Fundamentals Overview
- Exercise: Supply The Power
- Reading: Booleans
- Exercise: Backup Power Supply
- Reading Variable Assignment, Boolean Operators
- Exercise: Be the Calculator.
- Reading: Integers, Arithmetic Operators
- Exercise: Loading Bar
- Reading: Floats
- Exercise: Hello World
- Reading: Strings
- Exercise: Mad Libs
- Reading: String Concatination, Match Operator
- Exercise: ASCII Art
- Reading: String Interpolation
- Exercise: Guessing Game
- Reading: Comparison Operators
- Exercise: Perfect Rock Paper Scissors AI
- Reading: Atoms, Comparison Operators
- Exercise: Shopping List (could be fun to make it auto find internet images)
- Reading: Lists
- Exercise: Navigate The Maze (up, left, right, down)
- Reading: Maps
- Exercise: Super Hero
- Exercise: Family Tree
- Reading: Tuples, Tuple Module,
- Exercise: Feather in a Hay Stack (get the feather from many pieces of hay)
Keyword Lists
- Reading: Keyword Lists
- Exercise: Filter Search (shapes, colors, sizes)
- Reading: List Operators
- Exercise: Tally Votes
- Reading: Ranges
- Exercise: Freelancer Rate Tracking