Release 3.1.0:
- exchange debug variable to common log-function
Release 3.0.1:
- add: initialize bistable valves at start to prevent open valves
- add: configurable serial output pins
- improve wifi reconnect handling
Release 3.0.0:
- +++++++ NO SUPPORT FOR ESP8266 anymore +++++++
- change to Async Webserver
- change ArduinoJson version 5.x to 6.x
- change platform from Arduino-IDE to PlatformIO
- reduce memory usage for handling json configs
- derive custom mqtt handling from parent mqtt class
- extract html-code into separate html-files, so everyone can customize his own instance
- interact with Web-frontend by json
- enable update filesystem at updatepage
- saving configs by global upload function, no extra saveconfigfile functions anymore
- data partition is now larger
- change deprecated SPIFFS to LittleFS
- move all webfiles (css,js) to FS
- create new Webpage to maintain the FS-files, editing json registers on-the-fly is now possible
- add ADS1115 moisture functionality
- add page loader
Release 2.5.3:
- Bug: Oled Typ selectionbox in GUI will now list correct
- Bug: Reverse function works now as expected
- ReScan i2cBus or 1WireBus will now change textcolor to red
- Bug: ADS1115 Scan checks now if ADC is present to prevent ESP freezes
- Feature: 1Wire ReScan at statuspage
- Bug: bistable valve works again due an definition error in 2.5.2
- Bug: ESP8266: reduce autoupdater to last version due RAM limitations by changing json file definition
- Bug: valve sometimes doesnt switch back to OFF status after on-for-timer
- Bug: in ValveConfig Ajax Change of enabling/disabling of a valve doesn recognized
- Bug: 1Wire switches only one port
Release 2.5.2:
- changing 1wire pin without reboot now possible
- show 1wire devices and controller at status page
- Feature: OLED Type SSD1306 and SH1106 available
- add ADS1115 ADC for a better level measurement (page sensor)
- debugmode handling optimized (-> use it only from BaseConfig)
Release 2.5.1:
- Fix Firmware OTA Support for ESP32
- Fix deleting stored WiFi Credentials
- fixes some ESP32 bugs
- refreshing i2c Seach in Basisconfig now working
Release 2.5.0:
- Feature: Add OneWire DS2408 hardware support
- Feature: Add a keepalive message via MQTT, configurable at BasisConfig:
- Feature: Add configurable DebugMode at BaseConfig
- Feature: push out memory and rssi values via mqtt together with keepalive message if Debugmode >= 4
- Feature: support for ESP32, still without OTA Update and Wifi Credential deletion
Release 2.4.5:
- Feature: deletion of WiFi credentials now possible
- Feature: ESP Hostname now the configured Devicename
- Bug: WIFI Mode forces to STATION-Mode, some devices has been ran in unsecured STA+AP Mode
- Bug: security issue: dont show debug output of WiFi Connection (password has been shown)
- Feature: valve reverse mode: enable if your valve act on LOW instead of ON
- Feature: AutoOff: possibility to setup a security AutoOff
- Bug: count of Threads now push out if an on-for-timer has been expired
Release 2.4.4:
- Feature: Issue #9: MQTT Client ID now configurable
- MQTT now reconnect after DeviceName has been changed
- MQTT LastWillTopic as device status configured by topic "/state [Offline|Online]"
- Publish Release and Version after MQTT Connect by topic "/version"
- Bugfix: Nullpointer to Hardwaredevice if multiple hardware devices are defined
Release 2.4.3:
- Bugfixing Automatische Releaseverteilung
- Überarbeitung Github Workflow mit automatischer Releaseerstellung
Release 2.4.2:
- Bugfixing des TB6612 Handlings
Release 2.4.1:
- Added TB6612 Support
- Added automatic Release Update
Release 2.3:
- solved some bugfixes
- MQTT Commands setstate [on|off] now available
Release 2.2:
- some bugs resolved
Release 2.1: Final Release! complete redesign, Its now easier to understand and add more functionality. Wiki is now up-to-date based on Release 2.1
New functionality: - i2c Motordriver support for bistable valves - ESP8266 motordriverboard for bistable valves - Relations now added for complex garden - external and analog sensor support - changing valve status by Web-UI added
Release 2.0: 1st Pre Release with completely new refactored code by completely class based. Tested with valves at PCF8575 and GPIO, LevelSensor HCSR04 and OLED 1306
Release 1.0: this is the finale on first release. Works with optional OLED, optional LevelSensor. Supports valves at OnBoard GPIO Pins and PCF8574 Extender i2c-Shield