A list of awesome repositories I've starred. Want your own? Try: stargazer
Total starred repositories: 2058
- Assembly
- C
- C#
- C++
- CMake
- Clojure
- Cuda
- Dart
- Dockerfile
- Elixir
- Erlang
- Go
- Groovy
- Handlebars
- Haskell
- Java
- JavaScript
- Jinja
- Jsonnet
- Jupyter Notebook
- Kotlin
- Lua
- Makefile
- Markdown
- Nix
- OCaml
- Objective-C++
- Odin
- Open Policy Agent
- OpenSCAD
- P4
- Pascal
- PowerShell
- Python
- R
- Rich Text Format
- Roff
- Ruby
- Rust
- SaltStack
- Scala
- Scheme
- Shell
- Smarty
- Starlark
- Svelte
- Swift
- TeX
- TypeScript
- Unknown
- Vim Script
- Vue
- Zig
- jq
- BLAKE3-team/BLAKE3 - the official Rust and C implementations of the BLAKE3 cryptographic hash function [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️5391)
- sigmonsays/smallest-docker-httpd - smallest docker httpd server I know... (⭐️46)
- atlas0fd00m/rfcat - RfCat - swiss-army knife of ISM band radio (⭐️574)
- bellard/quickjs - Public repository of the QuickJS Javascript Engine. (⭐️8838)
- blackmagic-debug/blackmagic - In application debugger for ARM Cortex microcontrollers. [GNU GPLv3] (⭐️3434)
- cilium/pwru - Packet, where are you? -- eBPF-based Linux kernel networking debugger [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️3171)
- cilium/tetragon - eBPF-based Security Observability and Runtime Enforcement [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️3825)
- cloudflare/tubular - BSD socket API on steroids [Modified BSD License] (⭐️291)
- containers/bubblewrap - Low-level unprivileged sandboxing tool used by Flatpak and similar projects (⭐️4147)
- debauchee/barrier - Open-source KVM software (⭐️28219)
- defuse/swatd - Run a script when one or more sensors fail. [GNU GPLv3] (⭐️873)
- dorkamotorka/ebpf-multihost-map-sync - Multihost eBPF Map Sync Setup [BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License] (⭐️10)
- dorkamotorka/goby - Goby CLI eBPF Project Generator [GNU GPLv3] (⭐️27)
- flipperdevices/flipperzero-firmware - Flipper Zero firmware source code [GNU GPLv3] (⭐️13796)
- FoxIO-LLC/ja4tscan - JA4TScan is an active TCP server fingerprinting tool. (⭐️71)
- greatscottgadgets/hackrf - low cost software radio platform [GNU GPLv2] (⭐️6855)
- gsliepen/tinc - a VPN daemon (⭐️2003)
- hydradatabase/columnar - Postgres-native columnar storage extension [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️2901)
- jart/blink - tiniest x86-64-linux emulator [ISC License] (⭐️7096)
- jedisct1/libsodium - A modern, portable, easy to use crypto library. (⭐️12549)
- jedisct1/minisign - A dead simple tool to sign files and verify digital signatures. (⭐️2306)
- jonas-lundqvist/vlc-spotify - A VLC plugin for playing Spotify tracks [GNU LGPLv2.1] (⭐️24)
- krallin/tini - A tiny but valid
for containers [MIT License] (⭐️10135) - latchset/tang - Tang binding daemon [GNU GPLv3] (⭐️545)
- matrix-org/thirdroom - Open, decentralised, immersive worlds built on Matrix [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️618)
- microsoft/ebpf-for-windows - eBPF implementation that runs on top of Windows [MIT License] (⭐️3095)
- nanomq/nanomq - An ultra-lightweight and blazing-fast Messaging broker/bus for IoT edge & SDV [MIT License] (⭐️1762)
- nanomsg/nanomsg - nanomsg library (⭐️6058)
- nanomsg/nng - nanomsg-next-generation -- light-weight brokerless messaging [MIT License] (⭐️3975)
- netblue30/firejail - Linux namespaces and seccomp-bpf sandbox [GNU GPLv2] (⭐️6029)
- netdata/netdata - X-Ray Vision for your infrastructure! [GNU GPLv3] (⭐️73686)
- netero1010/EDRSilencer - A tool uses Windows Filtering Platform (WFP) to block Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) agents from reporting security events to the server. [MIT License] (⭐️1607)
- Netflix/bpftop - bpftop provides a dynamic real-time view of running eBPF programs. It displays the average runtime, events per second, and estimated total CPU % for each program. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️2388)
- NVIDIA/libnvidia-container - NVIDIA container runtime library [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️912)
- NVIDIA/open-gpu-kernel-modules - NVIDIA Linux open GPU kernel module source (⭐️15591)
- OISF/suricata - Suricata is a network Intrusion Detection System, Intrusion Prevention System and Network Security Monitoring engine developed by the OISF and the Suricata community. [GNU GPLv2] (⭐️5021)
- openwrt/openwrt - This repository is a mirror of https://git.openwrt.org/openwrt/openwrt.git It is for reference only and is not active for check-ins. We will continue to accept Pull Requests here. They will be merged via staging trees then into openwrt.git. (⭐️21714)
- P-H-C/phc-winner-argon2 - The password hash Argon2, winner of PHC (⭐️4915)
- qmk/qmk_firmware - Open-source keyboard firmware for Atmel AVR and Arm USB families [GNU GPLv2] (⭐️18815)
- rootless-containers/slirp4netns - User-mode networking for unprivileged network namespaces [GNU GPLv2] (⭐️785)
- seccomp/libseccomp - The main libseccomp repository [GNU LGPLv2.1] (⭐️829)
- swaywm/sway - i3-compatible Wayland compositor [MIT License] (⭐️15065)
- tarsal-oss/kflowd - Kernel-based Process Monitoring on Linux Endpoints for File System, TCP and UDP Networking Events and optionally DNS, HTTP and SYSLOG Application Messages via eBPF Subsystem [GNU GPLv2] (⭐️56)
- tiki-deprecated/publish-sdk-ios - TIKI SDK (iOS) - Consumer Data Licensing [MIT License] (⭐️3) Archived!
- tursodatabase/libsql - libSQL is a fork of SQLite that is both Open Source, and Open Contributions. [MIT License] (⭐️13936)
- ventZl/cmrx - Microkernel-based realtime operating system for microcontrollers [MIT License] (⭐️51)
- VirusTotal/yara - The pattern matching swiss knife [Modified BSD License] (⭐️8573)
- WillPower3309/swayfx - SwayFX: Sway, but with eye candy! [MIT License] (⭐️1581)
- xdp-project/xdp-tools - Utilities and example programs for use with XDP (⭐️692)
- xdp-project/xdp-tutorial - XDP tutorial (⭐️2603)
- yugabyte/yugabyte-db - YugabyteDB - the cloud native distributed SQL database for mission-critical applications. (⭐️9308)
- awslabs/aws-apigateway-lambda-authorizer-blueprints - Blueprints and examples for Lambda-based custom Authorizers for use in API Gateway. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️709)
- benapetr/wikimedia-bot - IRC bot that is being used on number of wikimedia channels [GNU GPLv3] (⭐️36)
- cmu-sei/GHOSTS - GHOSTS is a realistic user simulation framework for cyber experimentation, simulation, training, and exercise (⭐️547)
- CycloneDX/cyclonedx-cli - CycloneDX CLI tool for SBOM analysis, merging, diffs and format conversions. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️338)
- dfds/dojo - The DED dojo is the main repository for developer workshops and katas @ DFDS [MIT License] (⭐️11)
- emberstack/kubernetes-reflector - Custom Kubernetes controller that can be used to replicate secrets, configmaps and certificates. [MIT License] (⭐️1195)
- fiddyschmitt/File-Tunnel - Tunnel TCP connections through a file [MIT License] (⭐️921)
- garora/TDD-Katas - This repository contains Hands on Test Driven Development Katas (C#) [MIT License] (⭐️728)
- MaLDAPtive/Invoke-Maldaptive - MaLDAPtive is a framework for LDAP SearchFilter parsing, obfuscation, deobfuscation and detection. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️263)
- marticliment/UniGetUI - UniGetUI: The Graphical Interface for your package managers. Could be terribly described as a package manager manager to manage your package managers [MIT License] (⭐️14796)
- microsoft/kiota - OpenAPI based HTTP Client code generator [MIT License] (⭐️3224)
- microsoft/winget-create - The Windows Package Manager Manifest Creator command-line tool (aka wingetcreate) [MIT License] (⭐️531)
- pwrdrvr/lambda-dispatch - Lambda Dispatch for AWS Lambda - Avoid cold starts, save up to 80%! (⭐️44)
- Sonarr/Sonarr - Smart PVR for newsgroup and bittorrent users. [GNU GPLv3] (⭐️11426)
- aaronaanderson/Terrain - Open Source Wave Terrain Synth [GNU GPLv3] (⭐️173)
- apache/arrow - Apache Arrow is the universal columnar format and multi-language toolbox for fast data interchange and in-memory analytics [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️15065)
- apache/datasketches-cpp - Core C++ Sketch Library [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️229)
- aregtech/areg-sdk - AREG is a cross-platform asynchronous Object RPC framework to simplify multitasking programming by blurring borders between processes and treating remote objects as if they coexist in the same thread. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️289)
- ariya/phantomjs - Scriptable Headless Browser [Modified BSD License] (⭐️29484) Archived!
- avast/yaramod - Parsing of YARA rules into AST and building new rulesets in C++. [MIT License] (⭐️122)
- BayshoreNetworks/yextend - Yara integrated software to handle archive file data. [Modified BSD License] (⭐️305)
- ClickHouse/ClickHouse - ClickHouse® is a real-time analytics database management system [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️39364)
- cloudflare/workerd - The JavaScript / Wasm runtime that powers Cloudflare Workers [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️6541)
- deepseek-ai/3FS - A high-performance distributed file system designed to address the challenges of AI training and inference workloads. [MIT License] (⭐️7396)
- draios/sysdig - Linux system exploration and troubleshooting tool with first class support for containers (⭐️7934)
- duckdb/duckdb - DuckDB is an analytical in-process SQL database management system [MIT License] (⭐️27106)
- duckdb/duckdb-iceberg - [MIT License] (⭐️219)
- facebook/watchman - Watches files and records, or triggers actions, when they change. [MIT License] (⭐️12958)
- facebookincubator/velox - A composable and fully extensible C++ execution engine library for data management systems. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️3639)
- fetlang/fetlang - Fetish-themed programming language [Modified BSD License] (⭐️1495)
- finos/perspective - A data visualization and analytics component, especially well-suited for large and/or streaming datasets. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️8842)
- ggerganov/kbd-audio - 🎤⌨️ Acoustic keyboard eavesdropping [MIT License] (⭐️8638)
- ggerganov/whisper.cpp - Port of OpenAI's Whisper model in C/C++ [MIT License] (⭐️38253)
- google/zetasql - ZetaSQL - Analyzer Framework for SQL [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️2362)
- hrbrmstr/duckdb-pcap - DuckDB extension for readin PCAP files [MIT License] (⭐️15)
- hyprwm/Hyprland - Hyprland is an independent, highly customizable, dynamic tiling Wayland compositor that doesn't sacrifice on its looks. [Modified BSD License] (⭐️23870)
- janhq/cortex.cpp - Local AI API Platform [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️2525)
- jax-ml/ml_dtypes - A stand-alone implementation of several NumPy dtype extensions used in machine learning. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️253)
- lief-project/LIEF - LIEF - Library to Instrument Executable Formats (C++, Python, Rust) [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️4673)
- mixxxdj/mixxx - Mixxx is Free DJ software that gives you everything you need to perform live mixes. (⭐️5148)
- mobile-shell/mosh - Mobile Shell [GNU GPLv3] (⭐️12843)
- Mozilla-Ocho/llamafile - Distribute and run LLMs with a single file. (⭐️21885)
- musescore/MuseScore - MuseScore is an open source and free music notation software. For support, contribution, bug reports, visit MuseScore.org. Fork and make pull requests! (⭐️12739)
- nic-hartley/git-gud - A teaching tool for Git (⭐️9)
- osquery/osquery - SQL powered operating system instrumentation, monitoring, and analytics. (⭐️22249)
- p4lang/behavioral-model - The reference P4 software switch [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️571)
- p4lang/p4c - P4_16 reference compiler [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️746)
- pdet/Scrooge-McDuck - [MIT License] (⭐️136)
- Query-farm/duckdb-airport-extension - The Airport extension for DuckDB, enables the use of Arrow Flight with DuckDB [MIT License] (⭐️135)
- rapidsai/cudf - cuDF - GPU DataFrame Library [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️8726)
- scylladb/scylladb - NoSQL data store using the Seastar framework, compatible with Apache Cassandra and Amazon DynamoDB (⭐️14158)
- scylladb/seastar - High performance server-side application framework [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️8567)
- Snapchat/KeyDB - A Multithreaded Fork of Redis [Modified BSD License] (⭐️11818)
- tenderlove/initial-v - It's a BMW shifter converted to a Bluetooth Keyboard that you use with Vim [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️999)
- tenzir/tenzir - Tenzir is the data pipeline engine for security teams. [Modified BSD License] (⭐️668)
- trapexit/mergerfs - a featureful union filesystem (⭐️4560)
- typesense/typesense - Open Source alternative to Algolia + Pinecone and an Easier-to-Use alternative to ElasticSearch ⚡ 🔍 ✨ Fast, typo tolerant, in-memory fuzzy Search Engine for building delightful search experiences [GNU GPLv3] (⭐️22241)
- vlad17/datasketches-rs - Rusty wrapper for Apache DataSketches [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️12)
- voltrondata/flight-duckdb-example - Sample code to accompany blog post showcasing Arrow Flight SQL running on DuckDB (⭐️31)
- WasmEdge/WasmEdge - WasmEdge is a lightweight, high-performance, and extensible WebAssembly runtime for cloud native, edge, and decentralized applications. It powers serverless apps, embedded functions, microservices, smart contracts, and IoT devices. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️9005)
- wazuh/wazuh - Wazuh - The Open Source Security Platform. Unified XDR and SIEM protection for endpoints and cloud workloads. (⭐️11873)
- WebAssembly/wabt - The WebAssembly Binary Toolkit [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️7139)
- WerWolv/ImHex - 🔍 A Hex Editor for Reverse Engineers, Programmers and people who value their retinas when working at 3 AM. [GNU GPLv2] (⭐️47309)
- ywelsch/duckdb-prql - PRQL as a DuckDB extension [MIT License] (⭐️276)
- zeek/zeek - Zeek is a powerful network analysis framework that is much different from the typical IDS you may know. (⭐️6694)
- zeromq/libzmq - ZeroMQ core engine in C++, implements ZMTP/3.1 [Mozilla Public License 2.0] (⭐️9987)
- tobilg/duckdb-nodejs-layer - Packaging DuckDB for Node.js Lambda functions. Example application: https://github.com/tobilg/serverless-duckdb [MIT License] (⭐️115)
- adobe/adobe.github.com - Adobe central hub for open source [MIT License] (⭐️1457)
- data-engineering-community/data-engineering-wiki - The best place to learn data engineering. Built and maintained by the data engineering community. [Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal] (⭐️1591)
- ethereum-oasis-op/L2 - Technical Specification of Layer 2 Blockchain Scalability Solutions for Ethereum Virtual Machine Compatible public Blockchains (⭐️25)
- ryanoasis/nerd-fonts - Iconic font aggregator, collection, & patcher. 3,600+ icons, 50+ patched fonts: Hack, Source Code Pro, more. Glyph collections: Font Awesome, Material Design Icons, Octicons, & more (⭐️56646)
- tsale/EDR-Telemetry-Website - (⭐️74)
- buildsec/frsca - [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️232)
- Factual/drake - Data workflow tool, like a "Make for data" (⭐️1483)
- jeremykross/konstellate - Free and Open Source GUI to Visualize Kubernetes Applications. [MIT License] (⭐️1464)
- metabase/metabase - The easy-to-use open source Business Intelligence and Embedded Analytics tool that lets everyone work with data 📊 (⭐️41083)
- metosin/spec-tools - Clojure(Script) tools for clojure.spec [Eclipse Public License 2.0] (⭐️595)
- penpot/penpot - Penpot: The open-source design tool for design and code collaboration [Mozilla Public License 2.0] (⭐️36729)
- karpathy/llm.c - LLM training in simple, raw C/CUDA [MIT License] (⭐️25921)
- ente-io/ente - End-to-end encrypted, FOSS cloud for Photos, 2FA secrets and more! [GNU AGPLv3] (⭐️18155)
- fzyzcjy/flutter_rust_bridge - Flutter/Dart <-> Rust binding generator, feature-rich, but seamless and simple. [MIT License] (⭐️4502)
- mitesh77/Best-Flutter-UI-Templates - completely free for everyone. Its build-in Flutter Dart. (⭐️20800)
- ookami-kb/storybook_flutter - A storybook for Flutter widgets. [MIT License] (⭐️297)
- tiki-deprecated/publish-sdk-flutter - TIKI SDK (Flutter) - Consumer Data Licensing [MIT License] (⭐️4) Archived!
- widgetbook/widgetbook - Widgetbook is the custom widget library and collaboration platform for Flutter frontend teams. (⭐️796)
- astral-sh/uv-aws-lambda-example - An example of using uv with AWS Lambda [MIT License] (⭐️22)
- astral-sh/uv-docker-example - An example of using uv in Docker images (⭐️232)
- carderne/postmodern-python - A very simple template for productive Python [MIT License] (⭐️52)
- dotnet/dotnet-docker - Docker images for .NET and the .NET Tools. [MIT License] (⭐️4602)
- Hacking-the-Cloud/hackingthe.cloud - An encyclopedia for offensive and defensive security knowledge in cloud native technologies. (⭐️1821)
- jameslporter/mySickCodes - A rework of SickCodes docker kvm osx vm, using docker-compose and volumes to prevent wiping your os x image file on container startup. (⭐️5)
- lambdal/lambda-stack-dockerfiles - [MIT License] (⭐️266)
- linuxserver/docker-syslog-ng - [GNU GPLv3] (⭐️67)
- oxsecurity/megalinter - 🦙 MegaLinter analyzes 50 languages, 22 formats, 21 tooling formats, excessive copy-pastes, spelling mistakes and security issues in your repository sources with a GitHub Action, other CI tools or locally. [GNU AGPLv3] (⭐️2062)
- sickcodes/dock-droid - Docker Android - Run QEMU Android in a Docker! X11 Forwarding! CI/CD for Android! [GNU GPLv3] (⭐️1148)
- soumilshah1995/xtable-sync-lambda - [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️2)
- atlosdotorg/atlos - The collaborative workspace for visual verification [GNU GPLv3] (⭐️71)
- batteries-included/batteries-included - Batteries Included is a Kubernetes based software platform for database, ai, web, monitoring, and more. (⭐️33)
- Clivern/Lynx - 🐺 A Fast, Secure and Reliable Terraform Backend, Set up in Minutes. [MIT License] (⭐️323)
- elixir-explorer/explorer - Series (one-dimensional) and dataframes (two-dimensional) for fast and elegant data exploration in Elixir [MIT License] (⭐️1173)
- hswick/exw3 - High level Ethereum RPC Client for Elixir [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️152)
- ndrluis/ex_iceberg - [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️6)
- plausible/analytics - Simple, open source, lightweight (< 1 KB) and privacy-friendly web analytics alternative to Google Analytics. [GNU AGPLv3] (⭐️21625)
- standard-webhooks/standard-webhooks - The Standard Webhooks specification [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️1383)
- wojtekmach/req - Req is a batteries-included HTTP client for Elixir. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️1160)
- vernemq/vernemq - A distributed MQTT message broker based on Erlang/OTP. Built for high quality & Industrial use cases. The VerneMQ mission is active & the project maintained. Thank you for your support! [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️3266)
- 0x4D31/galah - Galah: An LLM-powered web honeypot. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️504)
- 1Password/for-open-source - Get a 1Password team account for free to support your open source initiatives! (⭐️1703)
- 1Password/shell-plugins - Seamless authentication for every tool in your terminal. [MIT License] (⭐️556)
- 1Password/terraform-provider-onepassword - Use the 1Password Terraform Provider to reference, create, or update items in your 1Password Vaults. [MIT License] (⭐️333)
- 42wim/matterbridge - bridge between mattermost, IRC, gitter, xmpp, slack, discord, telegram, rocketchat, twitch, ssh-chat, zulip, whatsapp, keybase, matrix, microsoft teams, nextcloud, mumble, vk and more with REST API (mattermost not required!) [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️6872)
- 99designs/gqlgen - go generate based graphql server library [MIT License] (⭐️10148)
- 99designs/keyring - Go library providing a uniform interface across a range of secure credential stores [MIT License] (⭐️595)
- abiosoft/colima - Container runtimes on macOS (and Linux) with minimal setup [MIT License] (⭐️21525)
- ahmetb/kubectx - Faster way to switch between clusters and namespaces in kubectl [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️18303)
- akamai/AkamaiOPEN-edgegrid-golang - This library implements an Authentication handler for the Akamai OPEN EdgeGrid Authentication scheme [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️90)
- akamai/cli - Manage and configure Akamai from the Command Line. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️215)
- akamai/cli-terraform - Akamai CLI plugin Admin Support for multiple OpenAPI resource types [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️26)
- akamai/terraform-provider-akamai - Terraform Akamai provider [Mozilla Public License 2.0] (⭐️112)
- AkihiroSuda/gomodjail - [Experimental] jail for Go modules [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️74)
- alexellis/k3sup - bootstrap K3s over SSH in < 60s 🚀 (⭐️6519)
- amazon-archives/aws-lambda-container-image-converter - The AWS Lambda container image converter tool (img2lambda) repackages container images (such as Docker images) into AWS Lambda function deployment packages and Lambda layers. [MIT No Attribution] (⭐️1321) Archived!
- amzapi/amazon-mws-sdk - 亚马逊 MWS API Golang SDK (⭐️4) Archived!
- anchore/grype - A vulnerability scanner for container images and filesystems [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️9469)
- anchore/syft - CLI tool and library for generating a Software Bill of Materials from container images and filesystems [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️6668)
- antonmedv/fx - Terminal JSON viewer & processor [MIT License] (⭐️19275)
- apache/iceberg-go - Apache Iceberg - Go [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️192)
- ariga/atlas - Manage your database schema as code [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️6509)
- authzed/spicedb - Open Source, Google Zanzibar-inspired database for scalably storing and querying fine-grained authorization data [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️5424)
- aws-cloudformation/rain - A development workflow tool for working with AWS CloudFormation. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️872)
- aws-observability/amazon-managed-grafana-migrator - CLI migration utility to migrate Grafana content to Amazon Managed Grafana [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️28)
- aws-okta/aws-okta - aws-vault like tool for Okta authentication [MIT License] (⭐️17)
- aws-samples/aws-lambda-extensions - A collection of sample extensions to help you get started with AWS Lambda Extensions [MIT No Attribution] (⭐️460)
- aws/copilot-cli - The AWS Copilot CLI is a tool for developers to build, release and operate production ready containerized applications on AWS App Runner or Amazon ECS on AWS Fargate. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️3603)
- aws/karpenter-provider-aws - Karpenter is a Kubernetes Node Autoscaler built for flexibility, performance, and simplicity. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️7148)
- aws/session-manager-plugin - This plugin helps you to use the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) to start and end sessions to your managed instances [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️275)
- awslabs/amazon-ecs-local-container-endpoints - A container that provides local versions of the ECS Task Metadata Endpoint and ECS Task IAM Roles Endpoint. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️506)
- awslabs/aws-iatk - [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️98)
- awslabs/diagram-as-code - Diagram-as-code for AWS architecture. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️625)
- awslabs/ssosync - Populate AWS SSO directly with your G Suite users and groups using either a CLI or AWS Lambda [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️552)
- benbjohnson/litestream - Streaming replication for SQLite. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️11516)
- brexhq/substation - Substation is a toolkit for routing, normalizing, and enriching security event and audit logs. [MIT License] (⭐️347)
- brompwnie/botb - A container analysis and exploitation tool for pentesters and engineers. [GNU GPLv3] (⭐️662)
- bullfrogsec/bullfrog - Simple plug-and-play Github Action to block unauthorized outbound traffic (egress) in your Github workflows [MIT License] (⭐️82)
- buptczq/WinCryptSSHAgent - Using a Yubikey for SSH Authentication on Windows Seamlessly [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️552)
- burrowers/garble - Obfuscate Go builds [Modified BSD License] (⭐️4379)
- bwhaley/ssmsh - A shell for the EC2 Parameter Store [MIT License] (⭐️298)
- bxcodec/dbresolver - Golang Database Resolver and Wrapper for any multiple database connections topology, e.g. master-slave replication database, cross-region application, and for separated ReadWrite (RW) and ReadOnly (RO) database connections [MIT License] (⭐️160)
- bxcodec/gotcha - gotcha: inmemory-cache in Go (Golang) with customizable algorithm [MIT License] (⭐️21) Archived!
- bytebase/bytebase - World's most advanced database DevSecOps solution for Developer, Security, DBA and Platform Engineering teams. The GitHub/GitLab for database DevSecOps. (⭐️12044)
- caddyserver/caddy - Fast and extensible multi-platform HTTP/1-2-3 web server with automatic HTTPS [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️62080)
- carvel-dev/ytt - YAML templating tool that works on YAML structure instead of text [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️1725)
- chainguard-dev/apko - Build OCI images from APK packages directly without Dockerfile [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️1288)
- chainguard-dev/melange - build APKs from source code [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️456)
- charmbracelet/charm - The Charm Tool and Library 🌟 [MIT License] (⭐️2435)
- charmbracelet/glow - Render markdown on the CLI, with pizzazz! 💅🏻 [MIT License] (⭐️17189)
- charmbracelet/soft-serve - The mighty, self-hostable Git server for the command line🍦 [MIT License] (⭐️5705)
- charmbracelet/vhs - Your CLI home video recorder 📼 [MIT License] (⭐️15986)
- ChristofferNissen/helmper - Import Helm Charts to OCI registries, optionally with vulnerability patching [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️268)
- cilium/certgen - A convenience tool to generate and store certificates for Hubble Relay mTLS [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️23)
- cilium/cilium - eBPF-based Networking, Security, and Observability [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️21048)
- cilium/ebpf - ebpf-go is a pure-Go library to read, modify and load eBPF programs and attach them to various hooks in the Linux kernel. [MIT License] (⭐️6641)
- cli/cli - GitHub’s official command line tool [MIT License] (⭐️38457)
- cli/go-gh - A Go module for interacting with gh and the GitHub API from the command line. [MIT License] (⭐️355)
- cli/oauth - A library for performing OAuth Device flow and Web application flow in Go client apps. [MIT License] (⭐️475)
- cloudquery/cloudquery - The developer first cloud governance platform [Mozilla Public License 2.0] (⭐️6018)
- commander-cli/commander - Test your command line interfaces on windows, linux and osx and nodes viá ssh and docker [MIT License] (⭐️228)
- common-fate/granted - The easiest way to access your cloud. [MIT License] (⭐️1233)
- containerd/nerdctl - contaiNERD CTL - Docker-compatible CLI for containerd, with support for Compose, Rootless, eStargz, OCIcrypt, IPFS, ... [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️8589)
- containers/ocicrypt - Encryption libraries for Encrypted OCI Container images [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️153)
- containers/podman - Podman: A tool for managing OCI containers and pods. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️25570)
- containers/skopeo - Work with remote images registries - retrieving information, images, signing content [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️8766)
- contribsys/faktory - Language-agnostic persistent background job server (⭐️5825)
- corazawaf/coraza - OWASP Coraza WAF is a golang modsecurity compatible web application firewall library [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️2458)
- coreos/fleet - fleet ties together systemd and etcd into a distributed init system [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️2419) Archived!
- coroot/coroot - Coroot is an open-source APM & Observability tool, a DataDog and NewRelic alternative 📊, 🖥️, 👉. Powered by eBPF for rapid insights into system performance. Monitor, analyze, and optimize your infrastructure effortlessly for peak reliability at any scale. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️5674)
- crossplane/crossplane - The Cloud Native Control Plane [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️9955)
- crtsh/ct_monitor - Certificate Transparency log monitor [GNU GPLv3] (⭐️359)
- csimplestring/delta-go - Native Delta Lake Implementation in Go (⭐️40)
- cue-lang/cue - The home of the CUE language! Validate and define text-based and dynamic configuration [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️5308)
- cue-unity/unity - unity - run experiments/regression tests on CUE modules [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️41) Archived!
- dagger/dagger - An open-source runtime for composable workflows. Great for AI agents and CI/CD. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️12212)
- danielmiessler/fabric - fabric is an open-source framework for augmenting humans using AI. It provides a modular framework for solving specific problems using a crowdsourced set of AI prompts that can be used anywhere. [MIT License] (⭐️29766)
- databricks/terraform-provider-tabular - [Mozilla Public License 2.0] (⭐️3)
- DataDog/grimoire - Generate datasets of cloud audit logs for common attacks [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️204)
- DataDog/managed-kubernetes-auditing-toolkit - All-in-one auditing toolkit for identifying common security issues in managed Kubernetes environments. Currently supports Amazon EKS. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️337)
- DataDog/stratus-red-team - ☁️ ⚡ Granular, Actionable Adversary Emulation for the Cloud [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️1929)
- derailed/k9s - 🐶 Kubernetes CLI To Manage Your Clusters In Style! [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️28796)
- derailed/popeye - 👀 A Kubernetes cluster resource sanitizer (⭐️5484)
- dexidp/dex - OpenID Connect (OIDC) identity and OAuth 2.0 provider with pluggable connectors [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️9724)
- disneystreaming/ssm-helpers - Help manage AWS systems manager with helpers (⭐️386)
- dlvhdr/gh-dash - A beautiful CLI dashboard for GitHub 🚀 [MIT License] (⭐️7982)
- dvyukov/go-fuzz - Randomized testing for Go [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️4810)
- ekristen/libnuke - Common Golang Packages for use by the Various Cloud Nuke Tools [MIT License] (⭐️40)
- ergochat/ergo - A modern IRC server (daemon/ircd) written in Go. [MIT License] (⭐️2771)
- fabiolb/fabio - Consul Load-Balancing made simple [MIT License] (⭐️7287)
- falcosecurity/evolution - Evolution process of The Falco Project [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️50)
- falcosecurity/falco-exporter - Prometheus Metrics Exporter for Falco output events [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️121)
- falcosecurity/falcoctl - Administrative tooling for Falco [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️91)
- falcosecurity/falcosidekick - Connect Falco to your ecosystem [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️572)
- falcosecurity/plugins - Falco plugins registry [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️88)
- falcosecurity/rules - Falco rule repository [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️112)
- fastly/wafefficacy - Measures the effectiveness of your Web Application Firewall (WAF) [MIT License] (⭐️77)
- fatedier/frp - A fast reverse proxy to help you expose a local server behind a NAT or firewall to the internet. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️91145)
- fiatjaf/jiq - jid on jq - interactive JSON query tool using jq expressions [MIT License] (⭐️927) Archived!
- FiloSottile/age - A simple, modern and secure encryption tool (and Go library) with small explicit keys, no config options, and UNIX-style composability. [Modified BSD License] (⭐️18356)
- FiloSottile/mkcert - A simple zero-config tool to make locally trusted development certificates with any names you'd like. [Modified BSD License] (⭐️52528)
- FiloSottile/yubikey-agent - yubikey-agent is a seamless ssh-agent for YubiKeys. [Modified BSD License] (⭐️2718)
- finos/common-cloud-controls - FINOS Common Cloud Controls (⭐️42)
- firecracker-microvm/firecracker-containerd - firecracker-containerd enables containerd to manage containers as Firecracker microVMs [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️2282)
- fivexl/lprobe - A command-line tool to perform Local Health Check Probes inside Container Images (ECS, Docker) [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️49)
- fleetdm/fleet - Open-source platform for IT, security, and infrastructure teams. (Linux, macOS, Chrome, Windows, cloud, data center) (⭐️3606)
- flyteorg/flyte - Scalable and flexible workflow orchestration platform that seamlessly unifies data, ML and analytics stacks. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️6072)
- francoismichel/ssh3 - SSH3: faster and rich secure shell using HTTP/3, checkout our article here: https://arxiv.org/abs/2312.08396 and our Internet-Draft: https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-michel-ssh3/ [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️3332)
- genuinetools/amicontained - Container introspection tool. Find out what container runtime is being used as well as features available. [MIT License] (⭐️1027)
- ghostsecurity/reaper - 💀 Don't fear the Reaper 👻 [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️468)
- github/smimesign - An S/MIME signing utility for use with Git [MIT License] (⭐️607)
- gitleaks/gitleaks - Find secrets with Gitleaks 🔑 [MIT License] (⭐️19093)
- gittuf/gittuf - A security layer for Git repositories [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️494)
- gliderlabs/logspout - Log routing for Docker container logs [MIT License] (⭐️4665)
- go-gandi/go-gandi - A Go library for the Gandi API [MIT License] (⭐️17)
- go-gandi/terraform-provider-gandi - Terraform provider for the Gandi Domain services [Mozilla Public License 2.0] (⭐️153)
- go-python/cpy3 - Go bindings to the CPython-3 API [MIT License] (⭐️325)
- gofireflyio/aiac - Artificial Intelligence Infrastructure-as-Code Generator. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️3616)
- gogrlx/bitcask - [MIT License] (⭐️1)
- gogrlx/grlx - Effective Fleet Configuration Management [BSD Zero Clause License] (⭐️162)
- google/addlicense - A program which ensures source code files have copyright license headers by scanning directory patterns recursively [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️746)
- google/go-cloud - The Go Cloud Development Kit (Go CDK): A library and tools for open cloud development in Go. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️9638)
- google/osv-scanner - Vulnerability scanner written in Go which uses the data provided by https://osv.dev [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️6570)
- GoogleCloudPlatform/cloud-sql-go-connector - A Go library for connecting securely to your Cloud SQL instances [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️124)
- GoogleContainerTools/kaniko - Build Container Images In Kubernetes [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️15274)
- goreleaser/nfpm - nFPM is Not FPM - a simple deb, rpm, apk, ipk, and arch linux packager written in Go [MIT License] (⭐️2262)
- grafana/alloy - OpenTelemetry Collector distribution with programmable pipelines [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️1755)
- grafana/phlare - 🔥 horizontally-scalable, highly-available, multi-tenant continuous profiling aggregation system [GNU AGPLv3] (⭐️2050) Archived!
- grafeas/grafeas - Artifact Metadata API [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️1528)
- gravitational/teleport - The easiest, and most secure way to access and protect all of your infrastructure. [GNU AGPLv3] (⭐️18106)
- grendel-consulting/steampipe-plugin-kolide - Use SQL to instantly query your Kolide K2 fleet [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️3)
- groundcover-com/caretta - Instant K8s service dependency map, right to your Grafana. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️1819)
- gruntwork-io/terragrunt - Terragrunt is a flexible orchestration tool that allows Infrastructure as Code written in OpenTofu/Terraform to scale. [MIT License] (⭐️8458)
- guacsec/guac - GUAC aggregates software security metadata into a high fidelity graph database. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️1334)
- gwatts/rootcerts - Root CA certificates for Go [MIT License] (⭐️37)
- gwenwindflower/tbd - 🏁 A sweet and speedy code generator for dbt 🏎️✨ [GNU GPLv3] (⭐️25)
- hashicorp/packer - Packer is a tool for creating identical machine images for multiple platforms from a single source configuration. (⭐️15264)
- hashicorp/terraform-exec - Terraform CLI commands via Go. [Mozilla Public License 2.0] (⭐️706)
- hashicorp/terraform-json - Helper types for the Terraform external data representation [Mozilla Public License 2.0] (⭐️163)
- hashicorp/terraform-plugin-codegen-spec - Terraform Provider Code Generation Specification and Go Bindings [Mozilla Public License 2.0] (⭐️9)
- hashicorp/terraform-provider-google - Terraform Provider for Google Cloud Platform [Mozilla Public License 2.0] (⭐️2436)
- hashicorp/terraform-provider-scaffolding - Quick start repository for creating a Terraform provider [Mozilla Public License 2.0] (⭐️404) Archived!
- hashicorp/terraform-schema - This library helps assembling a complete schema for decoding Terraform config [Mozilla Public License 2.0] (⭐️77)
- hotnops/apeman - AWS Attack Path Management Tool - Walking on the Moon [Modified BSD License] (⭐️238)
- hstreamdb/deployment-tool - [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️2)
- iann0036/iamlive - Generate an IAM policy from AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud (GCP) calls using client-side monitoring (CSM) or embedded proxy [MIT License] (⭐️3207)
- iann0036/iamlive-lambda-extension - Lambda Extension for iamlive [MIT License] (⭐️42)
- iknowjason/edge - Recon tool for cloud provider attribution. Supports AWS, Azure, Google, Cloudflare, and Digital Ocean. (⭐️164)
- infracost/infracost - Cloud cost estimates for Terraform in pull requests💰📉 Shift FinOps Left! [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️11293)
- inngest/inngest - The leading workflow orchestration platform. Run stateful step functions and AI workflows on serverless, servers, or the edge. (⭐️2579)
- JamesWoolfenden/pike - Pike is a tool for determining the permissions or policy required for IAC code [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️620)
- JanDeDobbeleer/oh-my-posh - The most customisable and low-latency cross platform/shell prompt renderer [MIT License] (⭐️18409)
- jasonamyers/portray - Helps with assuming roles in multiple AWS accounts. [MIT License] (⭐️15)
- jesseduffield/lazygit - simple terminal UI for git commands [MIT License] (⭐️57394)
- JFryy/qq - jq, but with many interoperable configuration format transcodings and interactive querying. [MIT License] (⭐️596)
- juice-shop/multi-juicer - Host and manage multiple Juice Shop instances for security trainings and Capture The Flags [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️282)
- juliosueiras/terraform-lsp - Language Server Protocol for Terraform [MIT License] (⭐️587)
- justjanne/powerline-go - A beautiful and useful low-latency prompt for your shell, written in go [GNU GPLv3] (⭐️2774)
- k3d-io/k3d - Little helper to run CNCF's k3s in Docker [MIT License] (⭐️5651)
- k3s-io/k3s - Lightweight Kubernetes [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️28962)
- k8gb-io/k8gb - A cloud native Kubernetes Global Balancer [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️946)
- KatTraxler/gcpdocs - Repository to archive GCP Documentation for local use (⭐️15)
- kedacore/keda - KEDA is a Kubernetes-based Event Driven Autoscaling component. It provides event driven scale for any container running in Kubernetes [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️8820)
- knative-extensions/eventing-awssqs - AWS SQS integration with Knative Eventing. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️5) Archived!
- knative/eventing - Event-driven application platform for Kubernetes [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️1447)
- ko-build/ko - Build and deploy Go applications [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️7828)
- konstructio/kubefirst - The Kubefirst Open Source Platform [MIT License] (⭐️1903)
- kubeflow/spark-operator - Kubernetes operator for managing the lifecycle of Apache Spark applications on Kubernetes. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️2877)
- kubernetes-sigs/kubectl-validate - [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️197)
- kubernetes-sigs/kustomize - Customization of kubernetes YAML configurations [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️11275)
- kubernetes-sigs/metrics-server - Scalable and efficient source of container resource metrics for Kubernetes built-in autoscaling pipelines. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️5996)
- kubernetes/kompose - Convert Compose to Kubernetes [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️9849)
- kubernetes/kubernetes - Production-Grade Container Scheduling and Management [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️113476)
- lakekeeper/lakekeeper-operator - A Kubernetes Operator for Lakekeeper (WIP) [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️7)
- linuxkit/linuxkit - A toolkit for building secure, portable and lean operating systems for containers [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️8376)
- ljfranklin/terraform-resource - A concourse resource to create infrastructure via Terraform [MIT License] (⭐️186)
- lkarlslund/Adalanche - Attack Graph Visualizer and Explorer (Active Directory) ...Who's really Domain Admin? [GNU AGPLv3] (⭐️1875)
- loft-sh/devpod - Codespaces but open-source, client-only and unopinionated: Works with any IDE and lets you use any cloud, kubernetes or just localhost docker. [Mozilla Public License 2.0] (⭐️12919)
- loft-sh/jspolicy - jsPolicy - Easier & Faster Kubernetes Policies using JavaScript or TypeScript [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️383)
- loft-sh/loft - Namespace & Virtual Cluster Manager for Kubernetes - Lightweight Virtual Clusters, Self-Service Provisioning for Engineers and 70% Cost Savings with Sleep Mode (⭐️754)
- loft-sh/vcluster - vCluster - Create fully functional virtual Kubernetes clusters - Each vcluster runs inside a namespace of the underlying k8s cluster. It's cheaper than creating separate full-blown clusters and it offers better multi-tenancy and isolation than regular namespaces. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️9969)
- logur/logur - Logur is an opinionated collection of logging best practices [MIT License] (⭐️205) Archived!
- matrix-org/dendrite - Dendrite is a second-generation Matrix homeserver written in Go! [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️5701) Archived!
- mchaffe/cloudprefixes - Recon tool to query cloud prefixes for services associated with an IP address [GNU GPLv3] (⭐️24)
- microsoft/retina - eBPF distributed networking observability tool for Kubernetes [MIT License] (⭐️2836)
- mikeroyal/Open-Source-Security-Guide - Open Source Security Guide. Learn all about Security Standards (FIPS, CIS, FedRAMP, FISMA, etc.), Frameworks, Threat Models, Encryption, and Benchmarks. (⭐️946)
- minio/minio - MinIO is a high-performance, S3 compatible object store, open sourced under GNU AGPLv3 license. [GNU AGPLv3] (⭐️50571)
- mozilla-services/aws-signing-proxy - signs http requests using AWS V4 signer [Mozilla Public License 2.0] (⭐️27) Archived!
- Mr-Destructive/steampipe-plugin-cookiecutter - A Cookiecutter template for creating steampipe plugins (⭐️3)
- muesli/duf - Disk Usage/Free Utility - a better 'df' alternative (⭐️13171)
- mungoknotwise/terraform-lsp - Language Server Protocol for Terraform [MIT License] (⭐️1)
- musana/CF-Hero - CF-Hero is a reconnaissance tool that uses multiple data sources to discover the origin IP addresses of Cloudflare-protected web applications (⭐️721)
- nats-io/prometheus-nats-exporter - A Prometheus exporter for NATS metrics [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️389)
- ned1313/terrahash - Create and store a hash of the Terraform modules used by your configuration [MIT License] (⭐️76)
- neilotoole/sq - sq data wrangler [MIT License] (⭐️2236)
- nektos/act - Run your GitHub Actions locally 🚀 [MIT License] (⭐️58224)
- netzkern/butler - 🤵 Welcome to Butler, your personal assistent to scaffold new projects. Shipped with binaries for Mac, Win and Linux. [MIT License] (⭐️82)
- nimakaviani/ytt - YAML templating tool that works on YAML structure instead of text [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️1)
- noahgorstein/jqp - A TUI playground to experiment with jq [MIT License] (⭐️2296)
- notaryproject/notary - Notary is a project that allows anyone to have trust over arbitrary collections of data [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️3252)
- NVIDIA/nvidia-container-toolkit - Build and run containers leveraging NVIDIA GPUs [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️2929)
- oapi-codegen/oapi-codegen - Generate Go client and server boilerplate from OpenAPI 3 specifications [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️6775)
- oauth2-proxy/mockoidc - A Mock OIDC Server for Unit & Integration Tests [MIT License] (⭐️80)
- octo-sts/app - A GitHub App that acts like a Security Token Service (STS) for the Github API [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️150)
- octokit/go-sdk - A generated Go SDK from GitHub's OpenAPI specification. Built on Kiota. [MIT License] (⭐️81)
- odigos-io/odigos - Distributed tracing without code changes. 🚀 Instantly monitor any application using OpenTelemetry and eBPF [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️3356)
- ollama/ollama - Get up and running with Llama 3.3, DeepSeek-R1, Phi-4, Gemma 2, and other large language models. [MIT License] (⭐️131234)
- open-feature/flagd - A feature flag daemon with a Unix philosophy [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️644)
- open-policy-agent/conftest - Write tests against structured configuration data using the Open Policy Agent Rego query language (⭐️2925)
- open-telemetry/opentelemetry-collector-contrib - Contrib repository for the OpenTelemetry Collector [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️3365)
- openclarity/openclarity - OpenClarity is an open source tool built to enhance security and observability of cloud native applications and infrastructure [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️1384)
- opencontainers/image-spec - OCI Image Format [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️3643)
- openfga/openfga - A high performance and flexible authorization/permission engine built for developers and inspired by Google Zanzibar [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️3326)
- openstandia/jwk-keygen - JWK Key Generator [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️14)
- opentofu/registry - The all-new opentofu.org registry! [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️351)
- opentofu/registry-ui - Powering the OpenTofu Registry Search (beta) (⭐️14)
- opentofu/terraform-provider-lua - [Mozilla Public License 2.0] (⭐️31)
- Optum/cloudig - Cloud governance reports from native services in a clear and readable digest [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️29)
- Optum/dce - Disposable Cloud Environment [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️330)
- Optum/dce-cli - Disposable Cloud Environment CLI [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️38)
- Optum/runiac - Run IaC Anywhere With Ease [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️23)
- ory/kratos - Headless cloud-native authentication and identity management written in Go. Scales to a billion+ users. Replace Homegrown, Auth0, Okta, Firebase with better UX and DX. Passkeys, Social Sign In, OIDC, Magic Link, Multi-Factor Auth, SMS, SAML, TOTP, and more. Runs everywhere, runs best on Ory Network. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️11573)
- ossf/allstar - GitHub App to set and enforce security policies [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️1287)
- ossf/scorecard - OpenSSF Scorecard - Security health metrics for Open Source [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️4795)
- overmindtech/aws-source - Overmind source for AWS resources (⭐️7)
- owncast/owncast - Take control over your live stream video by running it yourself. Streaming + chat out of the box. [MIT License] (⭐️9861)
- padok-team/burrito - 🌯 Burrito is a TACoS Kubernetes Operator - "Argo CD for Terraform" [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️402)
- pengwynn/flint - Check your project for common sources of contributor friction. [MIT License] (⭐️1140)
- Permify/permify - An open-source authorization as a service inspired by Google Zanzibar, designed to build and manage fine-grained and scalable authorization systems for any application. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️5259)
- pingcap/tidb - TiDB - the open-source, cloud-native, distributed SQL database designed for modern applications. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️38034)
- pingcap/tiflow - This repo maintains DM (a data migration platform) and TiCDC (change data capture for TiDB) [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️431)
- plandex-ai/plandex - Open source AI coding agent. Designed for large tasks and real world project. [GNU AGPLv3] (⭐️11181)
- pomerium/pomerium - Pomerium is an identity and context-aware access proxy. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️4166)
- Praqma/helmsman - Helm Charts as Code [MIT License] (⭐️1442)
- project-copacetic/copacetic - 🧵 CLI tool for directly patching container images! [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️1143)
- projectcapsule/capsule - Multi-tenancy and policy-based framework for Kubernetes. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️1761)
- projectdiscovery/asnmap - Go CLI and Library for quickly mapping organization network ranges using ASN information. [MIT License] (⭐️831)
- projectdiscovery/cloudlist - Cloudlist is a tool for listing Assets from multiple Cloud Providers. [MIT License] (⭐️909)
- projectdiscovery/httpx - httpx is a fast and multi-purpose HTTP toolkit that allows running multiple probes using the retryablehttp library. [MIT License] (⭐️8171)
- projectdiscovery/katana - A next-generation crawling and spidering framework. [MIT License] (⭐️13123)
- projectdiscovery/naabu - A fast port scanner written in go with a focus on reliability and simplicity. Designed to be used in combination with other tools for attack surface discovery in bug bounties and pentests [MIT License] (⭐️4999)
- projectdiscovery/nuclei - Nuclei is a fast, customizable vulnerability scanner powered by the global security community and built on a simple YAML-based DSL, enabling collaboration to tackle trending vulnerabilities on the internet. It helps you find vulnerabilities in your applications, APIs, networks, DNS, and cloud configurations. [MIT License] (⭐️22417)
- projectdiscovery/openrisk - openrisk is a tool that generates a risk score based on the results of a Nuclei scan. [MIT License] (⭐️167)
- projectdiscovery/public-bugbounty-programs - Community curated list of public bug bounty and responsible disclosure programs. [MIT License] (⭐️1100)
- projectdiscovery/subfinder - Fast passive subdomain enumeration tool. [MIT License] (⭐️11231)
- projectdiscovery/urlfinder - A high-speed tool for passively gathering URLs, optimized for efficient and comprehensive web asset discovery without active scanning. [MIT License] (⭐️544)
- prometheus-community/yet-another-cloudwatch-exporter - Prometheus exporter for AWS CloudWatch - Discovers services through AWS tags, gets CloudWatch metrics data and provides them as Prometheus metrics with AWS tags as labels [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️1038)
- prometheus/pushgateway - Push acceptor for ephemeral and batch jobs. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️3104)
- protobom/protobom - A universal SBOM representation in protocol buffers [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️279)
- ProtonMail/go-crypto - Fork of go/x/crypto, providing an up-to-date OpenPGP implementation [Modified BSD License] (⭐️357)
- ProtonMail/gopenpgp - A high-level OpenPGP library [MIT License] (⭐️1105)
- publicsuffix/list - The Public Suffix List [Mozilla Public License 2.0] (⭐️2269)
- qdm12/gluetun - VPN client in a thin Docker container for multiple VPN providers, written in Go, and using OpenVPN or Wireguard, DNS over TLS, with a few proxy servers built-in. [MIT License] (⭐️9145)
- quay/clair - Vulnerability Static Analysis for Containers [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️10524)
- quickwit-oss/quickwit-datasource - Quickwit data source for Grafana [GNU AGPLv3] (⭐️52)
- r2d4/mockerfile - A proof-of-concept alternative frontend for buildkit (⭐️82)
- rebuy-de/aws-nuke - Nuke a whole AWS account and delete all its resources. [MIT License] (⭐️5764) Archived!
- reproducible-containers/buildkit-nix - Nix derivations as Dockerfiles (
docker build -f default.nix .
) [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️172) - restic/restic - Fast, secure, efficient backup program [BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License] (⭐️27810)
- reviewdog/reviewdog - 🐶 Automated code review tool integrated with any code analysis tools regardless of programming language [MIT License] (⭐️8196)
- rhysd/dot-github - .github directory generator [MIT License] (⭐️252)
- rhysd/github-clone-all - Clone (~1000) repos matched to query on GitHub using Search API [MIT License] (⭐️89)
- rhysd/go-github-selfupdate - Binary self-update mechanism for Go commands using GitHub [MIT License] (⭐️611)
- rivian/delta-go - [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️69)
- rogchap/v8go - Execute JavaScript from Go [Modified BSD License] (⭐️3293)
- rootless-containers/rootlesskit - Linux-native "fake root" for implementing rootless containers [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️1042)
- RoseSecurity/Terramaid - A utility for generating Mermaid diagrams from Terraform configurations [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️303)
- runatlantis/atlantis - Terraform Pull Request Automation [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️8085)
- runfinch/finch - The Finch CLI is an open source client for container development [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️3650)
- runreveal/pql - Pipelined Query Language [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️647)
- runreveal/sigmalite - [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️40)
- rverst/stargazer - Stargazer creates a sorted list of your stared GitHub repositories - your personal awesome-list. [MIT License] (⭐️45)
- safedep/vet - Policy driven vetting of open source packages with malicious code analysis [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️271)
- SAP/cloud-active-defense - Add a layer of active defense to your cloud applications. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️89)
- schemahero/schemahero - A Kubernetes operator for declarative database schema management (gitops for database schemas) [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️1026)
- sclevine/yj - CLI - Convert between YAML, TOML, JSON, and HCL. Preserves map order. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️986)
- SecurityRunners/awsdocs - Repository to archive AWS Documentation for local use (⭐️41)
- self-actuated/actions-usage - Find your total usage on GitHub Actions [MIT License] (⭐️183)
- sgarlick987/terraform-provider-divvycloud - Terraform provider for configuring Divvycloud https://divvycloud.com/ [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️1)
- shabarkin/aws-enumerator - The AWS Enumerator was created for service enumeration and info dumping for investigations of penetration testers during Black-Box testing. The tool is intended to speed up the process of Cloud review in case the security researcher compromised AWS Account Credentials. [GNU GPLv3] (⭐️199)
- shono-io/nats-ai - A nats micro service interacting with Ollama [MIT License] (⭐️17)
- siderolabs/talos - Talos Linux is a modern Linux distribution built for Kubernetes. [Mozilla Public License 2.0] (⭐️7563)
- sigstore/cosign - Code signing and transparency for containers and binaries [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️4752)
- sigstore/fulcio - Sigstore OIDC PKI [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️686)
- sigstore/gitsign - Keyless Git signing using Sigstore (⭐️972)
- sigstore/rekor - Software Supply Chain Transparency Log [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️941)
- slashdevops/idp-scim-sync - Keep your AWS Single Sign-On (SSO) groups and users in sync with your Google Workspace directory [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️93)
- slimtoolkit/slim - Slim(toolkit): Don't change anything in your container image and minify it by up to 30x (and for compiled languages even more) making it secure too! (free and open source) [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️21168)
- slingdata-io/sling-cli - Sling is a CLI tool that extracts data from a source storage/database and loads it in a target storage/database. [GNU GPLv3] (⭐️515)
- slsa-framework/slsa-github-generator - Language-agnostic SLSA provenance generation for Github Actions [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️450)
- Snowflake-Labs/sansshell - A non-interactive daemon for host management [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️104)
- snowflakedb/gosnowflake - Go Snowflake Driver [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️315)
- snyk/policy-engine - Unified Policy Engine [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️49)
- sourcegraph/conc - Better structured concurrency for go [MIT License] (⭐️9735)
- spiffe/spire - The SPIFFE Runtime Environment [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️1882)
- stackrox/stackrox - The StackRox Kubernetes Security Platform performs a risk analysis of the container environment, delivers visibility and runtime alerts, and provides recommendations to proactively improve security by hardening the environment. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️1146)
- stakpak/devx - A tool for generating, validating & sharing all your configurations, powered by CUE. Works with Kubernetes, Terraform, Compose, GitHub actions and much more... [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️180)
- storj/ipfs-go-ds-storj - Storj datastore for IPFS [MIT License] (⭐️16)
- storj/ipfs-user-mapping-proxy - [GNU AGPLv3] (⭐️2)
- storj/storj - Ongoing Storj v3 development. Decentralized cloud object storage that is affordable, easy to use, private, and secure. [GNU AGPLv3] (⭐️3071)
- storj/terraform-provider-storj - A Terraform provider for the Storj ecosystem. [MIT License] (⭐️8)
- storj/uplink - Storj network Go library [MIT License] (⭐️124)
- stripe/stripe-cli - A command-line tool for Stripe [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️1674)
- strongdm/comply - Compliance automation framework, focused on SOC2 [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️1347)
- StyraInc/regal - Regal is a linter and language server for Rego, bringing your policy development experience to the next level! [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️286)
- superfly/flyctl - Command line tools for fly.io services [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️1483)
- synfinatic/aws-sso-cli - A powerful tool for using AWS Identity Center for the CLI and web console. [GNU GPLv3] (⭐️505)
- tailscale/tailscale - The easiest, most secure way to use WireGuard and 2FA. [Modified BSD License] (⭐️21271)
- tailscale/terraform-provider-tailscale - Terraform provider for Tailscale [MIT License] (⭐️279)
- taubyte/tau - Open source distributed Platform as a Service (PaaS). A self-hosted Vercel / Netlify / Cloudflare alternative. [Modified BSD License] (⭐️3749)
- temporalio/temporal - Temporal service [MIT License] (⭐️13160)
- temporalio/ui-server - Golang Server for https://github.com/temporalio/ui [MIT License] (⭐️77)
- termkit/gama - Manage your GitHub Actions from Terminal with great UI 🧪 [GNU GPLv3] (⭐️323)
- terraform-docs/terraform-docs - Generate documentation from Terraform modules in various output formats [MIT License] (⭐️4378)
- terraform-linters/tflint - A Pluggable Terraform Linter [Mozilla Public License 2.0] (⭐️5143)
- terralist/terralist - Terraform Private Registry for modules and providers manageable from a REST API [Mozilla Public License 2.0] (⭐️365)
- thanos-io/thanos - Highly available Prometheus setup with long term storage capabilities. A CNCF Incubating project. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️13340)
- thousandeyes/shoelaces - A tool for painless server bootstraping [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️112)
- tidbcloud/terraform-provider-tidbcloud - Terraform TiDB Cloud Provider: Manage TiDB Cloud configurations as code through HashiCorp Terraform [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️7)
- tinkerbell/smee - DHCP and iPXE Server [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️300)
- tofuutils/tenv - OpenTofu / Terraform / Terragrunt and Atmos version manager [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️878)
- tomnomnom/gron - Make JSON greppable! [MIT License] (⭐️14024)
- tonistiigi/binfmt - Cross-platform emulator collection distributed with Docker images. [MIT License] (⭐️1074)
- tractordev/wanix - Experimental, local-first, web-native, Unix-like development environment [MIT License] (⭐️250)
- traefik/traefik - The Cloud Native Application Proxy [MIT License] (⭐️53527)
- treeverse/lakeFS - lakeFS - Data version control for your data lake | Git for data [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️4562)
- triggermesh/triggermesh - TriggerMesh is the open-source AWS EventBridge alternative. It provides a unified eventing experience, a developer-friendly CLI, and runs on Docker or natively on Kubernetes. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️602) Archived!
- trufflesecurity/trufflehog - Find, verify, and analyze leaked credentials [GNU AGPLv3] (⭐️18327)
- tsenart/vegeta - HTTP load testing tool and library. It's over 9000! [MIT License] (⭐️24026)
- turbot/steampipe - Zero-ETL, infinite possibilities. Live query APIs, code & more with SQL. No DB required. [GNU AGPLv3] (⭐️7221)
- turbot/steampipe-plugin-cloudflare - Use SQL to instantly query accounts, zones and more from Cloudflare. Open source CLI. No DB required. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️10)
- turbot/steampipe-plugin-fastly - Use SQL to instantly query services, ACLs and more from Fastly. Open source CLI. No DB required. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️4)
- turbot/tailpipe - select * from logs; Tailpipe is an open source SIEM for instant log insights, powered by DuckDB. Analyze millions of events in seconds, right from your terminal. [GNU AGPLv3] (⭐️347)
- u-root/u-root - A fully Go userland with Linux bootloaders! u-root can create a one-binary root file system (initramfs) containing a busybox-like set of tools written in Go. [Modified BSD License] (⭐️2692)
- Ullaakut/nmap - Idiomatic nmap library for go developers [MIT License] (⭐️956)
- VictoriaMetrics/VictoriaMetrics - VictoriaMetrics: fast, cost-effective monitoring solution and time series database [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️13337)
- wader/fq - jq for binary formats - tool, language and decoders for working with binary and text formats (⭐️9949)
- warpstreamlabs/bento - Fancy stream processing made operationally mundane. This repository is a fork of the original project before the license was changed. (⭐️1313)
- wavetermdev/waveterm - An open-source, cross-platform terminal for seamless workflows [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️9579)
- werf/werf - A solution for implementing efficient and consistent software delivery to Kubernetes facilitating best practices. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️4336)
- williammartin/gh-exact - Dump and Restore your gh extensions (⭐️3)
- wolfeidau/aws-billing-store - This project automates setup of Cost and Usage Reports (CUR) in a billing account with an Athena table enabling querying of the latest data for each month. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️12)
- writefreely/writefreely - A clean, Markdown-based publishing platform made for writers. Write together and build a community. [GNU AGPLv3] (⭐️4670)
- xo/usql - Universal command-line interface for SQL databases [MIT License] (⭐️9249)
- yarlson/ftl - FTL: faster than light deployment [MIT License] (⭐️382)
- yusufcanb/tlm - Local CLI Copilot, powered by Ollama. 💻🦙 [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️1380)
- spinnaker/rosco - A bakery for deployable images [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️91)
- ahl/terrassert - Simple Terraform module for asserting value equality [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️10)
- AndrewGuenther/fck-nat - Feasible cost konfigurable NAT: An AWS NAT Instance AMI [MIT License] (⭐️1493)
- aws-observability/terraform-aws-observability-accelerator - Open source project to help accelerate and ease observability setup on AWS environments [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️297)
- chainguard-dev/terraform-infra-common - A repository containing a collection of "glue" modules for encapsulating common Cloud Run patterns. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️17)
- ChaserSystems/terraform-aws-discriminat-gwlb - HTTPS, TLS, SSH, SFTP micro-segmentation firewall to filter VPC egress by hostnames. Architecture with Gateway Load Balancer (GWLB) VPC Endpoints for Private Subnets' route table entries to the Internet. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️3)
- databricks/terraform-aws-tabular-storage-profile - [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️2)
- easttimor/aws-incident-response - [MIT License] (⭐️370)
- Frichetten/SneakyEndpoints - Hide from the InstanceCredentialExfiltration GuardDuty finding by using VPC Endpoints (⭐️113)
- hashicorp/terraform-provider-awscc - Terraform AWS Cloud Control provider [Mozilla Public License 2.0] (⭐️275)
- jeromegamez/terraform-digitalocean-fastmail-records - A terraform module to provision DigitalOcean with DNS records for FastMail. [MIT License] (⭐️3)
- masterpointio/terraform-aws-tailscale - Terraform module to provision a Tailscale Subnet Router into your AWS VPC [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️44)
- ncc-erik-steringer/Aerides - An implementation of infrastructure-as-code scanning using dynamic tooling. [MIT License] (⭐️56)
- nccgroup/sadcloud - A tool for standing up (and tearing down!) purposefully insecure cloud infrastructure [GNU AGPLv3] (⭐️683)
- nicolai86/awesome-codepipeline-ci - an AWS CodePipeline, AWS CodeBuild, AWS APIGateway & AWS Lambda CI [MIT License] (⭐️112) Archived!
- nicor88/dbt-serverless - Run dbt serverless in the Cloud (AWS) [MIT License] (⭐️41)
- primeharbor/org-kickstart - Kickstart and manage your AWS Organization via Terraform [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️84)
- rayalex/spark-databricks-observability - Monitoring Databricks using Prometheus, Grafana and Pyroscope [MIT License] (⭐️18)
- richardfan1126/aws-clean-rooms-lab - This lab will walk you through the setup of AWS Clean Rooms and try its different features. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️5)
- SecurityRunners/CloudCommotion - Cloud Commotion intends to cause chaos to simulate security incidents [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️145)
- tfutils/tfscaffold - [MIT License] (⭐️265)
- transcend-io/terragrunt-atlantis-config - Generate Atlantis config for Terragrunt projects. [MIT License] (⭐️656)
- wderezin/terraform-aws-route53-fastmail - Setups an AWS Route 53 zone for fastmail with needed MX, SPF, and TXT resources. [MIT License] (⭐️3)
- WithSecureLabs/cloud-security-vm - Ansible/Vagrant/Packer files to create a virtual machine with the tooling needed to perform cloud security assessments [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️138)
- yanilov/control-tags - Scalable integrity framework for ABAC on AWS [MIT License] (⭐️39)
- all-contributors/all-contributors - ✨ Recognize all contributors, not just the ones who push code ✨ [MIT License] (⭐️7789)
- amazonlinux/amazon-linux-2023 - Amazon Linux 2023 (⭐️554)
- corazawaf/coraza-playground - Playground for coraza engine [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️3)
- datacontract/datacontract-specification - The Data Contract Specification Repository [MIT License] (⭐️322)
- DefectDojo/django-DefectDojo - DevSecOps, ASPM, Vulnerability Management. All on one platform. [Modified BSD License] (⭐️3910)
- drduh/YubiKey-Guide - Guide to using YubiKey for GnuPG and SSH [MIT License] (⭐️11508)
- KinesisCorporation/Adv360-Pro-GUI - Keymap Editor for the Advantage360 Pro with ZMK [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️23)
- madhuakula/kubernetes-goat - Kubernetes Goat is a "Vulnerable by Design" cluster environment to learn and practice Kubernetes security using an interactive hands-on playground 🚀 [MIT License] (⭐️4642)
- microsoft/language-server-protocol - Defines a common protocol for language servers. [Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International] (⭐️11593)
- NorthwoodsSoftware/GoJS - JavaScript diagramming library for interactive flowcharts, org charts, design tools, planning tools, visual languages. (⭐️7999)
- observablehq/plot - A concise API for exploratory data visualization implementing a layered grammar of graphics [ISC License] (⭐️4611)
- phil-opp/blog_os - Writing an OS in Rust [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️16230)
- ptwobrussell/Mining-the-Social-Web-2nd-Edition - The official online compendium for Mining the Social Web, 2nd Edition (O'Reilly, 2013) (⭐️2900)
- schemaorg/schemaorg - Schema.org - schemas and supporting software [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️5519)
- shellcromancer/audit-log-wall-of-shame - Audit log wall of shame. [GNU GPLv3] (⭐️41)
- sonic-net/SONiC - Landing page for Software for Open Networking in the Cloud (SONiC) - https://sonic-net.github.io/SONiC/ (⭐️2383)
- tiki-deprecated/website-home - An amalgamation of code and projects designed to improve a developer's experience with TIKI [MIT License] (⭐️9) Archived!
- tylert/pocorgtfo - International Journal of Proof-of-Concept or Get The F*** Out (PoC||GTFO or PoC or GTFO) (⭐️184)
- Veykril/tlborm - The Little Book of Rust Macros (updated fork) [MIT License] (⭐️792)
- windmill-labs/windmill - Open-source developer platform to power your entire infra and turn scripts into webhooks, workflows and UIs. Fastest workflow engine (13x vs Airflow). Open-source alternative to Retool and Temporal. (⭐️12398)
- Politiwatch/privacyspy - Rating privacy policies for convenience & accountability. [GNU GPLv3] (⭐️117)
- hadolint/hadolint - Dockerfile linter, validate inline bash, written in Haskell [GNU GPLv3] (⭐️10738)
- hstreamdb/hstream - HStreamDB is an open-source, cloud-native streaming database for IoT and beyond. Modernize your data stack for real-time applications. [Modified BSD License] (⭐️721)
- PostgREST/postgrest - REST API for any Postgres database [MIT License] (⭐️24772)
- upptime/upptime - ⬆️ GitHub Actions uptime monitor & status page by @AnandChowdhary [MIT License] (⭐️15929)
- akto-api-security/akto - Proactive, Open source API security → API discovery, API Security Posture, Testing in CI/CD, Test Library with 1000+ Tests, Add custom tests, Sensitive data exposure [MIT License] (⭐️1209)
- alibaba/fluss - Fluss is a streaming storage built for real-time analytics. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️1040)
- Alluxio/alluxio - Alluxio, data orchestration for analytics and machine learning in the cloud [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️6943)
- apache/amoro - Apache Amoro (incubating) is a Lakehouse management system built on open data lake formats. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️928)
- apache/calcite - Apache Calcite [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️4750)
- apache/doris - Apache Doris is an easy-to-use, high performance and unified analytics database. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️13270)
- apache/gravitino - World's most powerful open data catalog for building a high-performance, geo-distributed and federated metadata lake. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️1360)
- apache/iceberg - Apache Iceberg [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️6977)
- apache/incubator-xtable - Apache XTable (incubating) is a cross-table converter for lakehouse table formats that facilitates interoperability across data processing systems and query engines. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️990)
- apache/nifi - Apache NiFi [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️5136)
- apache/paimon - Apache Paimon is a lake format that enables building a Realtime Lakehouse Architecture with Flink and Spark for both streaming and batch operations. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️2662)
- apache/pinot - Apache Pinot - A realtime distributed OLAP datastore [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️5654)
- apache/pulsar - Apache Pulsar - distributed pub-sub messaging system [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️14467)
- AutoMQ/automq - AutoMQ is a cloud-native alternative to Kafka by decoupling durability to S3 and EBS. 10x Cost-Effective. No Cross-AZ Traffic Cost. Autoscale in seconds. Single-digit ms latency. (⭐️4352)
- awsdocs/aws-doc-sdk-examples - Welcome to the AWS Code Examples Repository. This repo contains code examples used in the AWS documentation, AWS SDK Developer Guides, and more. For more information, see the Readme.md file below. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️9863)
- awslabs/aws-athena-query-federation - The Amazon Athena Query Federation SDK allows you to customize Amazon Athena with your own data sources and code. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️572)
- awslabs/s3-tables-catalog - The Amazon S3 Tables catalog is a client library that bridges control plane operations provided by S3 Tables to engines like Apache Spark, Flink and others, when used with the Iceberg Table format [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️104)
- BlinkReceipt/blinkreceipt-android - [MIT License] (⭐️50)
- checkstyle/checkstyle - Checkstyle is a development tool to help programmers write Java code that adheres to a coding standard. By default it supports the Google Java Style Guide and Sun Code Conventions, but is highly configurable. It can be invoked with an ANT task and a command line program. [GNU LGPLv2.1] (⭐️8491)
- codecentric/serverless-astra-graalvm - Sample serverless order processing API using DataStax Astra Serverless and AWS Lambda. (⭐️1)
- databricks/iceberg-aws-ext - (⭐️3)
- databricks/iceberg-kafka-connect - [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️238)
- databricks/iceberg-rest-image - Simple project to expose a catalog over REST using a Java catalog backend [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️128)
- datahub-project/datahub - The Metadata Platform for your Data and AI Stack [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️10369)
- debezium/debezium - Change data capture for a variety of databases. Please log issues at https://issues.redhat.com/browse/DBZ. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️11133)
- elastic/elasticsearch - Free and Open Source, Distributed, RESTful Search Engine (⭐️71874)
- elastic/logstash - Logstash - transport and process your logs, events, or other data (⭐️14368)
- formkiq/lambda-runtime-graalvm - Lambda Runtime using Graalvm [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️19)
- freeplane/freeplane - Application for Mind Mapping, Knowledge Management, Project Management. Develop, organize and communicate your ideas and knowledge in the most effective way. [GNU GPLv2] (⭐️2881)
- freeplane/freeplane-server - (⭐️12)
- haifengl/smile - Statistical Machine Intelligence & Learning Engine (⭐️6123)
- IBM/java-iceberg-toolkit - Java implementation for performing operations on Apache Iceberg and Hive tables [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️20)
- JabRef/jabref - Graphical Java application for managing BibTeX and biblatex (.bib) databases [MIT License] (⭐️3778)
- jtablesaw/tablesaw - Java dataframe and visualization library [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️3603)
- kestra-io/kestra - ⚡ Workflow Automation Platform. Orchestrate & Schedule code in any language, run anywhere, 500+ plugins. Alternative to Zapier, Rundeck, Camunda, Airflow... [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️16362)
- linkedin/datahub-gma - General Metadata Architecture [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️123)
- linkedin/openhouse - Open Control Plane for Tables in Data Lakehouse [BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License] (⭐️329)
- logicalclocks/hopsworks - Hopsworks - Data-Intensive AI platform with a Feature Store [GNU AGPLv3] (⭐️1202)
- MarquezProject/marquez - Collect, aggregate, and visualize a data ecosystem's metadata [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️1852)
- microsoft/typespec - [MIT License] (⭐️4800)
- Netflix/maestro - Maestro: Netflix’s Workflow Orchestrator [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️3409)
- odpi/egeria - Egeria core [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️828)
- OpenAPITools/openapi-generator - OpenAPI Generator allows generation of API client libraries (SDK generation), server stubs, documentation and configuration automatically given an OpenAPI Spec (v2, v3) [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️22979)
- OpenLineage/OpenLineage - An Open Standard for lineage metadata collection [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️1866)
- PacoVK/tapir - A Private Terraform Registry [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️214)
- projectnessie/nessie - Nessie: Transactional Catalog for Data Lakes with Git-like semantics [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️1150)
- questdb/questdb - QuestDB is a high performance, open-source, time-series database [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️14940)
- qw3rtman/jbin - 📦 Java Binary Executables [MIT License] (⭐️17)
- ShiftLeftSecurity/Benchmark - OWASP Benchmark is a test suite designed to verify the speed and accuracy of software vulnerability detection tools. [GNU GPLv2] (⭐️4)
- smithy-lang/smithy - Smithy is a protocol-agnostic interface definition language and set of tools for generating clients, servers, and documentation for any programming language. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️1889)
- SpencerPark/IJava - A Jupyter kernel for executing Java code. [MIT License] (⭐️1135)
- sqlancer/sqlancer - Automated testing to find logic and performance bugs in database systems [MIT License] (⭐️1549)
- StarRocks/starrocks - The world's fastest open query engine for sub-second analytics both on and off the data lakehouse. With the flexibility to support nearly any scenario, StarRocks provides best-in-class performance for multi-dimensional analytics, real-time analytics, and ad-hoc queries. A Linux Foundation project. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️9631)
- strimzi/strimzi-kafka-bridge - An HTTP bridge for Apache Kafka® [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️297)
- strimzi/strimzi-kafka-operator - Apache Kafka® running on Kubernetes [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️5131)
- supertokens/supertokens-core - Open source alternative to Auth0 / Firebase Auth / AWS Cognito (⭐️13892)
- tiki-deprecated/l0-registry - A registry of N TIKI addresses mapped to customer-specified user_ids [MIT License] (⭐️2) Archived!
- tiki-deprecated/l0-storage - Long-term (10+ years) immutable (WORM) low-frequency backup via a shared, cloud-hosted bucket. [MIT License] (⭐️2) Archived!
- tiki-deprecated/tiki-catalog - A searchable index of chains, blocks, and transactions on the TIKI network. [MIT License] (⭐️3) Archived!
- tinylog-org/tinylog - tinylog is a lightweight logging framework for Java, Kotlin, Scala, and Android [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️728)
- trinodb/trino - Official repository of Trino, the distributed SQL query engine for big data, formerly known as PrestoSQL (https://trino.io) [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️10944)
- zillow/sqs-log4j-handler - A log4j handler for sending log data to AWS SQS queue [MIT License] (⭐️5)
- zinggAI/zingg - Scalable identity resolution, entity resolution, data mastering and deduplication using ML [GNU AGPLv3] (⭐️984)
- 11ty/eleventy - A simpler site generator. Transforms a directory of templates (of varying types) into HTML. [MIT License] (⭐️17744)
- adobe/aio-theme - The Adobe I/O theme for building markdown powered sites [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️71)
- adobe/ferrum - Features from the rust language in javascript: Provides Traits/Type classes & a hashing infrastructure and an advanced library for working with sequences/iterators in js [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️521)
- archiewood/evidence-connector-s3 - Evidence data source plugin for S3 [MIT License] (⭐️5)
- Authress-Engineering/openapi-explorer - OpenAPI Web component to generate a UI from the spec. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️322)
- automatisch/automatisch - The open source Zapier alternative. Build workflow automation without spending time and money. (⭐️8438)
- automerge/automerge - A JSON-like data structure (a CRDT) that can be modified concurrently by different users, and merged again automatically. [MIT License] (⭐️4520)
- awslabs/llrt - LLRT (Low Latency Runtime) is an experimental, lightweight JavaScript runtime designed to address the growing demand for fast and efficient Serverless applications. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️8271)
- bhushankummar/amazon-mws - Amazon MWS NodeJS Wrapper [MIT License] (⭐️197)
- bigskysoftware/htmx - </> htmx - high power tools for HTML (⭐️43796)
- BourAbdelhadi/awsviz - (⭐️69)
- brijeshb42/monaco-vim - VIM keybindings for monaco editor [MIT License] (⭐️304)
- cdnexperts/cdnselector - CDN Selector allows you seemlessly switch between multiple CDNS [GNU GPLv3] (⭐️23)
- cla-assistant/cla-assistant - Contributor License Agreement assistant (CLA assistant) [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️1377)
- cloudflare/api-schemas - [Modified BSD License] (⭐️103)
- crubier/react-graph-vis - A react component to render nice graphs using vis.js [MIT License] (⭐️971)
- CVEProject/cve-services - This repo contains the source for the CVE Services API. [Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal] (⭐️164)
- CycloneDX/gh-python-generate-sbom - GitHub action to generate a CycloneDX SBOM for Python [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️14)
- DataDog/HASH - HASH (HTTP Agnostic Software Honeypot) [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️137)
- DavidAnson/markdownlint - A Node.js style checker and lint tool for Markdown/CommonMark files. [MIT License] (⭐️5013)
- devcontainers/images - Repository for pre-built dev container images published under mcr.microsoft.com/devcontainers [MIT License] (⭐️1476)
- dollarshaveclub/cloudworker - Run Cloudflare Worker scripts locally [MIT License] (⭐️518) Archived!
- draios/sysdig-inspect - Sysdig Inspect - A powerful opensource interface for container troubleshooting and security investigation (⭐️982)
- drawdb-io/drawdb - Free, simple, and intuitive online database diagram editor and SQL generator. [GNU AGPLv3] (⭐️25623)
- ecomfe/vue-echarts - Vue.js component for Apache ECharts™. [MIT License] (⭐️9970)
- EmNudge/watlings - Learn WebAssembly by writing small programs! [The Unlicense] (⭐️1639)
- Everduin94/better-commits - A CLI for creating better commits following the conventional commits specification [MIT License] (⭐️2153)
- evidence-dev/evidence - Business intelligence as code: build fast, interactive data visualizations in SQL and markdown [MIT License] (⭐️4898)
- fharper/coffeechat - List of awesome people offering their time for free to have a "coffee chat" with others about different topics, mostly in a mentorship kind of way. [The Unlicense] (⭐️356)
- firebase/functions-samples - Collection of sample apps showcasing popular use cases using Cloud Functions for Firebase [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️12106)
- firewalla/firewalla - http://firewalla.com [GNU AGPLv3] (⭐️567)
- flosell/iam-policy-json-to-terraform - Small tool to convert an IAM Policy in JSON format into a Terraform aws_iam_policy_document [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️785)
- FokkeZB/J2M - Convert from JIRA text formatting to GitHub Flavored MarkDown and back again (⭐️268) Archived!
- gabrielkoo/aws-iam-identity-center-shortcut-portal - A web-based interface for managing shortcuts to AWS IAM Identity Center access roles. [MIT License] (⭐️1)
- get-alex/alex - Catch insensitive, inconsiderate writing [MIT License] (⭐️4857)
- gethomepage/homepage - A highly customizable homepage (or startpage / application dashboard) with Docker and service API integrations. [GNU GPLv3] (⭐️22058)
- grocy/grocy - ERP beyond your fridge - Grocy is a web-based self-hosted groceries & household management solution for your home [MIT License] (⭐️7263)
- iann0036/aws-account-controller - Self-service creation and deletion of sandbox-style accounts. [MIT License] (⭐️345)
- iann0036/aws.permissions.cloud - A crowdsourced AWS IAM permissions reference. [MIT License] (⭐️91)
- iann0036/former2 - Generate CloudFormation / Terraform / Troposphere templates from your existing AWS resources. [MIT License] (⭐️2277)
- jay-khatri/GitStub - Github API Usage [MIT License] (⭐️10)
- juice-shop/juice-shop-ctf - Tool to export Juice Shop challenges and hints in data format compatible with CTFd, RootTheBox or FBCTF [MIT License] (⭐️417)
- ks888/LambStatus - [Maintenance mode] Serverless Status Page System [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️1300) Archived!
- lowlighter/metrics - 📊 An infographics generator with 30+ plugins and 300+ options to display stats about your GitHub account and render them as SVG, Markdown, PDF or JSON! [MIT License] (⭐️14382)
- mailvelope/keyserver - A simple OpenPGP public key server that validates email address ownership of uploaded keys. [GNU AGPLv3] (⭐️429)
- maintainers/invite-automation - Instructions repo to join the Maintainers Organization [ISC License] (⭐️269) Archived!
- microsoft/monaco-editor - A browser based code editor [MIT License] (⭐️41609)
- milesmcc/a17t - An atomic design toolkit for pragmatists [MIT License] (⭐️494)
- Mintplex-Labs/anything-llm - The all-in-one Desktop & Docker AI application with built-in RAG, AI agents, No-code agent builder, and more. [MIT License] (⭐️40091)
- mysticatea/npm-run-all - A CLI tool to run multiple npm-scripts in parallel or sequential. [MIT License] (⭐️5783)
- nathanejohnson/bhg - Code samples for No Starch Press Black Hat Go [MIT License] (⭐️1)
- nickcoutsos/star-projector - Project star patterns based on authentic astronomical catalogues onto polyhedra to generate laser cutting templates. (⭐️7) Archived!
- nightwatchjs/nightwatch - Integrated end-to-end testing framework written in Node.js and using W3C Webdriver API. Developed at @browserstack [MIT License] (⭐️11905)
- ntblk/whois-rdap - 📒 RDAP client library for RFC7482 IP address WHOIS lookups [MIT License] (⭐️40)
- observablehq/runtime - The reactive dataflow runtime that powers Observable Framework and Observable notebooks [ISC License] (⭐️1028)
- octokit/app-permissions - machine-readable, always up-to-date GitHub App permissions [MIT License] (⭐️12)
- octokit/graphql-action - A GitHub Action to send queries to GitHub's GraphQL API [MIT License] (⭐️127)
- octokit/graphql-schema - GitHub’s GraphQL Schema with validation. Automatically updated. [MIT License] (⭐️184)
- octokit/openapi - GitHub's official OpenAPI spec with Octokit extensions [MIT License] (⭐️43)
- octokit/request-action - A GitHub Action to send arbitrary requests to GitHub's REST API [MIT License] (⭐️386)
- onlywei/explain-git-with-d3 - Use D3 to visualize simple git branching operations. [MIT License] (⭐️1712)
- open-feature/community - OpenFeature project community and governance [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️97)
- open-sauced/open-sauced - 🍕 This is a project to identify your next open source contribution. [MIT License] (⭐️945) Archived!
- Opserva-io/auth-js - Authentication and authorization frontend, written in JavaScript using React (⭐️1)
- pbernasconi/plaid-app - Mobile application for discovering the Plaid API [MIT License] (⭐️18)
- pbernasconi/plaid-link-ionic-example - An example Ionic app using Plaid Link (⭐️15)
- pcottle/learnGitBranching - An interactive git visualization and tutorial. Aspiring students of git can use this app to educate and challenge themselves towards mastery of git! [MIT License] (⭐️31149)
- plaid/tiny-quickstart - A minimal quickstart demonstrating Plaid Link, Balance, and OAuth. This quickstart supports JavaScript, Typescript, Next.js, React, and React Native (⭐️90)
- Politiwatch/PrivacySpy-Extension - PrivacySpy's browser extension. Know how your data is being treated. [GNU GPLv3] (⭐️28)
- pop-os/cosmic - GNOME Shell extension. See cosmic-epoch for COSMIC Epoch [GNU GPLv3] (⭐️1298)
- priyank-purohit/PostGUI - A React web application to query and share any PostgreSQL database. [GNU GPLv3] (⭐️449)
- probot/adapter-aws-lambda-serverless - An extension for running Probot on Lambda [ISC License] (⭐️94)
- probot/commands - A Probot extension that adds slash commands to GitHub (⭐️65)
- probot/example-github-action - Probot & GitHub Action example [ISC License] (⭐️35)
- probot/invite - a GitHub App built with Probot for inviting users to an organization [ISC License] (⭐️25)
- probot/smee.io - ☁️📦 Webhook payload delivery service [MIT License] (⭐️369)
- projectdiscovery/nuclei-templates - Community curated list of templates for the nuclei engine to find security vulnerabilities. [MIT License] (⭐️9759)
- quarto-dev/quarto-cli - Open-source scientific and technical publishing system built on Pandoc. (⭐️4253)
- rapidfort/community-images - 💎 RapidFort hardened secure images [MIT License] (⭐️229)
- rehypejs/rehype-meta - plugin to add metadata to the head of a document [MIT License] (⭐️34)
- release-drafter/release-drafter - Drafts your next release notes as pull requests are merged into master. [ISC License] (⭐️3511)
- remarkjs/remark-lint - plugins to check (lint) markdown code style [MIT License] (⭐️966)
- repository-settings/app - Pull Requests for GitHub repository settings [ISC License] (⭐️964)
- resume/resume.github.com - Resumes generated using the GitHub informations (⭐️62286)
- retextjs/retext - natural language processor powered by plugins part of the @unifiedjs collective [MIT License] (⭐️2381)
- retextjs/retext-equality - plugin to check for possible insensitive, inconsiderate language [MIT License] (⭐️159)
- RReverser/wasm-bindgen-rayon - An adapter for enabling Rayon-based concurrency on the Web with WebAssembly. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️195)
- salesforce/cloudsplaining - Cloudsplaining is an AWS IAM Security Assessment tool that identifies violations of least privilege and generates a risk-prioritized report. [Modified BSD License] (⭐️2053)
- sanity-io/GROQ - Specification for GROQ - The Query Language for JSON [MIT License] (⭐️414)
- segmentio/aws-billing - An API to learn how much your AWS hosting costs every month (⭐️40) Archived!
- semantic-release/semantic-release - 📦🚀 Fully automated version management and package publishing [MIT License] (⭐️21542)
- serverlesspub/pandoc-aws-lambda-binary - pandoc precompiled binary for AWS Lambda with a Node.js wrapper (⭐️48)
- spiermar/d3-flame-graph - A D3.js plugin that produces flame graphs from hierarchical data. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️898)
- sqlite/sqlite-wasm - SQLite Wasm conveniently wrapped as an ES Module. (⭐️726)
- step-security/github-actions-goat - GitHub Actions Goat: Deliberately Vulnerable GitHub Actions CI/CD Environment [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️456)
- supplyshark/npm_poc - npm PoC packages [MIT License] (⭐️2)
- taubyte/dream - A local cloud for rapid development and testing. [Modified BSD License] (⭐️71)
- theburningmonk/hydrate-kinesis-dlq - How to hydrate Kinesis DLQs records [MIT License] (⭐️14)
- tigoe/hue-control - Instructions on controlling the Philips Hue Hub (⭐️184)
- tobilg/lsh - Run interactive shell commands on AWS Lambda [MIT License] (⭐️149)
- todogroup/repolinter - Repolinter, The Open Source Repository Linter [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️435)
- trustoncloud/api-change-log-for-aws - AWS SDK API changes published as a static site [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️5)
- unifiedjs/collective - How the unified collective is governed (⭐️62)
- unifiedjs/unified - ☔️ interface for parsing, inspecting, transforming, and serializing content through syntax trees [MIT License] (⭐️4620)
- unifiedjs/unified-diff - plugin to ignore unrelated CI messages [MIT License] (⭐️18)
- unifiedjs/unified-infer-git-meta - unified plugin to infer some
from Git [MIT License] (⭐️6) - uwdata/mosaic - An extensible framework for linking databases and interactive views. (⭐️955)
- vaaaaanquish/Awesome-Rust-MachineLearning - This repository is a list of machine learning libraries written in Rust. It's a compilation of GitHub repositories, blogs, books, movies, discussions, papers, etc. 🦀 [MIT License] (⭐️2064)
- visjs/vis-network - 💫 Display dynamic, automatically organised, customizable network views. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️3174)
- vitejs/awesome-vite - ⚡️ A curated list of awesome things related to Vite.js [MIT License] (⭐️15203)
- yjs/yjs - Shared data types for building collaborative software (⭐️18472)
- ytausch/serverless-discord-bot - A serverless Discord Bot template built for AWS Lambda based on Discord's slash commands and the slash-create library. [MIT License] (⭐️68)
- yu-iskw/convert-to-draft-action - A custom GitHub Action to convert a pull request to draft if all workflows aren't passed [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️2)
- zeke/california-license-plates - A silly tool to search the California DMV website for available custom license plate names. (⭐️20)
- pawamoy/copier-uv - Copier template for Python projects managed by uv. [ISC License] (⭐️67)
- saltstack/salt-extension - Tool to simplify the creation of a new salt extension | NOTE: This repository is archived! Community alternative: https://github.com/salt-extensions/salt-extension-copier [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️21) Archived!
- sdf-labs/materialization - Materialization library for SDF [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️8)
- serious-scaffold/ss-python - A Python Project Template for Long-Term Maintainability [MIT License] (⭐️93)
- monitoringartist/grafana-aws-cloudwatch-dashboards - ☁️ 40+ Grafana dashboards for AWS CloudWatch metrics: EC2, Lambda, S3, ELB, EMR, EBS, SNS, SES, SQS, RDS, EFS, ElastiCache, Billing, API Gateway, VPN, Step Functions, Route 53, CodeBuild, ... [GNU GPLv3] (⭐️2131)
- ahrm/UnstableFusion - A Stable Diffusion desktop frontend with inpainting, img2img and more! [GNU GPLv3] (⭐️1267)
- boilingdata/py-boilingdata - BoilingData Python client (e.g. with notebooks) (⭐️4)
- c-thiel/iceberg-authentication - Iceberg Authentication flows demonstration (⭐️2)
- carverauto/threadr - 🌎 OSS Real-time AI Data Analysis with GraphDB integration. 🔍 [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️19)
- CompVis/stable-diffusion - A latent text-to-image diffusion model (⭐️69811)
- Cyb3r-Monk/Threat-Hunting-and-Detection - Repository for threat hunting and detection queries, etc. for Defender for Endpoint and Microsoft Sentinel in KQL(Kusto Query Language). [Modified BSD License] (⭐️708)
- dagster-io/talks - (⭐️47)
- DAGWorks-Inc/hamilton - Hamilton helps data scientists and engineers define testable, modular, self-documenting dataflows, that encode lineage/tracing and metadata. Runs and scales everywhere python does. [Clear BSD] (⭐️2039)
- DataExpert-io/data-engineer-handbook - This is a repo with links to everything you'd ever want to learn about data engineering (⭐️26905)
- datonic/datadex - 📦 Serverless and local-first Open Data Platform [MIT License] (⭐️281)
- deepyaman/lichess-live-win-probability-tutorial - (⭐️4)
- delta-io/delta-examples - Delta Lake examples [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️217)
- elehcimd/mltraq - Track and Collaborate on ML & AI Experiments. [Modified BSD License] (⭐️40)
- fmind/mlops-python-package - Kickstart your MLOps initiative with a flexible, robust, and productive Python package. [MIT License] (⭐️1149)
- GoogleCloudPlatform/python-docs-samples - Code samples used on cloud.google.com [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️7606)
- huggingface/cookbook - Open-source AI cookbook [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️1894)
- jacovg91/modularizing-python-example - Example on how to modularize Python packages in Databricks. (⭐️3)
- js0nwu/webui - (⭐️111)
- jvns/pandas-cookbook - Recipes for using Python's pandas library (⭐️6745)
- k8sstormcenter/threatintel - Consume, analyse and create threatintelligence from your honey clusters [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️6) Archived!
- langchain-ai/langchain - 🦜🔗 Build context-aware reasoning applications [MIT License] (⭐️102361)
- NannyML/The-Little-Book-of-ML-Metrics - The book every data scientist needs on their desk. (⭐️917)
- nlmatics/llmsherpa - Developer APIs to Accelerate LLM Projects [MIT License] (⭐️1594)
- opensource-observer/insights - Insights and exploratory data analysis on the health of open source software ecosystems [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️26)
- pyannote/pyannote-audio - Neural building blocks for speaker diarization: speech activity detection, speaker change detection, overlapped speech detection, speaker embedding [MIT License] (⭐️6978)
- quantopian/pyfolio - Portfolio and risk analytics in Python [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️5847)
- RandomFractals/duckdb-sql-tools - DuckDB SQL Tools add DuckDB support to VSCode, and provide database schema and SQL query interfaces for the popular SQLTools extension, SQL query editor, language server, and data processing tools. (⭐️16)
- Silv3rHorn/GCP-IR-Notes - GCP IR Notes (⭐️3)
- TobikoData/sqlmesh-examples - SQLMesh example projects [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️27)
- tiki-deprecated/publish-sdk-android - TIKI SDK (Android) - Consumer Data Licensing [MIT License] (⭐️2) Archived!
- CopilotC-Nvim/CopilotChat.nvim - Chat with GitHub Copilot in Neovim [GNU GPLv3] (⭐️2279)
- jamestthompson3/nvim-remote-containers - Develop inside docker containers, just like VSCode (⭐️907)
- LazyVim/LazyVim - Neovim config for the lazy [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️19504)
- lspcontainers/lspcontainers.nvim - Neovim plugin for lspcontainers. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️320)
- LunarVim/LunarVim - 🌙 LunarVim is an IDE layer for Neovim. Completely free and community driven. [GNU GPLv3] (⭐️18671)
- nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim - Find, Filter, Preview, Pick. All lua, all the time. [MIT License] (⭐️16967)
- PedramNavid/dbtpal - Neovim plugin for dbt (⭐️114)
- yetone/avante.nvim - Use your Neovim like using Cursor AI IDE! [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️10730)
- Codesee-io/opensourcehub - Connecting contributors and maintainers and helping all onboard better. [MIT License] (⭐️21)
- matanolabs/matano-website - [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️4)
- badboy/makerust - Rust, but in a Makefile. (⭐️66)
- brimstone/pcd - How Appliances Should Be. (⭐️6)
- cilium/hubble - Hubble - Network, Service & Security Observability for Kubernetes using eBPF [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️3681)
- dbt-labs/dbt-utils - Utility functions for dbt projects. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️1468)
- mattgillard/spark-local-aws-demo - [MIT License] (⭐️9)
- nogibjj/rusty-deploy - MLOps Deploy Solutions with Rust [Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal] (⭐️36)
- open-telemetry/opentelemetry-specification - Specifications for OpenTelemetry [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️3826)
- Othniel155/shdataplatform - (⭐️2)
- pola-rs/polars-book - Book documentation of the Polars DataFrame library [MIT License] (⭐️187) Archived!
- runs-on/runs-on - Self-hosted GitHub Actions runners made simple. For AWS. 10x cheaper, 30% faster, and unlimited caching. Best alternative to Actions Runner Controller. [MIT License] (⭐️596)
- score-spec/spec - The Score Specification provides a developer-centric and platform-agnostic Workload specification to improve developer productivity and experience. It eliminates configuration inconsistencies between environments. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️7854)
- sigstore/root-signing - TUF repository for Sigstore trust root [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️95)
- target/make-python-devex - An example Python project using Make, Homebrew, pyenv, poetry, and other great tools [MIT No Attribution] (⭐️28)
- zoph-io/aws-security-survival-kit - Bare minimum AWS Security Alerting and Configuration [GNU GPLv3] (⭐️472)
- tldr-pages/tldr - 📚 Collaborative cheatsheets for console commands (⭐️53946)
- trinib/trinib - Don't just be a forker🔱...Hit that 🅂🆃🄰🆁⭐...........( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)-︻デ┳═ー - - - - - - - - - -💥¦̵̱ ̵̱ ̵̱ ̵̱ ̵̱(̢ ̡͇̅└͇̅┘͇̅ (▤8כ−◦My Profile........ Chess♟️ ◉═╬::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::⫸♚ ♛ ♜ ♝ ♞ ▓▒░🔴Connect Dot🟡░▒▓ 🌈☁️Word Cloud ≡͇͇͇͇͇҈҈҈҈≡͇͇͇͇͇͇͇͇͇͇҈҈҈҈≡͇͇͇͇͇͇͇͇͇͇͇͇͇͇͇҈҈҈҈≡͇͇͇͇͇͇͇͇͇͇͇͇͇͇͇͇͇͇͇͇҈҈҈҈≡͇͇͇͇͇͇͇͇͇͇͇͇͇͇͇͇͇͇͇͇͇͇͇͇͇҈҈҈҈≡͇͇͇͇͇͇ [Do What The Fck You Want To Public License*] (⭐️429)
- astro/microvm.nix - NixOS MicroVMs [MIT License] (⭐️1571)
- cachix/devenv - Fast, Declarative, Reproducible, and Composable Developer Environments [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️4907)
- edmondop/datafusion-comet-ami-builder - Tooling to build Apache DataFusion Comet AMI images for AWS EMR [MIT License] (⭐️7)
- dbuenzli/cmdliner - Declarative definition of command line interfaces for OCaml [ISC License] (⭐️301)
- facebook/infer - A static analyzer for Java, C, C++, and Objective-C [MIT License] (⭐️15129)
- leostera/minttea - A fun little TUI framework for OCaml [MIT License] (⭐️388)
- opengrep/opengrep - 🔎 Static code analysis engine to find security issues in code. [GNU LGPLv2.1] (⭐️1080)
- terrateamio/terrateam - Terrateam is an open-source GitOps CI/CD platform for automating infrastructure workflows. It integrates with GitHub to orchestrate Terraform, OpenTofu, CDKTF, Terragrunt, and Pulumi operations via pull requests. [Mozilla Public License 2.0] (⭐️606)
- google/santa - A binary authorization and monitoring system for macOS [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️4482) Archived!
- odin-lang/Odin - Odin Programming Language [Modified BSD License] (⭐️7863)
- open-policy-agent/library - The Open Policy Agent project standard library. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️97)
- adereth/dactyl-keyboard - Parameterized ergonomic keyboard [GNU AGPLv3] (⭐️2971)
- nickcoutsos/dactyl-deskmount - A dactyl inspired ergonomic keyboard attached to the front of my desk for a lower profile and more desk space. (⭐️69)
- p4lang/tutorials - P4 language tutorials [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️1436)
- akaunting/akaunting - Online Accounting Software (⭐️8398)
- BayshoreNetworks/l7secassay - assay gives users the ability to test the effectiveness of their WAF/Layer 7/Web Application Security solution(s) (⭐️15)
- digininja/DVWA - Damn Vulnerable Web Application (DVWA) [GNU GPLv3] (⭐️10760)
- firefly-iii/firefly-iii - Firefly III: a personal finances manager [GNU AGPLv3] (⭐️18288)
- MISP/MISP - MISP (core software) - Open Source Threat Intelligence and Sharing Platform [GNU AGPLv3] (⭐️5559)
- nextcloud/all-in-one - 📦 The official Nextcloud installation method. Provides easy deployment and maintenance with most features included in this one Nextcloud instance. [GNU AGPLv3] (⭐️6282)
- phpstan/phpstan - PHP Static Analysis Tool - discover bugs in your code without running it! [MIT License] (⭐️13246)
- pixelfed/pixelfed - Photo Sharing. For Everyone. [GNU AGPLv3] (⭐️6462)
- dmateusp/dbt-steampipe - dbt + steampipe playground (⭐️10)
- nuno-faria/tetris-sql - Using SQL's Turing Completeness to Build Tetris [MIT License] (⭐️944)
- tembo-io/pgmq - A lightweight message queue. Like AWS SQS and RSMQ but on Postgres. [PostgreSQL License] (⭐️3023)
- KinesisCorporation/SmartSetApps - SmartSet apps for keyboards, foots pedals and more [GNU GPLv3] (⭐️64)
- dafthack/DomainPasswordSpray - DomainPasswordSpray is a tool written in PowerShell to perform a password spray attack against users of a domain. By default it will automatically generate the userlist from the domain. BE VERY CAREFUL NOT TO LOCKOUT ACCOUNTS! [MIT License] (⭐️1844)
- JanDeDobbeleer/posh-with - Command prefixing for continuous workflow using a single tool. (⭐️71)
- microsoft/ARI - Azure Resource Inventory - It's a Powerful tool to create EXCEL inventory from Azure Resources with low effort [MIT License] (⭐️1215)
- microsoft/winget-pkgs - The Microsoft community Windows Package Manager manifest repository [MIT License] (⭐️9126)
- microsoft/winget-pkgs-submission-test - Mirror of winget-pkgs for testing submission [MIT License] (⭐️16)
- Orange-Cyberdefense/GOAD - game of active directory [GNU GPLv3] (⭐️6096)
- Romanitho/Winget-AutoUpdate - WAU daily updates apps as system and notify connected users. (Allowlist and Blocklist support) [MIT License] (⭐️1346)
- safebuffer/vulnerable-AD - Create a vulnerable active directory that's allowing you to test most of the active directory attacks in a local lab [MIT License] (⭐️2070)
- SpecterOps/BloodHound-Legacy - Six Degrees of Domain Admin [GNU GPLv3] (⭐️10074)
- syne0/osprey - Powershell Based tool for gathering information related to O365 intrusions and potential Breaches [MIT License] (⭐️13)
- abi/screenshot-to-code - Drop in a screenshot and convert it to clean code (HTML/Tailwind/React/Vue) [MIT License] (⭐️68858)
- agnivesh/endgame - An AWS Pentesting tool that lets you use one-liner commands to backdoor an AWS account's resources with a rogue AWS account - or share the resources with the entire internet 😈 [MIT License] (⭐️268)
- aio-libs/aiobotocore - asyncio support for botocore library using aiohttp [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️1251)
- ajm4n/adPEAS - winPEAS, but for Active Directory (⭐️147)
- akamai-contrib/Akamai-Account-Audit - This project is to create a site-audit tool for accessing Akamai related details. [MIT License] (⭐️7)
- akamai-contrib/swapi - Akamai OPEN API CLI wrapper [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️3)
- akamai/AkamaiOPEN-edgegrid-python - This library implements an Authentication handler for the Akamai OPEN EdgeGrid Authentication scheme [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️89)
- allenai/pawls - Software that makes labeling PDFs easy. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️406)
- amundsen-io/amundsen - Amundsen is a metadata driven application for improving the productivity of data analysts, data scientists and engineers when interacting with data. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️4518)
- anchore/yardstick - Compare vulnerability scanners results (to make them better!) [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️16)
- andfanilo/streamlit-echarts - A Streamlit component to render ECharts. [MIT License] (⭐️562)
- antitree/seccomp-diff - (⭐️66)
- apache/datafusion-python - Apache DataFusion Python Bindings [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️418)
- apache/iceberg-python - Apache PyIceberg [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️622)
- aquia-inc/scpkit - SCP management tool [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️131)
- ashkangoleh/pyiceberg-lakehouse - (⭐️5)
- asottile/all-repos - Clone all your repositories and apply sweeping changes. [MIT License] (⭐️562)
- asteroid-team/asteroid - The PyTorch-based audio source separation toolkit for researchers [MIT License] (⭐️2336)
- astral-sh/ruff-pre-commit - A pre-commit hook for Ruff. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️1156)
- Avaiga/taipy - Turns Data and AI algorithms into production-ready web applications in no time. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️17868)
- aws-cloudformation/aws-cloudformation-templates - A collection of useful CloudFormation templates [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️4817)
- aws-samples/amazon-cloudfront-with-s3-multi-region-access-points - [MIT No Attribution] (⭐️12)
- aws-samples/automated-role-entitlements-in-aws-iam-identity-center - This solution will help you automate user group assignment to permission sets in AWS IAM Identity center for accessing any or all AWS accounts in your organization via federated access following principles of least privilege. [MIT No Attribution] (⭐️21)
- aws-samples/aws-organized - [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️21)
- aws-samples/data-perimeter-helper - Data perimeter helper is a tool that helps you design and anticipate the impact of your data perimeter controls [MIT No Attribution] (⭐️15)
- aws-samples/monitoring-apache-iceberg-table-metadata-layer - Sample code to collect Apache Iceberg metrics for table monitoring [MIT No Attribution] (⭐️24)
- aws-samples/service-catalog-engine-for-terraform-os - [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️138)
- aws-samples/spark-on-aws-lambda - Spark runtime on AWS Lambda [MIT No Attribution] (⭐️106)
- aws-solutions/automated-forensic-orchestrator-for-amazon-ec2 - Automated Forensics Orchestrator for Amazon EC2 is a self-service AWS Solution implementation that enterprise customers can deploy to quickly set up and configure an automated orchestration workflow that enables their Security Operations Centre (SOC) to capture and examine data from EC2 instances and attached volumes as evidence for forensic analysis, in the event of a potential security breach. It will orchestrate the forensics process from the point at which a threat is first detected, enable isolation of the affected EC2 instances and data volumes, capture memory and disk images to secure storage, and trigger automated actions or tools for investigation and analysis of such artefacts. All the while, the solution will notify and report on its progress, status, and findings. It will enable SOC to continuously discover and analyze patterns of fraudulent activities across multi-account and multi-region environments. The solution will leverage native AWS services and be underpinned by a highly available, resilient, and serverless architecture, security, and operational monitoring features. Digital forensics is a 4 step process of triaging, acquisition, analysis and reporting. Automated Forensics framework provides capability to enterprise to act on security event by imaging or acquisition of breached resource for examination and generate forensic report about the security breach. In the event of a security breach, it will enable customers to easily to capture and examine required targeted data for forsensic’s storage and analysis. This solution framework enables security operations centre to discover and analyse patterns of fraudulent activities. The automated forensics solution will provide a multi-account and a multi-region [“solution”] built using native AWS services. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️59)
- aws/aws-dynamodb-encryption-python - Amazon DynamoDB Encryption Client for Python [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️96)
- aws/aws-sdk-pandas - pandas on AWS - Easy integration with Athena, Glue, Redshift, Timestream, Neptune, OpenSearch, QuickSight, Chime, CloudWatchLogs, DynamoDB, EMR, SecretManager, PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLServer and S3 (Parquet, CSV, JSON and EXCEL). [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️3984)
- awslabs/amazon-emr-cli - A command-line interface for packaging, deploying, and running your EMR Serverless Spark jobs [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️41)
- awslabs/aws-cfn-template-flip - Tool for converting AWS CloudFormation templates between JSON and YAML formats. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️1000)
- awslabs/aws-deployment-framework - The AWS Deployment Framework (ADF) is an extensive and flexible framework to manage and deploy resources across multiple AWS accounts and regions based on AWS Organizations. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️673)
- awslabs/aws-well-architected-labs - Hands on labs and code to help you learn, measure, and build using architectural best practices. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️2028)
- awslabs/git-remote-s3 - [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️558)
- awslabs/iam-roles-anywhere-session - This package provides an easy way to create a refreshable boto3 Session with AWS Roles Anywhere. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️51)
- awslabs/open-data-registry - A registry of publicly available datasets on AWS [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️1480)
- awslabs/StsSamlDriver - [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️27)
- ayushpriya10/IMDShift - [GNU GPLv3] (⭐️55)
- BauplanLabs/no-jvm-wap-with-iceberg - A write-audit-publish implementation on a data lake without the JVM [MIT License] (⭐️46)
- benkehoe/aws-sso-util - Smooth out the rough edges of AWS SSO (temporarily, until AWS makes it better). [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️983)
- Bilbottom/sql-learning-materials - SQL scripts that demonstrate various features and concepts. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️9)
- billtrust/iam-docker-run - Run Docker containers within the context of an AWS IAM Role, and other development workflow helpers. [MIT License] (⭐️58)
- Bl3f/yato - The smallest DuckDB SQL orchestrator on Earth. [MIT License] (⭐️285)
- blacklanternsecurity/MANSPIDER - Spider entire networks for juicy files sitting on SMB shares. Search filenames or file content - regex supported! [GNU GPLv3] (⭐️1089)
- blaze/odo - Data Migration for the Blaze Project [Modified BSD License] (⭐️1004)
- Blazemeter/taurus - Automation-friendly framework for Continuous Testing by [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️2042)
- bodo-ai/Bodo - High-Performance Python Compute Engine for Data and AI [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️216)
- bridgecrewio/checkov - Prevent cloud misconfigurations and find vulnerabilities during build-time in infrastructure as code, container images and open source packages with Checkov by Bridgecrew. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️7399)
- bruin-data/ingestr - ingestr is a CLI tool to copy data between any databases with a single command seamlessly. [MIT License] (⭐️2889)
- bytewax/bytewax - Python Stream Processing [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️1658)
- cado-security/cloudgrep - cloudgrep is grep for cloud storage [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️324)
- callmesora/llmops-python-package - Kickstart your LLMOps initiative with a flexible, robust, and productive Python package. [MIT License] (⭐️853)
- canva-public/dbt-column-lineage-extractor - A lightweight Python-based tool for extracting and analyzing data column lineage for dbt projects [MIT License] (⭐️139)
- carbonfact/lea - 🏃♀️ Minimalist alternative to dbt [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️238)
- cartography-cncf/cartography - Cartography is a Python tool that consolidates infrastructure assets and the relationships between them in an intuitive graph view powered by a Neo4j database. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️3229)
- certbot/certbot - Certbot is EFF's tool to obtain certs from Let's Encrypt and (optionally) auto-enable HTTPS on your server. It can also act as a client for any other CA that uses the ACME protocol. (⭐️31984)
- chaostoolkit/chaostoolkit - Chaos Engineering Toolkit & Orchestration for Developers [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️1907)
- ChrisDelClea/streamlit-agraph - A Streamlit Graph Vis [MIT License] (⭐️422)
- cjolowicz/cookiecutter-hypermodern-python - Hypermodern Python Cookiecutter [MIT License] (⭐️1846)
- claroty/arya - Arya is a unique tool that produces pseudo-malicious files meant to trigger YARA rules. You can think of it like a reverse YARA. [MIT License] (⭐️243)
- cloud-utils/domovoi - AWS Lambda event handler manager [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️179)
- cloudflare/cloudflare-python - The official Python library for the Cloudflare API [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️211)
- cloudnativelabs/kube-shell - Kubernetes shell: An integrated shell for working with the Kubernetes [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️2390)
- cloudtools/awacs - Python library for AWS Access Policy Language creation [BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License] (⭐️394)
- colmmacc/CVE-2022-3602 - (⭐️168)
- comfyanonymous/ComfyUI - The most powerful and modular diffusion model GUI, api and backend with a graph/nodes interface. [GNU GPLv3] (⭐️69788)
- connelldave/botocove - A simple decorator to run Python functions across multiple AWS accounts, OUs and/or regions, with or without an AWS Organization. [GNU LGPLv3] (⭐️97)
- cookiecutter/cookiecutter - A cross-platform command-line utility that creates projects from cookiecutters (project templates), e.g. Python package projects, C projects. [Modified BSD License] (⭐️23152)
- copier-org/copier - Library and command-line utility for rendering projects templates. [MIT License] (⭐️2300)
- coqui-ai/TTS - 🐸💬 - a deep learning toolkit for Text-to-Speech, battle-tested in research and production [Mozilla Public License 2.0] (⭐️38182)
- CorentinJ/Real-Time-Voice-Cloning - Clone a voice in 5 seconds to generate arbitrary speech in real-time (⭐️53649)
- coreruleset/coreruleset - OWASP CRS (Official Repository) [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️2466)
- crowdalert/ocsf-pydantic - Pydantic models for the OCSF schema [MIT License] (⭐️3)
- crowdalert/ocsf-vrl - VRL transforms for normalizing in to OCSF [MIT License] (⭐️3)
- CrowdStrike/tf2rust - Tensorflow to Rust is a tool to convert trained Tensorflow models to pure Rust code. [MIT License] (⭐️88)
- cruft/cruft - Allows you to maintain all the necessary cruft for packaging and building projects separate from the code you intentionally write. Built on-top of, and fully compatible with, CookieCutter. [MIT License] (⭐️1375)
- cruxdata-consulting/mds-in-a-box - [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️1)
- cwacek/python-jsonschema-objects - Automatic Python binding generation from JSON Schemas [MIT License] (⭐️365)
- CycloneDX/cyclonedx-python - CycloneDX Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) generator for Python projects and environments [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️273)
- d1r7b46/DERP-Generator - (⭐️10)
- dagster-io/community-integrations - Community supported integrations for the Dagster platform. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️24)
- dagster-io/dagster - An orchestration platform for the development, production, and observation of data assets. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️12645)
- dagster-io/dagster-cloud-hybrid-quickstart - Template for getting started with Hybrid Dagster Cloud (⭐️8)
- dagster-io/dagster-open-platform - Dagster Labs' open-source data platform, built with Dagster. (⭐️326)
- DAGWorks-Inc/burr - Build applications that make decisions (chatbots, agents, simulations, etc...). Monitor, trace, persist, and execute on your own infrastructure. [Clear BSD] (⭐️1519)
- danielgafni/dagster-polars - [Project moved] Polars integration for Dagster [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️36) Archived!
- dannysteenman/vscode-cloudformation-snippets - This extension adds snippets for all the AWS CloudFormation resources into Visual Studio Code. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️28)
- data-dot-all/dataall - A modern data marketplace that makes collaboration among diverse users (like business, analysts and engineers) easier, increasing efficiency and agility in data projects on AWS. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️239)
- databricks/databricks-sql-python - Databricks SQL Connector for Python [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️180)
- datacoves/dbt-coves - CLI tool for dbt users to simplify creation of staging models (yml and sql) files [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️256)
- DataDog/undocumented-aws-api-hunter - A tool to uncover undocumented APIs from the AWS Console. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️96)
- DataExpert-io/cumulative-table-design - This repository helps teach people how to correctly define and create cumulative tables! (⭐️633)
- datafold/data-diff - Compare tables within or across databases [MIT License] (⭐️2962) Archived!
- dbt-labs/dbt-athena - The athena adapter plugin for dbt (https://getdbt.com) [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️243)
- dbt-labs/dbt-core - dbt enables data analysts and engineers to transform their data using the same practices that software engineers use to build applications. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️10465)
- dbt-labs/metricflow - MetricFlow allows you to define, build, and maintain metrics in code. (⭐️1187)
- ddelizia/micropycommerce - (⭐️3)
- deepseek-ai/smallpond - A lightweight data processing framework built on DuckDB and 3FS. [MIT License] (⭐️3752)
- definite-app/duck-takes-flight - A high-performance data streaming system using DuckDB and Apache Arrow Flight. (⭐️65)
- definite-app/target-iceberg - [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️3)
- Delgan/loguru - Python logging made (stupidly) simple [MIT License] (⭐️20964)
- delta-incubator/deltaray - Delta reader for the Ray open-source toolkit for building ML applications [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️45)
- developmentseed/lonboard - A Python library for fast, interactive geospatial vector data visualization in Jupyter. [MIT License] (⭐️713)
- developmentseed/obstore - The simplest, highest-throughput Python interface to S3, GCS & Azure Storage, powered by Rust. [MIT License] (⭐️254)
- devsecblueprint/discord-bot - The main discord bot - "The Herald" [MIT License] (⭐️6)
- dfir-iris/iris-web - Collaborative Incident Response platform [GNU LGPLv3] (⭐️1146)
- dflook/terraform-registry - A serverless terraform registry for AWS [MIT License] (⭐️4)
- dhammon/ai-goat - Learn AI security through a series of vulnerable LLM CTF challenges. No sign ups, no cloud fees, run everything locally on your system. [GNU GPLv2] (⭐️273)
- diecutter/diecutter - Templates as a service (⭐️43)
- dievus/Oh365UserFinder - Python3 o365 User Enumeration Tool (⭐️537)
- discord/access - Access, a centralized portal for employees to transparently discover, request, and manage their access for all internal systems needed to do their jobs [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️372)
- DivvyCloud/tools - Various tools to enhance your interaction with DivvyCloud (⭐️2)
- dlenski/vpn-slice - vpnc-script replacement for easy and secure split-tunnel VPN setup [GNU GPLv3] (⭐️765)
- dlt-hub/dlt - data load tool (dlt) is an open source Python library that makes data loading easy 🛠️ [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️3276)
- dlt-hub/dlthub-education - In this repository we store all materials for dlt workshops, courses, etc. (⭐️115)
- dlt-hub/verified-sources - Contribute to dlt verified sources 🔥 [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️82)
- domain-protect/domain-protect - OWASP Domain Protect - prevent subdomain takeover (⭐️401) Archived!
- domZippilli/gcs-inventory-loader - List or load your GCS bucket inventory into BigQuery fast with this tool. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️38)
- donnemartin/system-design-primer - Learn how to design large-scale systems. Prep for the system design interview. Includes Anki flashcards. (⭐️290989)
- dora-team/fourkeys - Platform for monitoring the four key software delivery metrics of software delivery [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️2203) Archived!
- dropbox/PyHive - Python interface to Hive and Presto. 🐝 (⭐️1678)
- duckdb/dbt-duckdb - dbt (http://getdbt.com) adapter for DuckDB (http://duckdb.org) [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️1002)
- duo-labs/parliament - AWS IAM linting library [Modified BSD License] (⭐️1064)
- dwillowtree/diana - Save toil in security operations with: Detection & Intelligence Analysis for New Alerts (D.I.A.N.A. ) [MIT License] (⭐️171)
- eakmanrq/sqlframe - Turning PySpark Into a Universal DataFrame API [MIT License] (⭐️370)
- editorconfig/specification - Specification of EditorConfig file format [BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License] (⭐️92)
- EdOverflow/can-i-take-over-xyz - "Can I take over XYZ?" — a list of services and how to claim (sub)domains with dangling DNS records. [Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International] (⭐️5048)
- elastic/ecs - Elastic Common Schema [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️1044)
- elastic/ecs-logging-python - [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️69)
- element-hq/synapse - Synapse: Matrix homeserver written in Python/Twisted. [GNU AGPLv3] (⭐️2049)
- elementary-data/dbt-data-reliability - dbt package that is part of Elementary, the dbt-native data observability solution for data & analytics engineers. Monitor your data pipelines in minutes. Available as self-hosted or cloud service with premium features. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️417)
- encode/starlette - The little ASGI framework that shines. 🌟 [Modified BSD License] (⭐️10675)
- enku/gentoo-build-publisher - Gentoo Build Publisher is a way to build gentoo updates in CI/CD and have those builds published (rsync for the portage tree; http for binpkgs) to individual machines. (⭐️18)
- espnet/espnet - End-to-End Speech Processing Toolkit [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️8839)
- ewels/rich-click - Format click help output nicely with rich. [MIT License] (⭐️652)
- facebook/prophet - Tool for producing high quality forecasts for time series data that has multiple seasonality with linear or non-linear growth. [MIT License] (⭐️18935)
- facebookresearch/fairseq - Facebook AI Research Sequence-to-Sequence Toolkit written in Python. [MIT License] (⭐️31087)
- fastapi/sqlmodel - SQL databases in Python, designed for simplicity, compatibility, and robustness. [MIT License] (⭐️15342)
- fastly/fastly-py - A Fastly API client for Python [MIT License] (⭐️77)
- felskrone/salt-eventsd - events-listener daemon for saltstack that writes data into a database (⭐️51)
- fin3ss3g0d/cypherhound - Python3 terminal application that contains 405 Neo4j cyphers for BloodHound data sets and 388 GUI cyphers [GNU GPLv3] (⭐️375)
- FinOps-Open-Cost-and-Usage-Spec/FOCUS_Spec - The Unifying Specification for Cloud Billing Data (⭐️199)
- flairNLP/flair - A very simple framework for state-of-the-art Natural Language Processing (NLP) (⭐️14096)
- flakeheaven/flakeheaven - flakeheaven is a python linter built around flake8 to enable inheritable and complex toml configuration. [MIT License] (⭐️169)
- FlareSolverr/FlareSolverr - Proxy server to bypass Cloudflare protection [MIT License] (⭐️8808)
- flosell/trailscraper - A command-line tool to get valuable information out of AWS CloudTrail [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️806)
- freelabz/secator - secator - the pentester's swiss knife (⭐️963)
- fugue-project/fugue - A unified interface for distributed computing. Fugue executes SQL, Python, Pandas, and Polars code on Spark, Dask and Ray without any rewrites. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️2044)
- fugue/credstash - A little utility for managing credentials in the cloud [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️2059)
- gabrielsoltz/metahub - MetaHub is an automated contextual security findings enrichment and impact evaluation tool for vulnerability management. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️167)
- gd3kr/BlenderGPT - Use commands in English to control Blender with OpenAI's GPT-4 [MIT License] (⭐️4711)
- geldata/gel - Gel supercharges Postgres with a modern data model, graph queries, Auth & AI solutions, and much more. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️13488)
- gemini-oss/starfleet - Whole-infrastructure automation tooling for AWS [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️41)
- getmoto/moto - A library that allows you to easily mock out tests based on AWS infrastructure. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️7792)
- getredash/redash - Make Your Company Data Driven. Connect to any data source, easily visualize, dashboard and share your data. [BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License] (⭐️27025)
- ghandic/jsf - Creates fake JSON files from a JSON schema (⭐️174)
- GhostManager/Ghostwriter - The SpecterOps project management and reporting engine [Modified BSD License] (⭐️1443)
- gitlabform/gitlabform - 🏗 Specialized configuration as a code tool for GitLab [MIT License] (⭐️424)
- gitpitch/gitpitch - Markdown Presentations for Tech Conferences, Training, Developer Advocates, and Educators. (⭐️5495)
- gitshelf/gitshelf - Manage a collection of git repos (⭐️17)
- gizmodata/flight-ibis-demo - This repo demonstrates an Apache Arrow Flight server implementation in Kubernetes. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️8)
- gl4ssesbo1/Nebula - Nebula is a cloud C2 Framework, which at the moment offers reconnaissance, enumeration, exploitation, post exploitation on AWS, but still working to allow testing other Cloud Providers and DevOps Components. (⭐️412)
- gnebbia/pdlist - A passive subdomain finder [Modified BSD License] (⭐️329)
- goauthentik/authentik - The authentication glue you need. (⭐️15168)
- google/clusterfuzz - Scalable fuzzing infrastructure. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️5358)
- google/oss-fuzz-vulns - OSS-Fuzz vulnerabilities for OSV. [Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International] (⭐️148)
- google/osv.dev - Open source vulnerability DB and triage service. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️1757)
- googleapis/google-api-python-client - 🐍 The official Python client library for Google's discovery based APIs. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️8031)
- googleapis/python-bigquery-sqlalchemy - SQLAlchemy dialect for BigQuery [MIT License] (⭐️448)
- GoogleCloudPlatform/functions-framework-python - FaaS (Function as a service) framework for writing portable Python functions [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️905)
- gradio-app/gradio - Build and share delightful machine learning apps, all in Python. 🌟 Star to support our work! [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️36576)
- grafana/oncall - Developer-friendly incident response with brilliant Slack integration [GNU AGPLv3] (⭐️3654)
- grantjenks/python-diskcache - Python disk-backed cache (Django-compatible). Faster than Redis and Memcached. Pure-Python. (⭐️2485)
- Guts/mkdocs-rss-plugin - MkDocs plugin to generate a RSS feeds for created and updated pages, using git log and YAML frontmatter (page.meta). [MIT License] (⭐️99)
- h2oai/h2ogpt - Private chat with local GPT with document, images, video, etc. 100% private, Apache 2.0. Supports oLLaMa, Mixtral, llama.cpp, and more. Demo: https://gpt.h2o.ai/ https://gpt-docs.h2o.ai/ [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️11706)
- hachej/multi-engine-data-stack - (⭐️19)
- HackingLZ/IndicatorOfCanary - Canary Detection [GNU GPLv2] (⭐️164)
- hamelsmu/nbsanity - Render notebooks like nbviewer, but using Quarto as the renderer (⭐️98)
- HariPranav/Compliance_In_The_Cloud - A repository and blog describing an end to end pipeline for continuous compliance in the cloud (⭐️5)
- harsh-98/go-template - Python bindings for go template [MIT License] (⭐️19)
- heiko-hotz/chatgpt-demo - A repository to demonstrate how ChatGPT writes an entire AI application on AWS. [MIT License] (⭐️35)
- hikari-py/hikari - A Discord API wrapper for Python and asyncio built on good intentions. [MIT License] (⭐️837)
- holoviz/hvplot - A high-level plotting API for pandas, dask, xarray, and networkx built on HoloViews [Modified BSD License] (⭐️1172)
- home-assistant/core - 🏡 Open source home automation that puts local control and privacy first. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️76912)
- hotnops/AWSRoleJuggler - A toolset to juggle AWS roles for persistent access [MIT License] (⭐️53)
- httpie/cli - 🥧 HTTPie CLI — modern, user-friendly command-line HTTP client for the API era. JSON support, colors, sessions, downloads, plugins & more. [Modified BSD License] (⭐️34931)
- huggingface/open-r1 - Fully open reproduction of DeepSeek-R1 [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️22186)
- iagcl/watchmen - (Not maintained anymore) Watchmen - AWS account compliance using centrally managed Config Rules [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️180)
- iainelder/aws-org-contacts - Dump the contact information for an AWS organization (⭐️2)
- iamjackg/md2cf - Convert and upload Markdown documents to Confluence [MIT License] (⭐️95)
- iann0036/iam-dataset - A consolidated series of structured data for cloud identity and access management systems, including datasets for AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud [MIT License] (⭐️251)
- ibis-project/ibis - the portable Python dataframe library [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️5567)
- ibis-project/ibis-ml - IbisML is a library for building scalable ML pipelines using Ibis. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️102)
- IDSIA/sacred - Sacred is a tool to help you configure, organize, log and reproduce experiments developed at IDSIA. [MIT License] (⭐️4284)
- invictus-ir/Invictus-AWS - A tool for AWS incident response, that allows for enumeration, acquisition and analysis of data from AWS environments for the purpose of incident response. [MIT License] (⭐️185)
- JakobGM/patito - A data modelling layer built on top of polars and pydantic [MIT License] (⭐️355)
- jantman/awslimitchecker - A script and python package to check your AWS service limits and usage via boto3. [GNU AGPLv3] (⭐️515)
- jasonxtn/Argus - The Ultimate Information Gathering Toolkit (⭐️1876)
- jbrunetext/private-provider-registry-action - it will build your private registry with the providers github repo (⭐️7)
- jd/tenacity - Retrying library for Python [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️7133)
- jeffknupp/sandman - Sandman "makes things REST". [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️2300)
- JesuFemi-O/hacking-apache-iceberg - Tequila: My journey to apache iceberg. You'll definitely need your pinch of salt! opinions are mine!! (⭐️4)
- JesuFemi-O/iceberg-integration-framework - A poc open framework to manage data ingestion into apache iceberg tables (⭐️7)
- jinxmirror13/BETH_Dataset_Analysis - (⭐️14)
- jonrau1/ElectricEye - ElectricEye is a multi-cloud, multi-SaaS Python CLI tool for Asset Management, Security Posture Management & Attack Surface Monitoring supporting 100s of services and evaluations to harden your CSP & SaaS environments with controls mapped to over 20 industry, regulatory, and best practice controls frameworks [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️982)
- josephmisiti/awesome-machine-learning - A curated list of awesome Machine Learning frameworks, libraries and software. (⭐️67126)
- JoshMock/dotfiles - a plaintext zen garden of sorts (⭐️15)
- JSv4/OpenContracts - Enterprise-grade and API-first LLM workspace for unstructured documents, including data extraction, redaction, rights management, prompt playground, and more! [GNU GPLv3] (⭐️801)
- juiceinc/recipe - Building reusable queries from SQLAlchemy fragments [MIT License] (⭐️10) Archived!
- jupyter-book/jupyter-book - Create beautiful, publication-quality books and documents from computational content. [Modified BSD License] (⭐️3988)
- jupyter-server/jupyverse - A Jupyter server based on FastAPI 🚀 (⭐️256)
- kedro-org/kedro - Kedro is a toolbox for production-ready data science. It uses software engineering best practices to help you create data engineering and data science pipelines that are reproducible, maintainable, and modular. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️10198)
- kenfar/DataGristle - Tough and flexible tools for data analysis, transformation, validation and movement. (⭐️137)
- koaning/scikit-lego - Extra blocks for scikit-learn pipelines. [MIT License] (⭐️1310)
- kotlaluk/spl-parser - Parser for Splunk's Search Processing Language (SPL) syntax highlighting [GNU GPLv3] (⭐️19)
- koxudaxi/datamodel-code-generator - Pydantic model and dataclasses.dataclass generator for easy conversion of JSON, OpenAPI, JSON Schema, and YAML data sources. [MIT License] (⭐️2996)
- krishnanlab/pydab - A blazingly fast Python package for modifying and converting DAB files [MIT License] (⭐️3)
- l-mds/local-data-stack - Slow & local data allows you to move fast and deliver business value for the 99.9% of the data challenges. (⭐️154)
- LAION-AI/Open-Assistant - OpenAssistant is a chat-based assistant that understands tasks, can interact with third-party systems, and retrieve information dynamically to do so. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️37234)
- lancedb/lancedb - Developer-friendly, serverless vector database for AI applications. Easily add long-term memory to your LLM apps! [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️5791)
- larsks/ldap2json - Convert HTTP GET requests into LDAP queries and return JSON results. (⭐️43)
- laughingman7743/PyAthena - PyAthena is a Python DB API 2.0 (PEP 249) client for Amazon Athena. [MIT License] (⭐️469)
- Linuturk/salt-sprint - Salt Slides (⭐️7)
- liquidcarbon/affinity - Typed, annotated vectors for well-documented datasets (⭐️9)
- lm-sys/RouteLLM - A framework for serving and evaluating LLM routers - save LLM costs without compromising quality [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️3681)
- lmoratti/risky-records - Given a list of domains and known IP and buckets that are owned, which might be susceptible to domain hijacking? [MIT License] (⭐️13)
- localstack/awscli-local - 💲 "awslocal" - Thin wrapper around the "aws" command line interface for use with LocalStack [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️1137)
- localstack/localstack - 💻 A fully functional local AWS cloud stack. Develop and test your cloud & Serverless apps offline (⭐️57913)
- locustio/locust - Write scalable load tests in plain Python 🚗💨 [MIT License] (⭐️25735)
- lucidrains/PaLM-rlhf-pytorch - Implementation of RLHF (Reinforcement Learning with Human Feedback) on top of the PaLM architecture. Basically ChatGPT but with PaLM [MIT License] (⭐️7764)
- machinalis/iepy - Information Extraction in Python [Modified BSD License] (⭐️906)
- madox2/vim-ai - AI-powered code assistant for Vim. OpenAI and ChatGPT plugin for Vim and Neovim. [MIT License] (⭐️854)
- mage-ai/mage-ai - 🧙 Build, run, and manage data pipelines for integrating and transforming data. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️8176)
- MaibornWolff/SecObserve - SecObserve is an open source vulnerability and license management system for software development teams and cloud environments. It supports a variety of open source vulnerability scanners and integrates easily into CI/CD pipelines. [Modified BSD License] (⭐️118)
- mailpile/Mailpile - A free & open modern, fast email client with user-friendly encryption and privacy features (⭐️8822)
- makelinux/linkedin_client - Basic CLI LinkedIn client on python, without OAuth (⭐️2)
- Malfrats/xeuledoc - Fetch information about a public Google document. [GNU GPLv3] (⭐️869)
- manzt/anywidget - reusable widgets made easy [MIT License] (⭐️593)
- marimo-team/marimo - A reactive notebook for Python — run reproducible experiments, query with SQL, execute as a script, deploy as an app, and version with git. All in a modern, AI-native editor. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️11039)
- marsupialtail/quokka - Making data lake work for time series [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️1155)
- matanolabs/logtest - Build & test new Matano log sources locally using your IDE 🧑💻 (⭐️9)
- matanolabs/pySigma-backend-matano - Matano backend for pySigma. Convert Sigma rules into Matano detections. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️7)
- matrix-org/synapse - Synapse: Matrix homeserver written in Python/Twisted. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️11873) Archived!
- matsonj/nba-monte-carlo - Monte Carlo simulation of the NBA season, leveraging dbt, duckdb and evidence.dev [MIT License] (⭐️494)
- MatthewJohn/terrareg - Open source Terraform module registry with UI, optional Git integration and deep analysis [GNU GPLv3] (⭐️291)
- mattiasthalen/obsidian-insights - Personal project for setting up an open source data warehouse. [GNU LGPLv3] (⭐️28)
- Mause/duckdb_engine - SQLAlchemy driver for DuckDB [MIT License] (⭐️393)
- mdfranz/matano-scripts - Random Things for Interacting with Matano (⭐️4)
- mealie-recipes/mealie - Mealie is a self hosted recipe manager and meal planner with a RestAPI backend and a reactive frontend application built in Vue for a pleasant user experience for the whole family. Easily add recipes into your database by providing the url and mealie will automatically import the relevant data or add a family recipe with the UI editor [GNU AGPLv3] (⭐️8535)
- meeb/whoisit - A Python library to RDAP WHOIS-like services for internet resources such as ASNs, IPs, CIDRs and domains [Modified BSD License] (⭐️94)
- microsoft/graphrag - A modular graph-based Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) system [MIT License] (⭐️23130)
- miku/gluish - Utils around luigi. [GNU GPLv3] (⭐️65)
- milesmcc/shynet - Modern, privacy-friendly, and detailed web analytics that works without cookies or JS. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️2992)
- Mirascope/mirascope - LLM abstractions that aren't obstructions [MIT License] (⭐️1004)
- mitchelllisle/sparkdantic - ✨ A Pydantic to PySpark schema library [MIT License] (⭐️72)
- miztiik/secure-s3-with-access-points - Easily Manage Shared Data Sets with Amazon S3 Access Points (⭐️2)
- mkdocstrings/griffe - Signatures for entire Python programs. Extract the structure, the frame, the skeleton of your project, to generate API documentation or find breaking changes in your API. [ISC License] (⭐️352)
- mlflow/mlflow - Open source platform for the machine learning lifecycle [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️19674)
- mljar/supertree - Visualize decision trees in Python [GNU AGPLv3] (⭐️481)
- mludvig/amazon-textract-parser - Amazon "Textract Results Parser" (trp) module packaged and improved for ease of use. (⭐️15)
- modin-project/modin - Modin: Scale your Pandas workflows by changing a single line of code [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️10043)
- moj-analytical-services/splink - Fast, accurate and scalable probabilistic data linkage with support for multiple SQL backends [MIT License] (⭐️1497)
- MousaZeidBaker/aws-lambda-typing - Python type hints for AWS Lambda [MIT License] (⭐️111)
- MrPowers/chispa - PySpark test helper methods with beautiful error messages [MIT License] (⭐️665)
- mwielgoszewski/doorman - an osquery fleet manager [MIT License] (⭐️618)
- mxmlnkn/ratarmount - Access large archives as a filesystem efficiently, e.g., TAR, RAR, ZIP, GZ, BZ2, XZ, ZSTD archives [MIT License] (⭐️1002)
- NannyML/nannyml - nannyml: post-deployment data science in python [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️2035)
- narwhals-dev/narwhals - Lightweight and extensible compatibility layer between dataframe libraries! [MIT License] (⭐️858)
- nccgroup/PMapper - A tool for quickly evaluating IAM permissions in AWS. [GNU AGPLv3] (⭐️1458)
- nemesida-waf/waf-bypass - Check your WAF before an attacker does [MIT License] (⭐️1340)
- neo4j-contrib/neomodel - An Object Graph Mapper (OGM) for the Neo4j graph database. [MIT License] (⭐️984)
- neo4j/neo4j-python-driver - Neo4j Bolt driver for Python (⭐️946)
- Netflix-Skunkworks/aardvark - Aardvark is a multi-account AWS IAM Access Advisor API [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️474)
- Netflix-Skunkworks/diffy - ⛔ (DEPRECATED) Diffy is a triage tool used during cloud-centric security incidents, to help digital forensics and incident response (DFIR) teams quickly identify suspicious hosts on which to focus their response. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️632)
- Netflix-Skunkworks/policyuniverse - Parse and Process AWS IAM Policies, Statements, ARNs, and wildcards. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️431)
- Netflix-Skunkworks/riskquant - [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️619)
- Netflix/metaflow - Build, Deploy and Manage AI/ML Systems [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️8589)
- Netflix/repokid - AWS Least Privilege for Distributed, High-Velocity Deployment [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️1131)
- newren/git-filter-repo - Quickly rewrite git repository history (filter-branch replacement) (⭐️9195)
- nickboucart/realbrowserlocusts - Real Browser support for Locust.io load testing [MIT License] (⭐️91)
- nicklambourne/slackblocks - 🎲 Python API for Building Messages Using the Slack Block Kit API [MIT License] (⭐️64)
- Nike-Inc/gimme-aws-creds - A CLI that utilizes Okta IdP via SAML to acquire temporary AWS credentials [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️943)
- NixOS/nixops - NixOps is a tool for deploying to NixOS machines in a network or cloud. [GNU LGPLv3] (⭐️1921)
- noqdev/iambic - IAMbic is Version-Control for IAM. It centralizes and simplifies cloud access and permissions. It maintains an eventually consistent, human-readable, bi-directional representation of IAM in Git. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️288)
- nteract/papermill - 📚 Parameterize, execute, and analyze notebooks [Modified BSD License] (⭐️6104)
- NVIDIA/garak - the LLM vulnerability scanner [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️3977)
- obsrvbl-oss/flowlogs-reader - Command line tool and Python library for working with AWS VPC Flow Logs [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️140)
- ocsf/ocsf-validator - OCSF Schema Validation [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️9)
- odoo/odoo - Odoo. Open Source Apps To Grow Your Business. (⭐️41035)
- okube-ai/laktory - A DataOps framework for building a lakehouse. [MIT License] (⭐️44)
- omnunum/lil-bot - markov chain tweet generator for lil b the based god (⭐️3)
- open-feature/spec - OpenFeature specification [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️822)
- openai/openai-security-bots - [MIT License] (⭐️364)
- OpenInterpreter/open-interpreter - A natural language interface for computers [GNU AGPLv3] (⭐️58551)
- opensource-observer/dagster-sqlmesh - Dagster SQLMesh Adapter [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️43)
- opensource-observer/oso - Measuring the impact of open source software [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️86)
- opensource-observer/oss-directory - A curated directory of open source software (OSS) projects and their associated artifacts [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️63)
- opensource-observer/oss-funding - Registry of grants and other funding to open source software (OSS) projects [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️8)
- openwisp/openwisp-controller - Network and WiFi controller: provisioning, configuration management and updates, (pull via openwisp-config or push via SSH), x509 PKI management and more. Mainly OpenWRT, but designed to work also on other systems. (⭐️594)
- Optum/ChaoSlingr - ChaoSlingr: Introducing Security into Chaos Testing [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️67) Archived!
- orcasecurity/orca-toolbox - (⭐️112)
- Oros42/IMSI-catcher - This program show you IMSI numbers of cellphones around you. [Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal] (⭐️3295)
- owasp-dep-scan/blint - BLint is a Binary Linter to check the security properties, and capabilities in your executables. Since v2, blint is also an SBOM generator for binaries. [MIT License] (⭐️357)
- ozgur/python-linkedin - Python interface to the LinkedIn API [MIT License] (⭐️902)
- PaperMtn/slack-watchman - Slack enumeration and exposed secrets detection tool [GNU GPLv3] (⭐️373)
- pennersr/django-allauth - Integrated set of Django applications addressing authentication, registration, account management as well as 3rd party (social) account authentication. [MIT License] (⭐️9799)
- Permiso-io-tools/CloudGrappler - [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️256)
- Permiso-io-tools/LogLicker - Tool for obfuscating and deobfuscating data. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️67)
- Permiso-io-tools/YetiHunter - Permiso Security has created a tool to query snowflake environments for evidence of compromise, based on indicators from Permiso and the community. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️66)
- photonixapp/photonix - A modern, web-based photo management server. Run it on your home server and it will let you find the right photo from your collection on any device. Smart filtering is made possible by object recognition, face recognition, location awareness, color analysis and other ML algorithms. [GNU AGPLv3] (⭐️1880)
- plaid/sandbox-custom-users - JSON files specifying custom users suitable for testing Plaid integrations on Sandbox [MIT License] (⭐️26)
- ploomber/jupysql - Better SQL in Jupyter. 📊 [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️749)
- PlumHound/PlumHound - Bloodhound Reporting for Blue and Purple Teams [GNU GPLv3] (⭐️1158)
- posit-dev/py-shiny - Shiny for Python [MIT License] (⭐️1406)
- PostHog/posthog - 🦔 PostHog provides open-source web & product analytics, session recording, feature flagging and A/B testing that you can self-host. Get started - free. (⭐️24667)
- powerline/powerline - Powerline is a statusline plugin for vim, and provides statuslines and prompts for several other applications, including zsh, bash, tmux, IPython, Awesome and Qtile. (⭐️14468)
- pre-commit/pre-commit - A framework for managing and maintaining multi-language pre-commit hooks. [MIT License] (⭐️13453)
- PrefectHQ/ControlFlow - 🦾 Take control of your AI agents [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️1198)
- PrefectHQ/marvin - ✨ AI agents that spark joy (⭐️5539)
- PrefectHQ/prefect - Prefect is a workflow orchestration framework for building resilient data pipelines in Python. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️18522)
- primeharbor/pht-account-configurator - Configure a new AWS Account with security best practices [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️15)
- prowler-cloud/prowler - Prowler is an Open Cloud Security tool for AWS, Azure, GCP and Kubernetes. It helps for continuos monitoring, security assessments and audits, incident response, compliance, hardening and forensics readiness. Includes CIS, NIST 800, NIST CSF, CISA, FedRAMP, PCI-DSS, GDPR, HIPAA, FFIEC, SOC2, GXP, Well-Architected Security, ENS and more. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️11301)
- prowler-cloud/py-ocsf-models - OCSF (https://schema.ocsf.io/) models in Python using Pydantic. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️21)
- Psycojoker/cellar - experiment to do a pkg manager for salt formulas (⭐️12)
- public-apis/public-apis - A collective list of free APIs [MIT License] (⭐️329061)
- pydantic/logfire - Uncomplicated Observability for Python and beyond! 🪵🔥 [MIT License] (⭐️2786)
- pydantic/pydantic-ai - Agent Framework / shim to use Pydantic with LLMs [MIT License] (⭐️6851)
- pydantic/pydantic-core - Core validation logic for pydantic written in rust [MIT License] (⭐️1516)
- pyodide/pyodide - Pyodide is a Python distribution for the browser and Node.js based on WebAssembly [Mozilla Public License 2.0] (⭐️12788)
- pypa/hatch - Modern, extensible Python project management [MIT License] (⭐️6391)
- pypi/inspector - 🕵️ File browser for distributions on PyPI [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️101)
- pypi/warehouse - The Python Package Index [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️3679)
- python-poetry/poetry-core - Poetry PEP 517 Build Backend & Core Utilities [MIT License] (⭐️452)
- qdrant/fastembed - Fast, Accurate, Lightweight Python library to make State of the Art Embedding [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️1833)
- quantopian/empyrical - Common financial risk and performance metrics. Used by zipline and pyfolio. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️1344)
- quantopian/zipline - Zipline, a Pythonic Algorithmic Trading Library [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️18192)
- query-ai/query_open_pipeline_for_crowdstrike_falcon_data_replicator - An AWS native data mobility solution for Crowdstrike Falcon Data Replicator ETL into the Amazon Security Lake in OCSF v1.2.0 format. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️7)
- questdb/questdb-quickstart - quickstart to work with questdb [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️19)
- rajagurunath/lakehouse-sharing - A Table format agnostic data sharing framework (⭐️38)
- ray-project/ray - Ray is an AI compute engine. Ray consists of a core distributed runtime and a set of AI Libraries for accelerating ML workloads. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️35815)
- redballoonsecurity/ofrak - OFRAK: unpack, modify, and repack binaries. (⭐️1930)
- relari-ai/continuous-eval - Data-Driven Evaluation for LLM-Powered Applications [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️478)
- renardeinside/databricks-streamlit-demo - Demo of Streamlit application with Databricks SQL Endpoint (⭐️36)
- RhinoSecurityLabs/cloudgoat - CloudGoat is Rhino Security Labs' "Vulnerable by Design" AWS deployment tool [Modified BSD License] (⭐️3090)
- RhinoSecurityLabs/pacu - The AWS exploitation framework, designed for testing the security of Amazon Web Services environments. [Modified BSD License] (⭐️4565)
- RhinoSecurityLabs/Security-Research - Exploits written by the Rhino Security Labs team [Modified BSD License] (⭐️1069)
- righteousgambit/quiet-riot - Unauthenticated enumeration of AWS, Azure, and GCP Principals [MIT License] (⭐️219)
- robusta-dev/krr - Prometheus-based Kubernetes Resource Recommendations [MIT License] (⭐️3434)
- robusta-dev/robusta - Better Prometheus alerts for Kubernetes - smart grouping, AI enrichment, and automatic remediation [MIT License] (⭐️2696)
- rpicard/explore-flask - Source of Explore Flask book (⭐️1692)
- salspaugh/splparser - Simple parser for Splunk Processing Language (SPL) written in Python. (⭐️35)
- saltstack/salt - Software to automate the management and configuration of infrastructure and applications at scale. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️14391)
- sametmax/Django--an-app-at-a-time - A heavily commented Django project dedicated to teaching the framework or refresh one's memory. [MIT License] (⭐️276)
- santiagobasulto/smartcsv - CSVs are awesome, yet they're pretty dumb. Let's get them smarter! [MIT License] (⭐️372)
- satterly/athena-cli - Presto-like CLI tool for AWS Athena [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️9)
- satwikkansal/wtfpython - What the fck Python? 😱 [Do What The Fck You Want To Public License] (⭐️36056)
- saulpw/visidata - A terminal spreadsheet multitool for discovering and arranging data [GNU GPLv3] (⭐️8078)
- saw-your-packet/CloudShovel - A tool for scanning public or private AMIs for sensitive files and secrets. The tool follows the research made on AWS CloudQuarry where we scanned 20k+ public AMIs. [Mozilla Public License 2.0] (⭐️103)
- scalableminds/salt-event-hub - A REST server for firing salt events [MIT License] (⭐️4) Archived!
- schlarpc/aws-organizations-auto-account-closure - Queue accounts for deletion with organizations:CloseAccount [MIT License] (⭐️3)
- serverless-ca/terraform-aws-ca - Terraform module for serverless certificate authority on AWS (⭐️120)
- sfu-db/dataprep - Open-source low code data preparation library in python. Collect, clean and visualization your data in python with a few lines of code. [MIT License] (⭐️2132)
- sfu-db/lineagex - (⭐️68)
- SigmaHQ/pySigma - Python library to parse and convert Sigma rules into queries (and whatever else you could imagine) [GNU LGPLv2.1] (⭐️430)
- SigmaHQ/sigma - Main Sigma Rule Repository (⭐️8771)
- silverton-io/snowflakecli - A DuckDB-powered command line interface for Snowflake security, governance, operations, and cost optimization. (⭐️39)
- simw/pydantic-to-pyarrow - A library to convert a pydantic model to a pyarrow schema [MIT License] (⭐️26)
- Snowflake-Labs/sfguide-getting-started-with-native-apps - [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️20)
- snowflakedb/snowflake-cli - Snowflake CLI is an open-source command-line tool explicitly designed for developer-centric workloads in addition to SQL operations. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️197)
- socfortress/CoPilot - SOCFortress CoPilot [GNU AGPLv3] (⭐️255)
- sodadata/soda-core - ⚡ Data quality testing for the modern data stack (SQL, Spark, and Pandas) https://www.soda.io [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️2029)
- someengineering/fixinventory - Fix Inventory helps you identify and remove the most critical risks in AWS, GCP, Azure and Kubernetes. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️1645)
- soumilshah1995/duckdb-etl-framework - duckdb-etl-framework [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️10)
- soumilshah1995/duckdb-on-lambda - duckdb-on-lambda [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️6)
- soumilshah1995/S3IncrementalProcessor - (⭐️2)
- splunk/DECEIVE - DECeption with Evaluative Integrated Validation Engine (DECEIVE): Let an LLM do all the hard honeypot work! [MIT License] (⭐️217)
- spotify/luigi - Luigi is a Python module that helps you build complex pipelines of batch jobs. It handles dependency resolution, workflow management, visualization etc. It also comes with Hadoop support built in. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️18139)
- sqlalchemy-redshift/sqlalchemy-redshift - Amazon Redshift SQLAlchemy Dialect [MIT License] (⭐️221)
- sqlfluff/sqlfluff - A modular SQL linter and auto-formatter with support for multiple dialects and templated code. [MIT License] (⭐️8640)
- sqlmapproject/sqlmap - Automatic SQL injection and database takeover tool (⭐️33469)
- StackStorm/st2 - StackStorm (aka "IFTTT for Ops") is event-driven automation for auto-remediation, incident responses, troubleshooting, deployments, and more for DevOps and SREs. Includes rules engine, workflow, 160 integration packs with 6000+ actions (see https://exchange.stackstorm.org) and ChatOps. Installer at https://docs.stackstorm.com/install/index.html [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️6182)
- stanfordnlp/dspy - DSPy: The framework for programming—not prompting—language models [MIT License] (⭐️22287)
- StateFarmIns/CLAWS - This application was built to help reduce the amount of time it takes to review AWS Lambda code. (⭐️60)
- StephenPCG/vim-snippets-salt - Vim snippets for saltstack states files (⭐️26)
- stikkireddy/mlflow-extensions - Deploy models quickly to databricks via mlflow based serving infra. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️23)
- stitchfix/hamilton - A scalable general purpose micro-framework for defining dataflows. THIS REPOSITORY HAS BEEN MOVED TO www.github.com/dagworks-inc/hamilton [Clear BSD] (⭐️863) Archived!
- stitionai/devika - Devika is an Agentic AI Software Engineer that can understand high-level human instructions, break them down into steps, research relevant information, and write code to achieve the given objective. Devika aims to be a competitive open-source alternative to Devin by Cognition AI. [
⚠️ DEVIKA DOES NOT HAVE AN OFFICIAL WEBSITE⚠️ ] [MIT License] (⭐️19012) - streamlit/streamlit - Streamlit — A faster way to build and share data apps. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️37968)
- substrait-io/substrait - A cross platform way to express data transformation, relational algebra, standardized record expression and plans. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️1266)
- SvenskaSpel/locust-plugins - A set of useful plugins/extensions for Locust [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️588)
- SvenskaSpel/locust-swarm - A tool for launching distributed locust runs on a set of load generators [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️89)
- SWivid/F5-TTS - Official code for "F5-TTS: A Fairytaler that Fakes Fluent and Faithful Speech with Flow Matching" [MIT License] (⭐️10067)
- tatanus/apt2 - APT2 is a pentest automation framework that can be used to assist pentesters, blue team members, and others in identifying easily exploitable issues and common attack paths. [MIT License] (⭐️64)
- tatanus/safelogin - Simple application/website designed to illustrate how simple it is to set up phishing websites (⭐️3)
- tatanus/SPF - SpeedPhishing Framework (⭐️444)
- tconbeer/harlequin - The SQL IDE for Your Terminal. [MIT License] (⭐️4272)
- tenable/access-undenied-aws - Access Undenied parses AWS AccessDenied CloudTrail events, explains the reasons for them, and offers actionable remediation steps. Open-sourced by Ermetic. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️261)
- tenable/hidden-services-revealer - [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️32)
- terrateamio/terralith - PoC of a tool to manage a Terralith root module [Mozilla Public License 2.0] (⭐️22)
- Textualize/frogmouth - A Markdown browser for your terminal [MIT License] (⭐️2683)
- Textualize/rich - Rich is a Python library for rich text and beautiful formatting in the terminal. [MIT License] (⭐️51084)
- Textualize/rich-cli - Rich-cli is a command line toolbox for fancy output in the terminal [MIT License] (⭐️3195)
- Textualize/textual - The lean application framework for Python. Build sophisticated user interfaces with a simple Python API. Run your apps in the terminal and a web browser. [MIT License] (⭐️27605)
- Textualize/textual-web - Run TUIs and terminals in your browser [MIT License] (⭐️995)
- Textualize/toolong - A terminal application to view, tail, merge, and search log files (plus JSONL). [MIT License] (⭐️3343)
- Textualize/trogon - Easily turn your Click CLI into a powerful terminal application [MIT License] (⭐️2576)
- theowni/Damn-Vulnerable-RESTaurant-API-Game - Damn Vulnerable Restaurant is an intentionally vulnerable Web API game for learning and training purposes dedicated to developers, ethical hackers and security engineers. [GNU GPLv3] (⭐️493)
- Tib3rius/Pentest-Cheatsheets - [GNU GPLv3] (⭐️1088)
- tigillo/linkedin-cli - Linkedin command line interface (cli) is a python 3 console application to handle authentication and communication with LinkedIn API v2. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️7)
- timoguin/aws-data-tools-py - A Python library for querying and transforming data from AWS APIs [MIT License] (⭐️4)
- Titan-Systems/titan - Titan Core - Snowflake infrastructure-as-code. Provision environments, automate deploys, CI/CD. Manage RBAC, users, roles, and data access. Declarative Python Resource API. Change Management tool for the Snowflake data warehouse. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️457)
- TobikoData/sqlmesh - Efficient data transformation and modeling framework that is backwards compatible with dbt. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️2119)
- tobymao/saq - Simple Async Queues [MIT License] (⭐️644)
- tobymao/sqlglot - Python SQL Parser and Transpiler [MIT License] (⭐️7238)
- TracecatHQ/tracecat - The open source Tines / Splunk SOAR alternative for security and IT engineers. Built on simple YAML templates for integrations and response-as-code. [GNU AGPLv3] (⭐️2542)
- traceloop/openllmetry - Open-source observability for your LLM application, based on OpenTelemetry [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️5492)
- trinodb/trino-python-client - Python client for Trino [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️354)
- turnerlabs/antiope - AWS Inventory and Compliance Framework [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️224)
- tuva-health/tuva - Main repo including core data model, data marts, reference data, terminology, and the clinical concept library (⭐️219)
- twilio-labs/socless - The SOCless automation framework [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️138)
- unitycatalog/unitycatalog - Open, Multi-modal Catalog for Data & AI [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️2701)
- Upsolver/iceberg-diag - [MIT License] (⭐️27)
- vectra-ai-research/Halberd - Halberd : Multi-Cloud Attack Platform [GNU GPLv3] (⭐️250)
- vinta/awesome-python - An opinionated list of awesome Python frameworks, libraries, software and resources. (⭐️236148)
- vladko312/SSTImap - Automatic SSTI detection tool with interactive interface [GNU GPLv3] (⭐️997)
- volatilityfoundation/volatility - An advanced memory forensics framework [GNU GPLv2] (⭐️7552)
- wagtail/wagtail - A Django content management system focused on flexibility and user experience [Modified BSD License] (⭐️18841)
- weechat/scripts - Official scripts for WeeChat. (⭐️232)
- welldone-cloud/aws-lint-iam-policies - Runs IAM policy linting and security checks against either a single AWS account or a set of member accounts of an AWS Organization. [GNU AGPLv3] (⭐️137)
- willbengtson/trailblazer-aws - Blazing CloudTrail since 2018 (⭐️136)
- wireservice/agate - A Python data analysis library that is optimized for humans instead of machines. [MIT License] (⭐️1178)
- WithSecureLabs/awspx - A graph-based tool for visualizing effective access and resource relationships in AWS environments. [GNU GPLv3] (⭐️935)
- WithSecureLabs/IAMSpy - [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️215)
- wookayin/gpustat - 📊 A simple command-line utility for querying and monitoring GPU status [MIT License] (⭐️4143)
- xai-org/grok-1 - Grok open release [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️50205)
- xeor/test_files - All the different kind of files you need. [The Unlicense] (⭐️3)
- xorq-labs/xorq - do-anything, run-anywhere pandas-style pipelines [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️94)
- xvnpw/ai-security-analyzer - A powerful tool that leverages AI to automatically generate comprehensive security documentation for your projects [MIT License] (⭐️46)
- xvnpw/fabric-agent-action - 🤖 A GitHub action that leverages fabric patterns through an agent-based approach [MIT License] (⭐️17)
- xvnpw/sec-docs - An experimental project using LLM technology to generate security documentation for Open Source Software (OSS) projects [MIT License] (⭐️19)
- YunyunWan/CoLA - Anomaly Detection on Attributed Networks via Contrastive Self-Supervised Learning (CoLA), TNNLS-21 [MIT License] (⭐️8)
- z3z1ma/alto - Alto is a versatile data integration tool that allows you to easily run Singer plugins, build and cache PEX files encapsulating those plugins, and create a data reservoir whereby you can extract once and replay to as many destinations as you want. [MIT License] (⭐️59)
- z3z1ma/cdf - A framework to manage data, continuously [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️32)
- z3z1ma/dbt-osmosis - Provides automated YAML management and a streamlit workbench. Designed to optimize dev workflows. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️523)
- zeek/zeekctl - Tool for managing Zeek deployments. (⭐️54)
- zoph-io/MAMIP - [MAMIP] Monitor AWS Managed IAM Policies Changes [GNU GPLv3] (⭐️479)
- zulip/zulip - Zulip server and web application. Open-source team chat that helps teams stay productive and focused. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️22360)
- rstudio/shiny - Easy interactive web applications with R (⭐️5441)
- addyosmani/backbone-fundamentals - 📖 A creative-commons book on Backbone.js for beginners and advanced users alike (⭐️9237)
- pyenv/pyenv - Simple Python version management [MIT License] (⭐️41055)
- ankane/ruby-polars - Blazingly fast DataFrames for Ruby (⭐️889)
- auser/salt-cli - A ruby gem to interact with salt on different providers from a local machine [MIT License] (⭐️4)
- basecamp/kamal - Deploy web apps anywhere. [MIT License] (⭐️12148)
- baygeldin/tantiny - Tiny full-text search for Ruby powered by Tantivy [MIT License] (⭐️224)
- cloudfoundry/fluent-plugin-syslog_rfc5424 - [MIT License] (⭐️4)
- danger/danger - 🚫 Stop saying "you forgot to …" in code review (in Ruby) [MIT License] (⭐️5506)
- dependabot/dependabot-core - 🤖 Dependabot's core logic for creating update PRs. [MIT License] (⭐️4914)
- dependabot/dependabot-script - A simple script that demonstrates how to use Dependabot Core [MIT License] (⭐️558)
- fastlane/fastlane - 🚀 The easiest way to automate building and releasing your iOS and Android apps [MIT License] (⭐️39958)
- github/explore - Community-curated topic and collection pages on GitHub [Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International] (⭐️4354)
- hashicorp/vagrant - Vagrant is a tool for building and distributing development environments. (⭐️26526)
- Homebrew/homebrew-cask - 🍻 A CLI workflow for the administration of macOS applications distributed as binaries [BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License] (⭐️21165)
- igrigorik/gharchive.org - GH Archive is a project to record the public GitHub timeline, archive it, and make it easily accessible for further analysis. [MIT License] (⭐️2756)
- komljen/sensu-salt - Salt states for Sensu deployment. For testing use Vagrant to deploy Sensu locally using same Sensu salt states. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️15)
- mame/quine-relay - An uroboros program with 100+ programming languages (⭐️14108)
- monigusto/vagrant-monigusto - Sample project to use monigusto with vagrant (⭐️189)
- opf/openproject - OpenProject is the leading open source project management software. [GNU GPLv3] (⭐️9973)
- postalserver/postal - 📮 A fully featured open source mail delivery platform for incoming & outgoing e-mail [MIT License] (⭐️15264)
- puppetlabs/facter - Collect and display system facts [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️620)
- rapid7/metasploit-framework - Metasploit Framework (⭐️34973)
- test-kitchen/test-kitchen - Test Kitchen is an integration tool for developing and testing infrastructure code and software on isolated target platforms (⭐️1872)
- theforeman/foreman - an application that automates the lifecycle of servers [GNU GPLv3] (⭐️2649)
- theforeman/foreman_salt - Foreman plug-in for Salt [GNU GPLv3] (⭐️68)
- tmuxinator/tmuxinator - Manage complex tmux sessions easily [MIT License] (⭐️12918)
- ubicloud/ubicloud - Open source alternative to AWS. Elastic compute, block storage (non replicated), firewall and load balancer, managed Postgres, and IAM services in public beta. [GNU AGPLv3] (⭐️4854)
- 01mf02/jaq - A jq clone focussed on correctness, speed, and simplicity [MIT License] (⭐️2983)
- 8xFF/atm0s-media-server - Decentralized, Global-Scale Media Server written in Rust (WebRTC/Whip/Whep/Rtmp/Sip) [MIT License] (⭐️264)
- 8xFF/atm0s-sdn - Global-Scale Ultra-Low Latency Software-Defined Networking powered by Rust [MIT License] (⭐️70)
- abh1nav/docker-rust - Docker client library written in Rust (⭐️53) Archived!
- abstractqqq/polars_ds_extension - Polars extension for general data science use cases [MIT License] (⭐️459)
- adgaultier/tamanoir - A KeyLogger using eBPF 🐝 [GNU GPLv3] (⭐️197)
- adobe/void - A Rust port of github.com/adobe/blackhole [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️6)
- alacritty/alacritty - A cross-platform, OpenGL terminal emulator. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️57913)
- alessandrod/aya - Aya is an eBPF library for the Rust programming language, built with a focus on developer experience and operability. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️12)
- alfredodeza/advanced-rust-cli - Create advanced Rust CLIs using examples [MIT License] (⭐️25)
- aobatact/clap-serde - Provides a wrapper to deserialize clap app using serde. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️22)
- apache/arrow-rs - Official Rust implementation of Apache Arrow [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️2810)
- apache/datafusion - Apache DataFusion SQL Query Engine [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️6837)
- apache/datafusion-ballista - Apache DataFusion Ballista Distributed Query Engine [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️1681)
- apache/datafusion-ray - Apache DataFusion Ray [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️166)
- apache/datafusion-sqlparser-rs - Extensible SQL Lexer and Parser for Rust [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️2954)
- apache/hudi-rs - The native Rust implementation for Apache Hudi, with Python API bindings. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️196)
- apache/iceberg-rust - Apache Iceberg [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️834)
- apache/opendal - Apache OpenDAL: One Layer, All Storage. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️3881)
- apecloud/ape-dts - Ape Data Transfer Suite, written in Rust. Provides ultra-fast data replication between MySQL, PostgreSQL, Redis, MongoDB, Kafka and ClickHouse, ideal for disaster recovery (DR) and migration scenarios. [GNU AGPLv3] (⭐️337)
- Arnavion/k8s-openapi - Rust definitions of the resource types in the Kubernetes client API [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️404)
- ArroyoSystems/arroyo - Distributed stream processing engine in Rust [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️4035)
- ArroyoSystems/streamgen - Mock streaming data generator [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️16)
- asaaki/rust-wasm-on-lambda-edge - Rust/WASM on AWS Lambda@Edge (CloudFront) [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️31)
- astral-sh/ruff - An extremely fast Python linter and code formatter, written in Rust. [MIT License] (⭐️36394)
- astral-sh/rye - a Hassle-Free Python Experience [MIT License] (⭐️14032)
- astral-sh/uv - An extremely fast Python package and project manager, written in Rust. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️42247)
- atuinsh/atuin - ✨ Magical shell history [MIT License] (⭐️22746)
- audulus/rui - Declarative Rust UI library [MIT License] (⭐️1833)
- aws-cloudformation/cloudformation-guard - Guard offers a policy-as-code domain-specific language (DSL) to write rules and validate JSON- and YAML-formatted data such as CloudFormation Templates, K8s configurations, and Terraform JSON plans/configurations against those rules. Take this survey to provide feedback about cfn-guard: https://amazonmr.au1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_bpyzpfoYGGuuUl0 [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️1323)
- aws/aws-secretsmanager-agent - The AWS Secrets Manager Agent is a local HTTP service that you can install and use in your compute environments to read secrets from Secrets Manager and cache them in memory. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️620)
- awslabs/aws-lambda-rust-runtime - A Rust runtime for AWS Lambda [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️3435)
- awslabs/aws-lambda-web-adapter - Run web applications on AWS Lambda [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️2175)
- awslabs/aws-sdk-rust - AWS SDK for the Rust Programming Language [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️3087)
- awslabs/mountpoint-s3 - A simple, high-throughput file client for mounting an Amazon S3 bucket as a local file system. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️4939)
- awslabs/staticwebsite-cli - Quickly and easily host a static website on AWS. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️87)
- aya-rs/aya - Aya is an eBPF library for the Rust programming language, built with a focus on developer experience and operability. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️3445)
- bheisler/criterion.rs - Statistics-driven benchmarking library for Rust [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️4852)
- bikeshedder/deadqueue - Dead simple queue implementation for rust with async-await [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️98)
- bluejekyll/multicast-example - Example of multicasting with Rust (⭐️36)
- bootandy/dust - A more intuitive version of du in rust [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️9442)
- boozook/mdbook-svgbob - SvgBob mdbook preprocessor which swaps code-blocks with neat SVG. [Mozilla Public License 2.0] (⭐️83)
- brave-experiments/frodo-pir - Rust source code for the FrodoPIR Private Information Retrieval scheme. [Mozilla Public License 2.0] (⭐️62)
- Bromeon/js-sandbox - Securely embed JavaScript code into a Rust application [zlib License] (⭐️282)
- bryant/argon2rs - The pure-Rust password hashing library running on Argon2. [MIT License] (⭐️174)
- budziq/rust-skeptic - Test your Rust Markdown documentation via Cargo [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️290)
- buoyant-data/oxbow - Collection of AWS Lambdas for creating and managing Delta tables [GNU AGPLv3] (⭐️29)
- BurntSushi/ripgrep - ripgrep recursively searches directories for a regex pattern while respecting your gitignore [The Unlicense] (⭐️50839)
- Byron/cargo-smart-release - Release complex cargo-workspaces automatically with changelog generation, used by
[Apache License 2.0] (⭐️84) - calavera/aws-lambda-events - Rust event types for AWS Lambda [MIT License] (⭐️128) Archived!
- Canop/bacon - background code checker [GNU AGPLv3] (⭐️2331)
- Canop/broot - A new way to see and navigate directory trees : https://dystroy.org/broot [MIT License] (⭐️11117)
- cantino/mcfly - Fly through your shell history. Great Scott! [MIT License] (⭐️7136)
- cargo-bins/cargo-binstall - Binary installation for rust projects [GNU GPLv3] (⭐️1829)
- casey/just - 🤖 Just a command runner [Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal] (⭐️24129)
- ChristianPavilonis/mcrd-tauri-intro - January Presentation for Music City Rust Developers (⭐️1)
- ChristianPavilonis/shat-stack - The SHAT STACK (⭐️17)
- ChristianPavilonis/ssca - The SHAT STACK Chat App! (⭐️4)
- chronotope/chrono - Date and time library for Rust (⭐️3449)
- clap-rs/clap-verbosity-flag - Easily add a --verbose flag to CLIs using Clap [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️189)
- CleanCut/ultimate_rust2 - The best Intermediate Rust course out there! [MIT License] (⭐️285)
- CleanCut/ultimate_rust_crash_course - Rust Programming Fundamentals - one course to rule them all, one course to find them... [MIT License] (⭐️1986)
- cloudflare/foundations - Cloudflare's Rust service foundations library. [Modified BSD License] (⭐️1372)
- cloudflare/pingora - A library for building fast, reliable and evolvable network services. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️23380)
- cnosdb/cnosdb - A cloud-native open source distributed time series database with high performance, high compression ratio and high availability. http://www.cnosdb.cloud [GNU AGPLv3] (⭐️1687)
- codyd51/uefirc - An IRC client in your motherboard (⭐️325)
- cowboy8625/rusty-rain - A cross platform matrix rain made with Rust. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️378)
- cross-rs/cross - “Zero setup” cross compilation and “cross testing” of Rust crates [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️7121)
- crossterm-rs/crossterm - Cross platform terminal library rust [MIT License] (⭐️3454)
- crowdalert/pyvrl - Python bindings for Vector VRL [MIT License] (⭐️1)
- cube-js/cube - 📊 Cube — Universal semantic layer platform for AI, BI, spreadsheets, and embedded analytics (⭐️18297)
- danburkert/snazzy - (⭐️17)
- dandavison/delta - A syntax-highlighting pager for git, diff, grep, and blame output [MIT License] (⭐️25568)
- darko-mesaros/shuk - File sharing utility for Amazon S3 (⭐️33)
- databendlabs/bendsql - Databend Native Client [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️53)
- databendlabs/databend - 𝗗𝗮𝘁𝗮, 𝗔𝗻𝗮𝗹𝘆𝘁𝗶𝗰𝘀 & 𝗔𝗜. Modern alternative to Snowflake. Cost-effective and simple for massive-scale analytics. https://databend.com (⭐️8229)
- databendlabs/openraft - rust raft with improvements [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️1487)
- DatacollectorVN/SQLAnyWhere - [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️9)
- datafusion-contrib/bdt - Boring Data Tool [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️214)
- datafusion-contrib/datafusion-catalogprovider-glue - [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️21)
- datafusion-contrib/datafusion-dft - Batteries included CLI, TUI, and server implementations for DataFusion. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️135)
- datafusion-contrib/datafusion-federation - Allow DataFusion to resolve queries across remote query engines while pushing down as much compute as possible down. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️101)
- datafusion-contrib/datafusion-table-providers - DataFusion TableProviders for reading data from other systems [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️88)
- datafusion-contrib/datafusion-wasm-bindings - WASM bindings for DataFusion [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️18)
- deepcausality-rs/deep_causality - Hyper-geometric computational causality library for Rust (⭐️158)
- deepcausality-rs/fluvio-examples - Fluvio DeepCausality Example Project [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️14)
- deknowny/reqsnaked - ⚡ Blazing fast async/await HTTP client for Python written on Rust using reqwests (⭐️28)
- delta-incubator/delta-sharing-rs - A Minimalistic Rust Implementation of Delta Sharing Server. [MIT License] (⭐️88)
- delta-io/delta-rs - A native Rust library for Delta Lake, with bindings into Python [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️2601)
- diesel-rs/diesel - A safe, extensible ORM and Query Builder for Rust [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️13154)
- divviup/janus - Experimental implementation of the Distributed Aggregation Protocol (DAP) specification. [Mozilla Public License 2.0] (⭐️57)
- Drew-Alleman/DataSurgeon - Quickly Extracts IP's, Email Addresses, Hashes, Files, Credit Cards, Social Security Numbers and a lot More From Text [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️781)
- dtolnay/anyhow - Flexible concrete Error type built on std::error::Error [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️5782)
- dtolnay/faketty - Wrapper to exec a command in a pty, even if redirecting the output [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️153)
- dtolnay/linkme - Safe cross-platform linker shenanigans [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️701)
- dtolnay/thiserror - derive(Error) for struct and enum error types [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️4765)
- ducaale/xh - Friendly and fast tool for sending HTTP requests [MIT License] (⭐️6165)
- duckdb/duckdb-rs - Ergonomic bindings to duckdb for Rust [MIT License] (⭐️591)
- e257-fi/tackler-ng - Fast, reliable bookkeeping engine with native GIT SCM support for plain text accounting [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️68)
- eaze/tracing-honeycomb - Fork of https://github.com/inanna-malick/tracing-honeycomb [MIT License] (⭐️17)
- ecumene/rust-sloth - A 3D software rasterizer... for the terminal! [ISC License] (⭐️792)
- edera-dev/am-i-isolated - Validate the isolation posture of your container environment. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️248)
- edera-dev/krata - krata is a Xen control plane in Rust. [GNU GPLv2] (⭐️283)
- edwinkys/oasysdb - In-memory vector store with efficient read and write performance for semantic caching and retrieval system. Redis for Semantic Caching. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️357)
- EmbarkStudios/cargo-deny - ❌ Cargo plugin for linting your dependencies 🦀 [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️1874)
- embassy-rs/embassy - Modern embedded framework, using Rust and async. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️6349)
- ENQT-GmbH/remoc - Remoc 🦑 — Remote multiplexed objects, channels and RPC for Rust (⭐️185)
- erickt/rust-zmq - Rust zeromq bindings. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️921)
- EricLBuehler/mistral.rs - Blazingly fast LLM inference. [MIT License] (⭐️5138)
- Eventual-Inc/Daft - Distributed data engine for Python/SQL designed for the cloud, powered by Rust [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️2587)
- eza-community/eza - A modern alternative to ls [European Union Public License 1.2] (⭐️14327)
- fast/fastrace - A tracing library 10~100x faster than others [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️394)
- fdehau/tui-rs - Build terminal user interfaces and dashboards using Rust [MIT License] (⭐️10844) Archived!
- feldera/feldera - The Feldera Incremental Computation Engine (⭐️1174)
- firecracker-microvm/firecracker - Secure and fast microVMs for serverless computing. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️27183)
- flamegraph-rs/flamegraph - Easy flamegraphs for Rust projects and everything else, without Perl or pipes <3 [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️5039)
- flipperzero-rs/flipperzero - Rust on the Flipper Zero [MIT License] (⭐️566)
- flock-lab/flock - Flock: A Low-Cost Streaming Query Engine on FaaS Platforms [GNU AGPLv3] (⭐️269)
- foniod/redbpf - Rust library for building and running BPF/eBPF modules [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️1711) Archived!
- forensicmatt/sansaisummit24 - Tool and Jupyter Notebook used in "Enhance Investigations Using LLM, Embeddings, and Clustering" SANS AI Cybersecurity Summit talk. [MIT License] (⭐️6)
- FoxIO-LLC/ja4 - JA4+ is a suite of network fingerprinting standards (⭐️1163)
- foyer-rs/foyer - Hybrid in-memory and disk cache in Rust [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️491)
- fussybeaver/bollard - Docker daemon API in Rust [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️991)
- geico/tuxtape - TuxTape is a DIY toolkit for creating, building, and deploying livepatches for the Linux kernel. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️63)
- geico/tuxwrangler - TuxWrangler is a framework that simplifies the creation and management of containers, with a focus on automation, scalability, and flexibility. It streamlines complex workflows, automates testing, and efficiently publishes validated images through centralized configuration management and integration with CI/CD pipelines. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️11)
- geoarrow/geoarrow-rs - GeoArrow in Rust, Python, and JavaScript (WebAssembly) with vectorized geometry operations [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️305)
- geopolars/geopolars - Geospatial extensions for Polars [MIT License] (⭐️675)
- getgrit/gritql - GritQL is a query language for searching, linting, and modifying code. [MIT License] (⭐️3473)
- getzola/zola - A fast static site generator in a single binary with everything built-in. https://www.getzola.org [MIT License] (⭐️14896)
- gfx-rs/wgpu - A cross-platform, safe, pure-Rust graphics API. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️13547)
- giangndm/decentralized-p2p-streaming - Minimize server usage by leveraging a decentralized peer-to-peer network for ultra-low-latency live streaming among users. [MIT License] (⭐️8)
- gitbutlerapp/gitbutler - The GitButler version control client, backed by Git, powered by Tauri/Rust/Svelte (⭐️14579)
- GitoxideLabs/gitoxide - An idiomatic, lean, fast & safe pure Rust implementation of Git [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️9568)
- gogrlx/grlx-lsp - (⭐️1)
- google/comprehensive-rust - This is the Rust course used by the Android team at Google. It provides you the material to quickly teach Rust. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️29484)
- gpg-rs/gpgme - GPGme bindings for Rust [GNU LGPLv2.1] (⭐️85)
- gpg-rs/libgcrypt - Libgcrypt bindings for Rust. [GNU LGPLv2.1] (⭐️12)
- grafana/augurs - Time series analysis for Rust, with bindings to Python and Javascript [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️468)
- gyscos/cursive - A Text User Interface library for the Rust programming language [MIT License] (⭐️4438)
- helix-editor/helix - A post-modern modal text editor. [Mozilla Public License 2.0] (⭐️36171)
- holochain/holochain - The current, performant & industrial strength version of Holochain on Rust. (⭐️1220)
- huggingface/candle - Minimalist ML framework for Rust [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️16716)
- hwchen/keyring-rs - Cross-platform library and utility to manage passwords [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️535)
- hyperium/tonic - A native gRPC client & server implementation with async/await support. [MIT License] (⭐️10577)
- iced-rs/iced - A cross-platform GUI library for Rust, inspired by Elm [MIT License] (⭐️25870)
- indygreg/PyOxidizer - A modern Python application packaging and distribution tool [Mozilla Public License 2.0] (⭐️5687)
- inejge/ldap3 - A pure-Rust LDAP library using the Tokio stack [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️235)
- infinyon/fluvio - Lean and mean distributed stream processing system written in rust and web assembly. Alternative to Kafka + Flink in one. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️4330)
- infinyon/fluvio-duck - Fluvio DuckDB Integration (⭐️21)
- infinyon/fluvio-jolt - Rust implementation of Java Jolt JSON to JSON transformation library [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️44) Archived!
- influxdata/influxdb - Scalable datastore for metrics, events, and real-time analytics [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️29599)
- Inlyne-Project/inlyne - Introducing Inlyne, a GPU powered yet browserless tool to help you quickly view markdown files in the blink of an eye. [MIT License] (⭐️1136)
- iqlusioninc/keychain-services.rs - Rust access to macOS Keychain Services (experimental) [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️59)
- ivanceras/svgbob - Convert your ascii diagram scribbles into happy little SVG [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️3963)
- JanKaul/iceberg-rust - Rust implementation of Apache Iceberg with integration for Datafusion [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️150)
- jdx/mise - dev tools, env vars, task runner [MIT License] (⭐️13823)
- JeremieRodon/demo-rust-lambda - Contains code to deploy an AWS API using Rust on Lambda as backend and another with Python to compare [MIT License] (⭐️20)
- jikkenio/jikken - Jikken CLI Tool [MIT License] (⭐️131)
- jj-vcs/jj - A Git-compatible VCS that is both simple and powerful [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️11695)
- jonhoo/faktory-rs - Rust bindings for Faktory clients and workers [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️211)
- jorgecarleitao/arrowdantic - Arrow, pydantic style (⭐️83)
- jvns/ruby-mem-watcher-demo - (⭐️16)
- kamu-data/kamu-cli - Next-generation decentralized data lakehouse and a multi-party stream processing network (⭐️306)
- kata-containers/kata-containers - Kata Containers is an open source project and community working to build a standard implementation of lightweight Virtual Machines (VMs) that feel and perform like containers, but provide the workload isolation and security advantages of VMs. https://katacontainers.io/ [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️5873)
- kdash-rs/kdash - A simple and fast dashboard for Kubernetes [MIT License] (⭐️2199)
- Keats/tera - A template engine for Rust based on Jinja2/Django [MIT License] (⭐️3719)
- killercup/quicli - Quickly build cool CLI apps in Rust. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️541) Archived!
- Kobzol/cargo-wizard - Cargo subcommand for configuring Cargo projects for best performance. [MIT License] (⭐️789)
- krator-rs/krator - Kubernetes Rust State Machine Operator [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️163) Archived!
- krishnakumar4a4/rust-java-rust - Provides sample code to call rust methods from embedded JVM without need for dynamic library load [MIT License] (⭐️1)
- krustlet/krustlet - Kubernetes Rust Kubelet [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️3580)
- kube-rs/controller-rs - A kubernetes reference controller with actix-web [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️301)
- kube-rs/kube - Rust Kubernetes client and controller runtime [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️3205)
- kwai/blaze - Blazing-fast query execution engine speaks Apache Spark language and has Arrow-DataFusion at its core. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️1417)
- kylebarron/arro3 - A minimal Python library for Apache Arrow, connecting to the Rust arrow crate [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️132)
- kylebarron/geo-index - A Rust crate and Python library for packed, immutable, zero-copy spatial indexes. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️147)
- lakekeeper/lakekeeper - Lakekeeper is an Apache-Licensed, secure, fast and easy to use Apache Iceberg REST Catalog written in Rust. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️474)
- Lakelezz/audiopus - High-level Rust binding of Opus. [ISC License] (⭐️48)
- lancedb/lance - Modern columnar data format for ML and LLMs implemented in Rust. Convert from parquet in 2 lines of code for 100x faster random access, vector index, and data versioning. Compatible with Pandas, DuckDB, Polars, Pyarrow, and PyTorch with more integrations coming.. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️4235)
- lapce/floem - A native Rust UI library with fine-grained reactivity [MIT License] (⭐️3303)
- LemmyNet/lemmy - 🐀 A link aggregator and forum for the fediverse [GNU AGPLv3] (⭐️13585)
- leptos-rs/leptos - Build fast web applications with Rust. [MIT License] (⭐️17793)
- liamwh/openfga-rs - OpenFGA SDK for Rust, built from OpenFGA's official protobuf files [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️2)
- libp2p/rust-libp2p - The Rust Implementation of the libp2p networking stack. [MIT License] (⭐️4865)
- LukeMathWalker/zero-to-production - Code for "Zero To Production In Rust", a book on API development using Rust. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️5967)
- marioortizmanero/pdk-experiments - Various experiments written in order to learn more about how Tremor's plugin system could be implemented (⭐️29)
- matanolabs/matano - Open source security data lake for threat hunting, detection & response, and cybersecurity analytics at petabyte scale on AWS [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️1518)
- matrix-org/matrix-rust-sdk - Matrix Client-Server SDK for Rust [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️1367)
- matrix-org/seshat - A Matrix message database/indexer (⭐️96)
- MatthiasGrandl/Loungy - Loungy is a WIP launcher in the vein of Spotlight, Alfred, Raycast. [MIT License] (⭐️1550)
- maxday/lambda-perf - Lambda Cold Starts analysis, updated daily [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️529)
- meilisearch/meilisearch - A lightning-fast search engine API bringing AI-powered hybrid search to your sites and applications. [MIT License] (⭐️49609)
- melekes/merkle-tree-rs - Merkle Tree implemented in Rust programming language [MIT License] (⭐️29)
- metalbear-co/mirrord - Connect your local process and your cloud environment, and run local code in cloud conditions. [MIT License] (⭐️3979)
- metatypedev/metatype - Declarative API development platform. Build backend components with WASM, Typescript and Python, no matter where and how your (legacy) systems are. [Mozilla Public License 2.0] (⭐️380)
- metrics-rs/metrics - A metrics ecosystem for Rust. [MIT License] (⭐️1207)
- Michael-F-Bryan/mdbook-epub - An experimental mdbook backend for creating EPUB documents. [Mozilla Public License 2.0] (⭐️426)
- microsoft/sudo - It's sudo, for Windows [MIT License] (⭐️5248)
- mozilla/cbindgen - A project for generating C bindings from Rust code [Mozilla Public License 2.0] (⭐️2547)
- nachoparker/dutree - a tool to analyze file system usage written in Rust [GNU GPLv3] (⭐️836)
- nats-io/nats.rs - Rust client for NATS, the cloud native messaging system. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️1133)
- neondatabase/neon - Neon: Serverless Postgres. We separated storage and compute to offer autoscaling, code-like database branching, and scale to zero. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️16415)
- nurmohammed840/nio - Nio is an experimental async runtime for Rust (⭐️317)
- nushell/nushell - A new type of shell [MIT License] (⭐️34121)
- nvzqz/divan - Fast and simple benchmarking for Rust projects [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️1066)
- oliverdaff/iceberg-rs - [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️33)
- open-data-fabric/open-data-fabric - Open protocol for decentralized exchange and transformation of data [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️131)
- open-telemetry/opentelemetry-rust - The Rust OpenTelemetry implementation [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️2077)
- openobserve/openfga-sdk - OpenFGA Rust SDK (⭐️3)
- openobserve/openobserve - 🚀 10x easier, 🚀 140x lower storage cost, 🚀 high performance, 🚀 petabyte scale - Elasticsearch/Splunk/Datadog alternative for 🚀 (logs, metrics, traces, RUM, Error tracking, Session replay). [GNU AGPLv3] (⭐️14561)
- Opserva-io/auth-rs - Authentication and authorization service, written in Rust [GNU GPLv3] (⭐️14)
- orbitinghail/sqlsync - SQLSync is a collaborative offline-first wrapper around SQLite. It is designed to synchronize web application state between users, devices, and the edge. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️2486)
- oxidecomputer/dropshot - expose REST APIs from a Rust program [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️993)
- oxidecomputer/hubris - A lightweight, memory-protected, message-passing kernel for deeply embedded systems. [Mozilla Public License 2.0] (⭐️3117)
- oxidecomputer/progenitor - An OpenAPI client generator (⭐️599)
- paradedb/paradedb - Postgres for Search and Analytics [GNU AGPLv3] (⭐️6789)
- PedramNavid/rust-for-data - rust-for-data [GNU GPLv3] (⭐️44)
- Peternator7/strum - A small rust library for adding custom derives to enums [MIT License] (⭐️1938)
- petgraph/petgraph - Graph data structure library for Rust. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️3170)
- PhilippRados/wrecc - A x86_64 C99 compiler written in Rust from scratch [MIT License] (⭐️414)
- picahq/pica - The Complete Agentic Infrastructure [GNU GPLv3] (⭐️572)
- plotly/plotly.rs - Plotly for Rust [MIT License] (⭐️1244)
- plotters-rs/plotters - A rust drawing library for high quality data plotting for both WASM and native, statically and realtimely 🦀 📈🚀 [MIT License] (⭐️4079)
- pola-rs/js-polars - JS bindings to polars [MIT License] (⭐️93)
- pola-rs/polars - Dataframes powered by a multithreaded, vectorized query engine, written in Rust (⭐️32195)
- pretzelhammer/rust-blog - Educational blog posts for Rust beginners [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️7830)
- procyon-rs/showata - A library of to show data (in browser, evcxr_jupyter) as table, chart... [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️26)
- procyon-rs/vega_lite_3.rs - rust api for vega-lite v3 [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️43)
- PRQL/prql - PRQL is a modern language for transforming data — a simple, powerful, pipelined SQL replacement [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️10129)
- PyO3/maturin - Build and publish crates with pyo3, cffi and uniffi bindings as well as rust binaries as python packages [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️4278)
- PyO3/pyo3 - Rust bindings for the Python interpreter [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️13144)
- pythops/bluetui - 🛜 TUI for managing bluetooth on Linux. [GNU GPLv3] (⭐️572)
- qdrant/qdrant - Qdrant - High-performance, massive-scale Vector Database and Vector Search Engine for the next generation of AI. Also available in the cloud https://cloud.qdrant.io/ [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️22278)
- qdrant/rust-client - Rust client for Qdrant vector search engine [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️261)
- quarylabs/quary - Open-source BI for engineers [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️2281)
- quarylabs/sqruff - Fast SQL formatter/linter [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️681)
- quickwit-oss/quickwit - Cloud-native search engine for observability. An open-source alternative to Datadog, Elasticsearch, Loki, and Tempo. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️9754)
- quickwit-oss/tantivy - Tantivy is a full-text search engine library inspired by Apache Lucene and written in Rust [MIT License] (⭐️12792)
- quickwit-oss/tantivy-py - Python bindings for Tantivy [MIT License] (⭐️310)
- ramsayleung/rspotify - Spotify Web API SDK implemented on Rust [MIT License] (⭐️658)
- rapiz1/rathole - A lightweight and high-performance reverse proxy for NAT traversal, written in Rust. An alternative to frp and ngrok. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️10407)
- rayon-rs/rayon - Rayon: A data parallelism library for Rust [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️11511)
- rerun-io/rerun - Visualize streams of multimodal data. Free, fast, easy to use, and simple to integrate. Built in Rust. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️7860)
- risinglightdb/sqllogictest-rs - Sqllogictest (dialect with extensions) parser and runner in Rust. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️189)
- risingwavelabs/risingwave - Stream processing platform for developers. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️7470)
- rusqlite/rusqlite - Ergonomic bindings to SQLite for Rust [MIT License] (⭐️3453)
- rust-bakery/machine - Type checked state machine library in Rust [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️245)
- rust-bakery/nom - Rust parser combinator framework [MIT License] (⭐️9761)
- rust-cli/config-rs - ⚙️ Layered configuration system for Rust applications (with strong support for 12-factor applications). [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️2780)
- rust-lang/crater - Run experiments across parts of the Rust ecosystem! (⭐️674)
- rust-lang/mdBook - Create book from markdown files. Like Gitbook but implemented in Rust [Mozilla Public License 2.0] (⭐️19123)
- rust-lang/rust-analyzer - A Rust compiler front-end for IDEs [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️14717)
- rust-lang/rustc-perf - Website for graphing performance of rustc (⭐️650)
- rust-lang/rustfmt - Format Rust code [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️6189)
- rust-lang/rustlings - 🦀 Small exercises to get you used to reading and writing Rust code! [MIT License] (⭐️56728)
- rust-ml/linfa - A Rust machine learning framework. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️3986)
- rusterlium/rustler - Safe Rust bridge for creating Erlang NIF functions [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️4455)
- rustyconover/duckdb-cron-extension - DuckDB Cron Expression Extension [MIT License] (⭐️24)
- sarub0b0/kubetui - An intuitive Terminal User Interface (TUI) tool for real-time monitoring and exploration of Kubernetes resources [MIT License] (⭐️249)
- scylladb/scylla-rust-driver - Async CQL driver for Rust, optimized for ScyllaDB! [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️612)
- sdd/kiddo - Kiddo [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️114)
- seanmonstar/reqwest - An easy and powerful Rust HTTP Client [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️10334)
- SeaQL/sea-query - 🔱 A dynamic SQL query builder for MySQL, Postgres and SQLite (⭐️1305)
- sebadob/rauthy - OpenID Connect Single Sign-On Identity & Access Management [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️438)
- serenity-rs/poise - Discord bot command framework for serenity, with advanced features like edit tracking and flexible argument parsing [MIT License] (⭐️728)
- serenity-rs/serenity - A Rust library for the Discord API. [ISC License] (⭐️4985)
- serenity-rs/songbird - An async Rust library for the Discord voice API [ISC License] (⭐️416)
- servo/font-kit - A cross-platform font loading library written in Rust [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️714)
- sfu-db/connector-x - Fastest library to load data from DB to DataFrames in Rust and Python [MIT License] (⭐️2136)
- sharkdp/bat - A cat(1) clone with wings. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️51444)
- sharkdp/fd - A simple, fast and user-friendly alternative to 'find' [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️35805)
- sharkdp/hyperfine - A command-line benchmarking tool [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️24191)
- shuttle-hq/shuttle - Build & ship backends without writing any infrastructure files. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️6339)
- signalapp/libsignal - Home to the Signal Protocol as well as other cryptographic primitives which make Signal possible. [GNU AGPLv3] (⭐️3936)
- silvia-odwyer/photon - ⚡ Rust/WebAssembly image processing library [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️2883)
- sjrusso8/spark-connect-rs - Apache Spark Connect Client for Rust [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️103)
- slatedb/slatedb - A cloud native embedded storage engine built on object storage. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️1813)
- smithy-lang/smithy-rs - Code generation for the AWS SDK for Rust, as well as server and generic smithy client generation. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️530)
- snowfoxsh/nestify - Nestify offers a macro to simplify and beautify nested struct definitions in Rust, enabling cleaner, more readable code structures with less verbosity. It's especially valuable for handling API responses [MIT License] (⭐️328)
- softprops/shiplift - 🐳 🦀 rust interface for maneuvering docker containers [MIT License] (⭐️624)
- spiceai/spiceai - A portable accelerated data query and LLM-inference engine, written in Rust, for data-grounded AI apps and agents. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️2077)
- splitgraph/seafowl - Analytical database for data-driven Web applications 🪶 [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️478)
- Spotifyd/spotifyd - A spotify daemon [GNU GPLv3] (⭐️10068)
- starship/starship - ☄🌌️ The minimal, blazing-fast, and infinitely customizable prompt for any shell! [ISC License] (⭐️47383)
- static-web-server/static-web-server - A cross-platform, high-performance and asynchronous web server for static files-serving. ⚡ [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️1696)
- stepancheg/rust-protobuf - Rust implementation of Google protocol buffers [MIT License] (⭐️2857)
- str4d/age-plugin-yubikey - YubiKey plugin for age [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️661)
- str4d/rage - A simple, secure and modern file encryption tool (and Rust library) with small explicit keys, no config options, and UNIX-style composability. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️2840)
- suharev7/clickhouse-rs - Asynchronous ClickHouse client library for Rust programming language. [MIT License] (⭐️329)
- supabase/wrappers - Postgres Foreign Data Wrapper development framework in Rust. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️628)
- surrealdb/surrealdb - A scalable, distributed, collaborative, document-graph database, for the realtime web (⭐️28828)
- swlkr/shtml - Yet another ssr only jsx implementation in rust (⭐️44)
- systeminit/si - The System Initiative software [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️1633)
- tag1consulting/goose - Load testing framework, inspired by Locust [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️842)
- tailcallhq/tailcall - High Performance GraphQL Runtime [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️1341)
- tamasfe/taplo - A TOML toolkit written in Rust [MIT License] (⭐️1639)
- tembo-io/tembo - Goodbye Database Sprawl, Hello Postgres. [PostgreSQL License] (⭐️1181)
- tensorflow/rust - Rust language bindings for TensorFlow [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️5289)
- tensorlakeai/indexify - A realtime serving engine for Data-Intensive Generative AI Applications [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️970)
- testcontainers/testcontainers-rs - A library for integration-testing against docker containers from within Rust. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️833)
- testcontainers/testcontainers-rs-modules-community - Community maintained modules for Testcontainers for Rust [MIT License] (⭐️118)
- threathunters-io/laurel - Transform Linux Audit logs for SIEM usage [GNU GPLv3] (⭐️750)
- tiki-deprecated/cli - (⭐️2) Archived!
- tiki-deprecated/platform-cmp-trail-endpoint - Create immutable audit trail records for legal data licensing [GNU AGPLv3] (⭐️7) Archived!
- timvw/qv - Quickly view your data [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️299)
- tokio-rs/prost - PROST! a Protocol Buffers implementation for the Rust Language [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️4150)
- tokio-rs/tracing - Application level tracing for Rust. [MIT License] (⭐️5746)
- tokio-rs/tracing-opentelemetry - [MIT License] (⭐️269)
- ToluClassics/candle-tutorial - Tutorial for Porting PyTorch Transformer Models to Candle (Rust) (⭐️284)
- TraceMachina/nativelink - NativeLink is an open source high-performance build cache and remote execution server, compatible with Bazel, Buck2, Reclient, and other RBE-compatible build systems. It offers drastically faster builds, reduced test flakiness, and specialized hardware. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️1250)
- tree-sitter/tree-sitter - An incremental parsing system for programming tools [MIT License] (⭐️19764)
- tursodatabase/limbo - Limbo is a project to build the modern evolution of SQLite. [MIT License] (⭐️9695)
- twilight-rs/twilight - Powerful, flexible, and scalable ecosystem of Rust libraries for the Discord API. [ISC License] (⭐️716)
- unitycatalog/unitycatalog-rs - Open, Multi-modal Catalog for Data & AI, written in Rust [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️76)
- upjohnc/oxbow-rust-lambda - Collection of AWS Lambdas for creating and managing Delta tables [GNU AGPLv3] (⭐️1)
- usagi-flow/evil-helix - Bringing the Helix editor to the evil side [Mozilla Public License 2.0] (⭐️524)
- uwheel/datafusion-uwheel - µWheel DataFusion Optimizer for speeding up time-based analytics [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️35)
- uwheel/uwheel - Embeddable Aggregate Management System for Streams and Queries. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️91)
- Vaibhavs10/fast-llm.rs - (⭐️135)
- vectordotdev/vector - A high-performance observability data pipeline. [Mozilla Public License 2.0] (⭐️18900)
- vectordotdev/vrl - Vector Remap Language [Mozilla Public License 2.0] (⭐️160)
- VirusTotal/yara-x - A rewrite of YARA in Rust. [Modified BSD License] (⭐️717)
- Vrtgs/rust-try-catch - Living hell (⭐️49)
- wezterm/wezterm - A GPU-accelerated cross-platform terminal emulator and multiplexer written by @wez and implemented in Rust (⭐️19468)
- Wilfred/difftastic - a structural diff that understands syntax 🟥🟩 [MIT License] (⭐️21877)
- woodruffw/zizmor - A static analysis tool for GitHub Actions [MIT License] (⭐️2062)
- xenacool/bubbling_rainwater - experimental bad idea [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️1) Archived!
- XiangpengHao/parquet-viewer - View parquet files online [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️119)
- Xuanwo/reqsign - Signing HTTP requests without heavy SDKs. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️105)
- Xuanwo/serfig - Layered configuration system built upon serde [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️32)
- YaLTeR/niri - A scrollable-tiling Wayland compositor. [GNU GPLv3] (⭐️5321)
- ynqa/jnv - Interactive JSON filter using jq [MIT License] (⭐️5346)
- ynqa/promkit - A toolkit for building interactive prompt in Rust [MIT License] (⭐️329)
- zed-industries/zed - Code at the speed of thought – Zed is a high-performance, multiplayer code editor from the creators of Atom and Tree-sitter. (⭐️55104)
- zellij-org/zellij - A terminal workspace with batteries included [MIT License] (⭐️23324)
- zeromq/zmq.rs - A native implementation of ØMQ in Rust [MIT License] (⭐️1221)
- zmwangx/rust-ffmpeg - Safe FFmpeg wrapper. [Do What The Fck You Want To Public License*] (⭐️1459)
- apache/iceberg-docs - Apache Iceberg Documentation Site (⭐️42) Archived!
- dbt-labs/hub.getdbt.com - Package hub for dbt. (⭐️29)
- rabobank-cdc/DeTTECT - Detect Tactics, Techniques & Combat Threats [GNU GPLv3] (⭐️2118)
- arnisoph/saltstack-skeleton-formula - SaltStack formula skeleton that can be used for new formulas (⭐️6) Archived!
- saltstack-formulas/ec2-autoscale-reactor - Autonomous Minion Management via EC2 Autoscaler (⭐️76)
- saltstack-formulas/salt-cloud-reactor - Autonomous Minion Management via Salt Cloud (⭐️37)
- aws-samples/emr-trino-autoscale - [MIT No Attribution] (⭐️19)
- databrickslabs/transpiler - SIEM-to-Spark Transpiler (⭐️42)
- delta-io/delta - An open-source storage framework that enables building a Lakehouse architecture with compute engines including Spark, PrestoDB, Flink, Trino, and Hive and APIs [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️7848)
- delta-io/delta-sharing - An open protocol for secure data sharing [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️812)
- mesos/chronos - Fault tolerant job scheduler for Mesos which handles dependencies and ISO8601 based schedules [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️4383)
- Qbeast-io/qbeast-spark - Qbeast-spark: DataSource enabling multi-dimensional indexing and efficient data sampling. Big Data, free from the unnecessary! [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️225)
- snowplow/snowplow - The leader in Next-Generation Customer Data Infrastructure [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️6892)
- TempleEight/temple - A Framework for Generating and Deploying Scalable Microservice Infrastructure [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️8)
- thatdot/quine - Quine • a streaming graph • https://quine.io • Discord: https://discord.gg/GMhd8TE4MR (⭐️322)
- twitter/the-algorithm - Source code for Twitter's Recommendation Algorithm [GNU AGPLv3] (⭐️62979)
- brandentimm/logstash-formula - A salt formula for logstash [MIT License] (⭐️2)
- brandentimm/logstash_forwarder-formula - Salt formula for logstash-forwarder [MIT License] (⭐️4)
- clausa/salt-logstash - salt state definitions for installing logstash, elasticsearch and kibana (⭐️36)
- ConsoleCatzirl/hpcs-salt-state - Salt state tree for HP Cloud Systems Platform as a Service infrastructure [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️15) Archived!
- slafs/cookiecutter-saltstack-formula - Cookiecutter template for creating SaltStack Formulas (⭐️2)
- 0xKayala/NucleiFuzzer - NucleiFuzzer is a robust automation tool that efficiently detects web application vulnerabilities, including XSS, SQLi, SSRF, and Open Redirects, leveraging advanced scanning and URL enumeration techniques (⭐️1458)
- akamai-contrib/property-automation-open-source - Sample files for automating property manager configuration changes (⭐️2)
- antonbabenko/pre-commit-terraform - pre-commit git hooks to take care of Terraform configurations 🇺🇦 [MIT License] (⭐️3310)
- arnisoph/formula-docs - Documentation and Standardisation of SaltStack formulas (⭐️19)
- asdf-vm/asdf-plugins - Convenience shortname repository for asdf community plugins [MIT License] (⭐️1293)
- attacker34/DomainWatch - DomainWatch allows everyone to monitor domains for possible take-overs. (⭐️1)
- aws-samples/amazon-cloudwatch-container-insights - CloudWatch Agent Dockerfile and K8s YAML templates for CloudWatch Container Insights. [MIT No Attribution] (⭐️169)
- aws/containers-roadmap - This is the public roadmap for AWS container services (ECS, ECR, Fargate, and EKS). (⭐️5251)
- awslabs/amazon-eks-ami - Packer configuration for building a custom EKS AMI [MIT No Attribution] (⭐️2490)
- brimstone/docker-kali - A Docker image for bits of Kali Linux (⭐️31)
- brooklyn-data/dbt_artifacts - A dbt package for modelling dbt metadata. https://brooklyn-data.github.io/dbt_artifacts [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️353)
- cdevents/spec - A common specification for Continuous Delivery events [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️140)
- ColinSullivan1/nats-local-supercluster - A local supercluster for testing [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️5)
- databricks/tabular-sdk-go - Golang SDK for interacting with the Tabular API (⭐️3)
- Deadolus/android-studio-docker - Android Studio + flutter in Docker. Emulator works too - with or without Display, even over SSH if you forward the display [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️148)
- devcontainers/features - A collection of Dev Container Features managed by Dev Container spec maintainers. See https://github.com/devcontainers/feature-starter to publish your own [MIT License] (⭐️1025)
- dnephin/pre-commit-golang - Golang hooks for pre-commit [MIT License] (⭐️680)
- drduh/Purse - GnuPG asymmetric password manager [MIT License] (⭐️580)
- edoardottt/awesome-hacker-search-engines - A curated list of awesome search engines useful during Penetration testing, Vulnerability assessments, Red/Blue Team operations, Bug Bounty and more [MIT License] (⭐️8372)
- eguevara/zmk - Production repository for the all-new Advantage360 Professional using ZMK engine [MIT License] (⭐️1)
- FanchenBao/fastapi_lambda_api-gateway_sample - An example to show how to build and deploy an API service quickly using FastAPI + AWS Lambda + API Gateway [MIT License] (⭐️29)
- fharper/devrel - Multiple resources & information for developer relations [The Unlicense] (⭐️4)
- fivetran/dbt_github_source - Fivetran's GitHub source dbt package [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️7)
- freeipa/freeipa-container - FreeIPA server in containers — images at https://quay.io/repository/freeipa/freeipa-server?tab=tags [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️626)
- fwdcloudsec/known_aws_accounts - List of known AWS accounts [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️183)
- gabrielsoltz/my-steampipe-arsenal - My Steampipe Queries Arsenal [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️9)
- getlago/lago - Open Source Metering and Usage Based Billing API ⭐️ Consumption tracking, Subscription management, Pricing iterations, Payment orchestration & Revenue analytics [GNU AGPLv3] (⭐️7398)
- gliderlabs/docker-alpine - Alpine Linux Docker image. Win at minimalism! [BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License] (⭐️5704)
- gogrlx/bootstrap.grlx.dev - grlx bootstrap scripts (⭐️1)
- google/oss-fuzz - OSS-Fuzz - continuous fuzzing for open source software. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️10860)
- grahamhelton/dredge - Dredging up secrets from the depths of the file system (⭐️121)
- HariSekhon/Kubernetes-configs - Advanced Kubernetes YAML configs - Best Practices, Tips & Tricks, Production-Ready Checklist - experience from several production environments. AWS, GCP, Azure, ArgoCD, GKE, EKS, AKS, Nginx, Traefik, Kong, Cert Manager, CI/CD, Jenkins, Artifactory, TeamCity, GitHub Actions, Cloud SQL, FluxCD, Spinnaker, Selenium Grid, Moon, Helm + Kustomize [MIT License] (⭐️471)
- ironicbadger/infra - 99.7% less leaked credentials [GNU GPLv3] (⭐️756)
- jdub/ami-resource - Concourse CI resource to check for new Amazon Machine Images (AMI) (⭐️12)
- jenv/jenv - Manage your Java environment [MIT License] (⭐️6040)
- jpetazzo/pipework - Software-Defined Networking tools for LXC (LinuX Containers) [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️4234)
- just-containers/s6-overlay - s6 overlay for containers (includes execline, s6-linux-utils & a custom init) (⭐️3950)
- k3d-io/k3d-demo - Demo of k3d: Tool to run k3s (Kubernetes) in Docker [MIT License] (⭐️277)
- k8sstormcenter/honeycluster - Threat-informed defense for cloudnative: Reference Implementation of a so-called Honeycluster - for kind (and GKE, RKE2, AKS) [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️32)
- kevinSuttle/macOS-Defaults - A centralized place for the awesome work started by @mathiasbynens on .macos (⭐️1297)
- KinesisCorporation/Adv360-Pro-ZMK - Production repository for the all-new Advantage360 Professional using ZMK engine [MIT License] (⭐️510)
- kristoff-it/simplex - CLI tool that lets you post on Twitter, Mastodon, Bluesky and LinkedIn with a single command. [MIT License] (⭐️37)
- latchset/clevis - Automated Encryption Framework [GNU GPLv3] (⭐️988)
- megastep/makeself - A self-extracting archiving tool for Unix systems, in 100% shell script. [GNU GPLv2] (⭐️2371)
- moonbuggy/docker-syslog-ng-alpine - An Alpine Linux container running syslog-ng (⭐️5)
- morph027/pve-iso-2-pxe - Create PXE bootable Proxmox installation [MIT License] (⭐️442)
- myoung34/docker-github-actions-runner - This will run the new self-hosted github actions runners with docker-in-docker [GNU GPLv3] (⭐️1814)
- orbstack/orbstack - Fast, light, simple Docker containers & Linux machines [MIT License] (⭐️6350)
- papers-we-love/papers-we-love - Papers from the computer science community to read and discuss. (⭐️91371)
- peikk0/tmux-cssh - ClusterSSH with tmux -- mirror of https://gitlab.com/peikk0/tmux-cssh [MIT License] (⭐️238)
- phusion/open-vagrant-boxes - Docker-compatible Vagrant base boxes (⭐️517)
- powerline/fonts - Patched fonts for Powerline users. (⭐️25920)
- redraw/gh-install - install GitHub release binaries from the CLI interactively (⭐️196)
- reviewdog/action-template - 🐶 Template to create your Docker based reviewdog actions [MIT License] (⭐️22)
- richardfan1126/nitro-enclaves-eif-build-action - This GitHub Action use kaniko and Amazon Linux container with nitro-cli to build a reproducible AWS Nitro Enclaves EIF file and its information. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️8)
- rootless-containers/usernetes - Kubernetes without the root privileges [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️902)
- rust-serverless/lambda-rust - 🐳 🦀 a dockerized lambda build env for rust applications [MIT License] (⭐️35)
- sdf-labs/sdf-cli - This is the main repository for SDF documentation found at docs.sdf.com, as well as public schemas, benchmarks, and examples (⭐️116)
- sickcodes/Docker-OSX - Run macOS VM in a Docker! Run near native OSX-KVM in Docker! X11 Forwarding! CI/CD for OS X Security Research! Docker mac Containers. [GNU GPLv3] (⭐️49857)
- slsa-framework/slsa - Supply-chain Levels for Software Artifacts (⭐️1612)
- soumilshah1995/emr-ec2-labs - emr-ec2-labs [MIT License] (⭐️4)
- spiffe/spiffe - The SPIFFE Project [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️1535)
- super-linter/super-linter - Combination of multiple linters to run as a GitHub Action or standalone [MIT License] (⭐️9690)
- tailscale/codespace - Experimenting with codespaces [Modified BSD License] (⭐️80)
- tfutils/tfenv - Terraform version manager [MIT License] (⭐️4623)
- tigerbeetle/tigerlings - Learn TigerBeetle by fixing tiny broken scripts! (⭐️106)
- tmux-plugins/tmux-continuum - Continuous saving of tmux environment. Automatic restore when tmux is started. Automatic tmux start when computer is turned on. [MIT License] (⭐️3439)
- tmux-plugins/tmux-resurrect - Persists tmux environment across system restarts. [MIT License] (⭐️11655)
- tobilg/public-cloud-provider-ip-ranges - Unified datasets for public cloud provider IP ranges. Providers include AWS, Azure, CloudFlare, DigitalOcean, Fastly, Google Cloud and Oracle Cloud. [MIT License] (⭐️54)
- toniblyx/my-arsenal-of-aws-security-tools - List of open source tools for AWS security: defensive, offensive, auditing, DFIR, etc. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️9098)
- trunk-io/trunk-action - Trunk.io GitHub Action [MIT License] (⭐️219)
- unfor19/iamlive-docker - The source code for building iamlive Docker image (⭐️9)
- vernemq/docker-vernemq - VerneMQ Docker image - Starts the VerneMQ MQTT broker and listens on 1883 and 8080 (for websockets). [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️177)
- wolfi-dev/os - Main package repository for production Wolfi images (⭐️897)
- zolrath/wemux - Multi-User Tmux Made Easy [MIT License] (⭐️3637)
- zsh-users/zsh-autosuggestions - Fish-like autosuggestions for zsh [MIT License] (⭐️32381)
- lakekeeper/lakekeeper-charts - Helm chart for Lakekeeper - a Rust Native Iceberg REST Catalog [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️7)
- localstack/helm-charts - Helm Charts for LocalStack [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️68)
- otwld/ollama-helm - Helm chart for Ollama on Kubernetes [MIT License] (⭐️378)
- GoogleContainerTools/distroless - 🥑 Language focused docker images, minus the operating system. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️19974)
- gurucomputing/headscale-ui - A web frontend for the headscale Tailscale-compatible coordination server [Modified BSD License] (⭐️1959)
- IBM/lakevision - Lakevision is a tool which provides insights into your Apache Iceberg based Data Lakehouse. (⭐️24)
- Stengo/DeskPad - A virtual monitor for screen sharing [MIT License] (⭐️6640)
- mszep/pandoc_resume - The Markdown Resume [MIT License] (⭐️1673)
- p4lang/p4-spec - [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️187)
- xdp-project/xdp-paper - Source text and experimental data for our paper describing XDP (⭐️45)
- antvis/G6 - ♾ A Graph Visualization Framework in JavaScript. [MIT License] (⭐️11340)
- apache/echarts - Apache ECharts is a powerful, interactive charting and data visualization library for browser [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️62029)
- apache/echarts-from-mermaid - Apache echarts (⭐️7)
- apache/superset - Apache Superset is a Data Visualization and Data Exploration Platform [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️64804)
- artifacthub/hub - Find, install and publish Cloud Native packages [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️1788)
- aspen-cloud/triplit - A full-stack, syncing database that runs on both server and client. Pluggable storage (indexeddb, sqlite, durable objects), syncs over websockets, and works with your favorite framework (React, Solid, Vue, Svelte). [GNU AGPLv3] (⭐️2578)
- AykutSarac/jsoncrack.com - ✨ Innovative and open-source visualization application that transforms various data formats, such as JSON, YAML, XML, CSV and more, into interactive graphs. (⭐️37157)
- boilingdata/boilingdata-bdcli - BoilingData command line client BDCLI (management, IaC, and API) (⭐️9)
- bokeh/bokeh - Interactive Data Visualization in the browser, from Python [Modified BSD License] (⭐️19656)
- cdk-patterns/serverless - This is intended to be a repo containing all of the official AWS Serverless architecture patterns built with CDK for developers to use. All patterns come in Typescript and Python with the exported CloudFormation also included. [MIT License] (⭐️2306)
- cdklabs/cdk-nag - Check CDK applications for best practices using a combination of available rule packs [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️870)
- Christmas-4-Kids/c4k - This is the repository for the Christmas 4 Kids mobile app (⭐️4)
- chrnorm/build-your-own-cloudtrail - [MIT License] (⭐️6)
- cloud-copilot/iam-data - Daily Updates of AWS IAM Data [MIT License] (⭐️17)
- cloud-copilot/iam-expand - Expand IAM Actions with Wildcards [GNU AGPLv3] (⭐️29)
- cloud-copilot/iam-simulate - An IAM Simulator that outputs detailed explains of how a request was evaluated. [GNU AGPLv3] (⭐️71)
- cloudscape-design/components - React components for Cloudscape Design System [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️2420)
- coder/code-server - VS Code in the browser [MIT License] (⭐️70094)
- Compulsed/cdk-lambda-typescript-otel-honeycomb - (⭐️5)
- cypress-io/cypress - Fast, easy and reliable testing for anything that runs in a browser. [MIT License] (⭐️48355)
- dataflint/spark - Performance Observability for Apache Spark [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️230)
- dataform-co/dataform - Dataform is a framework for managing SQL based data operations in BigQuery [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️877)
- dotansimha/graphql-code-generator - A tool for generating code based on a GraphQL schema and GraphQL operations (query/mutation/subscription), with flexible support for custom plugins. [MIT License] (⭐️10967)
- DTStack/dt-sql-parser - SQL Parsers for BigData, built with antlr4. [MIT License] (⭐️331)
- DTStack/monaco-sql-languages - SQL languages for monaco-editor [MIT License] (⭐️247)
- duckdb/duckdb-wasm - WebAssembly version of DuckDB [MIT License] (⭐️1455)
- dynamodb-toolbox/dynamodb-toolbox - Lightweight and type-safe query builder for DynamoDB and TypeScript [MIT License] (⭐️1885)
- elastic/kibana - Your window into the Elastic Stack (⭐️20275)
- emqx/MQTTX - A Powerful and All-in-One MQTT 5.0 client toolbox for Desktop, CLI and WebSocket. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️4149)
- Escape-Technologies/graphql-armor - 🛡️ The missing GraphQL security security layer for Apollo GraphQL and Yoga / Envelop servers 🛡️ [MIT License] (⭐️512)
- evmar/weave - wasm viewer [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️146)
- excalidraw/excalidraw - Virtual whiteboard for sketching hand-drawn like diagrams [MIT License] (⭐️93805)
- facebook/docusaurus - Easy to maintain open source documentation websites. [MIT License] (⭐️58635)
- Falconerd/discord-bot-github - GitHub repo updates displayed in Discord. (⭐️382)
- fingerprintjs/fingerprintjs - The most advanced browser fingerprinting library. (⭐️24118)
- giscus/giscus - A comment system powered by GitHub Discussions.
💬 💎 [MIT License] (⭐️9274)
- GitbookIO/gitbook - The open source frontend for GitBook doc sites [GNU GPLv3] (⭐️27621)
- github/docs - The open-source repo for docs.github.com [Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International] (⭐️17062)
- glideapps/quicktype - Generate types and converters from JSON, Schema, and GraphQL [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️12775)
- globaldatanet/aws-firewall-factory - Enhance the security of your web applications effortlessly with AWS Firewall Factory. Safeguard your valuable assets through seamless WAF deployment, updates, and staging, all centrally managed with AWS Firewall Manager. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️241)
- grafana/grafana - The open and composable observability and data visualization platform. Visualize metrics, logs, and traces from multiple sources like Prometheus, Loki, Elasticsearch, InfluxDB, Postgres and many more. [GNU AGPLv3] (⭐️66810)
- graphile/crystal - 🔮 Graphile's Crystal Monorepo; home to Grafast, PostGraphile, pg-introspection, pg-sql2 and much more! (⭐️12681)
- graphile/migrate - Opinionated SQL-powered productive roll-forward migration tool for PostgreSQL. [MIT License] (⭐️767)
- gristlabs/grist-core - Grist is the evolution of spreadsheets. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️8004)
- gzuidhof/starboard-notebook - In-browser literate notebooks [Mozilla Public License 2.0] (⭐️1262)
- hashicorp-forge/hermes - A document management system [Mozilla Public License 2.0] (⭐️1835)
- hasura/graphql-engine - Blazing fast, instant realtime GraphQL APIs on all your data with fine grained access control, also trigger webhooks on database events. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️31387)
- hasura/hasura-ecommerce - (⭐️249)
- highlight/highlight - highlight.io: The open source, full-stack monitoring platform. Error monitoring, session replay, logging, distributed tracing, and more. (⭐️8000)
- holdenmatt/duckdb-wasm-kit - Hooks and utilities to make it easier to use duckdb-wasm in React apps. [MIT License] (⭐️155)
- honeycombio/honeycomb-opentelemetry-web - Honeycomb's Distro for OpenTelemetry in the browser [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️48)
- hoppscotch/hoppscotch - Open source API development ecosystem - https://hoppscotch.io (open-source alternative to Postman, Insomnia) [MIT License] (⭐️69310)
- infinitered/solidarity - Solidarity is an environment checker for project dependencies across multiple machines. [MIT License] (⭐️640)
- Infisical/infisical - ♾ Infisical is the open-source secret management platform: Sync secrets across your team/infrastructure, prevent secret leaks, and manage internal PKI (⭐️16969)
- inkdrop-org/inkdrop-visualizer - Visualizes your Terraform [Mozilla Public License 2.0] (⭐️477)
- ItzCrazyKns/Perplexica - Perplexica is an AI-powered search engine. It is an Open source alternative to Perplexity AI [MIT License] (⭐️20344)
- jacomyal/sigma.js - A JavaScript library aimed at visualizing graphs of thousands of nodes and edges [MIT License] (⭐️11454)
- janhq/jan - Jan is an open source alternative to ChatGPT that runs 100% offline on your computer [GNU AGPLv3] (⭐️27898)
- JOSHUAJEBARAJ/GCP-GOAT - GCP GOAT is the vulnerable application for learn the GCP Security (⭐️63)
- juice-shop/juice-shop - OWASP Juice Shop: Probably the most modern and sophisticated insecure web application [MIT License] (⭐️10905)
- JupiterOne/starbase - Graph-based security analysis for everyone [Mozilla Public License 2.0] (⭐️343)
- kamranahmedse/developer-roadmap - Interactive roadmaps, guides and other educational content to help developers grow in their careers. (⭐️309751)
- karbasia/tririga-data-workbench - [GNU GPLv3] (⭐️5)
- klarna-incubator/gram - Gram is Klarna's own threat model diagramming tool [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️319)
- kpolley/PIIDetective - PII detection platform, leveraging human-in-the-loop AI [MIT License] (⭐️50)
- lakekeeper/console - A leightweight UI for Lakekeeper [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️9)
- lerna/lerna - Lerna is a fast, modern build system for managing and publishing multiple JavaScript/TypeScript packages from the same repository. [MIT License] (⭐️35854)
- lobehub/lobe-chat - 🤯 Lobe Chat - an open-source, modern-design AI chat framework. Supports Multi AI Providers( OpenAI / Claude 3 / Gemini / Ollama / DeepSeek / Qwen), Knowledge Base (file upload / knowledge management / RAG ), Multi-Modals (Plugins/Artifacts) and Thinking. One-click FREE deployment of your private ChatGPT/ Claude / DeepSeek application. (⭐️57106)
- makeplane/plane - 🔥 🔥 🔥 Open Source JIRA, Linear, Monday, and Asana Alternative. Plane helps you track your issues, epics, and cycles the easiest way on the planet. [GNU AGPLv3] (⭐️32781)
- malloydata/malloy - Malloy is an experimental language for describing data relationships and transformations. [MIT License] (⭐️2082)
- maplibre/maplibre-gl-js - MapLibre GL JS - Interactive vector tile maps in the browser (⭐️7251)
- MauriceNino/dashdot - A simple, modern server dashboard, primarily used by smaller private servers [MIT License] (⭐️2838)
- melt-ui/melt-ui - A set of headless, accessible component builders for Svelte. [MIT License] (⭐️3923)
- mendableai/firecrawl - 🔥 Turn entire websites into LLM-ready markdown or structured data. Scrape, crawl and extract with a single API. [GNU AGPLv3] (⭐️28557)
- metlo-labs/metlo - Metlo is an open-source API security platform. [MIT License] (⭐️1627)
- microsoft/node-jsonc-parser - Scanner and parser for JSON with comments. [MIT License] (⭐️637)
- microsoft/playwright - Playwright is a framework for Web Testing and Automation. It allows testing Chromium, Firefox and WebKit with a single API. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️69864)
- n8n-io/n8n - Fair-code workflow automation platform with native AI capabilities. Combine visual building with custom code, self-host or cloud, 400+ integrations. (⭐️64678)
- neo4j-labs/neodash - NeoDash - a Dashboard Builder for Neo4j [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️452)
- neoclide/coc.nvim - Nodejs extension host for vim & neovim, load extensions like VSCode and host language servers. (⭐️24725)
- Noovolari/leapp - Leapp is the DevTool to access your cloud [Mozilla Public License 2.0] (⭐️1651)
- novuhq/novu - Open-Source Notification Platform. Embeddable Notification Center, E-mail, Push and Slack Integrations. (⭐️36368)
- nuxt/nuxt - The Intuitive Vue Framework. [MIT License] (⭐️56343)
- observablehq/framework - A static site generator for data apps, dashboards, reports, and more. Observable Framework combines JavaScript on the front-end for interactive graphics with any language on the back-end for data analysis. [ISC License] (⭐️2839)
- oclif/core - Node.js Open CLI Framework. Built by Salesforce. [MIT License] (⭐️227)
- oclif/oclif - CLI for generating, building, and releasing oclif CLIs. Built by Salesforce. [MIT License] (⭐️9141)
- octokit/request.js - Send parameterized requests to GitHub’s APIs with sensible defaults in browsers and Node [MIT License] (⭐️237)
- octokit/webhooks - machine-readable, always up-to-date GitHub Webhooks specifications [MIT License] (⭐️234)
- open-metadata/OpenMetadata - OpenMetadata is a unified metadata platform for data discovery, data observability, and data governance powered by a central metadata repository, in-depth column level lineage, and seamless team collaboration. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️6204)
- open-sauced/app - 🍕 Insights into your entire open source ecosystem. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️442)
- open-source-labs/dbSpy - Visualize, modify, and build your database with dbSpy! An open-source data modeling tool to facilitate relational database development. [MIT License] (⭐️270)
- OpenCTI-Platform/opencti - Open Cyber Threat Intelligence Platform (⭐️7024)
- openreplay/openreplay - Session replay, cobrowsing and product analytics you can self-host. Ideal for reproducing issues and iterating on your product. (⭐️9880)
- org-formation/aws-resource-providers - A community driven repository where you can find AWS Resource Type Providers for different purposes (including org-formation ones). [MIT License] (⭐️90)
- org-formation/org-formation-cli - Better than landingzones! [MIT License] (⭐️1441)
- peaceiris/actions-gh-pages - GitHub Actions for GitHub Pages 🚀 Deploy static files and publish your site easily. Static-Site-Generators-friendly. [MIT License] (⭐️4852)
- pingcap/ossinsight - Analysis, Comparison, Trends, Rankings of Open Source Software, you can also get insight from more than 7 billion with natural language (powered by OpenAI). Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/ossinsight [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️1901)
- pinterest/querybook - Querybook is a Big Data Querying UI, combining collocated table metadata and a simple notebook interface. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️2049)
- plaid/pattern - An example end-to-end Plaid integration to create items and fetch transaction data [MIT License] (⭐️459)
- plaid/react-native-plaid-link-sdk - Plaid Link for React Native [MIT License] (⭐️178)
- plaid/react-plaid-link - React bindings for Plaid Link [MIT License] (⭐️274)
- probot/probot - 🤖 A framework for building GitHub Apps to automate and improve your workflow [ISC License] (⭐️9118)
- projen/projen - Rapidly build modern applications with advanced configuration management [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️2757)
- radix-ui/themes - Radix Themes is an open-source component library optimized for fast development, easy maintenance, and accessibility. Maintained by @workos. [MIT License] (⭐️6353)
- recharts/recharts - Redefined chart library built with React and D3 [MIT License] (⭐️24711)
- refinedev/refine - A React Framework for building internal tools, admin panels, dashboards & B2B apps with unmatched flexibility. [MIT License] (⭐️30096)
- renovatebot/renovate - Home of the Renovate CLI: Cross-platform Dependency Automation by Mend.io [GNU AGPLv3] (⭐️18489)
- rnag/rust.aws-cdk-lambda - A CDK (v2) Construct Library for AWS Lambda in Rust [ISC License] (⭐️86)
- rrweb-io/rrweb - record and replay the web [MIT License] (⭐️17228)
- ryo-ma/github-profile-trophy - 🏆 Add dynamically generated GitHub Stat Trophies on your readme [MIT License] (⭐️5597)
- sanity-io/sanity - Sanity Studio – Rapidly configure content workspaces powered by structured content [MIT License] (⭐️5476)
- skymethod/denoflare - Develop, test, and deploy Cloudflare Workers with Deno. [MIT License] (⭐️755)
- Snazzah/slash-create - 🗡️ Creator and handler for Discord's slash commands [MIT License] (⭐️349)
- ssoready/ssoready - Open-source dev tools for enterprise SSO. Ship SAML + SCIM support this afternoon. [MIT License] (⭐️1406)
- sst/sst - Build full-stack apps on your own infrastructure. [MIT License] (⭐️23057)
- stack-auth/stack-auth - Open-source Auth0/Clerk alternative (⭐️5255)
- stainless-api/stl-api - Stainless full-stack API Framework (⭐️103)
- step-security/harden-runner - Harden-Runner is a CI/CD security agent that works like an EDR for GitHub Actions runners. It monitors network egress, file integrity, and process activity on those runners, detecting threats in real-time. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️679)
- StevenSmiley/aws-mine - AWS honey token manager [MIT No Attribution] (⭐️87)
- stoplightio/prism - Turn any OpenAPI2/3 and Postman Collection file into an API server with mocking, transformations and validations. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️4457)
- storybookjs/builder-vite - A builder plugin to run and build Storybooks with Vite [MIT License] (⭐️890)
- storybookjs/native - 📱 Storybook for Native: iOS, Android, Flutter [MIT License] (⭐️200)
- SubframeApp/subframe - Open-source developer tools by Subframe, including our CLI tool and Radix headless component wrappers. (⭐️167)
- supabase/supabase - The open source Firebase alternative. Supabase gives you a dedicated Postgres database to build your web, mobile, and AI applications. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️78449)
- taubyte/digitalocean-idp - Deploy your PaaS/IDP on DigitalOcean [Modified BSD License] (⭐️5)
- teableio/teable - ✨ The Next Gen Airtable Alternative: No-Code Postgres (⭐️16908)
- temporalio/ui - Temporal UI [MIT License] (⭐️225)
- terrateamio/cloud-pricing-api - [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️1)
- tiki-deprecated/publish-sdk-js - TIKI SDK (JavaScript) - Consumer Data Licensing (⭐️2) Archived!
- tldraw/tldraw - whiteboard SDK / infinite canvas SDK (⭐️39064)
- tobilg/aws-iam-data - This repository contains the full dataset of AWS IAM data (services, actions, resource types and conditions keys). It's updated on a daily basis at 4AM UTC. [MIT License] (⭐️56)
- tobilg/duckerd - CLI to create an ER Diagram from DuckDB database files (⭐️84)
- tobilg/serverless-duckdb - An example of how to run DuckDB on AWS Lambda & API Gateway. [MIT License] (⭐️139)
- tremorlabs/tremor-npm - React components to build charts and dashboards [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️16346)
- triggerdotdev/trigger.dev - Trigger.dev – open source background jobs and AI infrastructure [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️10381)
- twentyhq/twenty - Building a modern alternative to Salesforce, powered by the community. (⭐️26850)
- unitycatalog/unitycatalog-ui - Unity Catalog UI [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️39) Archived!
- unlock-protocol/unlock - Ʉnlock is a protocol for memberships built on a blockchain. [MIT License] (⭐️853)
- wandb/openui - OpenUI let's you describe UI using your imagination, then see it rendered live. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️20054)
- webprofusion/OpenAudio - A list of open source audio software projects (Apps, Plugins and Libraries). Please contribute more links or open source your own plugins. [Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal] (⭐️2094)
- whitphx/stlite - In-browser Streamlit 🎈🚀 [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️1354)
- withastro/starlight - 🌟 Build beautiful, accessible, high-performance documentation websites with Astro [MIT License] (⭐️6021)
- wundergraph/wundergraph - WunderGraph is a Backend for Frontend Framework to optimize frontend, fullstack and backend developer workflows through API Composition. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️2316)
- Zeus-Labs/ZeusCloud - Open Source Cloud Security [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️707)
- zizdlp/zbook - ZBook,An alternative solution for team-level GitBook [GNU GPLv3] (⭐️135)
- 4ndersonLin/awesome-cloud-security - 🛡️ Awesome Cloud Security Resources ⚔️ (⭐️2137)
- AcademySoftwareFoundation/aswf-landscape - 🌄Landscape for popular open source projects used in the motion picture industry. This interactive landscape similar to that of the CNCF Landscape (https://l.cncf.io/) that sorts through popular open source projects used for visual effects, animation, and image creation, and shows details including GitHub stars, funding or market cap, first and last commits, contributor count and many more. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️129)
- alfredodeza/rust-etl - Practice ETL with Rust and Polars [MIT License] (⭐️29)
- anvilogic-forge/armory - Anvilogic Forge [GNU GPLv3] (⭐️94)
- appcypher/awesome-wasm-langs - 😎 A curated list of languages that compile directly to or have their VMs in WebAssembly (⭐️4245)
- awesome-selfhosted/awesome-selfhosted - A list of Free Software network services and web applications which can be hosted on your own servers (⭐️219279)
- awesomedata/awesome-public-datasets - A topic-centric list of HQ open datasets. [MIT License] (⭐️62250)
- aws-cloudformation/cloudformation-coverage-roadmap - The AWS CloudFormation Public Coverage Roadmap [Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 International] (⭐️1118)
- aws-controllers-k8s/community - AWS Controllers for Kubernetes (ACK) is a project enabling you to manage AWS services from Kubernetes [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️2479)
- aws-samples/data-perimeter-policy-examples - Example policies demonstrating how to implement a data perimeter on AWS. (⭐️149)
- aws-samples/example-permissions-boundary - This repository contains a sample IAM permissions boundary as a starting point for creating your own permissions boundary to meet the security needs of your organization. The IAM permissions boundary sample, when attached to an IAM role, allow it to perform all expected workload tasks without being able to modify the security of its environment. [MIT No Attribution] (⭐️76)
- aws-samples/resource-control-policy-examples - Example AWS Resource control policies to get started or mature your usage of AWS RCPs. [MIT No Attribution] (⭐️169)
- aws-samples/service-control-policy-examples - Example AWS Service control policies to get started or mature your usage of AWS SCPs. [MIT No Attribution] (⭐️235)
- aws/aws-lambda-base-images - [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️705)
- aya-rs/awesome-aya - A curated list of awesome eBPF 🐝 projects using aya-rs and Rust 🦀 [Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 International] (⭐️118)
- benbridts/aws-undocumented-api-models - Model files for undocumented AWS APIs [MIT License] (⭐️12)
- binhnguyennus/awesome-scalability - The Patterns of Scalable, Reliable, and Performant Large-Scale Systems [MIT License] (⭐️60762)
- borjavb/dbt-iceberg-poc - (⭐️74)
- brimstone/stars - My starred GitHub repositories (⭐️2)
- bruno-szdl/dbt-ci-cd - (⭐️111)
- bureado/awesome-software-supply-chain-security - A compilation of resources in the software supply chain security domain, with emphasis on open source (⭐️309)
- bytewax/awesome-public-real-time-datasets - A list of publicly available datasets with real-time data maintained by the team at bytewax.io [Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal] (⭐️724)
- canonical/sync-issues-github-jira - Automation to sync issues from Github (using Github actions) to Jira (via Jira webhooks) [GNU GPLv3] (⭐️29) Archived!
- caretak3r/aws-api-models - A collection of documented and undocumented AWS API models (⭐️5)
- civichacker/awesome-cybernetics - A set of curated resources for exploring the field of Cybernetics (⭐️5)
- cncf/communitygroups - 👩🏿💻👨🏿💻👩🏾💻👨🏾💻👩🏽💻👨🏽💻👩🏼💻👨🏼💻👩🏻💻👨🏻💻CNCF Community Groups (formerly meetups) [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️172)
- collabnix/wasm-docker-better-together - A Curated List of WebAssembly and Docker Resources (⭐️225)
- communitysec/sbom-hall-of-fame - A place for the InfoSec community to share and celebrate real stories of organizations successfully using SBOMs (and other bills of material) to actually manage and reduce security risk in meaningful ways [The Unlicense] (⭐️42)
- cryparty/awesome-abominations - A curated list of tech abominations. (⭐️7)
- CVEProject/cvelist - Pilot program for CVE submission through GitHub. CVE Record Submission via Pilot PRs ending 6/30/2023 (⭐️1404)
- cybershujin/Threat-Actors-use-of-Artifical-Intelligence - (⭐️223)
- dagster-io/awesome-dagster - All things awesome related to Dagster! (⭐️99)
- dair-ai/ML-Papers-Explained - Explanation to key concepts in ML (⭐️7475)
- data-engineering-community/data-engineering-project-template - This is a template you can use for your next data engineering portfolio project. [MIT License] (⭐️174)
- datasets/awesome-data - Curated list of quality open datasets (⭐️836)
- Datavault-UK/automate-dv - A free to use dbt package for creating and loading Data Vault 2.0 compliant Data Warehouses (powered by dbt, an open source data engineering tool, registered trademark of dbt Labs) [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️528)
- dbt-athena/athena-utils - Utility functions for dbt projects running on Athena (⭐️11)
- djsime1/awesome-flipperzero - 🐬 A collection of awesome resources for the Flipper Zero device. [Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal] (⭐️20069)
- dlt-hub/data_engineering_best_practices - (⭐️32)
- dlt-hub/openapi-specs - (⭐️3)
- domain-protect/domain-protect-deploy - Deploy Domain Protect in your AWS Organization using GitHub Actions [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️8) Archived!
- dypsilon/frontend-dev-bookmarks - Manually curated collection of resources for frontend web developers. (⭐️43331)
- ebastler/zmk-designguide - A short hardware-designguide for ZMK keyboards (⭐️375)
- ecomfe/awesome-echarts - Awesome list of Apache ECharts (⭐️1408)
- ergest/sql_patterns - [GNU GPLv3] (⭐️19)
- ethereum-oasis-op/baseline - The Baseline Protocol is an open source initiative that combines advances in cryptography, messaging, and distributed ledger technology to enable confidential and complex coordination between enterprises while keeping data in systems of record. This repo serves as the main repo for the Baseline Protocol, containing core packages, examples, and reference implementations. (⭐️578)
- ethereum-oasis-op/baseline-grants - The Baseline Protocol has a yearly grant program for funding various R&D initiatives, implementation developments, and other community projects. This repo is used to track grant applications, bounty ideas, and payment requests for grant work. (⭐️19)
- ethereum-oasis-op/oasis-open-project - Admin, governance, and background info for Ethereum OASIS Open Project [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️58)
- FoxIO-LLC/LogSlash - A standard for reducing log volume without sacrificing analytical capability (⭐️199)
- Frichetten/aws-api-models - A collection of documented and undocumented AWS API models (⭐️32)
- fxdgear/salt-book - Django Deployment Using Salt (⭐️7)
- geoarrow/geoarrow - Specification for storing geospatial data in Apache Arrow [Modified BSD License] (⭐️452)
- github-education-resources/Octernships - GitHub Octernships program connects students with industry partners in paid professional experiences and mentorship on open source and software development projects. (⭐️117)
- github/advisory-database - Security vulnerability database inclusive of CVEs and GitHub originated security advisories from the world of open source software. [Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International] (⭐️1819)
- github/github-ospo - Helping open source program offices get started [MIT License] (⭐️672)
- github/roadmap - GitHub public roadmap [Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International] (⭐️8135)
- google/clusterfuzzlite - ClusterFuzzLite - Simple continuous fuzzing that runs in CI. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️470)
- gracenolan/Notes - (⭐️2221)
- grpc-ecosystem/awesome-grpc - A curated list of useful resources for gRPC [Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International] (⭐️7797)
- hal9ai/awesome-dataviz - 📈 A curated list of awesome data visualization libraries and resources. (⭐️3901)
- holochain/cryptographic-autonomy-license - The Cryptographic Autonomy License is a new breed of open license that protects not just the app developers and users of the source code but also end user privacy and control of identity and data. (⭐️241)
- hwayne/awesome-cold-showers - For when people get too hyped up about things (⭐️7284)
- IBM/CBOM - Cryptography Bill of Materials [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️65)
- iknowjason/Awesome-CloudSec-Labs - Awesome free cloud native security learning labs. Includes CTF, self-hosted workshops, guided vulnerability labs, and research labs. (⭐️1563)
- imran-parray/Mind-Maps - Mind-Maps of Several Things (⭐️2514)
- inaturalist/inaturalist-open-data - Documentation for iNaturalist Open Data (⭐️96)
- infosecB/awesome-detection-engineering - Detection Engineering is a tactical function of a cybersecurity defense program that involves the design, implementation, and operation of detective controls with the goal of proactively identifying malicious or unauthorized activity before it negatively impacts an individual or an organization. [Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal] (⭐️932)
- InQuest/awesome-yara - A curated list of awesome YARA rules, tools, and people. (⭐️3702)
- jackskj/terraform-pb - Programmatic management of infrastructure using Terraform and Protocol Buffers (⭐️19)
- jatrost/awesome-detection-rules - This is a collection of threat detection rules / rules engines that I have come across. (⭐️283)
- jharter1/configs - some of my config files, feel free to copy. (⭐️2)
- jivoi/awesome-osint - 😱 A curated list of amazingly awesome OSINT (⭐️20390)
- jlevy/og-equity-compensation - Stock options, RSUs, taxes — read the latest edition: www.holloway.com/ec (⭐️9403)
- joelparkerhenderson/github-special-files-and-paths - GitHub special files and paths, such as README, LICENSE, .github, docs, dependabot, workflows. (⭐️323)
- joetek/aws-ip-ranges-json - AWS IP Ranges History Tracker Amazon - AWS provides a list of IP Addresses used by their various services through a published ip-ranges.json file. This Git repository tracks this file so that changes are easy to identify. [GNU GPLv3] (⭐️148)
- jonhoo/rust-ci-conf - Collection of CI configuration files for Rust projects (⭐️306)
- kubenomicon/kubenomicon - Offensive Kubernetes Threat Matrix -- kubenomicon.com [GNU GPLv3] (⭐️38)
- MatJosephs/CloudQuarryWordlists - Wordlists resulted from AWS CloudQuarry: Digging for secrets in public AMIs (⭐️6)
- Medium/opensource - Umbrella project for open source efforts at Medium [MIT License] (⭐️291)
- meilisearch/product - Public feedback and ideation discussions for Meilisearch product 🔮 (⭐️57)
- meirwah/awesome-incident-response - A curated list of tools for incident response [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️7959)
- miztiik/aws-real-time-use-cases - Repo of quick starts for real time AWS use cases 🎓 (⭐️71)
- mkunkel/nashdev-real-estate - A place to share recommendations, resources, tips, etc. (⭐️2)
- mttaggart/security-tools - A very opinionated list of security tools [MIT License] (⭐️125)
- nnethercote/perf-book - The Rust Performance Book [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️2360)
- NVIDIA/nvidia-docker - Build and run Docker containers leveraging NVIDIA GPUs [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️17335) Archived!
- oasis-open-projects/documentation - Home of resource documentation for OASIS Open Projects. (⭐️32)
- ocsf/examples - This repo contains example of raw event examples and possible translations to the OCSF schema. (⭐️36)
- ocsf/ocsf-schema - OCSF Schema [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️654)
- OrenGitHub/dhscanner - free as in speech file system and container scanner [GNU AGPLv3] (⭐️4)
- org-formation/org-formation-reference - A reference architecture which aims to provide some best practices for any AWS Organization starting out using org-formation. (⭐️92)
- osodevops/aws-enterprise-naming-tagging-standard - AWS Tagging policy and naming convention for all resources created within any AWS accounts under the AWS Master Account. (⭐️127)
- plaid/plaid-openapi - API version 2020-09-14 (⭐️92)
- privacy/cookies - The list of cookies used by GitHub (⭐️321)
- privacy/subprocessors - The home of GitHub's sub-processors list (⭐️27)
- probot/ideas - Share ideas for new GitHub Apps built with Probot (⭐️96)
- prvd-oasis/oasis-open-project - Everything related to the governance of the PRVD Open Project. (⭐️5) Archived!
- pushsecurity/saas-attacks - Offensive security drives defensive security. We're sharing a collection of SaaS attack techniques to help defenders understand the threats they face. #nolockdown [Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International] (⭐️1263)
- query-ai/blog-code - Code examples, notebooks, snippets, and more for entries in the Query Blog [MIT License] (⭐️2)
- recite-oasis/oasis-open-project - Everything related to the governance of the RECITE OASIS Open Project. (⭐️5)
- redecentralize/alternative-internet - A collection of interesting new networks and tech aiming at decentralisation (in some form). (⭐️5312)
- Resourcely-Inc/cloud-guardrails - Open-source best practices for protecting a secure, sensible cloud platform (⭐️124)
- retextjs/awesome-retext - Curated list of awesome retext resources (⭐️123)
- robgil/microdatacenter - Micro Datacenter Project (⭐️30)
- RoseSecurity/Red-Teaming-TTPs - Useful Techniques, Tactics, and Procedures for red teamers and defenders, alike! (⭐️1569)
- rothgar/awesome-tmux - A list of awesome resources for tmux (⭐️8176)
- rpcplugin/spec - [WIP] RPCPlugin specification (⭐️1)
- rustsec/advisory-db - Security advisory database for Rust crates published through crates.io (⭐️962)
- saltstack/community - SaltStack Community [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️31)
- saltstack/salt-enhancement-proposals - Let's Enhance Salt! (⭐️36) Archived!
- Samrose-Ahmed/dashboard-testing - (⭐️1)
- sbilly/awesome-security - A collection of awesome software, libraries, documents, books, resources and cools stuffs about security. [MIT License] (⭐️12813)
- sdg-1/consulting-handbook - A guide for technical professionals looking to start consulting [MIT License] (⭐️1448)
- sdg-1/data-team-handbook - (⭐️668)
- SecurityRunners/cloud-exposure-catalog - A catalog of services that can be publicly exposed within different cloud providers. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️14)
- semanticdatalayer/SML - Open-source repository for Semantic Modeling Language (SML) [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️58)
- soumilshah1995/duckdb-s3-table-buckets - duckdb-s3-table-buckets [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️3)
- soumilshah1995/emr-iceberg-tags-demo - emr-iceberg-tags-demo [MIT License] (⭐️2)
- storj-archived/dev-meetings - Summary and logs of dev meetings at https://community.storj.io/channel/dev (⭐️6) Archived!
- storj/awesome-storj - A curated list of projects, tools, and resources for Storj (⭐️242)
- storj/ipfs-demo - (⭐️3)
- storj/roadmap - Storj Public Roadmap (⭐️11)
- SummitRoute/aws_breaking_changes - List of changes announced for AWS that may break existing code (⭐️1491)
- sutoiku/puffin - Serverless HTAP cloud data platform powered by Arrow × DuckDB × Iceberg [MIT License] (⭐️319)
- SylphAI-Inc/LLM-engineer-handbook - A curated list of Large Language Model resources, covering model training, serving, fine-tuning, and building LLM applications. [MIT License] (⭐️2787)
- syntax-tree/nlcst - Natural Language Concrete Syntax Tree format (⭐️213)
- syntax-tree/unist - Universal Syntax Tree used by @unifiedjs (⭐️909)
- systemdesign42/system-design - A resource to help you become good at work 👇 (⭐️14226)
- t3hmrman/tmux-zellij-shim-config - A shim that makes Zellij feel a lot more like tmux [MIT License] (⭐️3)
- tailscale/security-policies - Security policies for Tailscale [Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal] (⭐️284)
- TalEliyahu/awesome-security-newsletters - Periodic cyber security newsletters that capture the latest news, summaries of conference talks, research, best practices, tools, events, vulnerabilities, and analysis of trending threats and attacks [GNU GPLv2] (⭐️1070)
- templeman/awesome-ipsum - A curated list of awesome lorem ipsum generators. (⭐️542)
- terrateamio/archived-terrateam-repo - Terrateam and OpenTofu infrastructure management built for GitHub. (⭐️105)
- terrateamio/helm-charts - Official Terrateam Helm charts [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️2)
- tiki/.github - A special repository used to populate our GitHub org profile, as well as set default community health files. (⭐️3)
- tinkerbell/roadmap - Official Tinkerbell Roadmap [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️9)
- tldrsec/awesome-secure-defaults - Awesome secure by default libraries to help you eliminate bug classes! (⭐️683)
- tobilg/sql-workbench - Public issue-tracking and feature suggestion for sql-workbench.com (⭐️40)
- trimstray/the-book-of-secret-knowledge - A collection of inspiring lists, manuals, cheatsheets, blogs, hacks, one-liners, cli/web tools and more. [MIT License] (⭐️159804)
- TupleType/awesome-cicd-attacks - Practical resources for offensive CI/CD security research. Curated the best resources I've seen since 2021. [Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal] (⭐️509)
- twelve-factor/twelve-factor - The Twelve-Factor Manifesto [Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International] (⭐️756)
- twitter/repo-scaffolding - Tools for creating repos based on open source standards and best practices [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️36)
- warpdotdev/Warp - Warp is a modern, Rust-based terminal with AI built in so you and your team can build great software, faster. (⭐️22393)
- wiz-sec/open-cvdb - An open project to list all publicly known cloud vulnerabilities and CSP security issues [Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International] (⭐️320)
- zmallen/cloudtrail2sightings - Convert cloudtrail data to MITRE ATT&CK Sightings [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️79)
- zoidyzoidzoid/awesome-ebpf - A curated list of awesome projects related to eBPF. [Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal] (⭐️4462)
- dense-analysis/ale - Check syntax in Vim/Neovim asynchronously and fix files, with Language Server Protocol (LSP) support [BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License] (⭐️13688)
- editorconfig/editorconfig-vim - EditorConfig plugin for Vim (⭐️3147)
- hashivim/vim-terraform - basic vim/terraform integration [ISC License] (⭐️1093)
- jpalardy/vim-slime - A vim plugin to give you some slime. (Emacs) [MIT License] (⭐️1933)
- kristijanhusak/vim-dadbod-ui - Simple UI for https://github.com/tpope/vim-dadbod [MIT License] (⭐️1654)
- Okeanos/dotfiles-windows - 🔧 .files, including software management & baseline settings for Windows [MIT License] (⭐️10)
- rhysd/8cc.vim - C Compiler written in Vim script (⭐️443)
- rust-lang/rust.vim - Vim configuration for Rust. [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️3956)
- srdz-af/vim-ide - My personal vim config file. (⭐️72)
- tpope/vim-dadbod - dadbod.vim: Modern database interface for Vim (⭐️3899)
- KinesisCorporation/Adv360-Pro-KeymapEditor - [MIT License] (⭐️18)
- requarks/wiki - Wiki.js | A modern and powerful wiki app built on Node.js [GNU AGPLv3] (⭐️25776)
- roundupapp/vue-plaid-link - Easy to use Vue component for Plaid Link [MIT License] (⭐️31)
- octodemo/security-workflows - (⭐️9)
- sublime-security/sublime-rules - Sublime rules for email attack detection, prevention, and threat hunting. [MIT License] (⭐️278)
- chainguard-dev/malcontent - #supply #chain #attack #detection [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️505)
- ghostty-org/ghostty - 👻 Ghostty is a fast, feature-rich, and cross-platform terminal emulator that uses platform-native UI and GPU acceleration. [MIT License] (⭐️27802)
- ziglang/zig - General-purpose programming language and toolchain for maintaining robust, optimal, and reusable software. [MIT License] (⭐️37780)
- wader/jqjq - jq implementation of jq [MIT License] (⭐️703)