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File metadata and controls

164 lines (118 loc) · 5.54 KB

Dictator Builder

NPM Build Status

After developing this tool I discovered MRM. It seems to solve the exact same thing which means I am archiving this repo.

A tool designed to help create dictators. A dictator dictates how parts of a folder should look like. Originally designed to avoid code duplication in source code repositories.

When working with npm within an organization you typically agree on some parts of the package.json, like some scripts that should always be there or some dependencies that should, or should not, be used. You may also have identical linting configurations like tsconfig.json, .prettierignore, .prettierrc.json... in every repository.

A dictator is basically just a command line tool distributed with NPM. The package is self contained including all files and configuration needed. A user can work with any language, or tools, as the dictator is run from command line and its only output are files.

See the examples:

What it solves

In short: helps avoid code duplication when working with many code repositories.

The problem

When working with many code repositories we often duplicate code within them. It can be entire files like:

  • .browserlistrc
  • .editorconfig
  • .prettierignore

And, or, parts of files. Like in package.json you may have an aggreement on some scripts that should always be there:

  "scripts": {
    "e2e": "...",
    "e2e:cli": "...",
    "start": "...",
    "build": "..."
  "repository": "..."

Or another example might be .gitignore that, perhaps, should always be a superset of:


This solution

This tool has supporting functionality to help create such dictators. A dictator is an NPM package that includes all files and configuration needed to verify, and apply, requirements to a code repository. So we have:

  • 1 dictator-builder (this tool).
  • 1, or more, dictators. Perhaps if you have both Angular and Vue, you create one dictator to dictate AngularJS repositories and one to dicate Vue repositories.
  • 1, or more, code repositories that use 1, or more, dictators.

Creating a dictator

There is an example dictator here dictator. There are also examples in this repo used for testing.

What you need is a /package.json like:

  "name": "your-dictator-name",
  "bin": {
    "your-dictator-name": "./index.js"
  "dependencies": {
    "dictator-builder": "^a.b.c"

Create an index.js file containing:

#!/usr/bin/env node

You need a folder /dictatables/[dictatableName]/[dictatableConfig] like:

  • dictatableName is something to help organize files and have a name for it.
  • dictatableConfig is at least the .dictatable-config.json file containg DictatableConfig. Rules when to apply it and such.
    • You can also place other files in dictatableConfig folder and refer to them from dictatable-config.json.

The dictatable config is documented with:

  • A markdown file in the repository
  • A dictatableconfig.schema.json in the distributed package
  • TypeScript types here

Using dictator

It can be used from command line like npx dictatorname or npx dictatorname@version:

<dictator-name> [options]

  -V, --version          output the version number
  -l, --logging <level>  One of VERBOSE,INFO,ERROR default is INFO.
  -d, --dry-run          Only show what will be done.
  -c, --check            Fail if all requirements are not fulfilled.
  -nb, --no-banner       Do not print banner.
  -h, --help             display help for command

The folder to be dictated can place an optoinal .dictatorconfig.json file in its root to make some adjustments. The dictator config is documented with:

  • A markdown file in the repository
  • A dictatorconfig.schema.json in the distributed package
  • TypeScript types here


If you are working with NPM you may use it with some variations.

You may add it as a dependency. This means you can easily manage version updates. Also you can add some extra packages to the package and use it as a meta-package, depend on it and you will get its transitive dependencies.

  "name": "dictator-example",
  "version": "0.0.1",
  "description": "Just example",
  "scripts": {
    "prepare": "dictatorname"
  "dependencies": {
    "dictatorname": "0.0.28"

Or just in prepare or preinstall:

  "name": "dictator-example",
  "version": "0.0.1",
  "description": "Just example",
  "scripts": {
    "prepare": "npx [email protected]"