released this
12 Jun 14:22
Updated nette libs to version 3.0.0 (BC break)
Added typehints (BC break)
Splitted InputParam to multiple subclasses (BC break)
Removed type TYPE_POST_JSON_KEY (BC break)
Wrong input now returns code 400 instead of 500 (BC break if somebody checks return code)
Replaced handler information array triplet (endpoint, handler, authorization) with class Api (BC break for API console usage)
Renamed some methods from ApiDecider (BC break)
Pretty JSON output in API console - without escaping unicode and slashes
Added type JsonInputParam with scheme as replacement for type TYPE_POST_JSON_KEY
Detailed error for wrong input if debugger is enabled
Added summary (short description), description, tags and deprecated flag for API handlers
Added description, default value and example for input params
Added output validator
Removed support for PHP 5.6, 7.0 and hhvm (BC Break)
Removed deprecated class ApiResponse (BC Break)
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