Kickstart with maven and jetty / jersey by typing the following in your console:
> mvn compile
> mvn jetty:run-exploded
GET http://localhost:80/status
time : "21:10"
program : {
startTime : "21:00",
status : "running",
outlets : [
{ id : "1", name : "Outlet 1", duration : 20, remaining : 10, status : "open" },
{ id : "2", name : "Outlet 2", duration : 20, remaining : 20, status : "closed" },
{ id : "3", name : "Outlet 3", duration : 20, remaining : 20, status : "closed" }
POST http://localhost:80/outlet/1?duration=20 POST http://localhost:80/outlet/1?command=open POST http://localhost:80/outlet/1?command=close
POST http://localhost:80/program?startTime=21:00 POST http://localhost:80/program?command=run POST http://localhost:80/program?command=stop