traits work together is in seeing how they could be used to implement deliver()
fn deliver<V: ValidationContext, E: ExecutionContext>(val_ctx: &V, exec_ctx: &mut E, message: Any) -> Result<(), Error> {
// NOT how we will actually implement `deliver()`
let _ = val_ctx.validate(message)?;
Note however that we will not implement deliver()
this way for efficiency reasons (see discussion).
ICS24 defines the minimal set of interfaces which must be provided by an IBC enabled blockchain. We therefore define a
trait that formalizes and encapsulates these interfaces.
pub trait Host {
/// An error type that can represent all host errors.
type Error;
/// The Host's key-value store that must provide access to IBC paths.
type KvStore: IbcStore<Self::Error>;
/// An event logging facility.
type EventLogger: EventLogger<Event=Event<DefaultIbcTypes>>;
/// Methods to access the store (ro & rw).
fn store(&self) -> &Self::KvStore;
fn store_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Self::KvStore;
/// Methods to access the event logger (ro & rw).
fn event_emitter(&self) -> &Self::EventLogger;
fn event_emitter_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Self::EventLogger;
/// Host system data (that is not required to be stored on the KV store)
fn current_timestamp(&self) -> IbcTimestamp;
fn current_height(&self) -> IbcHeight;
/* Other methods that cannot be derived from the Store... */
See the Appendix B below for an exhaustive list of all Host
We will provide blanket implementations for ValidationContext
and ExecutionContext
for any type which implements Host
impl<H: Host> ValidationContext for H { /* ... */ }
impl<H: Host> ExecutionContext for H { /* ... */ }
Hosts are expected to provide an implementation of the EventLogger
trait that provides an event logging facility for
the handlers.
pub trait EventLogger: Into<Vec<Self::Event>> {
/// Event type
type Event;
/// Return the events emitted so far in the block
fn events(&self) -> &[Self::Event];
/// Emit an event
fn emit_event(&mut self, event: Self::Event);
Hosts are expected to provide an implementation of the IbcStore
trait that provides access to all IBC paths as defined
by ibc::core::ics24_host::path::Path
pub trait IbcStore<Error>:
SubStore<ClientTypePath, ClientType, Error=Error>
+ SubStore<ClientStatePath, Box<dyn ClientState>, Error=Error>
+ SubStore<ClientConsensusStatePath, Box<dyn ConsensusState>, Error=Error>
/* ... */
Note that we will provide a blanket implementation of IbcStore
for all types that implement all the SubStore
s declared in the IbcStore
The generic SubStore
trait is defined as follows.
pub trait SubStore<K, V> {
type Error;
fn set(&mut self, key: K, value: V) -> Result<(), Self::Error>;
fn get(&self, key: K) -> Result<Option<V>, Self::Error>;
fn delete(&mut self, key: K) -> Result<(), Self::Error>;
Hosts may choose to implement the SubStore
trait individually for every IBC path-value combination or generically as a blanket implementation.
We will also provide a pairing of IBC paths to their respective value types. This will make it easier for hosts to implement their generic SubStore
using these trait bounds.
pub trait ValueTypeAtStorePath: private::Sealed {
type ValueType;
impl ValueTypeAtStorePath for ClientTypePath {
type ValueType = IbcClientType;
impl ValueTypeAtStorePath for ClientStatePath {
type ValueType = Box<dyn ClientState>;
impl ValueTypeAtStorePath for ClientConsensusStatePath {
type ValueType = Box<dyn ConsensusState>;
/* ... */
See appendix C for an example of how we intend this to be used.
- Architectures that run "validation" separately from "execution" will now be able to use the handlers
- Still no async support
- Light clients still cannot specify new requirements on the host
trait ValidationContext {
/// Validation entrypoint.
fn validate(&self, message: Any) -> Result<(), Error> {
/* implemented by us */
/// Returns the ClientState for the given identifier `client_id`.
fn client_state(&self, client_id: &ClientId) -> Result<Box<dyn ClientState>, Error>;
/// Tries to decode the given `client_state` into a concrete light client state.
fn decode_client_state(&self, client_state: Any) -> Result<Box<dyn ClientState>, Error>;
/// Retrieve the consensus state for the given client ID at the specified
/// height.
/// Returns an error if no such state exists.
fn consensus_state(
client_id: &ClientId,
height: Height,
) -> Result<Box<dyn ConsensusState>, Error>;
/// Search for the lowest consensus state higher than `height`.
fn next_consensus_state(
client_id: &ClientId,
height: Height,
) -> Result<Option<Box<dyn ConsensusState>>, Error>;
/// Search for the highest consensus state lower than `height`.
fn prev_consensus_state(
client_id: &ClientId,
height: Height,
) -> Result<Option<Box<dyn ConsensusState>>, Error>;
/// Returns the current height of the local chain.
fn host_height(&self) -> Height;
/// Returns the current timestamp of the local chain.
fn host_timestamp(&self) -> Timestamp {
let pending_consensus_state = self
.expect("host must have pending consensus state");
/// Returns the `ConsensusState` of the host (local) chain at a specific height.
fn host_consensus_state(&self, height: Height) -> Result<Box<dyn ConsensusState>, Error>;
/// Returns a natural number, counting how many clients have been created thus far.
/// The value of this counter should increase only via method `ClientKeeper::increase_client_counter`.
fn client_counter(&self) -> Result<u64, Error>;
/// Returns the ConnectionEnd for the given identifier `conn_id`.
fn connection_end(&self, conn_id: &ConnectionId) -> Result<ConnectionEnd, Error>;
/// Returns the oldest height available on the local chain.
fn host_oldest_height(&self) -> Height;
/// Returns the prefix that the local chain uses in the KV store.
fn commitment_prefix(&self) -> CommitmentPrefix;
/// Returns a counter on how many connections have been created thus far.
fn connection_counter(&self) -> Result<u64, Error>;
/// Function required by ICS 03. Returns the list of all possible versions that the connection
/// handshake protocol supports.
fn get_compatible_versions(&self) -> Vec<Version> {
/// Function required by ICS 03. Returns one version out of the supplied list of versions, which the
/// connection handshake protocol prefers.
fn pick_version(
supported_versions: Vec<Version>,
counterparty_candidate_versions: Vec<Version>,
) -> Result<Version, Error> {
pick_version(supported_versions, counterparty_candidate_versions)
/// Returns the ChannelEnd for the given `port_id` and `chan_id`.
fn channel_end(&self, port_channel_id: &(PortId, ChannelId)) -> Result<ChannelEnd, Error>;
fn connection_channels(&self, cid: &ConnectionId) -> Result<Vec<(PortId, ChannelId)>, Error>;
fn get_next_sequence_send(
port_channel_id: &(PortId, ChannelId),
) -> Result<Sequence, Error>;
fn get_next_sequence_recv(
port_channel_id: &(PortId, ChannelId),
) -> Result<Sequence, Error>;
fn get_next_sequence_ack(
port_channel_id: &(PortId, ChannelId),
) -> Result<Sequence, Error>;
fn get_packet_commitment(
key: &(PortId, ChannelId, Sequence),
) -> Result<PacketCommitment, Error>;
fn get_packet_receipt(&self, key: &(PortId, ChannelId, Sequence)) -> Result<Receipt, Error>;
fn get_packet_acknowledgement(
key: &(PortId, ChannelId, Sequence),
) -> Result<AcknowledgementCommitment, Error>;
/// Compute the commitment for a packet.
/// Note that the absence of `timeout_height` is treated as
/// `{revision_number: 0, revision_height: 0}` to be consistent with ibc-go,
/// where this value is used to mean "no timeout height":
/// <>
fn packet_commitment(
packet_data: Vec<u8>,
timeout_height: TimeoutHeight,
timeout_timestamp: Timestamp,
) -> PacketCommitment {
let mut hash_input = timeout_timestamp.nanoseconds().to_be_bytes().to_vec();
let revision_number = timeout_height.commitment_revision_number().to_be_bytes();
hash_input.append(&mut revision_number.to_vec());
let revision_height = timeout_height.commitment_revision_height().to_be_bytes();
hash_input.append(&mut revision_height.to_vec());
let packet_data_hash = self.hash(packet_data);
hash_input.append(&mut packet_data_hash.to_vec());
fn ack_commitment(&self, ack: Acknowledgement) -> AcknowledgementCommitment {
/// A hashing function for packet commitments
fn hash(&self, value: Vec<u8>) -> Vec<u8>;
/// Returns the time and height when the client state for the
/// given [`ClientId`] was updated with a header for the given [`Height`]
fn update_meta(&self, client_id: &ClientId, height: Height) -> Result<(Timestamp, Height), Error>;
/// Returns a counter on the number of channel ids that have been created thus far.
/// The value of this counter should increase only via method
/// `ChannelKeeper::increase_channel_counter`.
fn channel_counter(&self) -> Result<u64, Error>;
/// Calculates the block delay period using the connection's delay period and the maximum
/// expected time per block.
fn block_delay(&self, delay_period_time: Duration) -> u64 {
calculate_block_delay(delay_period_time, self.max_expected_time_per_block())
trait ExecutionContext {
/// Execution entrypoint
fn execute(&mut self, message: Any) -> Result<(), Error> {
/* implemented by us */
/// Called upon successful client creation
fn store_client_type(
&mut self,
client_type_path: ClientTypePath,
client_type: ClientType,
) -> Result<(), Error>;
/// Called upon successful client creation and update
fn store_client_state(
&mut self,
client_state_path: ClientStatePath,
client_state: Box<dyn ClientState>,
) -> Result<(), Error>;
/// Called upon successful client creation and update
fn store_consensus_state(
&mut self,
consensus_state_path: ClientConsensusStatePath,
consensus_state: Box<dyn ConsensusState>,
) -> Result<(), Error>;
/// Called upon client creation.
/// Increases the counter which keeps track of how many clients have been created.
fn increase_client_counter(&mut self);
/// Called upon successful client update.
/// Implementations are expected to use this to record the specified time
/// and height as the time at which this update (or header) was processed.
fn store_update_meta(
&mut self,
client_id: ClientId,
height: Height,
host_timestamp: Timestamp,
host_height: Height,
) -> Result<(), Error>;
/// Stores the given connection_end at path
fn store_connection(
&mut self,
connections_path: ConnectionsPath,
connection_end: &ConnectionEnd,
) -> Result<(), Error>;
/// Stores the given connection_id at a path associated with the client_id.
fn store_connection_to_client(
&mut self,
client_connections_path: ClientConnectionsPath,
client_id: &ClientId,
) -> Result<(), Error>;
/// Called upon connection identifier creation (Init or Try process).
/// Increases the counter which keeps track of how many connections have been created.
fn increase_connection_counter(&mut self);
fn store_packet_commitment(
&mut self,
commitments_path: CommitmentsPath,
commitment: PacketCommitment,
) -> Result<(), Error>;
fn delete_packet_commitment(&mut self, key: CommitmentsPath)
-> Result<(), Error>;
fn store_packet_receipt(
&mut self,
path: ReceiptsPath,
receipt: Receipt,
) -> Result<(), Error>;
fn store_packet_acknowledgement(
&mut self,
key: (PortId, ChannelId, Sequence),
ack_commitment: AcknowledgementCommitment,
) -> Result<(), Error>;
fn delete_packet_acknowledgement(
&mut self,
key: (PortId, ChannelId, Sequence),
) -> Result<(), Error>;
fn store_connection_channels(
&mut self,
conn_id: ConnectionId,
port_channel_id: &(PortId, ChannelId),
) -> Result<(), Error>;
/// Stores the given channel_end at a path associated with the port_id and channel_id.
fn store_channel(
&mut self,
port_channel_id: (PortId, ChannelId),
channel_end: &ChannelEnd,
) -> Result<(), Error>;
fn store_next_sequence_send(
&mut self,
port_channel_id: (PortId, ChannelId),
seq: Sequence,
) -> Result<(), Error>;
fn store_next_sequence_recv(
&mut self,
port_channel_id: (PortId, ChannelId),
seq: Sequence,
) -> Result<(), Error>;
fn store_next_sequence_ack(
&mut self,
port_channel_id: (PortId, ChannelId),
seq: Sequence,
) -> Result<(), Error>;
/// Called upon channel identifier creation (Init or Try message processing).
/// Increases the counter which keeps track of how many channels have been created.
fn increase_channel_counter(&mut self);
/// Ibc events
fn emit_ibc_event(event: IbcEvent);
/* All "read" methods necessary in execution handlers */
Here's an exhaustive list of methods whose implementation cannot be derived from the host's key-value Store
therefore must be part of the Host
pub trait Host {
/// Methods currently in `ClientReader`
fn decode_client_state(&self, client_state: Any) -> Result<Box<dyn ClientState>, Error>;
fn host_height(&self) -> Height;
fn host_timestamp(&self) -> Timestamp;
fn host_consensus_state(&self, height: Height) -> Result<Box<dyn ConsensusState>, Error>;
fn client_counter(&self) -> Result<u64, Error>;
/// Methods currently in `ClientKeeper`
fn increase_client_counter(&mut self);
fn store_update_meta(
&mut self,
client_id: ClientId,
height: Height,
host_timestamp: Timestamp,
host_height: Height,
) -> Result<(), Error>;
/// Methods currently in `ConnectionReader`
fn host_oldest_height(&self) -> Height;
fn commitment_prefix(&self) -> CommitmentPrefix;
fn connection_counter(&self) -> Result<u64, Error>;
/// Methods currently in `ConnectionKeeper`
fn increase_connection_counter(&mut self);
/// Methods currently in `ChannelReader`
fn connection_channels(&self, cid: &ConnectionId) -> Result<Vec<(PortId, ChannelId)>, Error>;
fn hash(&self, value: Vec<u8>) -> Vec<u8>;
fn update_meta(&self, client_id: &ClientId, height: Height) -> Result<(Timestamp, Height), Error>;
fn channel_counter(&self) -> Result<u64, Error>;
fn max_expected_time_per_block(&self) -> Duration;
fn block_delay(&self, delay_period_time: Duration) -> u64;
/// Methods currently in `ChannelKeeper`
fn increase_channel_counter(&mut self);
Below is an example host store implementation, where raw bytes are stored.
struct HostStore(BTreeMap<Path, Vec<u8>>);
impl<K, V> SubStore<K, V> for HostStore
K: Into<Path> + ValueTypeAtStorePath<Value=V>,
V: StoreSerde,
type Error = Ics02Error;
fn set(&mut self, key: K, value: V) -> Result<(), Self::Error> {
let key = key.into();
let value = <<K as ValueTypeAtStorePath>::ValueType as StoreSerde>::serialize(value);
self.0.insert(key, value).map(|_| ()).unwrap();
fn get(&self, key: K) -> Result<Option<V>, Self::Error> {
let key = key.into();
.map(|bytes| <<K as ValueTypeAtStorePath>::ValueType as StoreSerde>::deserialize(bytes)))
fn delete(&mut self, key: K) -> Result<(), Self::Error> {
let key = key.into();
self.0.remove(&key).map(|_| ()).unwrap();
/// Abstracts away the serialization/deserialization scheme used by HostStore
pub trait StoreSerde {
/// Serialize to canonical binary representation
fn serialize(self) -> Vec<u8>;
/// Deserialize from bytes
fn deserialize(value: &[u8]) -> Self;
/* blanket implementation implements IbcStore for HostStore */