This repository contains the source code for object-diagram-js, based on diagram-js and strongly inspired by the excellent bpmn-js. A demonstration is available here.
The project is published as a npm package.
Usage is similar to bpmn-js and is shown in /starter
npm i
cd starter
npm i
cd starter
npm start
cd starter
npm run build:github-pages
The UI used in the visual debugger IntelliJ plugin is configured in the folder /debugger
This serves as an example how the library can be used and customized (here we added a Websocket connection to read debug data live).
The debugger has two more interesting features:
The debugger highlights changes by computing a diff using object-diagram-js-differ:
The debugger saves the debugging history such that a user can step back in the UI:
npm i
cd starter
npm i
cd starter
npm run startDebugger
cd starter
npm run buildDebugger:deploy
The debugger will be build at the right location for the visual debugger plugin.
Contains parts of (bpmn-io) released under the license.
I used the excellent postit-js example as a starting point for my project.