Automagical support for right-to-left languages (rtl), dynamic sizing of columns, responsive behavior, to boot.
Every <Row>
contains a series of <Col>
s. Each <Col>
has different size properties that apply to different media query breakpoints. Each property accepts an integer from 1 to 12, representing the fraction x/12 of the total width of the <Row>
. xs
is the base, dominant prop that would be used most often, as the grid is 'mobile first.' Other breakpoint props, increasing in size: sm
, md
, lg
, can be used to adjust the layout of the row as the size of the viewport increases.
Basic examples:
// Most common usage for basic layout:
<Col xs={4}> 33.33% of the row </Col>
<Col xs={6}> 50% of the row </Col>
<Col xs={2}> 16.6666.. % of the row </Col>
// Responsive adjustment
<Col xs={12} sm={3} md={2} lg={1} />
<Col xs={6} sm={6} md={8} lg={10} />
<Col xs={6} sm={3} md={2} lg={1} />
More examples can be found here
Simply replace imports:
import { Row, Col } from 'react-bootstrap';
import { Row, Col } from '@folio/stripes-components/lib/LayoutGrid';